Disneyland or Bust: A Mother-Daughter Coastal Road Trip

I like the do not disturb sign and all the mermaid touches around the hotel! And thank goodness someone could help with all the bags. But I sure do hate when there's no elevator to load all the stuff into (including the kids!).

The view from the restaurant looks pretty--but maybe the free entertainment was more interesting? I sometimes wonder what people are thinking when they go out in public. No wonder mom and dad were having some wine!:rotfl:
Well, this is what happens when you move to college...you lose your lead :confused3 I'll see if I can catch up!

Definitely see the similarities between that mountain and Everest.

I haven't seen any of the Tinker Bell movies, but I had such a good meet with her last trip that I may have to watch one.

HAHAH goat/ghost. Love it.

Wow, the sky looks so beautiful on the beach!

That was so sweet of the bride to chat with Willow for a few minutes.

I love that pink and grey dress with the leather boots. I wish I had a Frozen backpack!

I'm digging the mermaid pillows!

I generally have a similar expression to Willow's when I receive bread.

Yeah, that mac and cheese kinda looks just like pasta :confused3 So nice of them to give Willow a PB&J, though!

Oh my gosh, I can't imagine being the poor guy who had to clean up after that family. Hopefully they tipped well.

Awesome updates and hopefully I can redeem myself in the challenge soon!!!
Hmmm... Mermaid pillow... Disney is everywhere. And hidden mermaids??? Oh my.

$210???? Wow!!!! I guess Disney prices aren't that bad after all.

It looks like in the photos that the room's ceiling is angled/slanted? Kinda neat.

Oh my, I know that feeling when you want to look away, but you just can't. Just way too entertaining. Plus, happy and relieved they aren't me. And I have to add that Willow's comments are killing me. :laughing:
I'm late!!! :upsidedow But finally made it over. Haven't read a thing, yet. Getting ready to go back and read, read, read. Rainy here today, so I have an excuse to do nothing :teeth:

GREAT introduction!! Love all the video snippets!! :thumbsup2 Nice touch. And a fab idea with the quote game! Like it lots!!! Very creative.

Your road trip sounds fantastic! Would love to travel down the West Coast from Washington...lots to see. And the anticipation of getting to DL is probably through the roof!!

Tell Willow she did an outstanding job capturing some memorable moments...love the selfies ;) Too bad ya didn't snap a photo of your dinner entertainment :scratchin I love people watching...ya never know what your gonna get :laughing: And apparently you got an eyeful!!

Looking forward to more!!! :goodvibes
Have a great weekend!
Did it take you 8 minutes to type it??? :rolleyes1

It did!
I knew the movie.
I knew the actor.
I knew the character... but...

I sat there thinking, "Does he refer to himself as Clark W. Griswold Junior?
Or Clark W. Griswold the second?
Wait... or was it the third?

No, pretty sure it's the second.

No, wait. It's Junior, right?
Sure it is.
He says that just before he takes the saucer down the hill in Christmas Vacation.

But does he say "the second" at some time?
Can't recall, for sure.

Let's just put Clark W. Griswold Junior....

It is junior... right?


Oh, Geez....


Heck with it, I'm putting Clark W. Griswold. Period.

So, yup.
Eight minutes.

And now, back to typing away comments.... so far behind...
:sad2: <sigh> To paraphrase Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction.
I'm trying to be like the Poppa tomato who squishes the baby tomato and says "Catsup".

Since we were traveling by car, I did decide that we would bring a cooler with food so that we could avoid eating out for every meal at least during the first few days of our trip.

And right there is my biggest complaint when I do road trips.
Pretty much all our road trips start with a one hour drive south to the Canada/US border.
We can't bring dairy products, fruits or vegetables.
I think probably not meats either. Don't know. Don't wanna risk it.

So bringing food along is restricted to... pre-packaged stuff we can buy cheaper in the States.

So I ended up just parking after fueling up the car and putting together a little lunch plate for Willow to enjoy in the car - we called it her lunch “buffet” because it consisted of such a variety of things - ham, cheese, crackers, bell peppers, Cheetohs, and I don’t remember what else. She was happy with it though!

Why not? Sounds great! Who doesn't love a buffet??

Wait, what? I guess her favorite blanky and pillow-pet Pluto were a little more interesting than whatever was going on outside.

Seems reasonable.

