

"Mare", DISing since '99; prefers being tagless
Feb 9, 2001
My DD has been sick for several weeks, and we still don't know what's wrong. Just over a week ago, they gave a tentative diagnosis that was quite scary, but tests have since proven that wrong. However, she's still being tested for some potentially serious illnesses. (Or...and we hope...it might not be serious.)

We've been planning our first DVC trip for 6 weeks from today; actually, we're arriving on Thanksgiving and staying 3 days at Portofino, then moving to BWV. There's a possibility that we won't be able to go...there's also a possibility that we won't know that until less than 30 days ahead of time (or is it 31 days to keep your points as DVC points?). If we do have to cancel within that last month for medical reasons, is there any way around having those points converted to reservation points? (That's what happens, right?)

In the whole scheme of things, I have far bigger worries right now, but I would like to have some positive thoughts about a happy, healthy DVC trip to WDW in the not too distant future, if it doesn't work out for us this November. I figure if it comes down to having those points converted to reservation points, we'll use them for AK because it might be the only time we'd consider staying there rather than a DVC resort. 125 of the points for this coming trip are banked from last year, so we'll have to use them or rent them by the end of May (June use year, obviously).

Thanks for any advice.
Sorry to hear about your daughter. Hopefully the recent tests will offer some ability to diagnose and treat the illness. My prayers are with her for a fast recovery.

Your DVC reservation, if cancelled within 30 days, will place the points into a holding account, which means that they may be used for a reservation made 60 days ahead. Those points may not be banked or transferred.

Reservation points are when a non-DVC reservation is cancelled within 30 days- and they can only be used for a non-DVC reservation.

For your BWV reservation, you will have until next May to reuse the points for a ressie.

Hopefully, you will be able to keep your current reservation.

Good Luck!
Originally posted by WebmasterDoc
Your DVC reservation, if cancelled within 30 days, will place the points into a holding account, which means that they may be used for a reservation made 60 days ahead. Those points may not be banked or transferred.

Reservation points are when a non-DVC reservation is cancelled within 30 days- and they can only be used for a non-DVC reservation.
Ahh yes, this is starting to sound familiar. Thanks Doc. This is actually good news...we could book another DVC vacation, if it works out, before June. :)
Prayers and PD for your DD, MaryAnn. Hope you get to take your trip when you planned.
Thanks. :)

Are there any trip insurances I should know about just in case? I know I've got info around here somewhere, but I don't have a clue where, and we're heading off for tests. Will check back later.
Can't help with the insurance question but just wanted to send my prayers and good wishes to your daughter. {{{Hugs}}}
Check the envelope that came with your confirmation sheet. There is usually a blue flyer in there about trip insurance. We thought about it for the millenium NYE trip because my grandmother was dieing, and we weren't sure we could go. We opted not to do it, because it really does not do anything for points, so we decided to take our chances. As it turned out, she passed away 3 weeks before our trip.

Hope your tests go well today, and you get good news!:)
I recall getting trip insurance information with every reservation I have made. Call MS maybe they can send you the info. It may be worth it to buy.

Best Wishes and my thoughts and prayers with your family at this time.
I vaguely recall getting a red piece of paper about insurance with the confirmation...I'll have to see if I can find it. :rolleyes:

Thought DD was going to have a biopsy today, but it's now scheduled for Friday, October 26, which is EXACTLY 30 days before we're supposed to check in to the BWV...is it THAT DAY that we have to cancel by?? We should know "something" that day, but it may only rule out certain things and leave us still not knowing what it IS...it may only lead to more testing.

Obviously my priority is my DD being healthy, or dealing with what it is if they find something. And if we end up losing points, or they go into a holding acct, or whatever...it's the least of our worries. But if we still can go...even if she can't do rides, or we need to push her around in a wheelchair at times (she's in constant back pain, to varying degrees, but walking or sitting too much makes it worse, as do stairs), or JUST RELAX by the pool...we want to; between terrorist fears, and concerns about her health, we could all use a little break at The Happiest Place on Earth.

Pam...I'll clean out PM box later...I've got a bunch of special PMs I'd like to print out first; right now, I need a nap!
When you get a chance to clean it out I want to tell you something related to your question but not appropriate for the general board. ;)
OK...I tidied up a bit. I'll clean out some more PMs when I get back from picking my other DD up. :)
Mare, I have been following your ordeal with Morgan on another board, and I wondered if you were still going. If you do not cancel, and do decide to go, please be sure to come over and visit us on the disABILITIES Board for information about traveling with medical needs. Be sure to click on the link in my signature, look at the sections on pacing and on the Guest Assistance Card. If you have any questions, feel free to PM or email me. I was hoping to meet you sometime at BWV, as we will be there at the same time. {{{hugs}}}
teri, thank you so much! I never even thought about the disABILITIES Board! That's great...I'll be heading there. I just might be e-mailing/PMing you...I don't have much time to catch up!

And teri, I'd love to meet you...and so many other people who will be there when we planned to go. It would be great if everything worked out. :)
Be sure to keep us posted about your DD!


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