"Don't forget a picture of the food!" Updated 8/16! A Fall TR!

that's cool that they just recognized you as big fans and moved you up to the VIP seats - little things like that I think go a long way. Sorry you got the shorter version of the show though - it probably was due to still beinging wet

I think there is still debate among the rumor community if the Indy Show will stay or not. The latest I heard was it was being closed to put in the Indy ride they have at Disneyland, but that doesn't seem to make much sense to me. That is near where Star Wars land is supposed to go so I could see it going away for something Star Wars related though

I too am bummed about the Animation Building closing - hopefully a lot of that gets moved to another location. The drawing classes were pretty popular and they need somewhere to have character meets. I have heard now they are going to have the Hiro and Baymax meets at a new location in the future and that Baymax will have some change/upgrade to him from the previous meets ... guess we shall see, we never where there while they were meeting and would like to meet them at some point

Ugh, that is crazy rain. I get that a quick storm is going to happen in Florida, but rain like that is no fun. At least the girls slept through the worst of it and weren't trying to run in the rain or anything. Glad you had a good meal at Sci-Fi - definitely know what you mean about a toddler that wants to move around... often just having food there helps, but interesting theory about the dim lighting helping that some as well.
We did Sci-Fi our first trip and then wanted to do 50's Prime Time our 2nd trip. Our server at Prime Time was an adequate server. We saw lots of other servers in the role. Ours was not. The kids missed doing Sci-Fi.

VIP treatment. Very nice. All your hard work on the shirts are paying off.

What can I say about the rain. Luckily, we didn't get poured on at Hollywood Studios. We did get poured on at Magic Kingdom, lots. We camped out at Train Station, on the front porch near talking Mickey. We huddled under a kiosk near Haunted Mansion with 7 other strangers. The most fun was hanging out with the DVC CMs.

I wanted to see Muppets so badly and it was closed our first trip. So, when we went to California Adventure, I made the kids go with me to see it. It was totally skippable. I am glad I saw it, just so I don't feel I was missing anything, but it does need to be updated.

We have only been on the GMR once and we got the Cowboy Scene. My kids didn't want to ride it a 2nd time.

We had the cupcakes at Starring Roles, but it was at park opening. We had just gotten to WDW after a long overnight flight, where none of us got any sleep. Getting the bags situated at POP and then making it to Hollywood Studios was kind of stressful. So, having said that, my cupcake tasted amazing. Later on in the trip, not as good. I had the Olaf, the kids had the Anna and Elsa and didn't really care for theirs. I didn't really care if they liked them or not at that point, I was happy with mine.
Oh wow that rain sounded crazy, DHS definitely needs some more undercover places to shelter!

I'm glad you had a great meal at Sci Fi and I've never really thought about the lack of child noise in there before but you're right it's nice and calming :)
Off we went to our next must do, the Indiana Jones Stunt Show.. we had heard the rumor that this might be closing soon, so the hubs reeeeeeaaaaaalllllly wanted to get it in again, of course it is still open as of now, so who knows??

The rumors persist. I recently heard they're doing away with the show BUT will be bringing in a ride similar to the one in DL.

P.S. I am so sad to hear of its closing, and to know they are not moving Baymax and we probably won't get to meet him!! :sad:

I'm so sad about this too! We will miss it when we go in September.

, at this point flat-as-a-board flip flops were far better than soaked feet.

Gross. And it seems like evn having a fresh pair of socks just doesn't help when your feet are soaked through.

we decided to hurry and book it over to the Muppets area. We made it and woke the girls up.

Good thing! I hear this will be gone soon too!
The rumors persist. I recently heard they're doing away with the show BUT will be bringing in a ride similar to the one in DL.
I would LOVE that. It is my favorite ride at Disneyland!

Sounds like a LOT of rain! The girls look so sweet sleeping snugly in their stroller. They are such darling girls!
That is awesome that you got moved to the VIP seats for the Indy show! Those cute shirts definitely paid off!!
Sci fi is pretty fun. Looks like your food was better than ours when we went in 2010. I may just have to try it again sometime.
We didn't know at the time that this would be our last time seeing the hat! :eek:


This was the same for us - I'm glad we got to see the hat but I had no idea it would be our first and last time! Excited to see what it looks like now!