At some point along here, this conversation ensued:
Willow - I just saw a ghost.
Roni - That’s nice…..
Willow - Yeah, it was eating grass.
Roni - [thinking, “A ghost? Eating grass? Has she lost her mind???] WHAT???
Willow - Yes, eating grass.
Roni - [thinking, “Ooooooh”] Did you say GOAT???
Willow - Yes.
Roni - I thought you said GHOST!

For whatever reason, this brought back a memory from over 400 years ago when I was about 4.
We were in a church basement, about to watch a movie.
A man I didn't know, asked me if I knew what "that" was and pointed to the blank, white screen.
I don't remember if I answered, but he said, "It's a cow eating grass."

Dramatic pause...

"He ate all the grass so he went home."

I've told that same 'joke' to my kids. And anyone else who's foolish enough to listen.

We took the opportunity to check out the VERY windy beach.

What an odd name for a beach!

We ran into the bride on our way back from the beach. Willow has not attended a wedding before (all of my friends were married LONG before I became a parent), so she was just awe-struck, staring at the bride. Amazingly, this lovely young woman stopped on her way down to the stairs to take her to the beach TO GET MARRIED and said hello to Willow and chatted for a few seconds. Willow was thrilled.

A bride on her way to her wedding is so together that she can stop and chat with a little girl?

Very nice.

play at the tennis court. Now this ball was NOT made for tennis courts since it did not bounce

Tennis with a rock?
Ooohhh... fun.


Nonetheless, we had a wonderful time just goofing around with the ball and paddles at the tennis courts.

So what do I know.
Tennis with a rock?
Apparently fun!

“First day of school! First day of school! Wake up! Wake Up! Come on, first day of school!”

I love those Staples commercials (assuming you have 'em there too) where
the kids are dragging their feet down the aisles while their parents are jumping for joy to the tune of "It's the most wonderful time, of the year."

And I so agree with them.

So I had to stick in a little “intermission,” a “recess” if you will, from the TR to share with you a little real-life update.

:laughing: Been there, done that!

Today was the first day of school here! Little Miss Willow is officially a big second grader!

Getting bigger!

Nice throw! :thumbsup2

I'm going to go out on a limb and say milk from that cow has a lot of fiber in it.

What are you eating there, Willow?

Of course, she had to put on a new outfit and her new boots before we even left for the ride home. :laughing:

Well, yeah!
Hello! New outfit!

I have no idea where she gets the crazy poses!!! :rotfl2:

Probably from her mom :rolleyes:

It's a veritable pose-a-thon!

Thankfully, she is still a Disney girl through and through and just had to have a Frozen backpack (and lunchbox and thermos).

Up here, around the time school starts, if you want a frozen backpack, lunch box and thermos, just leave them outside.
By morning they'll be frozen.

Here she is all ready to head to school this morning.
Growing up way too fast…….

And mom sheds a silent tear, right?
I remember when mine were that age.

Willow took quite a few more. And as you can see, hers were much more creative.


And then our room was ready! Hallelujah!

And there was great rejoicing.

Willow: Hurray!!!!


Now, this place is a little more MO-tel than HO-tel, so there aren’t exactly a lot of employees standing around waiting to help with luggage.

Still, not a bad looking room. Heck, you had a couch!
(If it's a sofa bed... stay far, far away from it. Trust me.)

the cheapest, non-view, MO-tel room was still a whopping $210 before taxes and fees)

:eek: I assume the room came with complimentary diamonds sprinkled about?

- and it turned out that all of the rooms in this el-cheapo category are on the second floor. With no elevator. Did you see how much stuff we had just in the back of our car?

Might I suggest you attempt to drive up the stairs?

I am not comfortable leaving luggage in a car in a motel or hotel parking lot overnight,

Especially not, no, definitely not if it's visible like it looks like yours would be.

so it all had to come in, which meant it all had to come UP the stairs.

My back hurts just thinking about it.

I went ahead and asked the nice front-desk person if there might be someone who could help us. She called someone right away, and THAT, my friends, is how we actually ended up with our belongings in our room that night.


maybe I would have felt differently if I had spent even more money and actually been looking out at the ocean.

Because if you had, guaranteed that there'd be thick fog so you still couldn't see it.

We liked the Surfitdes take on the Do Not Disturb sign.

Should have asked for one for Willow's room.
Right Willow?

Now, at this point, we were both kind of beat and just happy not to be in the car (or the Surftides lobby). So we chilled in the room for a little bit.

