DisneySweetie's Wedding PJ & Disneymoon PreTrippie: UPDATE 12/07 *Backwards Bride :)*

wow aaryn! you've been super busy! love the dress and LOVE LOVE LOVE the shirts! did you order them through disney shopping? or through zazzle? did you create them yourself? i want them!!!

i'm sorry to hear that you're having family drama. weddings make people act weird. you're right though, your wedding is about you, all that's important is that you and df have a fabulous day to a fabulous new start with one another!

I guess technically I went to DisneyShopping and clicked on the create your own t-shirt and that took me to Zazzle. I went through all the Mickey and Minnie art and found the ones that matched the best. Then I chose the name for each to be Bride or Groom. Worked out better than I expected. If you wait for the right Disney coupon, sometimes they work for the Zazzle orders. You should totally order some.
I need help. It's getting a little bit colder here in AZ than I remember it getting last year. That or I've lost my Colorado skin and I'm an whimp to cold now. Either way... I need to decide on a wrap or gloves. Please go back to post #80 on page 6 and look at the photos of me in my dress. Which would work better - gloves or a satin wrap? My BMs each have a satin wrap in their color, so part of me thinks I should get a satin wrap too. But I don't want to be too matchy and I'm really not in love with the idea of a plain white satin wrap. I thought about getting a wrap in light yellow to match the light gold/sand color of DF's vest & tie. But David's Bridal doesn't stock the After Hours "Honey" color, and all the other light yellow and gold colors they have are a bit off. I really like the idea of gloves. I'm just not so sure they go with the look I'm trying to create. My dress is simple and not at all poofy. It's not really a princessy dress. Gloves are more princessy. Plus, I'm also going to have a white flower in my hair which is more gardeny or islandy (yes, I'm making up words left and right). So maybe gloves don't work at all. Maybe I should just forget it. Maybe this is just last minute jitters. We're only going to be truly outside for two hours of photos. The rest of the time will be spent on a tented patio with umbrella heaters. Maybe I should just freeze for the two hours of photos. Aaaaahhhh! Too many maybes. I don't know what to do.
i think a pashmina type wrap would work well with your dress. you could probably get one this time of year to make your fiance's vest/tie...then you could use it after the wedding!
I agree with Caryn. You could also get a fur (or fake fur) wrap to cover just your shoulders. Thats what I'm thinking of doing, but it hasnt gotten below the 70s yet so I'm putting it off :)
Hi Aaryn, I think a fur wrap would go just beautiful with your gown. It would be different than your bridesmaids. I agree that it has gotten cold in Arizona. I live in Scottsdale and I think our temps dropped alot. Your wedding is coming up real soon and Arizona is a beautiful place for a wedding.:santa:
Gah I suck at keeping up and noting.
It's so CLOSE! crazy close. I agree with the others, I def wouldn't do gloves, like you said, too princessy for your dress. I got a fur like wrap from Davids, but I don't think it would go great with your dress either. A pashmina one would work, and I think you could do it in any of your wedding colors, really any color. You can find them fairly cheap and its casual and would look great, and be just enough if you get chilly.
I'm so excited for you, and to see everything come together! I LOVE your black dress too by the way, very cute. And LOVE LOVE the tshirts, I actually have been playing around on disneyshopping, I may try and get us some too, if we can get them in time. too cute.
Your wedding is coming up! Good luck with everything, I'm sure it will be fabulous!
i think a pashmina type wrap would work well with your dress. you could probably get one this time of year to make your fiance's vest/tie...then you could use it after the wedding!

I really am looking everywhere for something that matches. Everything I find that's the right color looks a little too fuzzy to go with my dress. Especially considering the BMs wraps are satin. I might just end up with a plain white satin wrap from DB.

I agree with Caryn. You could also get a fur (or fake fur) wrap to cover just your shoulders. Thats what I'm thinking of doing, but it hasnt gotten below the 70s yet so I'm putting it off :)

I am really not a fur person. Not even faux fur. Don't get me wrong, it totally works for some people, just not me. I've been looking into those bridal capes that don't have fur. They are super expensive, but I might just do it. We'll see.

Hi Aaryn, I think a fur wrap would go just beautiful with your gown. It would be different than your bridesmaids. I agree that it has gotten cold in Arizona. I live in Scottsdale and I think our temps dropped alot. Your wedding is coming up real soon and Arizona is a beautiful place for a wedding.:santa:

It has gotten colder this year than last year right? I'm not crazy. Once the sun is out for awhile, the temps seem to warm up. Maybe I can brave the day without anything. I'll just tell my photographer that I have to stay in the sun.

