DLR Bathroom Signs- Pics

What a coincidence! I spent time over the weekend creating a collage of my Disneyland bathroom signs to hang in my bathroom! I think they're Imagineering at its finest! Did you spot the ones in Pacific Wharf of the fisherman/woman silhouettes? Her fish is about 3 times the size of the man's fish! Love that one along with the pirate ones on the island and the Space Mtn ones and, well, let's face it, I love them all. Clever and creative.

Next up is a collage of all the trashcans to hang in the laundry area.

Annual pass plus love of photography plus many solo trips leads to odd obsessions!
What a coincidence! I spent time over the weekend creating a collage of my Disneyland bathroom signs to hang in my bathroom! I think they're Imagineering at its finest! Did you spot the ones in Pacific Wharf of the fisherman/woman silhouettes? Her fish is about 3 times the size of the man's fish! Love that one along with the pirate ones on the island and the Space Mtn ones and, well, let's face it, I love them all. Clever and creative.

Next up is a collage of all the trashcans to hang in the laundry area.

Annual pass plus love of photography plus many solo trips leads to odd obsessions!

Ooooo! Please post those Pacific Wharf bathroom pictures here, along with the ones from Pirate's Lair! Do you have them on Photobucket or a similar site? We'd love to see them on this thread!
The pirate's lair one can be found on the front page in my first post. Didn't see the warf one. We just didn't get to that area.

I never thought about hanging them in my bathroom! What a great idea! :thumbsup2

I've only taken the women's bathroom because I would feel a little silly standing in front of the men's bathroom taking pictures!
What a coincidence! I spent time over the weekend creating a collage of my Disneyland bathroom signs to hang in my bathroom! I think they're Imagineering at its finest! Did you spot the ones in Pacific Wharf of the fisherman/woman silhouettes? Her fish is about 3 times the size of the man's fish! Love that one along with the pirate ones on the island and the Space Mtn ones and, well, let's face it, I love them all. Clever and creative.

I love your idea too! Hmm....might have to start taking bathroom sign pics so I can hang them up.
The pirate's lair one can be found on the front page in my first post. Didn't see the warf one. We just didn't get to that area.

I never thought about hanging them in my bathroom! What a great idea! :thumbsup2

I've only taken the women's bathroom because I would feel a little silly standing in front of the men's bathroom taking pictures!

Ah, yes, I remember the Pirate's Lair one now that I go back and look at it. I still want to see the Pacific Wharf sign, so hopefully the PP will post it for us!

This one is from Adventureland last summer. I never posted it. Wish the shadow wasn't there.

This one is from Adventureland last summer. I never posted it. Wish the shadow wasn't there.

Oh, but shadow or no shadow, it's still adorable! You have been keeping this gem from us all this time!!!:rotfl2:

I had this bathroom sign thread stuck in my head when I was at DLR in December. I was looking around at as many bathrooms as I could remember, and mainly just spotted the common ones we already know of. But I am SURE that - unless someone here has been to every single bathroom in DLR - there must be some other hidden gems lurking out there, just waiting to be found. For example, does anyone know if ToonTown has cute bathroom signs somewhere? I would think they must have them.

Believe it or not, one bathroom I encountered in DCA had (gasp) NO cute theming at ALL! :sad: It was just the standard picture of a woman and man that you see on regular bathrooms.:scared1: I couldn't believe they wasted a good opportunity to stick some cute pictures on the doors
For example, does anyone know if ToonTown has cute bathroom signs somewhere? I would think they must have them.

If I recall, the Toontown women's restroom has a picture of Jessica Rabbit wearing some kind of sexy coveralls holding a wrench (because the restrooms are in Goofy's Gas Station), and the men's has Roger Rabbit. :)
If I recall, the Toontown women's restroom has a picture of Jessica Rabbit wearing some kind of sexy coveralls holding a wrench (because the restrooms are in Goofy's Gas Station), and the men's has Roger Rabbit. :)

Oooooo!!!!! Someone has got to have pictures of those somewhere! That would even be worth making a trek to the men's bathroom door to snap a photo! I must see those!
Here are my faves:

It's askew bc I didn't want to stand in the doorway of the men's restroom. :laughing:

Women certainly do things better!
It's funny this came up, because yesterday I was taking a picture of a bathroom sign, the one outside of DL, not terribly exciting, but still it was different. And a little girl saw me and asked why I was taking a picture of that. I asked her if she knew each bathroom sign was different and she and her mom had not noticed so I said for example the one in bugs land had antennas. They didn't know this and were going to watch for them. :rotfl:
Thanks for the bump Sherry!! :) I'm going to have to go through it tonight after work. :) And yes, I'll add mine as well, it's only 1 but it's a neat one for sure!!
:yay: Thank you Jeff for finding this thread!!!! This is from a bathroom in Fantasyland in WDW.




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