Disneyland Reopening Speculation Superthread

If the state makes it a rule, there won't be much Disney can do. Maybe the rule will be "vaccinations required if you want to drop masking and distancing" and then Disney might get some extra time, but we have all seen by now that the rules will be what they will be, and if this indeed becomes state law on June 16, there won't be whole lot Disney will be able to do. You will likely need to change your plans, as will a whole lot of people, unless the state gives a grace period for kids 12-15. Maybe it will be 16+ has to show proof starting June 16, and 12-15 can come a few weeks later.

I just want to point out (and someone I know will correct me if I'm wrong), but I do not believe that ANY of the restrictions have been an actual law. They've been executive orders, guidelines, restrictions, etc, but not a law in terms of going thru the house and senate and being voted on.

If they could do away with masking and the socially distant lines, I'm all for it. Personally, I don't see Disney changing anything before the end of the summer.
So back to SOON with guidelines? HEHE.

I have a 10-11 year old. The other thing would be that you would have to show proof of age, which means you have to get those kids ID's or carry the birth certificate. That seems like WAY too much hassle.

I had the same thought. "Soon"
It's funny because I was just talking about this on another thread a few days back. I'm all for people showing proof before going to Disneyland. It just makes sense.

It would be as easy as being required to scan in your vaccine card to the DL website, which would then attach to your ticket. Similar to how we need a reservation before entering the park. A park ticket for 3-9 year olds would be exempt from this requirement until they are eligible for the vaccine.
Disney World guests are no longer required to wear masks while outdoors starting this Saturday (still must wear masks indoors). Hopefully when the state of California allows Disneyland will adopt the same policy.

Oh me too!! Im sure they'd love to have consistent policies at both parks. But since everything is hindered by yanno, CA policies, I doubt they'd be allowed to.
More thoughts I’ve had this morning on this rumor. Let’s just say it’s true and come June 15th, 12-15 yr olds and their families are screwed. Do you think ascertaining that you’re fully vaccinated, similar to how they’re doing CA residents right now, will be enough or do you really think they’ll have CMs checking vaccination cards and doing the math to figure out the 2 weeks post 2nd (or only) shot? If the idea is they’re doing this to be allowed to go to full capacity, I can only think of the nightmare that would be at the entrance. Full capacity and checking every single person’s vaccination card...
More thoughts I’ve had this morning on this rumor. Let’s just say it’s true and come June 15th, 12-15 yr olds and their families are screwed. Do you think ascertaining that you’re fully vaccinated, similar to how they’re doing CA residents right now, will be enough or do you really think they’ll have CMs checking vaccination cards and doing the math to figure out the 2 weeks post 2nd (or only) shot? If the idea is they’re doing this to be allowed to go to full capacity, I can only think of the nightmare that would be at the entrance. Full capacity and checking every single person’s vaccination card...

It would probably depend on the language the state used. Since they're not even checking CA residency consistently I imagine if they could they'd want to go with having people attest to it when they make their reservation but I don't see that flying with CA guidelines if this becomes a thing.

From what I read Universal has been checking vaccine cards for out of state guests, right? Don't they have to check?

Hopefully it's just a rumor, I imagine Disney is fighting it tooth and nail so maybe it'll get tossed out. It's frustrating to see WDW moving along with such happy progress today (no outdoor masks, plexiglass coming off rides) and DL is still stuck with all these restrictions with maybe more to come. 🙄
It would probably depend on the language the state used. Since they're not even checking CA residency consistently I imagine if they could they'd want to go with having people attest to it when they make their reservation but I don't see that flying with CA guidelines if this becomes a thing.

From what I read Universal has been checking vaccine cards for out of state guests, right? Don't they have to check?

Hopefully it's just a rumor, I imagine Disney is fighting it tooth and nail so maybe it'll get tossed out. It's frustrating to see WDW moving along with such happy progress today (no outdoor masks, plexiglass coming off rides) and DL is still stuck with all these restrictions with maybe more to come. 🙄
Truthfully, I have no idea what Universal has been doing. I’ve selfishly only been worried my own trip 🤣

I know there is no point in getting ahead of myself with all of this...but there is. Do I try to change our dates to before the 15th now? Do I warn my family our trip may be cut short? Do I switch our dates all together?

I just really have a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that Disney will make a decision that will make families cut trips short or cancel trips all together, if they have a choice. And up until this point, the state has worded things as places get extra if they check vaccinations, but it’s not the only option.

I could see them doing it on x date when there is enough notice for people to be able to make sure they can comply. Or that there is the option of masks for those children who can’t be vaccinated. When we’re talking about 12-15 yr olds, they’ll also have to verify age, which means we’ll have to carry birth certificates/passports as well? Otherwise how do they know my 12 yr old is a 12 yr old? They only know he has an adult ticket. Not my situation, but will they accept a doctor’s note for those who medically can’t be vaccinated?

This isn’t directed at you to answer, I’m just really talking out loud. Trying to prepare myself, but also try to figure out logistically how this all would pan out. That 12-15 age group makes things really tricky with this. If there is announcement to be made, I wish the state would just make it. If end of the month is really the date being discussed for an announcement, that short notice seems really unfair. But also, so on par for the last year. Fingers crossed it’s just a rumor!
Response from Disney chat (which as always, grain of salt - especially with something as big as policy):

It is not a policy they have now, but they will need to wait from guidance from the state if any changes are coming. But that it’s important to remember, the state issues advisements and it does not mean Disney will implement them.
Truthfully, I have no idea what Universal has been doing. I’ve selfishly only been worried my own trip 🤣

I know there is no point in getting ahead of myself with all of this...but there is. Do I try to change our dates to before the 15th now? Do I warn my family our trip may be cut short? Do I switch our dates all together?