I love that time.
That's my "aaaaah" time.
Great time to regenerate some energy.

All you had to do was post that picture.
Would've saved yourself a lot of writing.

I had a Caesar salad and fish tacos (sorry about the taco pic - I had scraped off the aioli that I had requested be left off, so they look a mess).

How was it?

Willow ordered mac and cheese, which she said was awful - no cheese taste at all.

Nothing better than mac 'n cheese... except if it's awful.
Too bad.
Nice of the waitress to bring Willow something else, though.

The price did not include the entertainment though - that was just a bonus!

This should be good...

Now, when dining out, I generally am focused on my food, talking to my child, trying to tune out the sound of my child incessantly telling me about a Sofia the First episode - wait, what? I would never do that!!!

:rolleyes1: No, of course not.
We parents are always 100% focused on what our 'lil darlings are saying.


Uh, huh.

So the table across from us was one of those hard-to-miss train wrecks. There were two parents, a teen girl, a boy about Willow’s age, and a toddler. The toddler was throwing fish on the floor - like, just hucking it across the way - and smearing tartar sauce all over the booth.

Step one.
Too young to dine out apparently.
Parents, get in there and parent for Pete's sake!

The young boy was refusing to eat anything because he didn’t like it and was instead playing a handheld video game device thing. Classic.

True. But not in my house.
No way, no how.

The teen seemed quite pleasant at first, but a closer look (obtained when she got up and started the athletic portion of their evening) noted that she was dirty, FILTHY dirty

Weird. But maybe something happened that she couldn't change, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

and then she spent the last part of the meal just chasing the toddler all over the restaurant laughing.

No, no, no, no, no, no!
You do not let your child run free in a restaurant!
And it's not just because it annoys the heck out of everyone else, it's a safety hazzard.
Unless the parents want the server to spill an entire tray of hot food on him.


The parents didn’t seem to mind at all - they were drinking a bottle of wine and chowing down.


It was crazy! The booth was just DESTROYED when they were done - food everywhere, silverware all over the floor, food in the walkway, etc. I felt terrible for the busboy who came to clean it up.

Don't you just want to leave an extra tip for him?
Sometimes I wish I was rich, just so I could do that.

Up Next: Day 3A

Thanks for all the posts! :goodvibes
Next time you are in Lincoln City check out the Sandcastle Motel. It is on the south end of town, and is not fancy. However, it is clean and so close to the ocean you could throw rocks in the water at high tide form your room! I have been staying there since I was about 5 years old and absolutely love it. Plus all the rooms are water front and under $150.

Looks like a fun trip so far!!!!!!!

I got a bit behind trying to finish up my TR.

Looks like a last "fun-filled" summer weekend. Love Willow's modeling of all her new fashionable school attire.

Thank the Lord the room is finally ready!

I'm glad they found someone to help you upstairs with all of that stuff in the back of your car.

How sweet of the waitress to bring a PBJ seeing that Willow was not enjoying her mac and cheese which does not look cheesy at all.
Lol...my time zone and email stalking paid off! I leave on the 17th for a cruise so I hope you wrap up by then. :)
:laughing: I have my doubts that I'll be done before you leave for your cruise....

But I am CERTAIN that you won't care at all when you are enjoying your vacation!!! :woohoo:

I like the do not disturb sign and all the mermaid touches around the hotel! And thank goodness someone could help with all the bags. But I sure do hate when there's no elevator to load all the stuff into (including the kids!).
Oh yeah - I was really kicking myself for not inquiring about which floor and the elevator situation at the time I booked. I was very thankful they were able to help me out!

The view from the restaurant looks pretty--but maybe the free entertainment was more interesting? I sometimes wonder what people are thinking when they go out in public. No wonder mom and dad were having some wine!:rotfl:
:rotfl2: It was QUITE a sight to behold!

Well, this is what happens when you move to college...you lose your lead :confused3 I'll see if I can catch up!
:rotfl2: I expect you to be back in it to win it soon!

I hope you had a good move and that the new school year has started off great!

Definitely see the similarities between that mountain and Everest.
Willow will be very pleased - unfortunately, I didn't get to replies until after she went to bed. :(

I haven't seen any of the Tinker Bell movies, but I had such a good meet with her last trip that I may have to watch one.
I am sure Willow could recommend some for you. ;)

HAHAH goat/ghost. Love it.
:laughing: It was just one of those things that was so stupid that it was hilarious!

