Don't We Need More Ice Cream? - A F&G Trip Report - The End. Period. Paragraph. 1/27

Flying is really expensive. Our tickets were less than $600pp, but not by much!

Yikes. And it's not like you're even going overseas.

Just to give you perspective, all four loads that I've done so far would have easily fit in my home washer, plus the fifth load.


A lot of the clothes that I wore earlier in the trip were no longer appropriate



Well this was nothing like that in fact I had to look hard to even find some.

So, you guys got any butterflies in your butterfly tent?

Those flower gardens though...:goodvibes

The troll.

Probably posting inflammatory comments online as we speak.

Fun fact (and this totally gives away everyone's age) me, Fran and my Dad are all snakes.

Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?

At this point Fran texted me one word. Caramels??? I don't know how she knew we were in Germany, I wasn't transmitting my location to her.

:rotfl2:That's truly a gift. Just be glad she didn't ask for ice cream.
Flying is really expensive.
Sometimes... sometimes you get lucky. I did recently. :)
Our tickets were less than $600pp, but not by much!
Ouch. :headache:
Hopefully we'll get the money for the third seat back.
Fingers crossed for you guys.
Just to give you perspective, all four loads that I've done so far would have easily fit in my home washer, plus the fifth load.
I'm assuming you do not have some kind of heavy duty washer?
A lot of the clothes that I wore earlier in the trip were no longer appropriate weather-wise.
You can't wear racy clothing when the weather turns prudish.
the humidity evidently makes the cold more chilling.
Humidity sucks.
I had mine on a plate with the leftover creamed spinach.
Blech. Pass.
After Fran ate her breakfast she told me that she was feeling kind of sick and wanted to stay in the room instead of going to Epcot for lunch at the Kiosks.
Oh, too bad. Sorry to hear that.
Well this was nothing like that in fact I had to look hard to even find some. Mom said it might be too early and they weren't awake yet.
There were lots when I was there. Maybe they hadn't come out of their chrysalis yet?
Like this shot.
Forgot to quote it, but really like the butterfly one too.
The Bromeliad Dragon.
Dang. Missed that. And it looks cool.
And they had these neat little zodiac figures.
Missed all of those too!
Fun fact (and this totally gives away everyone's age) me, Fran and my Dad are all snakes.
So you were born in 77, huh?
We also tried the Warm Berry Strudel, it wasn't very warm, but it was still good.

Dang, that looks good.
At this point Fran texted me one word. Caramels??? I don't know how she knew we were in Germany, I wasn't transmitting my location to her.
:lmao: You guys are in synch!
We checked out the trains for a while
Because one must.
The Tri colored Cheese Tortellini were my favorite!
Pretty dish. :)
We were getting full and chilly, so after we found Lady and the Tramp.
Missed them too.
I literally LOL'd at this one. Showed it to Fran and she didn't get it.
Glad I could make you laugh :)
The club has been meeting for almost 50 years now. Once a month they gather at a member's house, they call it "Third Friday Tasting", the member gets to choose the varietal of wine and appetizers.

These were the sakes she served.

What are great idea! My inlaws do a dinner party once a month with friends- the host picks the main and the theme- the theme can be anything..really fun! When life slows down a bit, I want to start something.
I was skeptical my first time, but it's one of my favorite rides now!

Pretty, but there were def not that many around hey!

Awww! I like these guys!
And they had these neat little zodiac figures.

Neat idea!

was glad to see that they had changed the applesauce on this one. Last time it was chunky, this time it was pureed.

Yum, although I prefer applesauce with lots of cinnamon
t this point Fran texted me one word. Caramels??? I don't know how she knew we were in Germany, I wasn't transmitting my location to her. I got these.

She's psychic it seems! Those look delish!
My Dad got a couple Dark Chocolate salted caramels
Mmm I love milk and dark chocolate

The pizza wasn’t bad.

Those book like pretty good indeed.
I HATE the butterfly tent. Its hot and muggy and packed with people with bugs flying at you...its like my own personal hell. LOL You had some good choices of food along the way!

Jill in Co
We went to the butterfly tent and I was underwhelmed. I had avoided the place in the past because I had pictured swarms of flying pretty bugs and you were sort of dodging them and trying not to have them land on you. Well this was nothing like that in fact I had to look hard to even find some. Mom said it might be too early and they weren't awake yet.
I think they also try to keep it from being too crowded so people hurt the butterflies? If it was chilly maybe they also weren’t active?
At this point Fran texted me one word. Caramels??? I don't know how she knew we were in Germany, I wasn't transmitting my location to her. I got these.
That’s hilarious! I guess you have a telephathic connection? Also, I love those caramel/marshmallow swirls!
Anxiously awaiting!

And then I made your head spin! :laughing:

Yes, and then you can have a delicious hash too!

I forgot all about including this. Well I'll need to start a new list again soon. I've reached the bottom of my page already.

And that was what propmted the phone call this morning. ;)

Well I'm glad we got this sorted out.

THat looks really good!!

That's usually how she asks me to fix her leftover steak, even at home.

