Disneyland Fun sing-along. When did they tape it?


Earning My Ears
Nov 29, 2010
I really hope someone can answer this . . . I didn't know where to ask this. Does anyone know when they taped the Disneyland Fun singalong tape? It was NOT August 1990. That's when it was RELEASED.

How can anyone who lived right near Disneyland 20/21 years ago have no recollection of it? I even tried looking it up in an online LA newspaper archive. Absolutley NOTHING. Why wouldn't they put anything about "they are shooting a new video at Disneyland this week! Come join in, be an extra!" in the newspaper? I looked for anything between 1989-1990. Maybe they only put it in newspapers from Anaheim?

The only answer I have is it was done in very early 1990 because I think it showed the Party Gras parade which started in January 1990. And if not, it was somewhere between August 1989-early 1990 because Splash Mountain opened in July 89 and it showed Splash Mountain.

I really hope somebody knows!


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