Wow, the sky looks so beautiful on the beach!
I love the Pacific Northwest coast. :lovestruc

That was so sweet of the bride to chat with Willow for a few minutes.
I couldn't believe it! So sweet!

I love that pink and grey dress with the leather boots. I wish I had a Frozen backpack!
I am going to have to get Willow to do her own replies sometime this week. :thumbsup2

I'm digging the mermaid pillows!
Cute theme, huh?

I generally have a similar expression to Willow's when I receive bread.

Yeah, that mac and cheese kinda looks just like pasta :confused3 So nice of them to give Willow a PB&J, though!
It was VERY nice of them to accommodate her. ::yes::

Oh my gosh, I can't imagine being the poor guy who had to clean up after that family. Hopefully they tipped well.
I hope so - I have bussed tables before, and I might have cried if this event had occurred in my section. :scared1:

Awesome updates and hopefully I can redeem myself in the challenge soon!!!
Thanks! I have no doubt that you will come through with another win soon. :thumbsup2
Hmmm... Mermaid pillow... Disney is everywhere. And hidden mermaids??? Oh my.
I don't see Disney in as many places as you do, but the very idea of a Hidden Mermaid did provide me with a bit of a Disney moment. ;)

$210???? Wow!!!! I guess Disney prices aren't that bad after all.
It definitely seemed a bit excessive to me. It was a very pleasant place, great location, and VERY popular. That said, if/when we return to Lincoln City, I think we'll try another establishment that is not quite so pricey for a non-view room. :thumbsup2

It looks like in the photos that the room's ceiling is angled/slanted? Kinda neat.
You know what's funny, when I was writing this update and saw that picture, I thought, "Hey, the ceiling was slanted! Go figure!" I do NOT remember that at all! :eek: :rotfl2:

Oh my, I know that feeling when you want to look away, but you just can't. Just way too entertaining. Plus, happy and relieved they aren't me. And I have to add that Willow's comments are killing me. :laughing:
Exactly! I mean, I really didn't want to stare, but it was just so over the top!

I'm late!!! :upsidedow But finally made it over. Haven't read a thing, yet. Getting ready to go back and read, read, read. Rainy here today, so I have an excuse to do nothing :teeth:
Hi Heather!!! Thanks so much for joining in!!!!

GREAT introduction!! Love all the video snippets!! :thumbsup2 Nice touch. And a fab idea with the quote game! Like it lots!!! Very creative.
Thanks Heather! :goodvibes

Your road trip sounds fantastic! Would love to travel down the West Coast from Washington...lots to see. And the anticipation of getting to DL is probably through the roof!!
It was really just a WONDERFUL trip - I loved combining a Disney vacation with seeing other parts of the country too. Win-Win!

Tell Willow she did an outstanding job capturing some memorable moments...love the selfies ;) Too bad ya didn't snap a photo of your dinner entertainment :scratchin I love people watching...ya never know what your gonna get :laughing: And apparently you got an eyeful!!
I will tell Willow - I am sure she would have a reply for you here if she wasn't already in bed. :laughing:

It was quite a scene! :eek:

It did!
I knew the movie.
I knew the actor.
I knew the character... but...

I sat there thinking, "Does he refer to himself as Clark W. Griswold Junior?
Or Clark W. Griswold the second?
Wait... or was it the third?

No, pretty sure it's the second.

No, wait. It's Junior, right?
Sure it is.
He says that just before he takes the saucer down the hill in Christmas Vacation.

But does he say "the second" at some time?
Can't recall, for sure.

Let's just put Clark W. Griswold Junior....

It is junior... right?


Oh, Geez....


Heck with it, I'm putting Clark W. Griswold. Period.

So, yup.
Eight minutes.

And now, back to typing away comments.... so far behind...
:rotfl2: I have nothing else to say! :rotfl2:
And right there is my biggest complaint when I do road trips.

Pretty much all our road trips start with a one hour drive south to the Canada/US border.

We can't bring dairy products, fruits or vegetables.

I think probably not meats either. Don't know. Don't wanna risk it.

So bringing food along is restricted to... pre-packaged stuff we can buy cheaper in the States.
Oh yeah, that would NOT be good - I guess if you aren't repeatedly crossing the border, you can stock up after you cross. But from your current TR, it sounds like you sometimes cross the border more than once. Bring on the Cheetohs! :headache:

For whatever reason, this brought back a memory from over 400 years ago when I was about 4.

