Disney Dream - June 12, 2011

Good Monday Morning Fellow Cruisers!! :banana:

Wow...after Steve has had off 18 days for vacation, this getting up for work is for the birds! LOL Where is my premade breakfast and someone to clear the dishes? <sigh> I guess it's back to the grind for all of us!!

Ok, in the photo in the Skyline.....who is the gentleman at the far left? I saw him EVERYWHERE on the cruise! But he was with an older woman...his Mom? Motherinlaw? I saw them heading to the Musterdrill, on deck 11 getting food from Flo's, sitting down for one of the shows, just everywhere!! I didn't realize he was Dis-Husband tho! I never saw him with any of you! LOL! Too funny!!!

Not sure what today will bring. Football practice is from 5-8 tonight...lifting and field work. I guess it will be a late night dinner for us....which we should be used to by now! After 2 weeks of no rain, the scattered showers we are getting is almost pleasant!!!

Make it a Magical Monday!!

Double Dippin' Monday Blues Dreamer....
Michele :cloud9:
Good Monday Morning Fellow Cruisers!! :banana:

Wow...after Steve has had off 18 days for vacation, this getting up for work is for the birds! LOL Where is my premade breakfast and someone to clear the dishes? <sigh> I guess it's back to the grind for all of us!!

Ok, in the photo in the Skyline.....who is the gentleman at the far left? I saw him EVERYWHERE on the cruise! But he was with an older woman...his Mom? Motherinlaw? I saw them heading to the Musterdrill, on deck 11 getting food from Flo's, sitting down for one of the shows, just everywhere!! I didn't realize he was Dis-Husband tho! I never saw him with any of you! LOL! Too funny!!!

Not sure what today will bring. Football practice is from 5-8 tonight...lifting and field work. I guess it will be a late night dinner for us....which we should be used to by now! After 2 weeks of no rain, the scattered showers we are getting is almost pleasant!!!

Make it a Magical Monday!!

Double Dippin' Monday Blues Dreamer....
Michele :cloud9:

Hi Michele! That would be my DH! He was pretty much "on duty" all cruise taking his mother (93) around the ship. They went to a show? :rotfl: Hey, we did all eat dinner together. But mostly I was not on MIL duty! If we cruise again, we are going to hire a nurse for her. It simply was not a relaxing trip for DH...except the after dinner times, as seen in the Skyline photo!

We are back at soccer practice, starts at 7:30am! I am waiting for the rain to come so I can weed the garden afterwards.

Kristi - so sorry to read that your room host was sub par! Ours was great, he knew all our names and greeted us every morning; none of our supplies ever ran out and the bathroom was always so clean. I hope DCL reads your comment card and provides more training.

Nemo's Reef was really cool and DD3 loved it, but they are going to have to so something about Mr' Ray's slide in dry dock because we saw too many kids getting hurt on it as they hit the end and either shot off and hit their knees or face planted (and they were sitting correctly) and wouldn't allow ours to go on it...Disney's solution of putting a mat there is a fail as it kept sliding all over the place and wasn't much of a cushion...it needs to be extended all the way to the ground or making the landing area a really soft surface

I couldn't agree more! My DS2 was not interested in the slide, but I thought he'd enjoy it, so I went down it myself to try to convince him. BIG mistake - I think I shot about 4 feet out and landed right on my butt. Thought I'd broken my tailbone. After that, he REALLY didn't want to go near Mr. Ray! :rotfl:
Hi Michele! That would be my DH! He was pretty much "on duty" all cruise taking his mother (93) around the ship. They went to a show? :rotfl: Hey, we did all eat dinner together. But mostly I was not on MIL duty! If we cruise again, we are going to hire a nurse for her. It simply was not a relaxing trip for DH...except the after dinner times, as seen in the Skyline photo!

We are back at soccer practice, starts at 7:30am! I am waiting for the rain to come so I can weed the garden afterwards.

Kristi - so sorry to read that your room host was sub par! Ours was great, he knew all our names and greeted us every morning; none of our supplies ever ran out and the bathroom was always so clean. I hope DCL reads your comment card and provides more training.

