Disney Summer Tips from a CM


Earning My Ears
Dec 1, 2018
Disney Summer Tips from a CM

Or in other words, how not to die during the Floridian summers.

If you've never been to Florida or really any of the hotter states in the US you're likely unfamiliar with our crazy summers. The heat alone is a problem but the real threat lies in the terrible humidity that's enough to drown you on land. Combine this with insanely long lines and not enough rest and you're in for a potentially rough summer vacation.

Here's a few tips from an informed Cast Member. ;)
This is going to be very long...brace yourself lol.

How to Beat the Heat

The first and foremost thing that you will hear more than you'd probably like to during your vacation is to WEAR SUNSCREEN.

Even for people who think you don't need it trust me when I say you do. Multiple days in the park will leave your skin burnt or at the very least a little irritated. I'll be honest, as a Waterparks CMs I can already visibly see my skin damage from not wearing sunscreen -I literally have freckles now! So sunscreen is a must have for me on the daily!

Every Disney park and resort will have shops that will sell sunscreen and lotion related products for your convenience but note ahead of time that the prices are...well, they're Disney prices. A bottle of 50 SPF sunscreen that's about the size of your hand can cost $12 whereas the large sized bottle is $15.

Definitely consider buying sunscreen and related products prior to your trip if possible, it'll help you save a buck or two -just remember to pack them on the way out the door!

TIP: An easy way to remember is to actually put on a little the day you're leaving. A little sunscreen never hurt anyone and if you're forgetful like me this'll help a lot.

2.) Clothing
Probably one of the most important things you'll need to remember and plan for during your trip is what to wear. This can be very important and can honestly make or break your mood depending on how much you care about your clothing and comfortability.

I always recommend to guests to opt for clothing that's more like work out gear. No one expects it but going to Disney is less like a fun trip and more of a challenge, especially the first time you go. Find clothes that you're familiar with, comfortable in and ones that will keep you cool.

Avoid clothing items that are thick or rough material such as jeans. Remember that when you'll likely be hot and sweating and jean material is very unforgiving. Nylon and thin cotton materials are preferred to jeans.

Unless you're going in the months September-January you likely wont need a jacket or thick/heavy clothing. Plan on wearing comfy t-shirts and tank tops over long sleeves but know that if you want to cover up you can't. Rash Guards are a good option for those that prefer staying covered as the clothing is built with UV protection; you can also find these rash guards at Disney waterparks though it's likely less expensive to purchase them on around your house.

Hats and visors are also recommended. Whenever I bring my elderly mother to the parks I always have her wear a hat even though she literally never wears them any other time in her life. It helps keep her hair out of her face and protects her delicate scalp and face from potential sunburn.

NOTE: If you're bringing elderly folks please check up on them frequently. Bathroom breaks, water, and resting time is absolutely necessary and can be quickly forgotten about but its very seriously needed!

Reminder: Remember to make sure the items you're packing dont include any offensive or obscene images/language. It's rare but Disney security could have a word with you and remember, it's a family friendly park. You'll be around children all day, help us keep it safe and magical.

3.) Cooling Towels & Fans
For anyone that's gone to a park before you've probably seen many people walking around with fans strapped to their strollers or misting fans being passed around the family and Disney is no exception. You can find Disney themed cooling towels and fans throughout all the parks and may purchase them at your leisure, note that Annual Pass and DVC discounts will always apply in all merchandise locations.

I personally recommend the cooling towels but there's a preferred way to use them. Some people think just adding water and dabbing themselves is enough, but if you do decide to use the towels do it like this:

-Ask for ice cold water from a quick food service location or use your own water
-Soak your towel in it then squeeze out the excess water as preferred
-Rub down arms and face and place around neck
-...And then walk into a merchandise location. ;)

You're instantly freezing and it's amazing. Sounds like a long process but really isn't and its totally worth it if you need to cool down asap without dowsing yourself with water.

