Do you access The DIS while at WDW

Do you access the DIS while at WDW

  • We stay active on the DIS even when at WDW

  • We can check once in awhile, but not as often as when at home

  • We travel with a laptop, but don't have any way to access the DIS from WDW

  • We're completely out of touch with the DIS while at WDW and have days/weeks worth of threads to go t

  • We don't have access while at WDW, but will check the latest threads when we get home

  • Other: Something different than any of the above. (Add Comments)

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<font color="blue">DVC-Operations<br>DVC-Planning<
Nov 19, 2000
I've noticed a number of posters indicate they're at WDW right now while accessing the DIS.

While we take our laptop with us, we don't have a local phone number to call so we can't access the DIS while at WDW.

So where do you fit?
I usually travel with a laptop. I use it primarily to keep track of e-mail at home. I separate myself completely from work! I had just found the DIS boards when I was last at WDW so I did check them but didn't spend a lot of time online for either e-mail or DIS. I have also used the terminals at Epcot and DQ to access the Internet.
We usually travel with the laptop and it just depends on how tired I am at night if I log in or not. ;) I miss reading the boards so I try to check in at least once during a trip! :cool:
I'd never even think of accessing the internet while at WDW! ;)

(Of course, while I'm at WDW, I rarely do much thinking- so I just plug in the 'ol laptop and log on!......but I'd usually probably maybe not check this board more than about 3 times a day....give or take.)
I usually travel with a laptop, and am fortunate enough to have local dial in numbers in most major cities, so I check DIS daily when at DVC.
We always have our laptop with us when we visit. During our December trip, I visited the DIS a few times and had posted some info about our trip, but our last visit a couple of weeks ago, I didn't come to this site at all. I guess it depends on how much time we actually spend in our room.
I usually check the boards as we are heading out the door for our trip. The first thing I check when we get back is any new threads! I will be without the boards for 2 weeks this summer!!!!!!! OUCH!

Maybe I'll try to access from Epcot this summer!!!!
I'm finally getting a laptop today!

I imagine I'll be logging on to check up on things and perhaps post a few pictures.

6 days...
Hi Bill,

Since we do not have a laptop, we cannot check the threads while at WDW. However, as soon as I got back this morning, I went right to this board to see what was happening!! Enjoyed chatting with you and Peg last Wed. Doc, too!!:D
My DH travels with his business computer (Air Force), and he's not allowed to access leisure sites on it. So, while I was at Disney Quest, I signed on and went through the threads.
I usually check in once each trip at DisneyQuest. My DH refuses to bring his laptop on vacation...stinker. :mad:

It was funny last trip (Nov '00). While at DQ checking in, there was a thread posted on the CB asking if anyone had looked into DVC, and decided NOT to do it. We already had an appointment scheduled for later that day with a DVC guide! It was very unnerving to read the responses, particularly when I was a real novice at that point about the whole DVC program.

We did purchase 2 days later, but canceled and bought a BWV resale. And we're delighted. :D
The very last thing I want to do on vacation is log onto the computer. I check everything when I get home.
I'd be tempted to do something truely work....if we took a laptop to WDW. So we stay as far away from the web and computers as possible. No cell phones or beepers if we can avoid it too.
I have never done this in the past, or even thought about it. But next trip (mid-July), we will take a laptop. I still need to find a free dial-up service (any suggestions, Doc and others?) so we can keep up with the DIS. As busy as we are, I think I can probably find time to check up on this forum to see what's on peoples' minds. I used to say that I didn't want to have a laptop along on vacation, but this was both a security concern (since reduced because of feedback here from others who take laptops along and even leave them out in their rooms) and the fact that I work with this technology everyday and may want to avoid it when on vacation. In practice, the DIS and this forum are a form of recreation which just happens to use some of the same technology I work with every day. In fact, I am currently sitting in the den with music playing and composing this on my new laptop.



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