We were in a church basement, about to watch a movie.

A man I didn't know, asked me if I knew what "that" was and pointed to the blank, white screen.

I don't remember if I answered, but he said, "It's a cow eating grass."

Dramatic pause...

"He ate all the grass so he went home."

I've told that same 'joke' to my kids. And anyone else who's foolish enough to listen.
I may have to borrow this one - I am sure it will get a total "HUH????" face from Miss Willow.


A bride on her way to her wedding is so together that she can stop and chat with a little girl?

Very nice.
No Bridezilla this girl! :goodvibes

Tennis with a rock?

Ooohhh... fun.


So what do I know.

Tennis with a rock?

Apparently fun!
Hey - I was as surprised as you are!

I love those Staples commercials (assuming you have 'em there too) where the kids are dragging their feet down the aisles while their parents are jumping for joy to the tune of "It's the most wonderful time, of the year."

And I so agree with them.
I haven't seen it, but I can totally understand the sentiment. For us, the school year is not that different from the summer as far as routine though - my child is just in a better mood during the summer months! :laughing:

I'm going to go out on a limb and say milk from that cow has a lot of fiber in it.

What are you eating there, Willow?
If she was awake, she might tell you it was a funnel cake. More likely, however, she would say, "Um, Mom, what was that thing again???"

Up here, around the time school starts, if you want a frozen backpack, lunch box and thermos, just leave them outside.

By morning they'll be frozen.
Remind me not to move to Canada.....

And mom sheds a silent tear, right?

I remember when mine were that age.
*sigh* Oh yes....

Still, not a bad looking room. Heck, you had a couch!
(If it's a sofa bed... stay far, far away from it. Trust me.)
It was not a bad place at all - just over-priced.

When we have a sofa bed, Willow gets it. ;)

:eek: I assume the room came with complimentary diamonds sprinkled about?
I was certainly LOOKING for them......

Might I suggest you attempt to drive up the stairs?
Considered that...

Especially not, no, definitely not if it's visible like it looks like yours would be.
Yeah, I think they would be visible to anyone really looking. My dad really pounded that requirement of taking all the luggage in every night when I did my first cross-country road trip. ::yes::


Because if you had, guaranteed that there'd be thick fog so you still couldn't see it.
:rotfl2: You are SO RIGHT!!!! I mean, literally - I'm pretty sure there was a VERY thick fog the next morning.

Should have asked for one for Willow's room.

Right Willow?
If she was awake, I am convinced that she would indeed agree with this.

I love that time.
That's my "aaaaah" time.
Great time to regenerate some energy.
Me too - it just feels so good NOT to be driving!

All you had to do was post that picture.
Would've saved yourself a lot of writing.
Willow is much more succinct than I....

How was it?
Oops! :laughing: It was okay - I have had much better, but it was not bad by any means.

Nothing better than mac 'n cheese... except if it's awful.
Too bad.
Nice of the waitress to bring Willow something else, though.
I thought it was very nice of the server to help Willow out like that. :thumbsup2

Step one.
Too young to dine out apparently.
Parents, get in there and parent for Pete's sake!

True. But not in my house.
No way, no how.
Not in mine either. ::no::

Weird. But maybe something happened that she couldn't change, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.
You make a very good point. I will say, however, that the dirt did not have the look of an accident - more ground-in and stained. Maybe she just didn't have other clothes or something, but they obviously had the money to eat in the restaurant and seemed to be staying at the hotel (which we've established was not cheap :laughing:). So the whole situation was just ODD.

No, no, no, no, no, no!
You do not let your child run free in a restaurant!
And it's not just because it annoys the heck out of everyone else, it's a safety hazzard.
Unless the parents want the server to spill an entire tray of hot food on him.
I know - this kind of thing drives me crazy and gives me anxiety to see!