LOL... honestly we would have been fine in the back, but its still SO FUN to get pixie dusted in Disney, so off we went to our very close seats!! We were in a roped off section that is maybe for FP? Do they do FP here?? I don't know, but who cares, we were VIPS!

Very cool VIP treatment!

But sadly I did very bad at documenting this for some reason. I am pretty sure I was just to busy holding Maddie and dancing. All I have is this photo as proof we were there..

I think I took just 2-3 pictures from the Disney Junior show! There is so much going on and having a toddler to wrangle makes it hard to take pictures!

It was pretty miserable, but we stood and ate our pretzels, and then left some for the girls when they woke up, as the rain had apparently lulled them to sleep.

That does sound pretty awful...but a Mickey pretzels makes it just a little more magical!

Alright, here is where I need to BRAG on Sci Fi, I looooooooooove this place. It was like a dream for a mom of a toddler.

This is so good to hear! We're eating here for the first time in November and I'm really excited!
Gah! I don't know why I have not been getting alerts to updates on this threat as I have it watched!!

Animal Kingdom! I agree it is the most beautiful park. You can just get lost looking at all the details! Boo to awkward character greeting though with M&M. But I suppose it happens and really, what could top the wonderful talking Mickey meet and greet!

Boo to getting rained out in HS and mostly missing Jedi Academy. But its nice that they still managed to do something. Good call on picking up some flip flops and not subjecting your feet to more soggy shoes! I think our next trip I'll consider bringing flips flops in the bag if there is lots of rain in the forecast.

Also yay for getting recognized! That's pretty cool!
Just now joining in. I did a search on "Hanson" in the forums and found your blog! Me and my family (including my two small children - DD - 4 and DS - 2) will be headed to Disney in November and it just happened to be an amazing twist of fate that Hanson was announced a month or so after we booked! So stinkin' excited! I too am a Hanson fan for life! Haven't caught up on all of your posts yet - but I plan to to get ideas!
Sci Fi looks so cool. When our youngest is out of a high chair I really want to eat there!! Was Maddie in a booster?

I believe Maddie was in a booster! Really fun place to eat, Im sure youll enjoy it!

I'm loving your trip report! Finally someone else that enjoyed SciFi! My family and I went in 2013 and it was one of the best burgers I've had and most certainly was the best burger I had inside the world. Everyone else in my family ordered the steak, so when the server placed a steak in front of me I could understand the misunderstanding. The CM was so nice about the mix up and brought over a burger meal on the double, and even gave me a free souvenir cup on the house! No one can replicate the Disney customer service!

KovuLover :simba:

Yes! <3 Sci Fi!!!!!

Wow, that is AWESOME on their fix-up to their mix-up!! Score! Our first trip when we ate at Columbia Harbor House, they gave us a fried shrimp plate instead of a fish one, and they ended up telling us to go ahead and take the shrimp plate and they made us the fish one, we had SO MUCH FOOD! They hadn't even brought it out to us, this all went down at the counter where you grab your food, so I was surprised! They definitely ROCK at customer service!

You know, I've never really paid too much attention to the autographs in HS. Ooooo-Harrison Ford! I've always thought my best friends dad looked a lot like Harrison Ford. She thinks I'm crazy! :rotfl: Anyway, we really need to do GMR again. We haven't done it in forever!

VIP seat? Woohoo! You ARE famous!

Wreck it Ralph meet!! Love it! (You're not surprised, I know...)

Man, i can't believe all the rain! At least the girls got a good little nap in!

We had fun at sci fi too. The girls thought that the movie clips were ssoooo funny! I love that pic of Maddie coloring. The lighting on her cute little cheek is adorable.

Hahaha, I know, all kinds of autographs from hunky men! lol...

Famous, indeed, this was my 15 minutes... :rotfl2:

At least you got some good shots of it right?



