Dis Divas Trip Duex

GREAT installment! I love the cute pics of you guys standing up so straight on your Seggies.

I can't believe that guard - this tour happens daily, so he must have been new.

11 seems like an odd number for the tour. Isn't it supposed to be 10 max?

Is that a three hour tour? Were you sore at all the next day? For the gals who did it, would you do it again or was once enough?

It was 12 max. And the security guard should have known.

I would do it again. I really enjoyed it once it was going. I didn't like just balancing and being still. Moving around the park was a lot of fun though. I wasn't sore at all.

I gotta know....who fell?!

Not any of the Divas.

It's 12 max for the tour.

It was about 2 1/2 hours, I think we started at 7:15 and were done at 9:45, then we had to be escorted out of the park before the 10am opening. I wasn't sore at all, but then I didn't fall either. I would do it again, it was lots of fun. More trivia stuff would have been nice, too.

Yeah, more trivia would be better.

It was a lot of fun. I would so do it again!!

After the intial, I think I might die or fall and break something, btw I didn't fall, it was a lot of fun. Just very early in the morning on the morning of Daylight savings time....

Great update!!

Note to self....check day light savings schedule before planning the Segway tour.
Love the updates!!

You all are brave doing the Segway. I would have totally fallen on my butt!
I am very uncoordinated like that. :rolleyes:

That guard sounded like an idiot. I would have been telling him to call a supervisor, or at least someone who knew what they were doing. :rolleyes1 I mean, what did he think y'all were gonna do?? :confused:

Anyway, love it! Looking forward to more. popcorn::
The Segway tour was SO much fun! I would totally do it again. :thumbsup2 I was not sore the next day at all, my legs were a little wobbly after getting off, but that went away quickly.

That security nazi was ridiculous. NO way, no how was he gonna let us through. He had a walkie and everything and he didn't even bother to call and ask anyone. :sad2: I guess Stacie and I looked suspicious in our lime green shirts. :rotfl:

Yes, I'm guilty off oversleeping. I slept right through my alarm. Then I grabbed a Red Bull, only to find out our fridge decided to freeze it. :rotfl2: Not a good morning for me. Thanks to you and Steph for staying behind to wait for me. :goodvibes
It's 12 max for the tour.

It was about 2 1/2 hours, I think we started at 7:15 and were done at 9:45, then we had to be escorted out of the park before the 10am opening. I wasn't sore at all, but then I didn't fall either. I would do it again, it was lots of fun. More trivia stuff would have been nice, too.

I see, 12. Thanks.

It was 12 max. And the security guard should have known.

I would do it again. I really enjoyed it once it was going. I didn't like just balancing and being still. Moving around the park was a lot of fun though. I wasn't sore at all.

Note to self....check day light savings schedule before planning the Segway tour.

Next year the trip will be well before daylight savings change, I checked. I volunteered to organize this next year as you're going the meet and greet. I'm thrilled so many women want to do it again!

The Segway tour was SO much fun! I would totally do it again. :thumbsup2 I was not sore the next day at all, my legs were a little wobbly after getting off, but that went away quickly.

Yes, I'm guilty off oversleeping. I slept right through my alarm. Then I grabbed a Red Bull, only to find out our fridge decided to freeze it. :rotfl2: Not a good morning for me. Thanks to you and Steph for staying behind to wait for me. :goodvibes

I think it would be helpful to pick the best day where we're not up late the night before. This is the only thing that has to be so darn early!

But it sounds like it was worth it. Glad you weren't sore, Wendy, from the ride. So it's not like horseback riding....
The Segway tour was SO much fun! I would totally do it again. :thumbsup2 I was not sore the next day at all, my legs were a little wobbly after getting off, but that went away quickly.

That security nazi was ridiculous. NO way, no how was he gonna let us through. He had a walkie and everything and he didn't even bother to call and ask anyone. :sad2: I guess Stacie and I looked suspicious in our lime green shirts. :rotfl:

Well, you may have looked suspicious. I just looked tired.