Ok, I know I saw your DH at the show, but now that you question it....maybe she wasn't with him? I KNOW I saw him, but I would think I would have seen you? I just remember glancing up behind me to look for Connor and there was your DH! I remember thinking....There is that man again! I have seen him everywhere! LOL I'm just sorry you weren't with him all those times I saw him! LOL

Double Dippin' Enjoying the Rainshower Dreamer....
Michele :cloud9:
Ok, I know I saw your DH at the show, but now that you question it....maybe she wasn't with him? I KNOW I saw him, but I would think I would have seen you? I just remember glancing up behind me to look for Connor and there was your DH! I remember thinking....There is that man again! I have seen him everywhere! LOL I'm just sorry you weren't with him all those times I saw him! LOL

Double Dippin' Enjoying the Rainshower Dreamer....
Michele :cloud9:

Well that must have been the comedy show the first night. We took the ship tour and then split up to shop and DH went back to the cabin. I was at the WD Theater and I phoned him with my location, because I could not walk all the way aft and then back forward again! The Dream sure is a big ship. Too bad I was not with him, you and I could have talked more! DH could not find me before the comedy show, we found each other at the exit. No one ever wanted to carry the wave phones so we did not use them.

No rain here yet, how am I going to pull those weeds?
I am sorry I only got to meet a few of you. It was nice to run into some familar faces in a sea of 4000 people. DW was sick with a cold all week so we did not get a chance to experience much nightlight although we did make it to Skyline one night so I must have missed you guys.

I have written a day by day trip report but on another DVC board web site. The Dis blocks any links or referance to it. You can get to it at the address below just take out the one space when you paste it into your browser. Writting the TR took the edge off coming back. DS4 woke up crying on the day we got off the ship becuase he did not want to leave.

http://www.mouse owners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=54412&highlight=months

If you have problems let me know.
Good Morning Fellow Cruisers!! :banana:

MIKE!! We met and didn't even realize it!! :rolleyes: I was sitting across from your family in the terminal at the port! I was the one that pulled up the muster stations and told you where yours was! Your son was showing me his busses....too funny!!! Great trip report...sorry that your wife got sick though!!

I hope everyone is getting back into the swing of things! I have the laundry, towels and sheets caught up, now I need to focus on floors and bathrooms...it never ends, does it? Then at 3 we need to leave for football...a Lineman Challenge at a local high school.

It's sunny and warm today! Only wish there was a beach in my backyard!

Make it a terrific Tuesday!!

Double Dippin' Football Mom Dreamer.....
Michele :cloud9:
We just returned home last night. We spent the first day off the Dream at Kennedy Space Center, then a day at Downtown Disney, and then took a few days to drive home. (I didn't want to make Mike spend ALL day on Father's Day in the car.)

I still have a ton of laundry waiting to be done, but I am just leaving the suitcases open on the floor since I have to repack for us to hit the road again on Friday. This time heading west to New Mexico.

We all had a fantastic time on the cruise. Our dining room team did a great job for us. We had the second seating, so on the first night DH was in a big hurry to finish dinner and get to the pool deck to watch the Mavs game on the big screen. Daniel and Agus did a great job getting his meal out quickly -- we joked that it was "Dine and Play" for grown ups. I am so glad that the Mavs went ahead and won that night instead of having to go to Game 7, so we didn't have to rush our dinner any other night. That made our other evenings much more relaxing and the servers were able to take more time and tell jokes with the kids, create puzzles with the crayons that we had to solve and fold some napkin animals. They were awesome!

It sounds like our stateroom host, Brian, did a better job for us than some of you experienced. He greeted each of us by name any time he saw us in the hallway and we had everything we needed. His "above and beyond" moment came when he saved my fish extender. I thought my FE was hanging a little low, so I had looped the hanging string around the little seahorse a couple of times. I checked when I did it that I could easily unwrap it and had no trouble. Well, apparently after several days the weight of having things in the pockets had tightened up the ribbon and I couldn't get it off when I was packing up on the last day. Brian saw me struggling with it and asked if he could help. I told him I really just wanted to cut the ribbon since it would be easy to replace, and asked if he had scissors. He told me he would take care of it that evening when he did our turn down. When we returned to the room that evening he had somehow managed to get it down without cutting the ribbon. I hope he didn't waste too much time messing with it -- I really expected him to just cut it for me.