Haha, same here! Though, in all fairness, we haven't ridden in a long time and I've heard it's been more recently that they've been doing the cowboy scene more. :confused3 But, obviously, not for you. :rotfl:

Aw, that's a bummer. My favorite is the chocolate peanut butter, but I tried the Butterfinger for the first time this past trip. I had it first thing in the morning, so it was very fresh, moist, crumbly, etc. Izzy was a huge fan, but we all enjoyed it. I'd give it another try earlier in the day maybe.

How awesome! Love those random pixie-dusted moments! pixiedust:

Sorry about the downpour! I hate being stuck out in that kind of weather. We spent awhile standing under a random umbrella in DHS to wait out a monsoon. Glad the girls got a good nap out of it, at least. :rotfl2:

That's great that Sci Fi went so well and Maddie behaved. :thumbsup2

Hahaha, I think the problem is that low crowds mean theyre usually only running one track or whatever when we go...

I will have to give the cupcakes another shot, too many people love them too much!

Monsoon, YES! That is EXACTLY what it was like, sheesh!

So cool getting VIP seats for Indiana Jones! Ugh sorry the rain was so torrential, but you guys made the best of it! Love the pic of the girls knocked out in their strollers :) I'm glad your dinner was so enjoyable!!

Yea, still not a bad day, I'll take a day like that over a day at home anytime, lol!

You are VIP Indy style!!! How awesome is that?!?!

HA HA HA HA... It's there.. I've seen it! sometimes you can ask the CM at the beginning...

This is by far our favorite QS spot.. the sammichs are outstanding! I can only eat half they are so huge but fresh and yummers.. and i will say the chocolate cupcake is better then the butterfinger!

NO JOKE! they do have the worst flip flops and NO NO on the wet feet!

I can understand this completely!

Stop it... just hold your tongue!
the rumor is they are closing this i will cry a lot if this happens...

SCI-FI! ohh i just love it!!! this will be our first time NOT going there. Did i read all that correctly? NO SHAKES!!? you didn't get a shake?!?!
Onion rings... DELISH!

I know, that's just how I roll, VIP style everywhere... :rotfl:

Good to know, its not myth!!

I will def have to try the sandwich there sometime, they did look HUGE!

Seriously! Later on another day I found some comfy Reef sandals at AK, wish I'd found them here, I would have totally dropped the cash!

And yes, I think you and I had similar experiences with rain on our 2014 trips... crazy!! :boat:

I didn't realize Muppets could be on the chopping block, lets hope not!!!

Wow, you guys were really early to HS!

What a fun meal for the girls, I'm glad they had fun. We actually stumbled into a meal here in 2010. We had 8 adults and no ADR but they were able to seat us any way. We had no idea who the characters were since none of us watched the shows. :rotfl:I couldn't even tell you who was there at the time although one of the characters was a lion. No clue who that was.

Isn't it cool to be recognized? I've only had it happen one time but it made my whole trip.

Awwww, bummer about the rain and Jedi Academy being cancelled. But that sure is a cool photo with Darth Vader and the Storm Troopers.

I really need to spend some more time checking out the celebrity hand prints in front of the GMR. I got Cowboy in December. They have to be running two cars at a time for that scene. If the line isn't too long, the Cowboy scene probably won't be playing.

So awesome you got to be VIPs at Indiana Jones! They do have FP there but I don't think that area is for the FP. No idea what it's for though.

Cute pictures with the characters. I was so sad yesterday knowing it was the last day for that building. Especially the drawing class, I'm going to miss that terribly. I'm still holding out hope that they will still have it somewhere. Maybe even a bigger venue for it.

Disney Junior is the one thing at HS that I have yet to do, probably because I don't have kids. But I might try to catch it on a future trip just to say that I've seen it.

Bummer for the rain but at least you guys were able to tough it out. I bet the park was pretty empty because of it!

Yay for the Muppets! I know that they probably need to update it (if it even stays, that's another one rumored to be going away) but I hope they preserve the original film in some capacity since it was the last project Jim Henson worked on before he passed away.

Sci Fi is one of my favorite restaurants. I'm glad your family had a great experience there.

Haha, early YES, we are early pretty much every day of our trips, you just can't beat getting so much done in those first few hours!