Don't you just want to leave an extra tip for him?
Sometimes I wish I was rich, just so I could do that.
If I'd found some of those diamonds sprinkled around the room, I totally would have given him some. ::yes::

Thanks for all the posts! :goodvibes
Thanks for reading and joining in! :goodvibes
Next time you are in Lincoln City check out the Sandcastle Motel. It is on the south end of town, and is not fancy. However, it is clean and so close to the ocean you could throw rocks in the water at high tide form your room! I have been staying there since I was about 5 years old and absolutely love it. Plus all the rooms are water front and under $150.
Thanks Lane! Next time we head to Lincoln City, I will definitely check out your recommendation. I really appreciate it! :goodvibes

Looks like a fun trip so far!!!!!!!
Thanks! I finally finished my January TR, so maybe I can actually get some updates moving on here soon! :laughing:

I got a bit behind trying to finish up my TR.
No worries! I know you're busy. Thanks for continuing to join in! :goodvibes

Looks like a last "fun-filled" summer weekend. Love Willow's modeling of all her new fashionable school attire.
It was definitely a good way to end the summer. :goodvibes

Thank the Lord the room is finally ready!
Oh my gosh! I know!!! It felt like we'd been waiting forever. :laughing:

I'm glad they found someone to help you upstairs with all of that stuff in the back of your car.
Me too! I think I might have actually cried if they hadn't been able to help me. :laughing:

How sweet of the waitress to bring a PBJ seeing that Willow was not enjoying her mac and cheese which does not look cheesy at all.
It was SO nice of her - we really appreciated it. ::yes::
I went ahead and asked the nice front-desk person if there might be someone who could help us. She called someone right away, and THAT, my friends, is how we actually ended up with our belongings in our room that night.
I'm glad they were able to help because... wow... :eek:

The room was perfectly fine - nothing special, but clean and everything we needed - your basic decent motel room. In my opinion, the room was over-priced for what it was
You tend to find that in a lot of places. Especially in close proximity to water.

Willow ordered mac and cheese, which she said was awful - no cheese taste at all.
Wow... I mean when you rank the lists of foods that are easy to screw up, Mac and Cheese has got to be pretty far from the top.

When our server saw that she wasn’t eating it, she brought her a PB&J, which made Willow happy and was a very kind thing to do.
Ok, Great save by the server. :thumbsup2

Anyway, after we finished our dinner, we decided to walk back to the room without even checking out the pool! :scared1: Willow put Babe on the included DVD player and watched that before falling asleep shortly after 8. I stayed up later uploading pictures and coordinating with my friend in the Bay Area with whom we would be staying in a few days.
Not a bad end to the day. Sometimes just getting into the hotel room and unwinding a bit is what you really need after a day on the road. :thumbsup2

It did!
I knew the movie.
I knew the actor.
I knew the character... but...

I sat there thinking, "Does he refer to himself as Clark W. Griswold Junior?
Or Clark W. Griswold the second?
Wait... or was it the third?

No, pretty sure it's the second.

No, wait. It's Junior, right?
Sure it is.
He says that just before he takes the saucer down the hill in Christmas Vacation.

But does he say "the second" at some time?
Can't recall, for sure.

Let's just put Clark W. Griswold Junior....

It is junior... right?


Oh, Geez....


Heck with it, I'm putting Clark W. Griswold. Period.

So, yup.
Eight minutes.

And now, back to typing away comments.... so far behind...
Ok, you should get at least a point for completely over thinking it. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

Did you happen to see this picture making its way around the internet this weekend?

Ok, you should get at least a point for completely over thinking it. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Did you happen to see this picture making its way around the internet this weekend?

Point for me? I'm all for it!

And no, I didn't see that pic.
That's pretty funny! :laughing:
I'm glad they were able to help because... wow... :eek:
Me too! I was getting a little worried. :eek:

Wow... I mean when you rank the lists of foods that are easy to screw up, Mac and Cheese has got to be pretty far from the top.
I know! And Willow is generally a big fan of mac and cheese, so I'm thinking it really was pretty bad. :confused3

Ok, Great save by the server. :thumbsup2
It was VERY nice of her. ::yes::

Not a bad end to the day. Sometimes just getting into the hotel room and unwinding a bit is what you really need after a day on the road. :thumbsup2
Definitely true, and this was a pretty long driving day. Thankfully, on the trip down, all the other days were planned to have a lot less driving. Best laid plans and all that, of course...... ;)

Ok, you should get at least a point for completely over thinking it. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

Did you happen to see this picture making its way around the internet this weekend?


Point for me? I'm all for it!

And no, I didn't see that pic.
That's pretty funny! :laughing:
:rotfl2: Love the picture!

If this was a contest for over-thinking, I'm pretty sure pkondz would have already taken the grand prize! :rolleyes1
The Contest: First person to provide the movie title from which the chapter heading comes gets a point; two points if the character who utters the line is also identified. If the first person doesn't name the character, the first poster to do so will get a point.