Gah I suck at keeping up and noting.
It's so CLOSE! crazy close. I agree with the others, I def wouldn't do gloves, like you said, too princessy for your dress. I got a fur like wrap from Davids, but I don't think it would go great with your dress either. A pashmina one would work, and I think you could do it in any of your wedding colors, really any color. You can find them fairly cheap and its casual and would look great, and be just enough if you get chilly.
I'm so excited for you, and to see everything come together! I LOVE your black dress too by the way, very cute. And LOVE LOVE the tshirts, I actually have been playing around on disneyshopping, I may try and get us some too, if we can get them in time. too cute.

It's ok that you've been following behind. Your wedding is practically here. I can't believe you're still posting. I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to see photos. I think I'll go post to your PJ now.

Your wedding is coming up! Good luck with everything, I'm sure it will be fabulous!

Hahaha! I was looking on page 3 or 4 of this forum trying to figure out where my PJ had gone. I haven't done nearly enough updates recently. But you pulled it forward. Thanks for thinking of me.
Almost there….

I cannot believe how fast these past three weeks have gone by. Work has been crazy. I’m trying to finish up all the projects before my time off. That means I’ve been putting in 12-14 hour days. I haven’t really gotten as much done for the wedding as I would like. But there is still time.

I did take a break last week to go see Enchanted. I hope you all have seen it. It’s so adorable! I came out of the theater completely giddy with Disney-ness. We bought the soundtrack right away. “How does she know that you love her….” So good!

Speaking of music - we have finalized the ceremony music.
A few songs for while people are arriving and taking their seats. Any order is fine as long as 'I Do Believe in Faeries' is last.
Orchestral Suite From The Inner Light – Star Trek
Fast Forward – Alan Silvestri (Serendipity Soundtrack)
January Rain – David Gray (Serendipity Soundtrack)
I Do Believe in Faeries - James Newton Howard (Peter Pan 2003 Soundtrack)

Mother Seating:
Mike will seat the mothers before he goes to stand with the pastor.
Happy Ending - Alan Silvestri (The Little Mermaid Soundtrack)

We are having Mike stand at the end with the pastor before the song begins. Then each of the groomsmen will accompany the bridesmaids down the aisle. And I will follow with my dad during the last verse.
Book of Love – Peter Gabriel

The beginning of it is perfect for right after the kiss. And we love this song.
100 Years – Five for Fighting

Reception Intro:
This is the song we want playing when we come back into the reception as Husband & Wife
Come What May - Nicole Kidman & Ewan McGregor (Moulin Rouge Soundtrack)

Cake-cutting Song:
How Sweet It Is – James Taylor

First Dance:
Better Together – Jack Johnson

Parents Dance:
We are combining these. Basically I will dance with my dad and Mike will dance with his Mom for the beginning. Then I will switch to one of my brothers and Mike will switch to his stepmom. I will finish dancing with my other brother.
Somewhere Over The Rainbow / What A Wonderful World - Israel Kamakawiwo'ole

Bouquet Toss:
We are not doing a garter toss.
Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Soundtrack)

Leaving Reception:
Ever Ever After - Carrie Underwood (Enchanted Soundtrack)

Yes, I’m not sure it all fits together, but it all fits us. That’s what matters.

What else? I had my hair trial on Saturday. I totally forgot my camera. So you will all have to wait until I post wedding photos to see it. She did an excellent job. It was exactly what I wanted. Most girls have a “this is the one” moment with their dress. Well, I never had that. Instead, I had that moment with my hair. Hahahaha! I am beginning to think I am a bit of a backwards bride. The girl who’s doing it is totally crazy and fun and I’m excited to have her be a part of my day.

My make-up trial isn’t until Tuesday. But if it’s half as good as my hair trial, I will be thrilled. My mom has decided to get her hair and make-up done. My sister has really short hair, so she will only be getting her make-up done. My bridesmaids told me they preferred to do their own hair and make-up.

Last weekend I took my engagement ring to the jeweler’s to get it replated. Yep, I wear it for everything. That white gold wasn’t so bright anymore. I really want it to perfectly match my wedding band on my wedding day. Bright and shiny. Plus, it’s free, so why not? I put it away for now. I’m not going to wear it again until next week. I have to admit that my hand feels a bit naked without it. Anyway, the jewelers did it while I was waiting. So I looked around a bit. They do that on purpose don’t they? Anyway, I bought Mike his groom’s gift – a stainless steel cross with carbon fiber. The carbon fiber part is pretty neat and so him. I’m excited to give it to him. I made them wrap it in the store so that I couldn’t show him. I have such a hard time waiting to surprise him.


