Do you get the chills?

:sad2: I’m getting teary eyed just reading your replies…

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me too!!! I gotta find another thread!!!:lmao:
Count me in as a sentimental fool...

And when my kids put in the soundtrack to Tapestry of Nations I become a bawling mess!!:hug:
We don't have cable, so I miss out on all the travel channel specials! But if I need to cheer up, I'll listen to Disney music. The theme music from the Main Street Electrical Parade is the best! (I grew up with it!) If I need a serious mood-improvement, I'll watch the vacation planning DVD. It almost always makes me get a bit teary-eyed! I can't help it! I have so many great memories of Disney! Here's to making a whole lot more!

We do have cable, but since we found out that we are going to Disney World, my kids and I listen to Disney's Greatest Hits every day to and from school, work, etc. I'm a single mom, working full time, going back to school and raising 2 wonderful boys. I never thought i would have this chance and i have to tell you when I hear Its a Small World and realize that I'm going to be on that ride with my kids...well i alomst have to pull over cause i get so choked up.

I dont need to win YOAMD to make the trip any better....this entire thing is a once in a lifetime opportunity for us, thanks to my parents, and I cant even put in worlds how happy that Disney music makes me everyday!!!!!!
I love the commercials too....I do get chill bumps....LOL! A few days after we returned from our last trip we were sitting watching tv and the commercial came on with the mom typing and the hooves.....totally made me tear up because I was sad that our vacation was already over :sad1:

Does anyone else log onto the wdw website just to listen to the music there? LOL...I have to admit that I do...:rotfl: :rotfl2:
Absolutely positively!!!!!!!!!

My favorite is the one where the little boy can not sleep because he
is too excited. Then they show the parents in bed and the Dad can not sleep
because he is too excited too.
I am just a big kid. I still have problems sleeping on Christmas Eve and I bought
90% of the gifts under the tree.

This is my favourite one too. Gives me the chills everytime. Just reminds me of our husband, he couldn't sleep the night before our last trip but the kids were sound asleep:rotfl:
I don't usually get chills... but i do cry haha.
it's a good thing my family has never seen me do it because they already think i have a problem. :)
Wow, I feel better knowing that I'm not alone crying at the commercials. I cry when I see the castle, at Wishes when Tink exits and when we are leaving to come home. I am just a walking puddle of emotions. My husband just smiles at me.
The comercials they show in the UK don't seem to be the type to pull on your heartstrings like the ones you describe!

Does anyone know if you can see them on the internet?

From the descriptions I'm sure I'll be welling up in no time :sad1:
Not only the commercials do i miss my home, but when my Dh and I watch Extreme Home Makeover everytime they say they are going to disney and the family starts to scream my husband and I screen too
About a month ago, DS12 and I were watching TV and the commercial with the carriage and ponies came on. We looked at each other and started BAWLING because we knew we weren't going to be able to go this year. We haven't missed a year since 2002. I know, we're spoiled. Some people NEVER get to go to Disney, or only go once in a lifetime. I won't go into all the details of why we are so emotionally attached, but we just couldn't believe we weren't going. It was very sad.

After that incident, I did everything I could to arrange a trip--even a short one. Then they announced the free dining thing (never done that before!) and that was it. I was convinced we could find a way--and we did!!! Now when we see the commercial, it's "tears of joy" knowing that in 99 days, OUR dreams are going to come true (again)!!!
Not so much the chills as a longing to go back--like serious heartache. And we just returned less than a month and a half ago. Yes, the tears flow seeing the Castle and during Wishes. Watching our trip CD's helps a little, but OMG how did we become so hooked?!? Even DH has become a fanatic. Wish we had $$$$ to go every year, but every few will have to do (for now). We're lucky we get to go at all. Any of you with older kids,high school or College age, do your kids ever not want to go? Mine are still young, have no choice, and ABSOLUTELY love every minute of everything and anything Disney. Does too much wear it out?
I get antsy while waiting for the days to pass until my next trip
Love the "too excited to sleep" one....but I am hooked on the $1600 family of 4 one. I can hear those little pony hooves on the TV from miles away!!! :happytv: Pony hooves on concrete.....:thumbsup2

this one is our favorite. my ds is 6 and he calls it "boy and horse running"!!! i can hear it right now. my son just gets so excited. we will have put him to bed for the night and if the tv is on in our room and he hears it, he yells out....."boy and horse running. where's mommy?" because he know i burst into tears everytime i see it! because i know it won't be like that forever. someday he will be grown up and won't care about the disney commercials like he does now!

I love the commercials too....I do get chill bumps....LOL! A few days after we returned from our last trip we were sitting watching tv and the commercial came on with the mom typing and the hooves.....totally made me tear up because I was sad that our vacation was already over :sad1:

Does anyone else log onto the wdw website just to listen to the music there? LOL...I have to admit that I do...:rotfl: :rotfl2:

i do log on to the website just to hear the music! totally guilty of this!
DEFINATLY!! so glad i'm not the only one!! DH and i will stop doing whatever we are doing, then slowly look at eachother with big "goofy" smiles on and whisper "i can't wait"......then the jig comes :banana: oh how we love it
I booked our trip for September I cry every time I see the parent/kid commercial. In fact my DH, the big tough guy, gets a little misty when he sees it. Can't wait to share it with our kids! OOOH, here they come, goosebumps are back!
Any of you with older kids,high school or College age, do your kids ever not want to go? Mine are still young, have no choice, and ABSOLUTELY love every minute of everything and anything Disney. Does too much wear it out?

We're going this summer with my DS (who will be 16 in a couple weeks!) and we're taking one of his close friends. Do I worry that this will be our last trip with him? Never. He's hooked, and although someday it may be a long time before we all go together again, I know that when he gets married and has my grandkids, we'll make it back there again. I look forward to one day seeing those little sparkling eyes grow bigger at the wonder that is Disney World! There's nothing like watching a child experience Disney for the first time.

Oh, and as far as the commercials, I had to buy the CD (Peter Pan by James Newton Howard song titled "Learning to Fly") that the YOMD music is on - so now it's on my mp3 and I listen to it in the car, at work, on the computer....

(sigh) my name is xxx and I'm a Disneyaholic.
What about one the old commercials from the mid 1990’s where the clouds form the cruise ship and Mickey? You can see it on by searching Disney commercials under the video tab.

I'm glad that everyone is having fun with this thread!!


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