Current Standings:
Courtney (courtneybelle): 2 points
Jill (jedijill): 6 points

“I don'’t know, he seems kind of hairy and slobbery to me.”

Day 3A - Sunday, 27 July 2014 - Lincoln City, Oregon and down the Coast of Oregon

After our brief stay in Lincoln City, we were up at about 6:30AM. And I was faced with the massive amount of STUFF that had been kindly brought up to our room by a Surftides employee the evening before. I was too stubborn to call the front desk to see if there was someone who could help us, so I made about 243 trips down the tiny, twisty outdoor stairs to haul all of our stuff back down to the car and shove it all back in there.

Please ignore the fact that the woman above is going UP the stairs; picture it in reverse or something.

Despite my extensive morning luggage exercises, we found ourselves back on the road at 7:30 after stopping off at the Surftides front desk to check out and pick up some complimentary coffee with disgusting powdered complimentary creamer. :thumbsup2

Willow: Ewwwwww!

And today, we had some truly spectacular ocean views during our drive. Enough so that I had to pull over a few times to get some non-zoomed-in pictures for you.

Willow was eagerly taking pictures today too. (Reminder: this enthusiasm will not last.)
Some pics Willow took as we zoomed along:

Wow - sorry - Willow got a lot of pics today, and some of them were quite good. I don'’t think she’'d forgive me if I didn'’t share, so just keep scrolling for a couple secs, okay???

Phew! Sorry about that - you'’ll understand why I shared so many when you (very soon) see that she completely stopped taking photos during the car journey. :( Plus, I just LOVE the Pacific coast - I couldn't pick just one or two!:confused3

Willow: *giggle*

Up Next: Day 3A (cont.)
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“I don'’t know, he seems kind of hairy and slobbery to me.” (cont.)

Day 3A (cont.) - Sunday, 27 July 2014 - Lincoln City, Oregon and down the Coast of Oregon

When not taking pictures, we were rocking out with Michael Jackson. Okay, listen, we are big Michael Jackson fans - just deal with it. Hey, at least we weren't listening to Let It Go, a song I have only heard 845.7 million times.

Willow: :rotfl2:

Willow watched a brief bit of a movie, but soon gave up on it - the views and the music were entertaining enough apparently.

Willow: Yay, yay, yay!

Today was not all about driving though; today marked the first day of our trip dedicated to actually doing stuff. I had planned a relatively short drive so that we could stop along the way and enjoy some of the semi-historical roadside attractions that the Pacific Coast has to offer. And by about 9:00AM, we had arrived at our one planned destination for the day - the Sea Lion Caves!

Sea Lion Caves is a privately owned wildlife preserve and bird sanctuary, in existence since 1932. It is the country's largest sea cave and the year-round home to the Steller sea lion.

Because we were here at opening, there was almost no one else around, which was really nice. We were able to park right outside the door to the place. When we departed a short while later, people were parking in the lots across the highway, so getting here early is a good plan for sure!

We went in and purchased our tickets to view the sea lions - $18, I believe. Willow was in picture-taking mode for the moment, having to get a quick pic out the window on the way to the restrooms before we headed out to actually see the views and sea lions.

Soon we were heading out, pausing to take a pic with the sea lion statue, of course.
We headed down the path to the caves, enjoying the incredible ocean views along the way.

The nice people at the Sea Lion Caves had warned us that there would not be a lot of sea lions in the cave at all because it was summer. They were outside, enjoying the "warm" weather. But we wanted to see the caves, and I'm glad we did! First, we took an elevator down 200 feet below into the cave. We carefully avoided any jumping.

And soon we were entering the cave.
We watched a little educational video.
Willow: Which was fun.

We checked out a sea lion skeleton.

Willow: Ooooh, that’s yucky!

And we viewed the few sea lions who were hanging in the cave being unsociable while all their buddies sprawled around outside on the beach.

Willow posed with a sea lion statue again.
And we started up ALL these stairs to see what we could see.
Pretty darn nice view up here!

Up Next: Day 3A (cont.)
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Scuttle in The Little Mermaid

The coast looks stunning....Willow got some great photos!

I feel your pain on hauling the luggage....my parents do the same thing and they don't pack lightly!

Jill in CO
The Little Mermaid; but can't remember who said it

***Dang Jill beat me to it again.

I'll be back tomorrow to read the update. Finishing watching Robin Williams Special and then hitting the sack.


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