We have submitted our final head count to the caterer and the cake baker (is that what you call them). Getting people to respond to our e-mails, voicemails, and texts was like pulling teeth. I’m telling you, suddenly people who we normally talk to on a regular basis seemed to be avoiding our calls. I felt blacklisted and all because I wanted a simple yes or no. What’s worse? A couple of those people were yes’s. We would have not found out until they showed up next week if we hadn’t hunted them down. Seriously. SERIOUSLY. Oh well. It’s all done now. Well, mostly anyway. We still don’t know if some of them are coming to the other weekend events. But getting a hard head count for the wedding was the most important. For everything else, soft head counts will suffice. Hard and soft head counts? Are those real terms or did I just make those up. Anyway, we’re not getting as many people as we expected. There were people that we thought for sure were coming right from the beginning of our engagement and they have now backed out. It’s ok though. It saves us money and we will get to talk and visit more with the guests that are there.

My photographer had me create a wedding day time line. I thought I would post it here and see what you guys think. We allowed PLENTY of time for photos. So, if start falling behind, we will shave a few minutes off of those times. I figure I’ll print this off on fun paper for the vendors, wedding party, and family members. But I will wait until the day before the wedding in case I need to update it.


I know there is not much time for dancing, but that’s actually how we prefer it. We figure guests can dance during the “margarita hour” if they want.

I called Emitations to ask them about my back-ordered pearl drop earrings. They said they put them in the mail last Friday. I’m hoping that they are there when I get home tonight. I desperately want them to be as good as I imagined. But, I still have a little time to find something else if I need to. Plus, I bought a set of sterling silver earrings for the rehearsal dinner. If worse comes to worse, I can save those for the wedding instead.

We got our marriage license on Tuesday morning. To tell you the truth, it didn’t seem as significant as I thought it would. I kind of expected it to hit me a bit like getting my first driver’s license did. Like a right of passage or something. They didn’t even check our IDs or anything. I had everything with me: birth certificates, social security cards, a couple bills for proof of residence, etc. All she did was ask us to fill out a form, sign another form, and raise our right hand under oath. That didn’t even really feel official. Oh well. Maybe once we sign it next Sunday it will feel more official.

We have a meeting with the pastor tomorrow afternoon. Can you believe that we haven’t finalized this yet? Sure, we have had him scheduled for a while and we’ve had brief counseling sessions. But we haven’t even begun to talk about the ceremony. I guess I’m not looking to be too out of the ordinary when it comes to our vows. I know they are probably supposed to be the most important part, but ours will probably be very traditional. But, who knows? Maybe inspiration will strike.

So, we have finally gotten a few more gifts added to our Disney honeymoon registry. But only like 5 people. But they each contributed a fairly significant amount, so I am grateful. Some stuff has come from our BBB registry, but not much there either. I’m thinking that everyone is going to wait until the last minute. I wish they wouldn’t, but oh well. I’m going to call Disney tomorrow and have them apply the current amount on our honeymoon gift card towards our package. Yes, we have already paid off out package (long ago), but they are supposed to be able to do this. That way you get a refund to your credit card. Has anyone tried this? Anyway, I’m going to do it now because I don’t know how much more we will get. If we get too much and don’t spend it all, I know you can spend it at disneyshopping.com or on your next vacation because it doesn’t expire. But I figure that I would rather not have any left over. If I do it this way and get a refund on part of my package, if I have to pay some cash in WDW, I figure it’s better than having unused funds left on the card. Especially because we cut the wedding budget so close. Does that make sense?

I really can’t wait for our guest book. I’m supposed to be able to pick it up on Tuesday or Wednesday next week. I will definitely post photos then. In the meantime, I need to be on the hunt for a pen or marker to use to sign it. I think lurkyloo had posted the ones she’s using for hers. Hopefully I can find that kind too.

Oh, we chose strawberry vanilla for our cake. I love strawberries. Super yummy!

It’s so close now! I’m super excited and completely overwhelmed. I know it will all get done. I just can’t wait until I can cross work off my list and completely concentrate on the wedding. Oh, and packing for WDW of course!
Aaryn, I'm jealous that you're so close now!!! Your schedule is great! I may have to borrow that idea!
Hi Aaryn! I just wanted to say Congratulations in advance!! I'm off to Orlando to finalize our wedding plans :) I hope you have a great wedding and Disneymoon!!
Hi Aaryn! I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS and I hope that today was everything you ever hoped it'd be! I'm sure it was beautiful! :goodvibes I hope you guys have a great time on your honeymoon!
I read everything today! I can not wait to read all about your wedding day!
Aaryn did you ever post a TR? I don't remember seeing one. I would love to see pics from your wedding day! :bride:


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