4.) Water bottles
This should honestly be higher on the list but Im too lazy to edit. This is such an important thing to bring omg. If I could get every single guest to bring sunscreen and water to the parks I could probably die happy.

Every single time I go to the parks as a guest I bring a water bottle no matter how long I plan on being there. Fill it prior to leaving with ice cold water and then throughout the day as needed walk into any Quickservice location and ask for a cup of ice water and they'll give you as many as needed for free. Typically two cups will fill an empty water bottle for me but you can take as much as you need.

Note: Glass water bottles are not allowed in the park. If you wish to bring your own water bottle it has
to be plastic or a hard metallic but not glass even if it's a Disney branded product.

Note that this courtesy is only available at Quickservice locations and not all outdoor food and beverage locations will have it. That means any food carts you see outside will likely not have water available for you.

Here is a short list of locations to get free water.
Magic Kingdom
> Casey's Corner. Upon entering MK it will be on your left hand side when facing the castle. Walk through the Emporium gift shop or walk up towards the statue of Walt and Mickey and it will be to your left.


>Refreshment Port
Epcot is probably the easiest park to hydrated in because you'll be walking through all the countries, each of which have their own restaurants and quick service locations so you can stop and get water as often as you need. Starting on Canada's side though will be Refreshment Port. Walk straight all the way down upon entering and once you get towards the end with the lake in front of you keep going right.

Animal Kingdom
>Flame Tree Barbeque
> Isle of Java
Admittedly Im not as familiar with Animal Kingdom as I should be but they're both counter service and should both be available. Also the BBQ at Flame Tree is amazing and I 100% recommend it because omg, Im just saying. This is also probably one of the most important parks to bring water to. It feels very large and its often very, very hot and humid here. It's easy to get tired out so also take plenty of breaks and seek some shade.

Disney's Hollywood Studios
> The Trolley Car Cafe. Upon entering DHS it will be down the street and to your right. DHS is a lot smaller than other parks so the main entrance area will be where all the food stuff is so it's not hard to find a place.

5.) Breaks & Strollers
To all the parents out there who think your children are strong and well adjusted and dont need strollers because they're not little anymore...please, please, please think again. ALL children get tired of walking around just as much you probably will if not more so.

Recently my boyfriend and I took some of his friends to MK and they had a 7yr old and initially thought they wouldn't need the stroller. Literally within being there for an hour she was already asking to be back in the stroller.

It's hot man. Like...really, really hot. Kids can last for awhile but trust me nothing will break a kids spirit more than suffering in the heat with no shade or rest. Please, on behalf of all Cast Members, bring a stroller. It'll save you and your kids life. Nothing breaks my heart more than to see a tiny kid with a beat red face bawling his eyes out because he's too tired to walk and he's sunburnt and hot, it's painful for both children and us CMs who cant do anything but watch sunburnt and tired and angry parents try and console them.

Of course if you're the type of family that will take multiple breaks throughout the day then a stroller may actually not be necessary, I'll leave that up to you but just know they're highly recommended. If you do choose to bring one know that you can either rent a stroller during the day at the parks (get there early to do so, I hear they go quickly) or you can bring your own.

Check online at Disney's website to make sure your stroller will meet the new width requirements. As of May 1st Disney no longer allows wagons and certain types of strollers. Better to check than to assume.

Strollers are also good if you buy things; if you're at a Disney resort you can have it sent back but if not then you may as well just rent a stroller to hold your things. During rides there will be an area to park them as well as a CM that will stand watch. If strollers are not parked in the appropriate place they may be moved to the designated area, please dont get upset with us because it's purely a safety hazard and security risk to leave unattended strollers in random spaces.

Alternatively/Additionally you can take breaks. Bring a small blanket to lay on or find a cool seated area around a quick service location or around nearby rides. Some locations will have charging areas for your phone whereas others may have fans. If you have children it's very important to note that ALL parks have a Baby Care location. These areas are designated for parents/adults and their children although Im sure they wouldn't object to you coming in and having a seat for a minute if needed.

