DIS FIT 2021 New Hopes, Dreams & Goals, Chit Chat Thread

I’m actually starting with you guys this year . I need to drop and get healthy again. My daughter and I set a ridiculous goal so ridiculous I won’t share ha ha , but I’m going to try and keep up with her. IM eating all my fav crap food before tomorrow at midnight and look out Jan 1 .. it’s on ..
pls feel free to kick my A$$ if I stop posting here ha ha seriously

Currently working on my crap stocking treats right now. I think I am going to have to take a pile of this stuff and add it to my food donation bag.

So TammyLynn I am Kicking you and myself !
Right now I am pretty sure the Popliteal cyst in my right leg is bursting again. It does this every 3-5 months.
It is painful but I have learned that movement helps the swelling go down so I am going to be kicking my A$$ to keep moving as much as possible. No way I am going near a hospital right now.
I was watching something that came up on facebook, not related to health but it was interesting. People set goals like "lose 30 lbs" but they should be setting goals that are more tangible, like "walk 30 minutes a day" or "eat 5 servings of vegetables a day" and focus on those types of goals, then the weight loss will happen. It was applying it to education but the theory is the same. It's interesting to me. I tend to set arbitrary pounds lost and never hit those goals. But perhaps if my goal was to eat keto or walk a certain distance a day, or even a certain amount of time, it would be easier to stick to as I see the results of that, and reward myself for a certain number of days completed instead of a certain number of pounds lost. Any way. I'll have to think on what I want those goals to be I guess, related to walking/exercise and eating.

I like your thought process on this.
I think I am better at saying and following through with an activity like walking each day but I end up dropping off the edge when I start saying how long the walk will be.
Hugs to you
My 2021 goals will be:

Continue to jog at least 5x weekly (usually a 10K run each time).
In the house: install new flooring and baseboards (which will mean finding a wicked sale on clearance engineered hardwood or something like that). Also, put in new kitchen cabinets and counters (and I will also find a deal someone who is remodeling and selling their perfectly good used ones for cheap lol). Replacing the ugly old baseboard heaters with new ones.
Savings? Not likely this year lol.

Wow Hon
Great goals for 2021
I did replace the old baseboard heaters in my place last year. I can tell you the crap in those old ones would curl your hair,,uck so gross.
I love the idea of repurposing old cabinets, I wish I had done that when we moved in but my brother and brother in law kind of went a little hammer demo crazy without consulting with me,, (their labor of love was appreciated though).
Have fun organizing and searching for some great bargains and buys.

Happy New Year 2021
My special New Year Dinner
3 out of 4 food groups,, grains, dairy, fruit.
Chocolate ice cream, waffle, coconut whip cream, strawberries and pineapple.
sooooo good!
A bit of Chit Chat
On the straight and narrow,,, no more ice cream waffles.
So year end review of finances .... I was able to top up my TFSA yesterday and am happy about that.:dogdance::dogdance:
I feel like a TFSA is the only money I seem to be able to save without the lovely government getting their two cents out of me.
Well ..... good news is I forgot that I had a credit union account set up for a Christmas Time Fund.
Since I didn't use it this year I am going to transfer the funds to a *New To Me Car * savings account and start small auto deductions
from my pay check. While it won't be much at least I am saving something. My condo fees got reduced by 10% ,,sounds good but I still don't trust the new board.
I wish money cash savings was an option right now as I did great with that last year till Covid started, then I didn't want to touch the cash.

I know this is going to sound weird but I felt the need for normalcy today.
I masked up and gloved up and went through McDonalds drive thru.
I bought a coffee and transferred it into another cup and then sat in the parking lot just watching the world around me.
It felt good to see life happening.

Have a great day everyone
Alright people
Get up and get moving!!!!
kick .... kick .... kick!!!!!!!
Yes I know it's Sunday but hey it's a great day to start!

