Disneymoon TR . . .starts page 7

Praying for you. My friend had cervical cancer in her 20s. They did the procedure, and she thought she might not be able to carry kids because of it. But, she has two boys. Hope that's not TMI...just wanted you to know that positive stories are common!

That was actually awesome to read because the one fear DF and I have is that I wont be able to carry to term. So yay for a positive story. :cool1:
Can't wait to see the invites. . .I'm sure they will be gorgeous! I just finished mine, so I know how you feel.

I will keep you in my prayers, my dear. :grouphug:pixiedust:pixiedust: Keep us posted.

Thanks so much...I'll be posting an update with news soon. For now I'm going to enjoy the 4th and eat my birthday cake! :goodvibes
WOOO only 60-ish more days to go!:cool1::cool1::cool1:

So obviously we've made some advances. We've gotten ALL of the decor items for both the reception and the ceremony. For only $300. :thumbsup2 I only wish I had remembered my camera the day we picked up tulle. DF was too cute walking around with a 240 yds of that stuff. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Now then on to the fun stuff, first a quick run down. I've purchased each of my bridesmaids a bag personalized (that one is mine), spa items from Bath and Body and all the jewelry for the ceremony including a necklace, earrings, and 4 hairpieces like the ones pictured. (sorry pics are so large) See....





I also got my jewelry. :) I couldnt find anything that I liked until I found this green set. Its a bit different, but I much prefer the idea of color to "typical" silver and pearls. The hairpiece is one of 2...I am bringing them both in for my hair trial in a few weeks and I'll decide then. I'm leaning towards the one pictured. Sorry the pics are so blurry but my camera is really crummy.





So on top of all of this my bachelorette party is in 2 weeks and the bridal shower is on Aug 22nd. My brother is my "man" of honor. So I got him something extra special. :rotfl:

Its sooooo close!!! We are working on invites now so I should be able to have assembled everything for pics by next weekend and have pics up by Sunday evening. Now just to find a better camera. On a more personal note, thank you for the thoughts and well wishes. I do actually have cervical cancer, but we are fighting this & they've already removed all of the visible cancer. I go back for more appointments in August and again after the honeymoon.

Ok back to envelope addressing. Since DF works 6 twelve-hour days a week I am doing all this on my own. Poor hand.:rotfl2:
60 days to go!!!!!!!:banana::cool1::banana::cool1::banana:

and to all the lurkers and those who I appear to have lost, Hello. :)

Yup only 60 more days to go and not even my bum of a bridesmaid can put a damper on this. My bacherlorette party is in two weekends, and its been planned for at least a month and a half. The one BM who has presented me with lots of issues this whole time, well I called just to go Yay we'll see each other soon, and she went and I quote....
"um why?" So I go...uh bachelorette party, in your town, the one I'm driving to...remember???? the response I got was slightly hurtful and if it werent to late it would be the last straw.
"oh. I forgot. Well Dustin (BM's DBF & a groomsman) is coming down. I dont know if I'll make it."

Yea - so thank god for one really awesome college friend BM and a good work buddy who will be joining us. I was just amazed but w/e. I am so over being upset, but I have to say I was still very suprised by her response.

Anyway - the work buddy, she's a wedding photographer on the side and she is gifting me with her wonderful presence on several photo shoots.I'm so excited that I'll get to do the boudoir shoot for DF & she'll be doing all my prep photos so that I dont have to pay the wedding photographer an extra $100 for that. Yay for plans coming together. :goodvibes

I also made the packing list for DF & I for disney, :scared1:, holy cow. GA has this lovely tax-free holiday in July so I thought we could purchase any items we need at that time. Save at least a little $$. Turns out we are not prepared at all. So I think we are going to do a practice packing run just to put it all together this weekend and then make our shopping list. I about fainted when I figured it up, I can only hope I am wrong.

Disneymoon advances
So DF and I have agreed on the following must do items:
1. sea raycers
2. as many rides as we can get our pretty little butts on. :laughing:
3. at least an hour or so at DisneyQuest - probably on our waterpark planned day
4. a carriage ride :lovestruc

The only one I hesitate about is the first one, because I get car sick. Never gotten sick on a boat, but its also been about 8 years since I have been on one. So :confused3 who knows?