I think you were there a little early in the Festival. They put the chrysalses in there and they actually have to hatch, so by the time I got there a few weeks later there were hordes of them!!

That makes sense. Then it would have been the swarm of bugs I was afraid of!

I think that was my favorite!

It was definitely high on my list too, but I really liked Piglet and the Cars figures as well.

I love this!! My parents host "wine parties" - but not on that frequent of a basis. Usually it's every quarter or so, and they've only been doing it for a year or two. I don't usually make the drive to attend, but next up is a bourbon party so I will definitely be there ;) I am going to save the picture of the sake menu - for future reference :teacher:

Because there are enough people in the club their hosting duties only come around every a6-8 months, so it's not so bad.

Yeah, nothing like other butterfly tents I've been to.

I didnt even know butterfly tents were a thing.

I can't believe I missed those too o_O I was not very attentive during Flower & Garden this year, apparently. Must have been preoccupied... with a few margaritas :rotfl:

With the parents there, this was a much less "drinkey" trip.

Hope you guys have stayed safe with the earthquakes this weekend!

Yeah, no problem. They were far enough away that we weren't affected, we just felt them. I hope I've used up my earthquake quota for this lifetime and won't be at the center of another one again!
Wow... crazy how much of Disney springs was shut down essentially for Raglan Road on St Patrick's day. Nice score on those fp at DHS that afternoon!

I feel like epcot really is the coldest place to be on a cool day at Disney. I've noticed that on our December trips. Seems like the wind blowing across World Showcase Lagoon really cuts through you.
Yikes. And it's not like you're even going overseas.

I know and I just re-priced it with the most recent sale, and it's still higher than the day we bought them.

So, you guys got any butterflies in your butterfly tent?

I know. Really? :confused3

Those flower gardens though...:goodvibes

I just wish the sky wasn't so dreary in that picture.

Probably posting inflammatory comments online as we speak.

:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl:

Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?


:rotfl2:That's truly a gift. Just be glad she didn't ask for ice cream.

Oh, she's not done with the Ice Cream yet. It's down to the bitter end....

Sometimes... sometimes you get lucky. I did recently. :)

Where ya goin'? :hyper:

Fingers crossed for you guys.

That would be a nice chunk of change to get back!

I'm assuming you do not have some kind of heavy duty washer?

I don't think it's anything special....

LG - 5.7 Cu. Ft. 14-Cycle High-Efficiency Top-Loading Washer with


It does have the capacity to wash a twin size comforter, along with other items.

You can't wear racy clothing when the weather turns prudish.

I don't even own any racy clothing anymore! :laughing:

Humidity sucks.


Blech. Pass.

I don't understand why you don't like it! It's bathed in cream sauce!

Oh, too bad. Sorry to hear that.

I think she does this to get out of doing things as well, so not sure whether or not she really felt bad or just wanted to sleep.

There were lots when I was there. Maybe they hadn't come out of their chrysalis yet?

Could be. We were there less than two weeks after the Festival opened.

Like this shot.
Forgot to quote it, but really like the butterfly one too.


Dang. Missed that. And it looks cool.

I think after piglet, this was my next favorite.

Missed all of those too!

I really liked these ones.

So you were born in 77, huh?

I laughed when I read this. Partly cause of your joke, and partly cause you know just how old i am. :laughing: But I showed it to Fran, and she said, "I don't get it."

Dang, that looks good.

Sure was!

:lmao: You guys are in synch!


Because one must.

You know that may have been one of the first times I stopped and looked at length.

Pretty dish. :)

Tasty too!

Missed them too.

I don't think it's anything special....
Looks like a fairly standard one...
I don't even own any racy clothing anymore! :laughing:
Buy this:
I think she does this to get out of doing things as well, so not sure whether or not she really felt bad or just wanted to sleep.
I laughed when I read this. Partly cause of your joke, and partly cause you know just how old i am. :laughing: But I showed it to Fran, and she said, "I don't get it."


You know that may have been one of the first times I stopped and looked at length.
As opposed to girth?

And then I made your head spin! :laughing:

Yes! You did!

I forgot all about including this. Well I'll need to start a new list again soon. I've reached the bottom of my page already.

"New cup, move down, move down...!"
-Alice in Wonderland

That's usually how she asks me to fix her leftover steak, even at home.


That makes sense. Then it would have been the swarm of bugs I was afraid of!
Then again, I also saw many escaping out the chain barriers too, so I think it's a constant ebb and flow.
Glad I could make you laugh :)

I need it lately!

What are great idea! My inlaws do a dinner party once a month with friends- the host picks the main and the theme- the theme can be anything..really fun! When life slows down a bit, I want to start something.

I'm smart enough to know that life won't slow down for me until they put me in the ground, or scatter my ashes.

Pretty, but there were def not that many around hey!

Evidently later in the festival they are hatched.

Awww! I like these guys!

They had a lot of cute ones!

Yum, although I prefer applesauce with lots of cinnamon

I'm not sure I've had it that way, but I like cinnamon!

She's psychic it seems! Those look delish!