Too funny on your H&V experience!:rotfl:

I think thats our problem with the GMR, theyre usually only running one side because of low crowds...

I know, I am so bummed I never got to do animation academy, but Olivia and I have been doing online tutorials on drawing characters, and we have so much fun!

You should totally do the Dis Junior show one day! It really is cute, lots of things falling from the ceiling and such!

I didn't realize that about Jim Henson, wow, now I dont know, I would love an update but I would hate for it to go away... hmmm. I really hope they dont get rid of that area!! :eek:

Yes! Sci fi fans for sure! I think I am going to add it to our must do for next time, I really love HS restaurants!
that's cool that they just recognized you as big fans and moved you up to the VIP seats - little things like that I think go a long way. Sorry you got the shorter version of the show though - it probably was due to still beinging wet

I think there is still debate among the rumor community if the Indy Show will stay or not. The latest I heard was it was being closed to put in the Indy ride they have at Disneyland, but that doesn't seem to make much sense to me. That is near where Star Wars land is supposed to go so I could see it going away for something Star Wars related though

I too am bummed about the Animation Building closing - hopefully a lot of that gets moved to another location. The drawing classes were pretty popular and they need somewhere to have character meets. I have heard now they are going to have the Hiro and Baymax meets at a new location in the future and that Baymax will have some change/upgrade to him from the previous meets ... guess we shall see, we never where there while they were meeting and would like to meet them at some point

Ugh, that is crazy rain. I get that a quick storm is going to happen in Florida, but rain like that is no fun. At least the girls slept through the worst of it and weren't trying to run in the rain or anything. Glad you had a good meal at Sci-Fi - definitely know what you mean about a toddler that wants to move around... often just having food there helps, but interesting theory about the dim lighting helping that some as well.

Yes, I love the little things like that, that the CM's do for you, it really does make your vacation so much more magical!

I have heard that on Indy, I agree, seems unlikely that they'd move the Indy ride there, probably more Star Wars...

I am happy to hear theres at least a rumor that Hiro & Baymax will get relocated!! I sure hope so!

Yea, rain is a good nap time, so cant complain too much, and sci fi was great. True on food keeping your toddler in check, but now even the food, Maddie just blows through and then wants to be up and moving! Sigh.... :crazy2:

We did Sci-Fi our first trip and then wanted to do 50's Prime Time our 2nd trip. Our server at Prime Time was an adequate server. We saw lots of other servers in the role. Ours was not. The kids missed doing Sci-Fi.

VIP treatment. Very nice. All your hard work on the shirts are paying off.

What can I say about the rain. Luckily, we didn't get poured on at Hollywood Studios. We did get poured on at Magic Kingdom, lots. We camped out at Train Station, on the front porch near talking Mickey. We huddled under a kiosk near Haunted Mansion with 7 other strangers. The most fun was hanging out with the DVC CMs.

I wanted to see Muppets so badly and it was closed our first trip. So, when we went to California Adventure, I made the kids go with me to see it. It was totally skippable. I am glad I saw it, just so I don't feel I was missing anything, but it does need to be updated.

We have only been on the GMR once and we got the Cowboy Scene. My kids didn't want to ride it a 2nd time.

We had the cupcakes at Starring Roles, but it was at park opening. We had just gotten to WDW after a long overnight flight, where none of us got any sleep. Getting the bags situated at POP and then making it to Hollywood Studios was kind of stressful. So, having said that, my cupcake tasted amazing. Later on in the trip, not as good. I had the Olaf, the kids had the Anna and Elsa and didn't really care for theirs. I didn't really care if they liked them or not at that point, I was happy with mine.

Yea our first experience at 50s wasnt great, but the food was, so we went again, and this time it was so worth it. I really love sci fi and 50's, I want to do both next time again, lol... I cant choose!!

Yes! See, I knew spending hours on shirts would pay off!!! :rotfl:

Gosh that rain, when it pours it POURS!!

Yea, agree on the muppets, happy to do it, but for us, skippable, unless you need a break from the sun!

Def gonna give the cupcakes a second chance :bitelip:

Oh wow that rain sounded crazy, DHS definitely needs some more undercover places to shelter!