I just really have a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that Disney will make a decision that will make families cut trips short or cancel trips all together, if they have a choice. And up until this point, the state has worded things as places get extra if they check vaccinations, but it’s not the only option.

I could see them doing it on x date when there is enough notice for people to be able to make sure they can comply. Or that there is the option of masks for those children who can’t be vaccinated. When we’re talking about 12-15 yr olds, they’ll also have to verify age, which means we’ll have to carry birth certificates/passports as well? Otherwise how do they know my 12 yr old is a 12 yr old? They only know he has an adult ticket. Not my situation, but will they accept a doctor’s note for those who medically can’t be vaccinated?

This isn’t directed at you to answer, I’m just really talking out loud. Trying to prepare myself, but also try to figure out logistically how this all would pan out. That 12-15 age group makes things really tricky with this. If there is announcement to be made, I wish the state would just make it. If end of the month is really the date being discussed for an announcement, that short notice seems really unfair. But also, so on par for the last year. Fingers crossed it’s just a rumor!

:grouphug: It's frustrating! I'd be stressed too- I would hope though that if you had to move your trip they'd accommodate you!

I've lost my mind just waiting and waiting and waiting to know if June 15th will be the true go ahead for out of state folks. Seems like if anything happens it will be last minute. But hopefully Newsom says something soon to give people clear answers. "Soon" being the word, right? 😂

I'm sure if it's up to Disney pick restrictions or checking vaccines- they will pick restrictions. Personally, I'd rather show vaccine proof and have a fully open park but I don't think that's what's going to happen. Disney wants nothing to do with checking vaccines. Many businesses don't, no one wants to be the first major one to do it. Look at all the ones that dropped masks yesterday but were like no no no we're not asking for vaccine proof.
:grouphug: It's frustrating! I'd be stressed too- I would hope though that if you had to move your trip they'd accommodate you!

I've lost my mind just waiting and waiting and waiting to know if June 15th will be the true go ahead for out of state folks. Seems like if anything happens it will be last minute. But hopefully Newsom says something soon to give people clear answers. "Soon" being the word, right? 😂

I'm sure if it's up to Disney pick restrictions or checking vaccines- they will pick restrictions. Personally, I'd rather show vaccine proof and have a fully open park but I don't think that's what's going to happen. Disney wants nothing to do with checking vaccines. Many businesses don't, no one wants to be the first major one to do it. Look at all the ones that dropped masks yesterday but were like no no no we're not asking for vaccine proof.
I think the frustrating part to me is that I’ve done all the right things. They will be vaccinated, just not “fully” vaccinated. They got their first dose within two days of being eligible. Our trip falls over this changeover and there is nothing I could have physically done different to have them fully vaccinated on the 15th. No parent could. It is all out of my hands right now and that’s not a feeling I like.
I think the frustrating part to me is that I’ve done all the right things. They will be vaccinated, just not “fully” vaccinated. They got their first dose within two days of being eligible. Our trip falls over this changeover and there is nothing I could have physically done different to have them fully vaccinated on the 15th. No parent could. It is all out of my hands right now and that’s not a feeling I like.

I think it's time to take a deep breath and step back. It's not a done deal yet. This was posted by ONE person with an alleged "source." Remember, the governor has been all gung ho about reopening CA and there is a recall election on the horizon. He isn't going to backslide and all of a sudden agree to impose all sorts of new restrictions after spending the last several weeks saying otherwise. I think this is going to end in a situation very much like we see happening in Orlando right now.
I think it's time to take a deep breath and step back. It's not a done deal yet. This was posted by ONE person with an alleged "source." Remember, the governor has been all gung ho about reopening CA and there is a recall election on the horizon. He isn't going to backslide and all of a sudden agree to impose all sorts of new restrictions after spending the last several weeks saying otherwise. I think this is going to end in a situation very much like we see happening in Orlando right now.
I’m not worked up over it, just frustrated it’s even out there as a thought. Truthfully just talking out loud.

Yesterday there quite a few who thought this could totally happen. I think you even told me I’ll likely have to cancel my trip. I’m just trying to put puzzle pieces together to see HOW it could even all work.
I’m not worked up over it, just frustrated it’s even out there as a thought. Truthfully just talking out loud.

Yesterday there quite a few who thought this could totally happen. I think you even told me I’ll likely have to cancel my trip. I’m just trying to put puzzle pieces together to see HOW it could even all work.

I was "worst case scenario-ing." I really don't think this is going to result in anyone having having to cancel trips. I think IF they put this rule into place by June 16, it will be for 16+. I really suspect that it won't apply to theme parks, though. Just too difficult to comply with. I think Newsom gave a clue last week when he mentioned continued mandates for INDOOR events with lots of out of state and international guests. I see this rule in place for closed venues with ticketed attendees only.
Especially since now scientists are saying plexiglass increases viral spread by limiting air circulation. Disney needs to remove it a.s.a.p.

Definitely safety theater, get rid of it Disney!

Should be interesting going to WDW in late June, will be a much different experience than we had in November. I just hope our Disneyland trip in August is as back to normal. But at this point, I'll just be happy to go and "allowed" in.
I was "worst case scenario-ing." I really don't think this is going to result in anyone having having to cancel trips. I think IF they put this rule into place by June 16, it will be for 16+. I really suspect that it won't apply to theme parks, though. Just too difficult to comply with. I think Newsom gave a clue last week when he mentioned continued mandates for INDOOR events with lots of out of state and international guests. I see this rule in place for closed venues with ticketed attendees only.
I totally agree with you!


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