"DisneyWar" on the horizon

Sir Thomas More's response to observing that Richard Rich was wearing the chain of office of the Attorney Generalship of Wales after Rich had perjured himself at More's trial for treason.

Richard Rich went on to a very successful life under Henry VIII and Edward VI, dying peacefully at home as the 1st Baron of Leez (?), having served as Lord Chancellor of England - truly one of the most successful 'Suits' of his day.
On the CEO needing creativity, I'm more in line with Crusader. It would be great to have, but really, its not necessary. What IS necessary is an understanding of the importance of true creativity within a company like Disney. Further, an ability to know when to turn the creative people loose, and when to reel them in a bit is crucial. The CEO has to make Disney an environment that is attractive to the top creative people in the industries in which it does business. They then need to be able to work WITH those people, empower them and trust them.

I can honestly say I had no idea where that quote came from, but its essence has certainly been a question in my mind, even in those moments when I find myself wanting to give Iger the benefit of the doubt.

I have to say that of Crusaders "interesting" list of Iger qualifications, I found this one the most entertaining:
the ability to sustain executive stature and be promoted in a hostile environment while overseeing a failed business segment with ABC post-disney

You'll forgive me if I don't assign this a high priority in assessing a candidate's qualifications to be the head of Disney. Granted, he did nicely for himself and his family by not getting fired when he probably should have been, but that doesn't really earn him any points otherwise.

Well, I'm all for quoting Hollywood playwrights when it comes to nobility, honor and principle no matter the consequence. More served his king and served him well at one time. And any martyr who would rather die in defense of the truth and for being right is the purest form of integrity - a true leader.

Here's one historian perspective - (not to venture too far off course)


I think the point is: we all want integrity in a leader. We want to know there's a conscience under that suit. Morality is tough under power.

That line says it all. And you're right Bruce - "be very afraid". The Richards of today are running corporate America. I don't know if Iger fits that profile - I'd like to believe he was that competant foot soldier serving a psuedo-tyrant with the patience of a snail.

You'll forgive me if I don't assign this a high priority in assessing a candidate's qualifications to be the head of Disney. Granted, he did nicely for himself and his family by not getting fired when he probably should have been, but that doesn't really earn him any points otherwise.

Fair enough. That three-second hit list is by no means the end all. There's a lot of Disney tenure to consider. My point in mentioning that one in particular was to say that there's a reason why Iger managed to grow his job under fire. Intelligence.
My point in mentioning that one in particular was to say that there's a reason why Iger managed to grow his job under fire. Intelligence.
I don't disagree, its just that intelligence is lowest common denominator in this situation. For all the hyperbole we throw around, the truth is all of the candidates mentioned are intelligent. Eisner is intelligent.

What you say is true, its just doesn't add anything on either side of the scale.
I read the excerpt in the Wall Street Journal today including the restaurant meeting with Lloyd Braun, and it sure read like a completely one-sided account of that meeting. Iger calls the meeting but then Braun takes complete control and Iger is just (literally) flailing. I don't know what to think of Iger, but I don't buy the story as written there.
From the leaks so far, it reads like petty dime store corporate trash. Who cares if acknowledgements and egos were spurned and cold remarks shot out. It's b:s.

I'm wondering if that's all there is to the Iger portion. I'm guessing the majority of the book to be Eisner related, drawn mainly from the Ovitz trial and other sources.

I don't disagree, its just that intelligence is lowest common denominator in this situation. For all the hyperbole we throw around, the truth is all of the candidates mentioned are intelligent. Eisner is intelligent.

For all the metaphors we use as well...............

Yeah, when you put it that way, it isn't a big deal in and of itself. I should have elaborated. Sure, they're all intelligent. But how did Iger use it? He's smart. He did something to not only avoid the chopping block but gain more authority in the process. He never takes his eye off the ball. There's a reason why he managed to keep his job - there's a reason why he managed to remain a key player with ABC and there's a reason why he now has the nomination for CEO. These are not easily accomplished.
From the leaks so far, it reads like petty dime store corporate trash. Who cares if acknowledgements and egos were spurned and cold remarks shot out. It's b:s.
Interesting take. Let's just see how it plays out.


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