I'm glad you had a great meal at Sci Fi and I've never really thought about the lack of child noise in there before but you're right it's nice and calming :)

Right!?!?!?!!!! :rotfl2:

And yes, quiet, dark places with food are niiiiiiiiice :thumbsup2

The rumors persist. I recently heard they're doing away with the show BUT will be bringing in a ride similar to the one in DL.

I'm so sad about this too! We will miss it when we go in September.

Gross. And it seems like evn having a fresh pair of socks just doesn't help when your feet are soaked through.

Good thing! I hear this will be gone soon too!

I know, wish they'd just DO something already!

I know, I really liked it, oh well :confused3

Nope, nothing good about soaked feet.

Sounds like a LOT of rain! The girls look so sweet sleeping snugly in their stroller. They are such darling girls!
That is awesome that you got moved to the VIP seats for the Indy show! Those cute shirts definitely paid off!!
Sci fi is pretty fun. Looks like your food was better than ours when we went in 2010. I may just have to try it again sometime.

Yea, thank goodness they napped, they didnt get too wet, just their feet, because of it.

Haha, VIP!! I sill think that its so funny! :banana:

Yea, I had low expectations on the food, seems like a lot of people are often disappointed with it, but I thought it was pretty great. :goodvibes

Ohhhh, that looked soooo goooood!

Sci Fi dinner is on the list for our next trip.

We loved it! Hope you have a good experience!!

This was the same for us - I'm glad we got to see the hat but I had no idea it would be our first and last time! Excited to see what it looks like now!

Very cool VIP treatment!

I think I took just 2-3 pictures from the Disney Junior show! There is so much going on and having a toddler to wrangle makes it hard to take pictures!

That does sound pretty awful...but a Mickey pretzels makes it just a little more magical!

This is so good to hear! We're eating here for the first time in November and I'm really excited!

I know! I kinda liked the hat, a little sad its gone. :confused:

Haha, I agree on Dis Junior show, a lot going on!!

Yep, Mickey pretzel can never worsen a situation, only improve it!

Oh fun! I hope you like sci fi as much as we did!

Now, I feel famous :yay: Thank you for the mention!

You are famous!! :thumbsup2:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: :hug:

Gah! I don't know why I have not been getting alerts to updates on this threat as I have it watched!!

Animal Kingdom! I agree it is the most beautiful park. You can just get lost looking at all the details! Boo to awkward character greeting though with M&M. But I suppose it happens and really, what could top the wonderful talking Mickey meet and greet!

Boo to getting rained out in HS and mostly missing Jedi Academy. But its nice that they still managed to do something. Good call on picking up some flip flops and not subjecting your feet to more soggy shoes! I think our next trip I'll consider bringing flips flops in the bag if there is lots of rain in the forecast.

Also yay for getting recognized! That's pretty cool!

Mine does that a lot, now I just try to keep up and hope I dont miss one. lol..

Glad Im not the only one on AK, its beautiful!!

And yes, flip flops, comfy ones, are going in the park bag FOR SURE next time!!!! ::yes::

Just now joining in. I did a search on "Hanson" in the forums and found your blog! Me and my family (including my two small children - DD - 4 and DS - 2) will be headed to Disney in November and it just happened to be an amazing twist of fate that Hanson was announced a month or so after we booked! So stinkin' excited! I too am a Hanson fan for life! Haven't caught up on all of your posts yet - but I plan to to get ideas!



I get SO excited when a fellow Hanson fan finds me!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:

Seeing them in Disney was SO AWESOME!!!! I am so happy for you!! Couple of things, I thought there wouldn't be much of a line to see them, there WAS. Big time. So if its important for you to be up front, get in line early... or if the line is already long, get at the end and then when you make it up to the front, dont go in and wait it out for the next show. Now for me, I could not waste precious Disney time, so rest assured, even if you dont wait in line, even the standing in the back affords you a fine view! :thumbsup2 Also, they do the exact same set each of the three times they play, I still wish I'd went to more than one though. :rotfl:

So glad you're joining in!! :welcome:
Bye Bye Studios

When we last left off, we'd just finished a great meal at Sci-Fi. Now that we were done, we had a couple things to do before leaving for the night. I think at this point we were super tired from all the rain and such, and the idea of staying late to see Fantasmic was not appealing at all, thus securing the fact that we never did see Fantasmic on this entire trip, even though it's our favorite night time spec. :(

But that's okay, because I was able to move our ToT FP+'s up to 5:45 during dinner, so we headed that way!