Yes, I'm guilty off oversleeping. I slept right through my alarm. Then I grabbed a Red Bull, only to find out our fridge decided to freeze it. :rotfl2: Not a good morning for me. Thanks to you and Steph for staying behind to wait for me. :goodvibes

I totally forgot that your redbull froze. :lmao:
Ladies at Breakfast
I'm just now catching up with this report.............and this is what I see???
And what's up with Mel in this picture??? :scared1::scared1::scared1:


Is she mad, drunk, tired, or a combination of all 3?!?
I seriously don't know what is up with me. Whatever it is.......it certainly is not very flattering!! :lmao:

She had me for a roomie, what did ya expect her to look like after two nights with me and my Red Bull?
That's right! It's all Wendy's fault!! :snooty:

Im sure it was all Wendy's fault. :lmao:

It's her sexy, sultry look. Either that or her omelet has too much hot sauce.

Love the update but OH Mel is not going to like you for that pic LOL!!
YOu got that right!! :mad:

Maybe its her "making love to the camera" look :confused3
LOL!! I don't think so!!

So glad I was able to keep you guys amused. :rolleyes:
Oh, and if I were Mel, I'd be thinking evil thought about you. She is such a doll, did she bite a lemon??
It sure looks like I did!

Finally everyone showed up. Those who had taken the monorail in had snuck over to grab a fast pass. Those sneaky ladies. But with everyone here, it was time to take our offical group photo.


The teams for the scavenger hunt were made ahead of time and each picked out their own name. Ours was the S&M girls, and no, it was not I who suggested that.


My teammates: Michelle, Steph, Me and Stacielee.

Now, the moment you have all been waiting for.....the winners are
The S & M Girls. Like anyone thought we wouldn't win?


Next up......what do you want to do? I don't know, what do you want to do?
Such a great report and pictures!! :goodvibes

Congrats again on your win!! :banana:

Uhhhh. Yes. And I DIDN'T come in last place--I came in SECOND to last. Just get that straight, ok??????

Oh, and you can still bunk at my house . . . . just be afraid . . . . be very afraid . . . . .. :scared1:

I can almost hear the sinister laugh in the background and the erie music going.....du du duuuuuu.

Oh, it's on now!

Glad you are enjoying it. I love giving out all the details. If I didn't, I would have been able to do the whole thing in one post. When people read my TR, I want them to get the whole experience and feel like they were there.
Stacie, It really shows how much you put into it. What I can't believe is your memory of everything. :thumbsup2

Thanks again! It is so much fun reading about our trip! :grouphug:
Thank you Stacy for the latest recap.
You were spot on for the Segway Tour. I mean, look at our faces...we were SO TIRED! But we had so much fun, too.:thumbsup2 I would welcome more trivia and a little "free time" on the Segways. It was a great tour, but way too early considering daylight savings time and the late night before.
It's nice seeing the group pic again. I'm still learning names. I have to go back and find the pic with all the names included, then print it out and keep it handy when I'm here.:tinker:
So glad I was able to keep you guys amused. :rolleyes:
See what happens when you go away. :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

It's nice seeing the group pic again. I'm still learning names. I have to go back and find the pic with all the names included, then print it out and keep it handy when I'm here.:tinker:
I'm working on something that will help with that. I'm going to get pics of each person from the trip, crop it and put it next to their name on the front page. That way all the new members can see the ladies from before. And I'm going to ask the new members to post a pic of themselves so we can see them too.
I think it's just a fun way to help get to know everyone before the trip. :)

That's over 40 pics to crop and post though, so I'm still working on it. :eek:
I'm working on something that will help with that. I'm going to get pics of each person from the trip, crop it and put it next to their name on the front page. That way all the new members can see the ladies from before. And I'm going to ask the new members to post a pic of themselves so we can see them too.
I think it's just a fun way to help get to know everyone before the trip. :)

That's over 40 pics to crop and post though, so I'm still working on it. :eek:

I really like this idea!
Anxiously waiting for the next installment.popcorn::
Please Miss Stacerita.princess:
Oh, and my team didn't even place. We were so confident of our answers and we missed 7!! Not good!!

It was rigged I tell ya!~There is no way we missed 7! We really should have bought the Churros. And didn't Miss Stacerita say she was in line for the Churros when her team called her?? Wasn't one of the rules that you had to stay together? I mean why would they call, if they were together. Hmmm....I think we need to disqualify the S & M's from 1st place and move everyone else up. That would put us in...like 8th place or something, right?