Anyway - I think that is about it.

Items I still need to do are:
1. purchase sand ceremony items
2. write vows....:lmao: so far from this its not funny
3. flowers
4. put decor in actual boxes for set-up
5. stuff invites...and take pics
6. not lose my mind :rotfl2::rotfl::rotfl2:

Anyway - off to look at excel spreadsheets. Have a wonderful day everyone!
Yea for 60 days! It will be here before you know it. :banana: :banana: :banana:

I'm sorry to hear about the cervical cancer, I'll keep you in my prayers that everything ends up being okay :hug:

It seems like you are getting a lot done. That is horrible about your BM, I don't understand why people have to be that way. I can't see the pictures of your jewelry at work, but I'm sure it is beautiful!
We did it, we did it!! DF & I FINALLY got all of the invites assembled, stuffed, and ready to go out. I will be uploading pics tomorrow as I have to get them off my darling bro's camera first.

Also - we caved. Today we went out and talked about the cost of a new camera, compared to the photopass CD, and getting each other wedding gifts. Well we went with the new camera. MWAHAHAH. I love it. Here is brand new Canon Powershot SX10 IS. Great for the non-pro camera wielding enthusiast, with amazing night results, and a great up-close focus as well as 20x zoom. Plenty for DF & I to enjoy for the next several years.:goodvibes


It seems like you are getting a lot done. That is horrible about your BM, I don't understand why people have to be that way. I can't see the pictures of your jewelry at work, but I'm sure it is beautiful!

Aww thank you. And I agree, but DF & I talked and we've agreed that any regrets from this wedding will be hers. Not ours. So in only 7 days I'll be off to enjoy my bachelorette party. Now to find a dress!
hey there stranger! i am all caught up!
the invites came out so nice! i think they tie in with everything so nicely

you need to tell me about disneyquest :rotfl2: ive never been but im thinkin DF and I need to hit that up!!

On a personal note-I went through the cervical cancer deal..it was stressful, but stay strong and positive...its amazing how common it is....your in my prayers and i hope that you, like me can be cancer free :thumbsup2
hey there stranger! i am all caught up!
the invites came out so nice! i think they tie in with everything so nicely

you need to tell me about disneyquest :rotfl2: ive never been but im thinkin DF and I need to hit that up!!

On a personal note-I went through the cervical cancer deal..it was stressful, but stay strong and positive...its amazing how common it is....your in my prayers and i hope that you, like me can be cancer free :thumbsup2

:goodvibes YAY for being caught up - I am working yours :thumbsup2

I am half tempted to do Disneyquest, but worried DF wont like it so we'll see. Either way I shall report my heart out!;)

Thanks for the sentiments about cancer - in all techinicallity (sp??) I do indeed have cancer. BUT Its been removed and now we are on watch for any more so we can treat those signs. Either way I go back to the doctor in 2 and a half weeks for more reviews. :cool2:
Well I had my bachelorette party & much fun was had by all. In an effort to avoid um...non-Disney-esque photography on this site, I'll simply say PM me if you want the link & I'll send the info over.

On a high note, only 43 more DAYS!!!!!! Mom & I are doing the florist thing Saturday and then DF & I will be shopping. :cool1: Its tax free weekend on clothes in GA, so we will be hunting the clearance racks for all items summery whilst avoiding sales tax costs. So far we've managed to find nice shirts for him, tanks for me, and then some basics. Oh and shirts for the BM's that will get iron-on "Bridesmaid" designs soon too. :goodvibes

Now then: Question regarding photo moments at Disney....How many of y'all used Disney Photopass vs your own camera? And will Disney photopass people take a pic of you with your own camera? Any help would be greatly appreciated!:):):)
That's so exciting. . .43 days!!

My photographer issues are good, we are hired a new one, sooo excited!

I'm glad that your bachlorette party was a lot o fun! That's awesome about the tax-free day, I miss when I lived in Jersey, they don't tax clothes, shoes, or anything like that, it was a shocker when I moved to AZ because they tax everything out here.

