DIS Unplugged Show Feedback and Suggestions

After watching an amazing episode of The Trip this week where the Titanic Exhibition was covered, it got me thinking, it would be nice to see a similar episode covering a local Orlando attraction like the Regional History Center or even the Orlando Science Center? Orlando has many great local attractions that are often overlooked by most visitors, it would be a great way to showcase the local Orlando and at the same time introduce some unique ideas for those looking for a more local experience outside of the theme park area?
I think this is part of thr goal of The Trip. They've reviewed a couple of area attractions already, including the new Orlando Eye/360 area
Long time listener here-- I have to say that I really love the show and the developments that have been made. The only thing that I find myself agreeing with pretty strongly is the idea that I'd love to hear a little bit more about non-locals taking trips to Disney World (or a cruise, etc.). The Trip Reports are one of my favorite things to read on the board. I know that you guys are locals and it's only completely natural that your advice will be geared towards that, but I think that the My Disney Experience update episode was especially hampered by the lack of diversity of opinions from among the table--and the snippets read from Facebook users didn't really help balance it out that much. I know that everyone at the table has opinions, but if it's the same general opinion then I don't know that it makes for great listening to repeat the opinion over and over. Perhaps one of the second segments each month or every other month could be an interview with someone just having taken a trip--or planning a trip--and giving their fresh-off-the-ground perspective, in conversation with the locals and experts? Or something like that? I think a lot of people would really enjoy hearing the thought process behind which restaurants someone is choosing for their family, whether or not they are choosing the dining plan and why, what their must-see attractions are (according to different members of their family and their ages), etc.. Even if that doesn't happen, I'm definitely missing the restaurant reviews and other recaps or reviews of events and services that may have changed over the years--reviews of things like the behind the scenes tours, etc.. I LOVE the 7-in-7 because it's really content rich, up to date information that will help me plan a trip.
Hey, so full disclosure I have only been watching for about a year, but I really love the show and it is now fully embedded within my weekly routine. I live in the UK and it is way harder to find people who get my love for Disney so for me this is perfect.
As many other posters have already stated the 7in7 segments are brilliant.
I love the Universal show too the guys on that show really make me laugh and I keep coming back for that!
I guess my only criticism is pretty specific and personal, I find myself getting bored with 'the best' segments (sorry if that is the wrong name.) This is possibly because you guys have a lot of attractions/locations to work through and therefore possibly less time to just chat and engage. I do however love the concept and maybe if it was formatted slightly different I would prefer it.

Keep doing what your doing!
...The only thing that I find myself agreeing with pretty strongly is the idea that I'd love to hear a little bit more about non-locals taking trips to Disney World (or a cruise, etc.). The Trip Reports are one of my favorite things to read on the board. I know that you guys are locals and it's only completely natural that your advice will be geared towards that, but I think that the My Disney Experience update episode was especially hampered by the lack of diversity of opinions from among the table--and the snippets read from Facebook users didn't really help balance it out that much...Perhaps one of the second segments each month or every other month could be an interview with someone just having taken a trip--or planning a trip--and giving their fresh-off-the-ground perspective, in conversation with the locals and experts? Or something like that? I think a lot of people would really enjoy hearing the thought process behind which restaurants someone is choosing for their family, whether or not they are choosing the dining plan and why, what their must-see attractions are (according to different members of their family and their ages), etc...

I think those are excellent ideas.
I would love to see some more (throwing it way back, here) footage "on location" at the parks. I recently rewatched some of the Kaht Kam segments after hearing todays podcast, and I really appreciated getting to see the parks. I am a West Coaster who hasn't been to WDW in over 20 years (I was 5 haha), so while I know the names of the places and such from watching all the podcasts, sometimes its nice to actually see them. I know I'm probably not the target for your audience, but I thought I'd throw that out there.

Also, I do like the flavor of the non-live shows. I like being able to interact live and have the show unedited, but sometimes the edited shows have more of an unedited vibe. Maybe its just me! Anyway, LOVE the podcast!
I have only been listening a year, but I love all of the shows! I do want to say keep up with the field trips on the Trip. I love the videos and reports back on the restaurants and other things to do around Orlando. I honestly cannot pick a favorite podcaster. I love everyone and appreciate everything they do. I do have to tell JL that my 22 month old is still in love with her! :lovestruc
Have you ever reviewed Disney's Fine Art Photography? Locations and packages?

With everything going in at Hollywood Studios. What will happen with Osbourne Lights? I keep hearing that it will be discontinued.

Also I heard a rumor that Universal might try and bring in Star Trek.

