Does David's tell you if the renter cancels?

Its possible that the merchant knew it would lose and didn’t dispute. This broker has put out information thst they believe the contract is void and there seems to be reports of not paying owners the 30% that was held for reservations during resort closures.

If David's isn't going to dispute then why not just give the renter a full refund and not take the hit and fees of a chargeback?
If David's isn't going to dispute then why not just give the renter a full refund and not take the hit and fees of a chargeback?

I can’t answer that, but maybe not all renters will go that route. Some are being rescheduled. Maybe they did try to dispute and lost. Just because a vendor has. 30 days doesn’t mean they take it.
I contacted Dave’s about my Aulani rental May 2nd told them the state of Hawaii is not taking leisure travel - they stated they are following Disney March 31 guide I replied again and they more forcefully told me the same
As far as I am concerned Dave’s does not seem to care to handle his clients and I wish I could contact the Owner as I do not wish for them to be left out with their points
I stated I wanted to rebook but if you will not deal with me and I can’t go per government mandate in Hawaii I am left with no choice but to recoup my money
Via a credit card dispute
Now I also have points rented out with a check in date of 4/4 per Orange County mandate they will not be able to go - again I contacted Dave’s and again he goes not care - but I have their contact info and plan on contacting the renter to inquire what they would like to do
I find it beyond my comprehension the behavior that Dave’s rental is exhibiting and I for one will never use them again as a renter or renting nor will I recommend them if they survive this horrible mess that NONE of us created - no one should be left holding the bag in this -
DVC should step up and make owners whole
Owners should assist renters - PERIOD
Renters need to be flexible the best they can
Dave’s should NOT expect to keep his commission should not put blame on Owners and should be stepping up to be a decent respectable business to do good by all.
FWIW- I think we are losing site of the main thing here - we are all in this together like it it not - we didn’t create it but we need to make the best of it - ask yourself if it was you how would you want to be treated ? Then kindly gently nut sternly urge these business to do the right thing - if that involves the state Attorney General -BBB etc then involve them advocate for what is fair and right by everyone no one stands to win but we all stand to lose
Please keep in mind so many people have lost their jobs or their hours have been drastically cut back - their lives have changed and they need to change their plans
I contacted Dave’s about my Aulani rental May 2nd told them the state of Hawaii is not taking leisure travel - they stated they are following Disney March 31 guide I replied again and they more forcefully told me the same
As far as I am concerned Dave’s does not seem to care to handle his clients and I wish I could contact the Owner as I do not wish for them to be left out with their points
I stated I wanted to rebook but if you will not deal with me and I can’t go per government mandate in Hawaii I am left with no choice but to recoup my money
Via a credit card dispute
Now I also have points rented out with a check in date of 4/4 per Orange County mandate they will not be able to go - again I contacted Dave’s and again he goes not care - but I have their contact info and plan on contacting the renter to inquire what they would like to do
I find it beyond my comprehension the behavior that Dave’s rental is exhibiting and I for one will never use them again as a renter or renting nor will I recommend them if they survive this horrible mess that NONE of us created - no one should be left holding the bag in this -
DVC should step up and make owners whole
Owners should assist renters - PERIOD
Renters need to be flexible the best they can
Dave’s should NOT expect to keep his commission should not put blame on Owners and should be stepping up to be a decent respectable business to do good by all.
FWIW- I think we are losing site of the main thing here - we are all in this together like it it not - we didn’t create it but we need to make the best of it - ask yourself if it was you how would you want to be treated ? Then kindly gently nut sternly urge these business to do the right thing - if that involves the state Attorney General -BBB etc then involve them advocate for what is fair and right by everyone no one stands to win but we all stand to lose
Please keep in mind so many people have lost their jobs or their hours have been drastically cut back - their lives have changed and they need to change their plans
So, did they not allow you to reschedule your Aulani trip or were you asking for a refund? I would gladly reschedule and forego a refund (although at this point a refund would make me feel a whole lot better since who knows what will happen for the rest of the year). Others on the board told me I ought to contact David's ASAP for my travel starting on April 18th but that's also outside of that March 31st window.
I contacted Dave’s about my Aulani rental May 2nd told them the state of Hawaii is not taking leisure travel - they stated they are following Disney March 31 guide I replied again and they more force -snip-
DVC should step up and make owners whole
Owners should assist renters - PERIOD
Renters need to be flexible the best they can
Dave’s should NOT expect to keep his commission should not put blame on Owners and should be stepping up to be a decent respectable business to do good by all.
FWIW- I think we are losing site of the main thing here - we are all in this together like it it not - we didn’t create it but we need to make the best of it - ask yourself if it was you how would you want to be treated ? Then kindly gently nut sternly urge these business to do the right thing - if that involves the state Attorney General -BBB etc then involve them advocate for what is fair and right by everyone no one stands to win but we all stand to lose
Please keep in mind so many people have lost their jobs or their hours have been drastically cut back - their lives have changed and they need to change their plans

