DIS FIT 2021 New Hopes, Dreams & Goals, Chit Chat Thread

Saw this photo and decided I am going to make this for Easter.
I have to feed my mental health here.
No big family Easter dinner get together this year.
I will still make Easter baskets/bags for everyone though.

That's so cute. I too am making Easter baskets for my family even though we have no kids. I will make one for my Mom and my Sister for their house and stuff for my house. I have all my Easter stuffies making their way up my stairs. Yes I have that many stuffies. I will post pictures later once I get them all settled in their spaces.
Easter is coming up quick! I was hoping to at least be able to go visit my parents but not sure now. Kiddo has asked me to hide eggs for him to find. I haven't even bought any candy yet! I guess I had better get to the store this week and do that. He doesn't like chocolate much so I won't be buying much of that.
I've been trying to figure out what to buy my Granddaughter for Easter.
She is a Teen.
I finally settled on a bag of assorted chocolate eggs
and this

She definitely likes Kit-Kat chocolate , just like her Nana!
When I was little my Nana used to make us *Milk Tea* and the mug had cute animals at the bottom with the words *All Gone*
I am sending it Via Amazon ,,so there might be a delay in delivery.
Maybe I can do a zoom meet too!

Holly Hannah
It is crazy out there ,,,I went to do a curbside pick up----yeah the toilet handle broke again,,, anyway you'd think it was Christmas season shopping. I have a feeling people are worried we are headed into another lockdown.

I am hoping to pick up some fresh produce and a pie from my local farm tomorrow after work.

So we decided to just do a small Turkey breast ,potatoes , gravy and fresh veggies for Easter dinner.

If the middle son drops by I have a small chocolate treat for him but we will be visiting from a distance in the backyard.

I'll drop off a treat for the oldest son on Sunday at his home (curbside drop off) , with some Easter dinner.

The weather looks reasonable here for the weekend.

Now to fix the darn toilet.

Yes I just saw on my local Costco shoppers facebook page that the Costcos in both Ajax and Oshawa were packed today.
My Sobeys was not busy at all and the Superstore was less busy than other times I have shopped there.
I still have no idea what we will be eating for Sunday dinner. I have lamb for my brother and nephew but nothing for me and his girlfriend. My sister may cook the turkey and share half with me or I will be going shopping and getting a ham or something like that. I have lots and lots of veggies and potatoes and my brother did mention that it was National Chicken Cordon Bleu day on Sunday so maybe a M&M's shop is in my future.
Saturday we have to drive to Collingwood to attend my Aunt's funeral which will be held outside in the cemetery only. Good thing my Mom got her first shot since we will probably be driving her or my sister who lives with her will not sure yet. Yup masks will be worn. We can drive up there, wait in the car until the service, attend the service, have socially distanced visit with the family and then get back in the car and drive back home. My Mother is the last of 4 sisters and since some of her Aunt's lived over 100 I expect her to last that long as well. Right now 50 people can attend an outside service so hopefully that won't change before Saturday but my Mom will be one of the 10 if that is all that can attend and we will wait in the car.
Ottawa is moving back to grey, but I guess it's a bit different from last time we were locked down? I will probably do a curbside pick up for dog food but I was also planning to go to Shoppers on the weekend for some Easter candy. I guess we'll see! I've been pretty good at avoiding people but when Walmart ran out of my Easter Cream Eggs and substituted some chips ahoy egg instead... well I will need another grocery trip :) I get one every Easter, it's my treat! Sadly, we won't be going to visit my parents. I am glad we went last weekend, but it will be awhile before we go back :( They are getting jabbed on April 29th so maybe by my holidays in May it will be relatively safe? I know it's two doses that are needed but even 1 provides some protection I believe? Any way! Lets get through another Easter and hope for better days soon.
It will be another year of Easter Dinner to go around here. Turkey and all the fixings, pies for dessert. I might do an Easter Egg hunt outside when they come to pick up their food, then again I might just pop their goodies in the bag and deposit it on the front porch when I see them drive up.

So ready for Covid to be done.
Saturday we have to drive to Collingwood to attend my Aunt's funeral which will be held outside in the cemetery only. Good thing my Mom got her first shot since we will probably be driving her or my sister who lives with her will not sure yet. Yup masks will be worn. We can drive up there, wait in the car until the service, attend the service, have socially distanced visit with the family and then get back in the car and drive back home. My Mother is the last of 4 sisters and since some of her Aunt's lived over 100 I expect her to last that long as well. Right now 50 people can attend an outside service so hopefully that won't change before Saturday but my Mom will be one of the 10 if that is all that can attend and we will wait in the car.

