Do they have wheelchairs on the Magic?


<font color=6666CC>DIS Veteran<br><font color=CC00
Mar 6, 2002
I may have a teeny bit of a problem here and just wondered if anyone knew if they had wheelchairs on the Magic....just in case my teeny bit of a problem doesn't straighten out by Saturday?

Hey Rae.

I may have a teeny bit of a problem here and just wondered if anyone knew if they had wheelchairs on the Magic....just in case my teeny bit of a problem doesn't straighten out by Saturday?

Oh geez, I hope neither the horse nor Tom threw you...
Neither - although I could make up a whopper of a tale.....
During my active duty days (1970's), I injured my right knee - after several surgeries, treatments, etc, etc, remains very problematic for me - so I must wear a brace and when I am tired or sore, I have a pronounced limp. (Just call me "Chester", Mr. Dillon!)

Anyway, I was helping get something off the ground for my Mom when it started to hurt...very much. Long story made short....I'm sort of not walking or doing anything right now but keeping my leg up and icing it.

Do you want to know my pain threshhold? VERY HIGH.
They heard me all four neighboring states last night.

Yeah, I'm doing the pain killer cocktails right now and if I could kneel (which I can't even do normally), I'd be asking God for a little respite for this coming week!

So enough of my least I have two legs and can afford a cruise.....

Will let you know the answer to my posted thread question when I return.....

Oooh, drugs :teeth:

Rae - they do have wheelchairs as I found out the hard way on our 11/01 cruise. But, I'll tell you, they're hard to push on the carpeted hallways.

Sorry to hear about the knee. I believe Barb (Inkognito) once hurt her knee while on one of their cruises and had to use a wheelchair for the rest of the cruise so yes they have them. I would call and confirm and see if you can "reserve" one.

I know they also have the sand ones with the big wheels on Castaway Cay.

Hope it gets better soon and you won't need it!
Thanks folks - this sure isn't the way I have been thinking about the cruise but it will give a new slant on the same old 7 nighter!

I'll still be rocking with Fidelio but probably not the way I was planning!!!!

Rae - I am sorry to hear that your knee is bothering you! I pray that it will be better soon. Well, at least the shrimp don't have to run from you (and there will be some left for future cruisers)! :p Seriously, have a great cruise. We'll all be thinking of you.

Sarah - that was so funny! You know it was said and is true that humor is the best medicine!!! Thinking of all those people getting to the shrimp before me and then not finding any and hearing "Ohhh, you were so late, ma'am, that we just ran out!"
Okay, that's the stuff nightmares are made of!!!!!!

Knee has improved so I might just need a cane - that way I can be "Daredevil" and wield it dramatically for effect!

Thanks for all the notes and prayers, friends - the show will go on as soon as I remember how to use the video camera!!!!

Love ya's!
Hi Rae.

humor is the best medicine!!!

I agree. Oh well, now you can compare wheelchair notes with Camping Disney...

Wishing you only the best!
It would be nice to have those wheelchair races down the hall with Camping Disney though!!!!! But on second would be harder to get to that shrimp bowl, BD!!!!

Thanks for your wishes - give B a hug from me!

Call DCL directly and the will definitely be able to answer that question directly. I believe though, that I have seen wheel chairs on board with the ship's name on the back.
Thanks! Hopefully, I will be just hobbling around with the cane by then!!!!! But rather be safe than sorry!!!!!


I'm available this week and would be happy to come along and push your wheelchair for you! and I'm really quick at catching shrimp, so you wouldn't have to worry about that! Of course I would have to miss my brother's wedding tomorrow - but hey, priorities, y'know!

Have a wonderful time! I will join on one of these! Warn Andy that it will probably be the big birthday bash!

Your fellow PBFH and Indiana hater!
My son's wedding is 6/19/04 - but I'd miss it in a heartbeat for a cruise!!!!! Yes, priorities!!!!!

Doing much better - probably just caning it for the week!

Take care!!!!!!!!



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