This is not going to be popular, but you are forgetting that not all of us owners are renters. Why, as an owner, should I be responsible because some member got together with a broker to rent a few points, and things went wrong? That is not part of my problem.

The DVC contract allows a minimum amount of renting by owners but does not support it.

Brokers, owners and renters get together at their own risk.
I asked to reschedule - they won't even consider anything because Disney is only closed thru March 31 - I informed them of the Hawaii travel ban and they don't care.
I asked to reschedule - they won't even consider anything because Disney is only closed thru March 31 - I informed them of the Hawaii travel ban and they don't care.
Let's hope then that Aulani closes like the rest of the island so people will actually be able to reschedule. Why would they want to stay open when nothing else is and people are being forced into quarantine? Not going to make a lot of money that way for sure.
I contacted Dave’s about my Aulani rental May 2nd told them the state of Hawaii is not taking leisure travel - they stated they are following Disney March 31 guide I replied again and they more forcefully told me the same
As far as I am concerned Dave’s does not seem to care to handle his clients and I wish I could contact the Owner as I do not wish for them to be left out with their points
I stated I wanted to rebook but if you will not deal with me and I can’t go per government mandate in Hawaii I am left with no choice but to recoup my money
Via a credit card dispute
Now I also have points rented out with a check in date of 4/4 per Orange County mandate they will not be able to go - again I contacted Dave’s and again he goes not care - but I have their contact info and plan on contacting the renter to inquire what they would like to do
I find it beyond my comprehension the behavior that Dave’s rental is exhibiting and I for one will never use them again as a renter or renting nor will I recommend them if they survive this horrible mess that NONE of us created - no one should be left holding the bag in this -
DVC should step up and make owners whole
Owners should assist renters - PERIOD
Renters need to be flexible the best they can
Dave’s should NOT expect to keep his commission should not put blame on Owners and should be stepping up to be a decent respectable business to do good by all.
FWIW- I think we are losing site of the main thing here - we are all in this together like it it not - we didn’t create it but we need to make the best of it - ask yourself if it was you how would you want to be treated ? Then kindly gently nut sternly urge these business to do the right thing - if that involves the state Attorney General -BBB etc then involve them advocate for what is fair and right by everyone no one stands to win but we all stand to lose
Please keep in mind so many people have lost their jobs or their hours have been drastically cut back - their lives have changed and they need to change their plans

My only comment again is a DVC is us, the owners. Any making whole of members caught up in this crisis will have to be accommodated in the system and will impact the membership as a whole since it now appears that it will last longer than two weeks...not that we expected not to.but the Orange County order confirms it,

DVCM will make whatever decisions they need to to fulfill one of the most important aspects of their job and that is to create a system that works long term. They obviously believe right now they can handle the rule change regarding borrowed points. They obviously have yet to find a rule change thst will allow them to deal with banked points or points beyond deadline.
I asked to reschedule - they won't even consider anything because Disney is only closed thru March 31 - I informed them of the Hawaii travel ban and they don't care.
I had this same response. I was looking to reschedule a reservation that starts on April 26th because I saw the Hawaii information and they won't even attempt to reschedule me at this point because Aulani isn't closed for those dates. I felt like it would be easier on them if I just went ahead and offered to reschedule, but was a little surprised by the response. They were nice about it, but I was basically told at this time we won't even deal with it.
I read they are not allowing In coming flights so if Aulani would stay open how am I to get there to be told to go home ?? I can’t go plain and simple and I really wanted to go
I am not just stating to make renters whole there are also people who had vacations booked - I am sure a lot of them were on points about to expire - No One will come out in this on the winning side - Everyone will lose - I am Not trying to fight and argue with anyone - I respect your opinion and thank you for stating it. We are learn when we all share.
I asked to reschedule - they won't even consider anything because Disney is only closed thru March 31 - I informed them of the Hawaii travel ban and they don't care.