As for the rest of the cruise, we all enjoyed the Midship Detective Agency, Goofy Golf, and the AquaDuck. Justin rode it 14 times, my mom only once, and the rest of us somewhere in between.

Loved the shows. Enjoyed Castaway Cay. Had an incredible dolphin encounter in Nassau. All in all a fantastic trip!

I know it will take me a long time to sort through all the photos on my camera, so for now I will just share the ones I got from Shutters. I was really proud of myself for only buying two photos on board. I am usually a big sucker for all the cute borders ... but we got so many great shots both on my camera and my mom's, that I was content with just these two.


Hi Everyone! :wave:

We got home late last night (after a few days on Anna Maria Island and Bradenton FL), and have spent the morning cleaning house and doing laundry. It was very evident that there was a teenager home alone for a week when we left!! :rotfl:

The cruise was AMAZING!! :cloud9: I enjoyed meeting a lot of you, spending time with my fellow cruise friends and making great memories with new friends! :grouphug: Thank you all for the wonderful FE gifts - they were all great and the kids loved getting the little "surprises" in the FE :goodvibes
I have many observations about the Dream to share also, I will post about those later. :)
I rebooked onboard, too - just a dummy date, not sure when we will go but it will be 2012 or 2013- possibly a holiday if I can manage to be frugal. :rolleyes1 Irene - keep that 2012 NYE one in mind!! :wizard:

There were SO many special "magical" moments on this cruise. I wanted to share one: On the last night after saying goodbye to Irene (Principessa) and Charles in Skyline, I came back to our room and moments later I heard DD11 outside the room talking, so I peeked out the peephole and saw her hugging a group of friends and exchanging tearful good-byes. :sad1: She opened the door and said "oh, mom come meet my friends!" I walked out into the hall and there were about 10-12 of them, all crying, and they were walking everyone from room to room. :grouphug: Someone said "we are so sad to say bye" and I said "me too" and then I started crying! :rolleyes1 :laughing: She has been texting all of these kids since the day we got off the ship. It's so neat how we develop these special friendships :goodvibes
Hey guys!
I posted a review on another site as well. Just haven't had time to post one here.
We also had a great cabin hostess. She always made the room up nice and replenished all supplies. We never had to ask for anything.

Rose, I sent you a PM. The boys wanted to give Sean their numbers so he could call if he wanted to.

Hope everyone had a great 1st day of summer!
Good Morning Fellow Cruisers!! :banana:

MIKE!! We met and didn't even realize it!! :rolleyes: I was sitting across from your family in the terminal at the port! I was the one that pulled up the muster stations and told you where yours was! Your son was showing me his busses....too funny!!! Great trip report...sorry that your wife got sick though!!

I hope everyone is getting back into the swing of things! I have the laundry, towels and sheets caught up, now I need to focus on floors and bathrooms...it never ends, does it? Then at 3 we need to leave for football...a Lineman Challenge at a local high school.

It's sunny and warm today! Only wish there was a beach in my backyard!

Make it a terrific Tuesday!!

Double Dippin' Football Mom Dreamer.....
Michele :cloud9:

Yep that was me. I guess I did not put 2 and 2 together since you did not have your boys and husband sitting with you. I have been seeing your family for the last year in your signature and thats what I was looking for. I was hoping to chat with a fellow buckeye.
She has been texting all of these kids since the day we got off the ship. It's so neat how we develop these special friendships :goodvibes

My DD has been doing the same thing!! Most of the teens exchanged facebook, emails, & cell #'s!!!! My DD made a friend there that's already wanting her to come down to visit her in Florida!! I love how they can just make friends like that, where they share something in commom such as a love for Disney!!!!

I've got my TR started for anyone that wants to join in & hear all about our trip!