I would be interested in a DVC podcast or have you done one?
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Hi there! I haven't been listening as long as some of the others posting so I still feel relatively new around here except for the fact that I've been watching/learning from these boards for a few years now. I think I skimmed most of these comments in an attempt to not duplicate!

The recent solo show that Pete did was amazing on so many levels. For me, it was nice for the slow down in pace and hear one persons view. I felt like it gave me a little more of Pete's personality too. I'd love to hear other solo shows if others would be interested in doing them! Just a thought!
Thought of a show topic this morning....would be interested in the team doing a show after PBS airs its two-night bio on Walt's life next week. Would like to see what the team feels was surprising in the show, whether Walt was treated fairly, and what new things they learned about Walt and his dreams about the studios and the parks themselves.
Not so much a suggestion, but a request to get someone on the show to sit in once.

Justin Scarred and/or Adam The Woo.

They are 2 youtube vloggers who travel around the country and make vids, but mostly are all about the Disney Parks (they live in California, so they are always in Disneyland, but they just did another trip to the World again).

I think they would both fit in very well for a show.
Also, I do like the flavor of the non-live shows. I like being able to interact live and have the show unedited, but sometimes the edited shows have more of an unedited vibe. Maybe its just me! Anyway, LOVE the podcast!

My feeling exactly. I think the "live" shows are much less "lively" than the edited shows in the not so distant past.
Also, I want to say I really enjoyed having more of the original team back in place, I was really missing Kathy. I still miss Theresa, sorry Tess, she is great on The Trip, but I really love the way she and John interact. More Kathy and Tess segments would be great. I loved their 101 segments and would appreciate a retouch with video elements, there have been many changes to some areas of the park since they did these reports. Speaking of The Trip, I think Rhino would be a better addition to their team than Craig. His enthusiasm and good nature would be a much better fit for their adventures than Craig and his cynicism and sarcasm. No offense to Craig, my sense of humor is often quite close to his, it fits the Universal edition just fine, I just find it a bit jarring with Tess and her softer style.
:disrocks:I love the live shows and the Disneyland audio only shows. I don't want them to stop the live shows, they are fun and I love being able to interact with everyone in the comments section. I would also like to have someone cover what's happening at Busch Gardens every now and then.
Also, I want to say I really enjoyed having more of the original team back in place, I was really missing Kathy. I still miss Theresa, sorry Tess, she is great on The Trip, but I really love the way she and John interact. More Kathy and Tess segments would be great. I loved their 101 segments and would appreciate a retouch with video elements, there have been many changes to some areas of the park since they did these reports. Speaking of The Trip, I think Rhino would be a better addition to their team than Craig. His enthusiasm and good nature would be a much better fit for their adventures than Craig and his cynicism and sarcasm. No offense to Craig, my sense of humor is often quite close to his, it fits the Universal edition just fine, I just find it a bit jarring with Tess and her softer style.
Really? I find Teresa to have a good amount of sarcasm and dark humor. I think her and Craig mesh well together based on that alone.
Thought of a show topic this morning....would be interested in the team doing a show after PBS airs its two-night bio on Walt's life next week. Would like to see what the team feels was surprising in the show, whether Walt was treated fairly, and what new things they learned about Walt and his dreams about the studios and the parks themselves.

I can't believe the podcast hasn't even mentioned the PBS series. I'm really surprised. There should be a segment where everyone talks about the show American Experience Walt Disney
I believe the new show "Connecting with Walt" is dealing with it. I've only heard the first episode so far, but will be catching up on the others soon.
The Disneyland show discussed it if you want to hear their opinion on it. I think Michael has some pretty strong feelings about it
I wonder if we'll hear about DCL's decision to cut the commission they pay to travel agents for on board bookings on tomorrow's show. Can't imagine it's sitting too well with everyone at Dreams. As a result, it will probably lead to less OBC being offered. At every turn, any sense of value in a DCL cruise is eroding away. After our cruise in February, I really have a hard time seeing us ever cruising with DCL again.
I don't foresee this happening anytime soon (if at all) but sending some of the crew to cover Disney and Universal parks in Asia and Europe would be really cool.

I don't know who would be game and how the logistics could work (the flight to Japan alone makes me antsy).

Craig/Ryno/JL could go to cover Universal Japan (they still have Back to the Future The ride running!!), and also have some others there to cover Tokyo Disneyland and then everyone runs to Hong Kong and Shanghai to cover those parks (Shanghai opening in 2016).

Seems like the kind of trip that would need to be 2 weeks minimum to also have time to explore and factor in travel days.



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