Dis Dieters, weight loss and support. Jan 09 (week 4 post 438 page 30)

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<font color=deeppink>I need a cup of tea and a big
Apr 7, 2004
Welcme Dieters to the 1st of our 09 dieting threads :)

if you could all please post on here your weight loss hopes for this year ( what diet you are folowing, how much you want to lose, if you have any mini targets, why you want to lose weight) that would be great and help you all to support each other.

Im following the WW diet and i hope to lose at least a stone possibly a little more before our holiday to WDW in October :) my 1st WW meeting is this wednesday so i will update you more after that.

Best of luck everyone :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:
Morning All

Well Im also following Weight Watchers, but I dont go to classes, as Im not keen on them, but weigh myself every week at boots and keep a weekly record of my loss, this seems to work well for me. I want to lose a stone and a half. I lost 2 stone last year this way, but put half a stone back on the last 6 weeks. So starting again today. I weighed yesterday so wont know of any loss (if any ;) ) until next Sunday:goodvibes

Good Luck to you all on your diet plans this week:thumbsup2

I want to lose a stone by Sept but more importantly I want to tone up.

I'll just be eating healthily but will make sure I go running at least 3 times as week as the last few months I've let this slip and i can tell with the fit of my clothes! :sad2:

I'd be happy losing 2lb a month.

Good luck everyone!

I will be following slimming world, I have have around 3 stone to lose but have decided to break this into smaller targets so i am aiming for a stone first of all.
I weighed myself last night and havent put any weight on over christmas which I am plased about as I have enough to do already .
I have been shopping and cleared the house of all temptation and am ready to go I hope to lose 1 to 2lbs per week

good luck everyone :goodvibes

I'm also going to be following a WW diet but probably won't go to the meetings (I might have to change my mind if I can't stick to my point allowance as I do find attending meetings very helpful!).

I also want to lose (and keep off!) a stone before our WDW holiday in September.

Best of luck to all! :thumbsup2
Ive got loads to lose :headache: so Im going to break mine down into smaller targts as well. Im going to Albania in April and I would like to have lost between a stone and a half and two stone by then :banana:
Hi all, I am back on the diet wagon for 2009. I lost 3 stone 2 years ago but have put it all back on since I stopped smoking.

At the moment, I am following Weight Watchers but Slimming World has worked well for me in the past so I could end up switching allegiance part-way through.

I weighted myself this morning so my first offical weigh-in will be next Monday.

Ideally, I want to lose 3 stone (more would be good) and I am aiming to lose the first 10 lbs by the end of January. My motivation to lose wieght (apart fromt he obvious health issues) is that I want to be able to wear my holiday clothes by October and I am going on holiday with someone who is considerably thinner than me and I don't want to look like the fat friend :rotfl:

Good luck everyone and I hope we can all manage to get the results we want :goodvibes
Morning everyone, probably should not be writing on this thread while eating my breakfast but there you go:lmao:
well this time a year ago i had lost 19lb but i have put all but 7lb of it back on! so here we go again, i am aiming for a stone off by august although i would like to think i can do it faster. I am following weightlossreasources.co.uk, a sort of calorie counter and diet advisor, which works really well for me as i can see exactly what I can have for the rest of the day and plan my meals out etc.
Good luck to all of you:thumbsup2

I joined weightwatchers online on Friday. I'm hoping to lose at least a stone by August when we go to California so I don't look like a whale on the beach with all the Baywatch Babes :laughing: .

Godd Luck Everyone!
I am back to WW tonight for the first weigh in of the New Year. Re joined 7 weeks after the birth of Owen (in April) and lost a stone. I haven't been since early December though since I received the Discovery Plan. My problem was that I wasn't motivated as I was worrying about my return to work after maternity leave as I didn't want to go back to my old job.

I would still like to lose 2 stone before the family wedding in Chicago in July and fingers crossed (subject to DH'S job) our trip to Disney.

My next goal is to lose 10% of my body weight and then I am going to break it down into 7lb at a time.

I am now focused to do it as I have just got a new job at the University which I start on the 19th Jan and I am going to walk to work each day as it is only 15 mins from my house.

I also promise to make a note of everything I eat and complete my weigh in info on my on line tracker on the WW site.