So funny . I was just sitting here thinking it looks kind of cold outside and starting to talk myself out of our hike. :rolleyes1
Today all of our Christmas decorations come down and get put away and the dogs get a nice long walk . After that we are heading to a conservation area that is about half an hour away and doing a hike. I had hoped for better weather, but too bad for me. I know I’ll enjoy it once I get out there.
So funny . I was just sitting here thinking it looks kind of cold outside and starting to talk myself out of our hike. :rolleyes1
Today all of our Christmas decorations come down and get put away and the dogs get a nice long walk . After that we are heading to a conservation area that is about half an hour away and doing a hike. I had hoped for better weather, but too bad for me. I know I’ll enjoy it once I get out there.

Have fun Hon!
I've been doing well with my keto'ing, granted it's only been a few days. But I have some chips in the cupboard and haven't eaten them... I've also done my 10 minutes of walking each day, which isn't a lot but is a starting point. We had Wendy's yesterday, kiddo ate a double cheeseburger! I had a salad... with avocado and it was very yummy.

Still hoping to move by May-ish. Now considering moving to the other end of the city. For those who may know Ottawa, we live in Barrhaven and were looking at homes near by, or out in Carleton Place but now am considering Orleans, the homes are the same as those in Barrhaven, further from my parents and sister, which sucks, but also further from the "friends" kiddo is still in contact with, that might give us a break from them and perhaps a fresh start. For work, it doesn't really matter any more since WFH and either end of the city is close enough to the actual office location. Purchasing a home is cheaper in Orleans (we're renting and would still be renting for now) but I'd like to try renting there before we'd buy there. Any way! Thinking and saving :) I have back pay coming end of March which will pay for the move, but want to have more money saved by then so we can get some new furniture for the new place, and pay for movers because I am too old to do that on my own.
I'll refer you to my post in the thread about testing needed before flying into Canada and leave it at that. My only goals, hopes, dreams, heck anything, are to simply get out of bed each day and begin what will be a constant string of deciding to continue to be. No need to worry, as I tell my psychiatrist every week, I'm in no danger of hurting either myself or anyone else, just a real struggle to "be". unless you've been depressed enough that it hurts to do or think about anything, you can't understand what I mean by that statement.
I have difficulty making even the most basic decisions- (hate needing to ask hubby to pick out socks somedays 🤦‍♀️) and that leads to spending so much time looking at the list of shows already in my list on Netflix that I never actually watch anything.

so, my plan for however long lockdown drags on and the time till I can get treatments is the following mantra that my doc and I developed

Recognize that I'm struggling and I'm not myself right now
Acknowledge that I can't do even basic things with the same ease because I lack the motivation and energy
Accept that this is how life is right now and leave it at that.
Hi Heather
I think checking a community out first before buying is a great idea. I made the mistake of buying a place in Oakville a few years ago, (freehold townhouse). Well my kids lives were in Mississauga and the busing system between the two sucks. Long story short 4 months after the big move I was on the side of the road in my car at 11:45 pm crying my eyes out. My son's part time job (movie theatre) ended at 11;00 and no buses so I was picking him up and dropping him off every other night. My whole life revolved around driving my kids everywhere.
I didn't lose any money on the deal and maybe gained a small nest egg but I put it up for sale and moved back to Mississauga PDQ.
Kids at a younger age are fairly adaptive ,,not so much in high school though.

Take your time Hon and you will make the right decision when the time comes.

Hugs Mel
Thanks Mel. I am looking at the options of all the places. Interestingly, Orleans is only 8 minutes further from my parents because of highway driving, it's an hour from where we are now or 1 hour 8 minutes (according to Google maps) from Orleans. The townhomes out there are cheaper than near where we are now. Both renting and purchasing. Kiddo doesn't want to go but we'll see how he feels later. He is finally agreeing to see a therapist, and considering medication for him. I talk to his doctor tomorrow. Could go either way I suppose.

Jacqueline I get the depression thing, I was there and am very thankful I'm not any more. It is a struggle for sure, and I am thankful I survived all of it. One day at a time, one hour at a time.


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