Hi Judy
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Healing hugs Hon.
These are such difficult times for families right now . I am glad you and a few family members are able to say your goodbyes together.
I hope your trip to Collingwood is blessed with shared fond memories of your Aunt.
Take care of yourself Hon.
BIG Hugs
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How are all my Canadian Disney friends doing this fine Sunday? I've been watching Dis videos on youtube to try to fill the void. Had to dry my eyes this morning after listening to the Dapper Dans. Nostalgia gets me every time.
I'm getting more walking in now that the sidewalks are clear, I've worked my way up to 45 minutes and 4,000-5,000 steps. Too much sitting around in winter has me up in weight and down in fitness level, and you know that's not acceptable for a Disney vacation. Today I topped 5,000 steps and I didn't even have much pain, so maybe it's helping. I'm even walking a little bit faster.
I had my first shot of the vaccine March 15 and just this week I received an email saying they will contact me when I'm due for my second. I thought that took a little long, but at least they're keeping a record.
Even though the province is in such a terrible state, I'm still hoping to retire, and make this trip in December my retirement trip. Fingers crossed. I have until November 7 to cancel as it's a trip made with DVC points. I won't be going if we still have to stay in an airport hotel upon arrival at Pearson, that would be the saddest end to a Disney vacation ever.
How are all my Canadian Disney friends doing this fine Sunday? I've been watching Dis videos on youtube to try to fill the void. Had to dry my eyes this morning after listening to the Dapper Dans. Nostalgia gets me every time.
I'm getting more walking in now that the sidewalks are clear, I've worked my way up to 45 minutes and 4,000-5,000 steps. Too much sitting around in winter has me up in weight and down in fitness level, and you know that's not acceptable for a Disney vacation. Today I topped 5,000 steps and I didn't even have much pain, so maybe it's helping. I'm even walking a little bit faster.
I had my first shot of the vaccine March 15 and just this week I received an email saying they will contact me when I'm due for my second. I thought that took a little long, but at least they're keeping a record.
Even though the province is in such a terrible state, I'm still hoping to retire, and make this trip in December my retirement trip. Fingers crossed. I have until November 7 to cancel as it's a trip made with DVC points. I won't be going if we still have to stay in an airport hotel upon arrival at Pearson, that would be the saddest end to a Disney vacation ever.

Hi Hon
You are doing great with the walking and steps. Well Done Hon!!!!
Like you I have been doing my steps each day and I am so proud of myself and I feel better for doing it.
Yeah I had my vaccine March 17th but I still haven't heard when my second shot will be. Hopefully you will hear soon.
Fingers crossed for your retirement trip ,,,I also have one booked for this coming Dec (DVC also ) but I will just rent it out if I can't go safely.
One great thing about DVC is there will always be another trip in the future to plan & book.
Thinking of you
and stay well!!
@bababear, don't you get your second shot booking date when you book your first? Both my parents have the date of their second one...
My friend who got the AZ vaccine in Toronto back in March sometime hasn't received her next date yet but everybody I know who got the Moderena or Pffizzer received their 2nd date when they got their 1st shot.
I'm the same as bababear. The pharmacy said they would email when they were ready for second shots. Something to do with vaccine availability etc... I don't know if this means we might get it sooner if hesitancy continues.
I'm getting more walking in now that the sidewalks are clear, I've worked my way up to 45 minutes and 4,000-5,000 steps. Too much sitting around in winter has me up in weight and down in fitness level, and you know that's not acceptable for a Disney vacation. Today I topped 5,000 steps and I didn't even have much pain, so maybe it's helping. I'm even walking a little bit faster.
Way to go on the steps!!!!! Doing a few more steps each day helps to get the step count up. Winters are hard, when it's dark, cold with ice and snow on the sidewalks that makes walking harder to do safely.

I've been on a plateau of 35 lbs lost for over a month now. It's frustrating to say the least. But I do notice that even though the scale is not moving, my pants all fit differently or not at all anymore. I need to go out and buy all my underware ( sorry of that's TMI ) But everything is too big and doesn't fit right anymore. I pulled out some clothing that I had in sealed storage bags ( when we were reorganizing the basement ) that I was wearing 7 years ago...I will fit into most of those tops! So I now for tops/shirts for work again :yay:

I have been walking most evenings. I'm now walking just over 5km in under 60 minutes ( 54 minutes to be exact ;) ). DH came one night with me, and now I'm pushing him to walk faster. It used to be the other way around lol. I have my prize for 40 lbs lost - a pair of very cute shoes that are good for work or casual wear. They are expensive...but worth it when I reach that goal.

I hope everyone else is able to get out a bit more now that spring is setting in. Hopefully with lockdowns happening, your able to find a little outdoor space to do some walking.


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