But I am not complaining, because my friend Molly shared her fast passes with me, and hey, all I can say, is you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Right, Molly?

The Segway tour looked like so much fun. I really wanted to do that, and even tried to sign up, but then realized that I would be in the air as you folks were going through the security gate. Yep, that put me out front of the HOJO's at 4:30am waiting for my shuttle. I felt like a train ran me over. I think I got out of the shower at about 1:00am. Poor Jen was such a good roomy and never complained about my late nights, even though she was wisely tucked in and sleeping soundly when I got back.
See what happens when you go away. :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

I'm working on something that will help with that. I'm going to get pics of each person from the trip, crop it and put it next to their name on the front page. That way all the new members can see the ladies from before. And I'm going to ask the new members to post a pic of themselves so we can see them too.
I think it's just a fun way to help get to know everyone before the trip. :)

That's over 40 pics to crop and post though, so I'm still working on it. :eek:

That will really be helpful. Thanks for doing this. :tinker:
It was rigged I tell ya!~There is no way we missed 7! We really should have bought the Churros. And didn't Miss Stacerita say she was in line for the Churros when her team called her?? Wasn't one of the rules that you had to stay together? I mean why would they call, if they were together. Hmmm....I think we need to disqualify the S & M's from 1st place and move everyone else up. That would put us in...like 8th place or something, right?

But I am not complaining, because my friend Molly shared her fast passes with me, and hey, all I can say, is you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Right, Molly?

The Segway tour looked like so much fun. I really wanted to do that, and even tried to sign up, but then realized that I would be in the air as you folks were going through the security gate. Yep, that put me out front of the HOJO's at 4:30am waiting for my shuttle. I felt like a train ran me over. I think I got out of the shower at about 1:00am. Poor Jen was such a good roomy and never complained about my late nights, even though she was wisely tucked in and sleeping soundly when I got back.

Ooh, that would move Peter Pans Posse up to 3rd place !!!
For the record......The S&M girls followed the rules. We were finished with the scavenger hunt, and I was just doing the optional #50. So there is no moving up or anything like that. We won fair and square. If you dont' believe that, lets take it to the alley. :lmao:

I'm just now catching up with this report.............and this is what I see???
I seriously don't know what is up with me. Whatever it is.......it certainly is not very flattering!! :lmao:

That's right! It's all Wendy's fault!! :snooty:



YOu got that right!! :mad:

LOL!! I don't think so!!

So glad I was able to keep you guys amused. :rolleyes:

It is ammusing. You are such a sweetie and a cutie, that seeing pics like that just make us giggle. Makes me wonder what was in your cheerios.

It sure looks like I did!

Such a great report and pictures!! :goodvibes

Congrats again on your win!! :banana:




Stacie, It really shows how much you put into it. What I can't believe is your memory of everything. :thumbsup2

Thanks again! It is so much fun reading about our trip! :grouphug:

Thanks. I love doing the trip reports. I just have such a hard time doing them all at once.

Thank you Stacy for the latest recap.
You were spot on for the Segway Tour. I mean, look at our faces...we were SO TIRED! But we had so much fun, too.:thumbsup2 I would welcome more trivia and a little "free time" on the Segways. It was a great tour, but way too early considering daylight savings time and the late night before.

Yep, more trivia.

See what happens when you go away. :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

I'm working on something that will help with that. I'm going to get pics of each person from the trip, crop it and put it next to their name on the front page. That way all the new members can see the ladies from before. And I'm going to ask the new members to post a pic of themselves so we can see them too.
I think it's just a fun way to help get to know everyone before the trip. :)

That's over 40 pics to crop and post though, so I'm still working on it. :eek:

Get crackin girl!

Anxiously waiting for the next installment.popcorn::
Please Miss Stacerita.princess:

Ok, I plan to get more done soon. Just got back from Vegas so I am catching up still.
For the record......The S&M girls followed the rules. We were finished with the scavenger hunt, and I was just doing the optional #50. So there is no moving up or anything like that. We won fair and square. If you dont' believe that, lets take it to the alley. :lmao:

Yup, what she said!! And we were the only ones to buy the churros! So we were the ones who deserved to win!!! :banana::banana::banana::banana:


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