As far as the photopass, I can not say from first hand, but I have read on the boards that the photopass folks can not refuse to take a picture with your camera. You can pre-order the Photopass CD for $99, I know the link is on here and I have it in my e-mail at home, but if you order it after your trip, the new price is $150 (I believe).
Groomsman Gifts!!!

Ok so after much deliberation & prodding, DF FINALLY decided on groomsman gifts. See, his groomsman are as follows: his bro - whom he doesnt talk to all that much, who is preppy & drinks; a great friend - who is a mechanic, redneck as all heck & doesnt drink; a "good" friend who would be kicked out of the wedding if it werent only 39 days away - doesnt drink.

So anyway - this has been cause for much debate. At the mall last weekend he finally made up his mind. :cool1::cool1:
Each groosman is getting a mini red lunch box with an RC cola & some mini moonpies. Plus the following gifts tucked inside:

Best Man & my lil bro (aka "man" of honor) are getting monogramed picture frame cuff links:

The other two groosman are getting .... wait for it....(remember how redneck we are) Beltbuckles!
Great friend is getting superman . . .

Not so great friend gets a Dodge Ram one...

Luckily that takes care of all of our wedding party gifts. Now if only the centerpieces were going oh so nicely. As you may, or may not remember....we were going to do half flower buckets (which are still happening :goodvibes ) and half floating candle vases. Mom and I went out and purchased pretty colored stones, the candles, all the items we might possibly need in order to make these vases happen. We ordered our vases AND our table overlays online. Well two days ago we found out they cancelled the order due to some payment issues & we were welcome to re-order, but they wouldnt arrive until 10-1-09. :scared1::scared1::scared1:

So after some quick debate and creative thinking . . .we decided on using Mason Jars as our "vases." The overlays we found again - on a new site, that can ship them to us by next weekend. :woohoo:So at least we managed to get that done. We also got our flowers taken care of, $500 for everything + delivery. This place is so amazing, she's only charging us $100 for a 3 hour delivery. :thumbsup2

Saturday is my hair trial and formal bridal shoot, so hopefully I'll have those pics up by Sunday. Depends on how fast I can get copies. Either way I'll get pics up of my hair then as I'm taking those. :rotfl:

Lets see, am I forgetting anything? Its getting crazy again - everyone said that if you plan a lot ahead, the month before wont be crazy. They lied! Its the pulling all of the planning together that drives you crazy. The only good thing is, the closer we get, the less fighting DF & I are doing. Some of the stress in the past few months has been crazy, and lately we've just been well :love:.
That's so exciting. . .43 days!!

My photographer issues are good, we are hired a new one, sooo excited!

I'm glad that your bachlorette party was a lot o fun! That's awesome about the tax-free day, I miss when I lived in Jersey, they don't tax clothes, shoes, or anything like that, it was a shocker when I moved to AZ because they tax everything out here.

As far as the photopass, I can not say from first hand, but I have read on the boards that the photopass folks can not refuse to take a picture with your camera. You can pre-order the Photopass CD for $99, I know the link is on here and I have it in my e-mail at home, but if you order it after your trip, the new price is $150 (I believe).

:yay: Yay for finding a new photographer, those are hard to come by!! The tax free weekend was awesome, we got everything we were missing for under $200. That's 8 tanks, pack of shirts for DF, pack of um "undies" for moi, two pairs of shorts for DF, three for me, a purse, two pairs of crocs sandals, two ponchos, and a backpack. Go clearance tax free!

Thanks for the info about photopass, I know some of it - I just dont know if its worth it. I figure at worst we'll get the card & ask them to take our pics with our camera ALWAYS.
atleast its all coming together! i dont think there is ever enough time to plan :rotfl2:

as for photopass...i didnt do it last year..but i plan on it next year...however the photopass people were willing to take the photo with our camera last year..its just a basic point and shoot camera though so it wasnt tooo hard for them to screw up ( believe me they tried ) so i decided next year to do the photo pass cd along with also asking them to take photos with my camera....you can never have to many disney photos!!!!

you must be getting so excited!!!!
That's awesome that everything is coming together. And getting stuff done is always great! It just lifts a bit more weight off your shoulders. Plus a good deal doesn't hurt either :goodvibes

It will be here before you know it!


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