Isn't it more the case they are overwhelmed dealing with the cases up to 31st March and will get to the rest once done?
I read they are not allowing In coming flights so if Aulani would stay open how am I to get there to be told to go home ?? I can’t go plain and simple and I really wanted to go

I think your case is one that is going to be a tough one because as long as the resort is open, the reservation is there and it would fall under the no refunds clause.

But, there is still a chance that Disney will choose to close it and then I think they will reach out to reschedule. I would guess they don’t want to offer that unless they have to.
I hear what you are saying but again - if no flights are allowed into Hawaii - How am I to get to Aulani to check in for a vacation that the state of Hawaii is NOT allowing and will send you home? This makes no sense to me - I can't do this if the resort was open or not - It is Not that I don't want to or changed my mind - It was changed for me by forces out of my control - I have no say so in this. Just like the fact that Orange County has stated a stay at home - they are forcing people to Not be able to take their vacations if Disney wants them to or not. I do not care to be charged with a fine of up to $5,000 just to try and take a vacation. Common Sense needs to kick in at some point in time I would think.. Or maybe I am just wrong.
Given all this, what are your thoughts on the CC companies for reversing the charge? Do you think that says anything?

I've been involved in e-commerce for 40 years, long before there was an Internet. It has been a long held practice of CC companies to side with their customer and freely return funds. What you may not realize is that the contract the CC companies have with the clearing houses, and the clearing houses with the banks, and the banks with the processors, and the processors with the merchants is that when a charge back is made, the money flows right out of the merchant's bank account immediately. The merchant finds out about it when they check their bank statement, receives a request to provide information on the transaction, or through electronic means.

It really says nothing about the legal aspects of the case.
That's the flaw in your argument. The points have no value to begin with - and DVC has already stated that they have plans to address owners with points near expiration. So in this situation, you expect the owner to come out with money in the pocket and points in the bank, while everyone else ends up being liable?

The points legally have no value, but the owner and the broker agreed to a price for them of $14.50 per point.

DVC has not made any statement about expiring points other than that the banking rules (specifically the rule about banking twice) are unchanged. Where did you hear that they were going to allow banking of already banked points? DVC allowed a *few* owners to bank past the deadline in the first few days, but abruptly halted the practice. I don't know if they have restarted it or not.

DVC owners, in general, feel as bad about this as the renters. If you read this thread and others, you will see that owners have tried to work with the broker and the renters to find new reservations. However, this is really a difficult process, complicated by the fact that busy season for DVC starts in September and runs through January, with very, very few rooms anywhere. It's just not reasonable to assume that a renter can obtain a new reservation on their selected dates, and that the owner will be able to supply the points for those dates due to points expiring. Should the owner, who has lost use of these points, be the one to solely bear the burden caused by the broker not spelling out what happens in Force Majeure? Not legally, at least in the US.
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This is inaccurate. Time limit is typically 120 days from when the transaction was made OR when the cardholder expected to receive the services.

The actual time limit is based upon the member bank, up to the limit of the clearing house. I believe Visa/Mastercard allow 9 months, but most banks only allow 4.
The actual time limit is based upon the member bank, up to the limit of the clearing house. I believe Visa/Mastercard allow 9 months, but most banks only allow 4.
So some renters will avail themselves of this option but it won’t be avail for all.
I'd be interested to see if renters or David's did take this to court, even small claims court, could the court put a lien on the timeshare deed. I know creditors and contractors can. Just not sure if it could be applied by a court order.

I hear what you are saying but again - if no flights are allowed into Hawaii - How am I to get to Aulani to check in for a vacation that the state of Hawaii is NOT allowing and will send you home? This makes no sense to me - I can't do this if the resort was open or not - It is Not that I don't want to or changed my mind - It was changed for me by forces out of my control - I have no say so in this. Just like the fact that Orange County has stated a stay at home - they are forcing people to Not be able to take their vacations if Disney wants them to or not. I do not care to be charged with a fine of up to $5,000 just to try and take a vacation. Common Sense needs to kick in at some point in time I would think.. Or maybe I am just wrong.

They will extend the resort closure as long as the flight restrictions are in place. There is no reason for Disney to open the resort if people can't get there.


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