Disneyland, Universal and other California theme parks can reopen April 1

More news... According to Newsom they're adding a 'green' tier. I'm betting that's gonna be the tier they allow out of state guests to visit but man, I hope I'm wrong. I know everyone keeps saying that's gonna get tossed out but when I see him making comments like this...

"“We are in a completely different place than we were six and eight weeks ago,” Newsom said Wednesday, citing declining case numbers and hospitalizations while also asking people to remain vigilant. “We are still seeing too many lives lost. This disease continues to be deadly. This disease continues to be ubiquitous. It is not taking spring break off. This disease is not going to take the summer off.”"

That doesn't sound like a fella that's gonna lift the travel advisory soon but please prove me wrong!
Hopefully as vaccinations go up, numbers continue to go down, and eventually we'll get to green etc. Baby steps. Two months ago my county was at 3000 cases per day, today things are very different, but I'm ok taking it slow for a little longer to make sure we don’t end upright back at where we were in January. Let’s get kids back in schools etc first.
Let’s get kids back in schools etc first.

I get it, this should absolutely be a priority. My son finally went back in person this month and the difference it's made for all of us is amazing. Things will get better!

I'm planning for a Disneyland Christmas to take the pressure off a bit plus Avengers Campus is a big must for us! I'm guessing they're hoping for a summer or fall opening once things are operating more normal to give the new one the hyped up opening it deserves... at least as normal as what we see WDW doing.
"Newsom said the state on Friday will meet its threshold of administering 2 million Covid-19vaccine doses in low-income, hard-hit communities, triggering a change in the state’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy that will advance Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino counties into the “red” tier of that matrix and clear a path for more businesses to reopen."
He hasn't really done much of anything - and here's why I say that. I took a look at the data for Long Beach (very similar to LA County, maybe a little worse than Orange County). I would use the OC or LA County data but I don't have it. If you project out using an exponential function, we will be under 4 (Orange) on March 17 and under 1 (yellow) on April 9. That is without changing anything - that's the original color chart metric. Disney isn't even talking about opening the parks until the end of April due to staffing. Now, I'll preface this by saying the data could change, we could have a bump, and maybe this helps to KEEP the parks open, but as it stands now, and the data has fit the curve remarkably well, Disneyland would have been open anyway, in the yellow, least restrictive tier. Here's hoping the rumored "green" tier really is a positive change in the criteria.


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