Good luck everybody and I'll report in again later.
Hi i'm Jeanette and I'm a dietholic!! :rotfl2: I have been on and off the diet wagon all last year. This year I want to make a fresh start and become, slimmer,toned and pain free.
I haven't been to SW since last November, but I will be going tonight for my first weigh in since then. I need to lose 2 1/2 stone and am going to set small goals for myself of reaching 5lbs at a time, however long it takes!
good luck everyone-we can and will do it!!! :)
Hi everyone and good luck for your weight losses in 2009 :thumbsup2

I have been dieting with SW now since 1st April 2008. So far I have lost 4stone 9lbs which is great :cool1: But I was and still am very over weight and still have around 6 stone to go until I reach target. So far it hasn't been too difficult I really enjoy the SW diet because I'm never hungry. I feel like a different person already, so much more energised and healthy. I have started going to the gym now as well 4 times a week which is helping to tone up my many wobbly areas :rotfl:

My mini goal is to try and lose 1 stone before my holiday to Florida I've got until Feb 8th and then to not put on too much whilst I am away :lmao:

I would love to be almost at taget for Christmas 2009 :goodvibes and then I can share my before and after photos with you all :)
Hello fellow DISdieters! :wave: This year I would like to drop the elusive final stone that, since being 40 years old, I never seem to be able to lose! :sad2: I am off to WDW in April so would like to have lost most of it by then as I want to look nice in the holiday photos! But I most definitely want to lose it all by my birthday in June as I've decided being 46 is all about feeling fit and fabulous!!! ;) :goodvibes :thumbsup2

I shall be following a diet that a friend of mine passed onto me from her doctor. It's based on high protein/low carb principles and has worked very well in the past. I will continue to go to the gym twice weekly and intend to look for my pedo so I can start walking 10,000+ steps per day once more...

I usually weigh in on Friday so will let you know then if this first week has been successful...

Good luck everyone - I'm sure 2009 is going to be a great year!!! :woohoo: :yay: :cheer2: :dance3: :cheer2: :yay: :woohoo:
hi everyone, i,m aiming to follow thw weightwatchers diet andmay/may not go back to meetings. i have a lot to lose but would be hapy losing 2 stone before our holiday in september. I hope to lose between 1 and 2 pounds a week. I desperately need to start exercising so this may be an excuse to buy a wii fit!. Good luck everyone Gill.
Im following the weightwatchers diet too. I lost over 4 stone a few years ago but have put some of it back on so I want to get back to my goal weight and hopefully under my goal weight by the end of June (before I break up for summer). I weighed myself this morning and I want to lose 2 stone and 3.75 pounds. This week im aiming to lose 2-3 pounds.

Good luck everyone.
Hi everyone,

I’m joining you all too in the battle to loose some weight throughout 2009!

I previously lost 3 stone and have since put about half of this back on, which has annoyed me somewhat. I don’t follow any plans, as I don’t think this will work for me personally. I just plan on altering the foods I eat, along with eating smaller portions. I also am continuing on with my exercise classes which I attend in hope that I’ll loose about 2-3 stone over the next 12 months.

I am Chief Bridesmaid for my best friend in May this year and I am hopeful that I could loose about 1 stone before this big event! This would make me feel much better wearing my dress. We’re then heading back to WDW next May and would love to have hit my target by then and feel better about having the pictures taken!

Good Luck everyone – lets all give each other lots of support! :thumbsup2
I have about another 4-5 stone to lose and am doing it by being sensible, keeping a food diary including the calories, fat and sat fat in my meals and walking a couple of times a week.

In the 3 weeks before I went on holiday in Sept/Oct I managed to lose my first stone, went to WDW for a month and actually managed to lose 2.5 lbs on holiday and have been up and down ever since, i've put on 2 lbs over Christmas so now i'm back on track.

We don't go away again until September 2010 which is my 40th :scared1: so i'm taking it slowly and will take whatever I can but ideally would like to lose half a stone per month.

I've already lost 10% of my bodyweight so things are looking up and a few tops I bought on holiday which were snug are now not so snug :)

I weighed in this morning so will give details next Monday.

Good luck to everyone, may you all have a very successful 2009 :hug:
can I join in, I have been doing weight watchers online and I am trying to lose a stone, I have been doing weight watchers points online for a month now, lost 6lb and than put 3lbs on over christmas, I would like to lose 7lb before I go to DLRP later in January. My aim is to fit back into size 8 jeans as I have slowly put weight on since being at uni.
Hi everyone. I am aiming to lose about a stone and if I manage that, then maybe another half a stone. I want to be able to fit into my clothes better.

Last night I watched the "Paul Mckenna I can make you thin" programme on TV and I think I will give it a try. The basic principles regarding eating seem very similar to how I used to be, so I am hoping it will work. I'm not sure what time scale to put on it though. Maybe a stone and a half by Easter.

Good luck everyone
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