Wanted to share what I got signed. I had talked to someone on here, but can't remember who, about whether they would sign a birthday card or not.
Well, they did sign the card I left with guest services, along with a photo matte that I added stickers to after I recieved it. I was very happy with the way they turned out:



We really miss the Dream already!! We will not be re-booking for awhile. With both boys in college now, major vacations are put on hold.
We really enjoyed meeting those we were able to!
Rose, tell Sean we all enjoyed talking with him. You should be very proud! He is a very bright and pleasant young man.
Aaron wanted me to PM you and give you his cell in case Sean wants to contact him. Or Nathan or Melissa.

Didn't we have great weather guys!! It was amazing! A storm was coming in just as we were getting ready to take off. They delayed take off in order for it to pass.

Bon voyage! Hope to see ya'll on a future cruise!

Thanks Nancy:hug:
I thought Aaron was very likeable too:goodvibes
And Nathan and Melissa although I only spoke with them once I think.
Aaron was everywhere, good for him:thumbsup2
I am sorry I only got to meet a few of you. It was nice to run into some familar faces in a sea of 4000 people. DW was sick with a cold all week so we did not get a chance to experience much nightlight although we did make it to Skyline one night so I must have missed you guys.

I have written a day by day trip report but on another DVC board web site. The Dis blocks any links or referance to it. You can get to it at the address below just take out the one space when you paste it into your browser. Writting the TR took the edge off coming back. DS4 woke up crying on the day we got off the ship becuase he did not want to leave.

http://www.mouse owners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=54412&highlight=months

If you have problems let me know.

Can't get to it Mike:confused:
We just returned home last night. We spent the first day off the Dream at Kennedy Space Center, then a day at Downtown Disney, and then took a few days to drive home. (I didn't want to make Mike spend ALL day on Father's Day in the car.)

I still have a ton of laundry waiting to be done, but I am just leaving the suitcases open on the floor since I have to repack for us to hit the road again on Friday. This time heading west to New Mexico.

We all had a fantastic time on the cruise. Our dining room team did a great job for us. We had the second seating, so on the first night DH was in a big hurry to finish dinner and get to the pool deck to watch the Mavs game on the big screen. Daniel and Agus did a great job getting his meal out quickly -- we joked that it was "Dine and Play" for grown ups. I am so glad that the Mavs went ahead and won that night instead of having to go to Game 7, so we didn't have to rush our dinner any other night. That made our other evenings much more relaxing and the servers were able to take more time and tell jokes with the kids, create puzzles with the crayons that we had to solve and fold some napkin animals. They were awesome!

It sounds like our stateroom host, Brian, did a better job for us than some of you experienced. He greeted each of us by name any time he saw us in the hallway and we had everything we needed. His "above and beyond" moment came when he saved my fish extender. I thought my FE was hanging a little low, so I had looped the hanging string around the little seahorse a couple of times. I checked when I did it that I could easily unwrap it and had no trouble. Well, apparently after several days the weight of having things in the pockets had tightened up the ribbon and I couldn't get it off when I was packing up on the last day. Brian saw me struggling with it and asked if he could help. I told him I really just wanted to cut the ribbon since it would be easy to replace, and asked if he had scissors. He told me he would take care of it that evening when he did our turn down. When we returned to the room that evening he had somehow managed to get it down without cutting the ribbon. I hope he didn't waste too much time messing with it -- I really expected him to just cut it for me.

As for the rest of the cruise, we all enjoyed the Midship Detective Agency, Goofy Golf, and the AquaDuck. Justin rode it 14 times, my mom only once, and the rest of us somewhere in between.

Loved the shows. Enjoyed Castaway Cay. Had an incredible dolphin encounter in Nassau. All in all a fantastic trip!

I know it will take me a long time to sort through all the photos on my camera, so for now I will just share the ones I got from Shutters. I was really proud of myself for only buying two photos on board. I am usually a big sucker for all the cute borders ... but we got so many great shots both on my camera and my mom's, that I was content with just these two.

Nice pics Holly!:thumbsup2


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