!!! Inside are some baby products as well as changing areas and a space for kids to relax and play while you watch TV. It's a perfect place to retreat to if your child has become a little overstimulated and fussy. I also believe these locations have an area for breast feeding mothers if you're uncomfortable doing so in public. These areas will also have a Cast Member assigned to that location so if you need anything feel free to ask them for help.

6.) Aloe Vera
Potentially a silly but necessary addition to my growing list here is aloe vera. If you've ever been sunburnt before you probably know what this is. It's essentially heaven in a bottle, I dont know what else to tell you. It's a miracle cure or something lol.

Aloe Vera is a very useful plant that can help aid in painful sunburns and irritated skin. You can find this product in places like the waterparks, resorts or in some select park merchandise locations. You will have either the option for lotion or for a cooling gel. I like the cooling gel more than the lotion, personally. It dries smoothly and instantly takes away the pain and irritation. Lotion works too but it takes longer to dry I find.

And that's all I can think of at the moment.

Know that if you're visiting us very soon for the summer that the temperature is already creeping upwards so make sure you plan ahead.

If you're already visiting us and have forgotten any necessary items here's how you can get them.

> Prescription Medications: Go to the main sundries gift shop at your resort and ask about a number for ordering prescription medications. They should give you the number or card for Turner Drugs. Turner Drugs is a tourist prescription service that will deliver your medications to your resort. Their number is (407) 828-8125 ; Sat - Sun 8am-7pm.

> Sunscreen, Tylenol, Feminine Products, etc: Over the counter medications and health related items can be found at the main resort gift shop -ask a cast member for the sundries shop and they should help you find it. If you;re not at your resort the parks will also have these items as well. The main gift stores (in other words, the largest stores onsite) will carry some medicines and convenience items behind the registers -they're not out on the floor for people to take so you'll have to ask a CM for them.

Note that Disney Cast Member cannot and should not give you first aid related items such as bandaids or gauze. These items can be found at first aid only. Also note that if you're at one of the waterparks and are unable to purchase tampons the main gift shops have free tampons as a courtesy to our Guests.

Don't hesitate to ask, we're there to help. :)

> Cant find a clothing item?
Specific clothing items that you may need can potentially be found on our product locator. Find a Cast Member in a merchandise location that's holding a tablet or just ask a Cast Member behind a register if they can check/find an item for you.

Most importantly though, don't stress. If you forget something dont break a sweat worryin over it -just ask a Cast Member and we'll help as best we can. There's a lot of planning that can go into a Disney vacation but we're there to try and make the day a little less stressful and a lot more magical if we can.

I hope this was helpful to you guys and if anyone has any questions I'm happy to answer them. :)

Have a Magical Day~.

Thank you so much for this! We're Florida residents and annual passholders, but my parents are visiting from NJ and we're going to the parks in two weeks. I was worried about them and the heat, and the cooling towels are a great idea we hadn't thought of. I purchased them on Amazon before I even finished reading your post!
Thank you! I’m so worried about melting on our upcoming trip and have already started drinking water way more often than I’m used to.
Thanks for this list!

"Note that this courtesy is only available at Quickservice locations and not all outdoor food and beverage locations will have it. That means any food carts you see outside will likely not have water available for you."
The rule of thumb from my experience is that it's only Quick Service locations that offer fountain drinks. So if they're only selling bottles, move on to somewhere else for your water. :) (I got very familiar with every water location when I went to Disney pregnant. Ha.)
Thank you so much for this! We're Florida residents and annual passholders, but my parents are visiting from NJ and we're going to the parks in two weeks. I was worried about them and the heat, and the cooling towels are a great idea we hadn't thought of. I purchased them on Amazon before I even finished reading your post!

Absolutely! I'm glad this helped!


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