Do Many of You Not Take the Kids When Going to Member Cruise?


DIS Veteran
DVC Gold
Jul 23, 2003
I really really want to go to the Member Cruise for 2006. However, DH said that the only way we can go is if the kids don't go because he does not want the kids to be taken out of school, despite our kids are still little. Either that or no one goes.

I remember reading somewhere that the 2005 member cruise had much fewer kids than a normal Disney cruise. Do many people leave their kids home while going to this cruise, or maybe this cruise draws more people without school age kids?
If we get on the ship so does our DD. She will be in 4th grade by then and will have some school work to make up but I think it will be worth it. I can't imagine going on a Disney Cruise without her.
last year was a bad week for kids because it was right after labor day, I think that up north schools start right around labor day and down south they have already started.

Not sure how this years cruise will go.

We did take them out of school for it.

This member cruise had less than 500 children on it (closer to 400) and it was said that a normal cruise has more than 1000, so many parents did leave their children home.

My boys loved the clubs and they received extra attention (if that is even possible :goodvibes ) because their groups were small. It was over Labor Day, so they missed 4 days of school.

2006, all my men are in school (Dh is a new teacher) so I may have to go solo, because I can't take Dh out of school :goodvibes
I'd say take the kids out of school and go! Certainly if they are young (pre-middle school) they really aren't going to miss that much. Pre-arrange it with the teachers and principals - offer to help photocopy any work, etc. Some teachers will even allow the kids to get most of the work done before they even go on the vacation - so there may be little to do when they get back. One week of school missed vs a lifelong memory of a cruise with thier parents? I know once the kids get older - it's a lot harder to miss school - but we pulled ours out for a week when they were in 1st and 2nd grade, and between getting the work done in advance and then doing make-up - there really wasn't any problem at all. The teachers are usually a lot more understanding than you'd think! There's so much for the kids on a Disney Cruise - it'd be a shame not to take them! :flower:


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