We had a little time before our FP window opened so Chris was able to get on RnRc through the single rider line pretty quick! I love Chris in this photo...it's like how happy can you look.... lol...


Then onto my fave! ToT!!! I think one of us like this HTH lamp...


I believe Chris rode first with Olivia....



You can see the video HERE.

Then it was MY turn to ride with her...



You can see the video HERE.

Hahahaha... it really does not look like Olivia enjoys this ride, but I promise she does!!!

We took our time browsing and strolling through the shops on our way out... apparently I thought these sweet treats looked good enough to photograph...



Of course, we had to stop at the PP Photogs! You can see Olivia doing her "Frozen ice power" pose here with her hand... Maddie was being stubborn and didn't want to be in the photo... then later down the street she cooperated.




Haha, when Maddie's hand is out, its not for the Frozen pose, she just assumed there'd be magic shots in every photo... :rotfl2:

Then magic shots!!





Finally it was time to say our last goodbyes to HS for this trip... :guilty:










Coming up next, a tour of POP!
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A Tour of POP

By the time we left the Studios the sun was shining again, the short bus trip back to POP gave us a little energy boost.

Looks like mousekeeping had already come...





A picture of the toiletries I was stock piling! :rotfl:


First up, a picture of our window again, and the view from our room.




We decided to let the kids play on the playground they'd been spying the last several days... here's a look back up at our room... we're behind the mood ring on the second floor!







Then we did a little exploring on the grounds...



















Coming up next, we play some games!

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Bummer about not getting to see Fantasmic! but sounds like it was a good call.

Those are some great PP photos! Blogs the last family shot and a bunch of the two girls. That's pretty funny that Maddie thought every shot was a magic shot.

Glad the sun came out and the girls got on the playground
Playing Games

Our first trip we never got a chance to really check out the game room area in the resort, so this time we wanted to make some time for it, turns out it was really fun! We used all of our free credits, from the booklet they send you when you book a package and then we ended up buying some more, just because we were having fun!















All in all, I was pretty happy with our time spent here. I don't think we played any ticket games, and Maddie had fun just running around trying them all out (without actually paying for any) so it was fun. I am glad we had time to do little things like this and get the most out of our resort stay this trip! :goodvibes

After this, I know we went back to our room to change into swim suits. We did a little swimming then my notes say we ended up getting some chicken nuggets at the food court. I assume I have no pics of this only because I probably left the phones and cameras in the room if we were swimming.

So that completes yet another day... onto day 5! Coming up, its MNSSHP day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hyper:

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Bummer about not getting to see Fantasmic! but sounds like it was a good call.

Those are some great PP photos! Blogs the last family shot and a bunch of the two girls. That's pretty funny that Maddie thought every shot was a magic shot.

Glad the sun came out and the girls got on the playground

Hey! You snuck in there between updates! :rotfl:

Yea, I liked those photos at the end, wish Olivia's hair hadn't been quite so crazy though!! Maddie was so funny with that hand up in most the pictures! :rotfl2:
I don't know why, but I'm just loving all the pics in these updates! You all look like you're having so much fun (that RnR pic is the best!) and it looks so nice with the sun finally shining on you again!

I'm glad you all got to spend some time enjoying the resort. I really enjoyed staying at POP.
Oh BOY!!
Love love TOT! so glad Olivia does too!!! such a great ride!!! Yes Rain does wear you out doesn't it? Love your resort! it's so FUN bright and HUGE!
I was one of the 125 million who watched the last M.A.S.H too!!!
Fun times in the arcade! everyone looks like they were having a blast! Haven't played in the arcades since i first trip!!

Everyones reports are making me want to go back SO BAD!!!


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