Evidently, and yes they are delish!

Mmm I love milk and dark chocolate

I prefer milk chocolate, but sometimes dark is good too.

Those book like pretty good indeed.


I HATE the butterfly tent. Its hot and muggy and packed with people with bugs flying at you...its like my own personal hell.

See that's what I imagined it would be like and it wasn't.

LOL You had some good choices of food along the way!

We did! :thumbsup2

I think they also try to keep it from being too crowded so people hurt the butterflies? If it was chilly maybe they also weren’t active?

The consensus seems to be that they hadn't hatched yet, since it was still mid March.

That’s hilarious! I guess you have a telephathic connection? Also, I love those caramel/marshmallow swirls!

I suppose after 20+ we must be telepathically linked. Those swirls are my favorite!
Wow... crazy how much of Disney springs was shut down essentially for Raglan Road on St Patrick's day. Nice score on those fp at DHS that afternoon!

I was really surprised, and not very happy either!

I feel like epcot really is the coldest place to be on a cool day at Disney. I've noticed that on our December trips. Seems like the wind blowing across World Showcase Lagoon really cuts through you.

I'm sure that's what was getting to us, it was pretty cold there for a day in March.

Looks like a fairly standard one...

Pretty much, which is why the tiny one at the BCV really peeves me!

Buy this:

No I got this.

As opposed to girth?



"New cup, move down, move down...!"
-Alice in Wonderland

Hey! It's my unbirthday today!

Then again, I also saw many escaping out the chain barriers too, so I think it's a constant ebb and flow.

Had any escaped, there would have been none left in there! And it appears that my Mom has some kind of butterfly habitat in her backyard.
We had just returned from Epcot for a little bit of rest in the room. About an hour went by before I left again with my parents. Fran had been asleep all morning, and she still was asleep, but I was able to coerce her to get up before we actually left. Not sure if she went back to sleep or listed stuff on eBay, but in the end she did join us later that day.

We took off around 2:15 and got to the MK just before our HM FP went into effect. I would ride the scooter on and off the buses, and through security, but once we got through security, my Dad took over riding the scooter. Once we passed under the train station, there was a problem that the Festival of Fantasy Parade was beginning and we needed to cross several points of it to get to our ride. I realized the best way around it, and we stopped on the TL side of the hub so I could show my parents how we would be traveling. Disney had just started a program with CMs dressed in blue to be a new sort of “helper” to give people information if they needed it. He came up to us to see if we needed help, but when he heard me say, “And we’ll go up and around the Tangled Tinkle Spot” he realized I knew how to navigate and he stepped back conceding that I seemed to know exactly where I was going. It was nice he was there to help folks who didn't have a clue where they were going.

We rode HM.

The standby queue is the one on the left, we were in the FP line on the right. Both were pretty long.

I didn’t have my fast lens, so not many pictures came out in here, but it didn’t stop me from trying!

When we got off the ride, my Dad took the helm on the scooter again. The line for HM had jumped to 115 minutes. Evidently a ton of folks from the parade had jumped in the FP line for HM and it extended back past the CHH all the way almost to the HoP. Glad we dodged that bullet!

Then we went through the breezeway from Frontierland to Adventureland since our next FP was POTC.

After our little cruise through the Caribbean, my parents wanted a Mickey Bar. The Ice cream thing is a recurring feature....

I was saving myself for our dinner which was less than two hours away. Neither could eat and drive so I rode the scooter, but shortly my Mom said she needed to ride. Around this time I got a text from Fran that she was getting dressed. The moat around the castle was drained, and it was weird to see pictures from TRs in May where it was still drained.

We headed to Mickey's Philharmagic as they had never seen this and we had some time until our next FP. It took longer than we expected to get into the theater. Mom sat in the scooter for the show. Fran texted me that she was on the bus while I was in line, and just before the doors were going to open she texted that she was almost to MK. Just as the doors opened she called and I spoke to her. We agreed that she would come into the MK and we would meet in the Emporium (dangerous thought there). My Mom wanted a sweatshirt if she could find one she liked. Plus we needed to buy something cause now we were committed to collecting all four shopping bags.

After the show, we went to our last FP Peter Pan. Another difficult one to get pictures on.

The ride was cute and my parents enjoyed it.

We headed back to Main Street this time with me on the scooter. The Shake It! Move it! Parade was going on and totally clogged up the hub. Then just as we passed the hub, the parade broke up and crowds starting streaming down Main Street. I ducked into Casey's, my parents were like, “What????” And I told them to trust me. As we passed from the restaurant into the clothing store, we ran into Fran who had already bought some stuff including the reusable bag for MK.

We went through the stores to get to the front of the park and my Mom didn’t find anything along the way, so we headed up to the resort Monorail and I let my Mom ride. Her knee was really bothering her.

[Continued in Next Post]
[Continued from Previous Post]

We checked in for our ADR at 1900 Park Fare and were seated promptly. First Anastasia came by. But there was a small problem with the camera. Somehow the lens got switched from Auto Focus to Manual, so most of my pictures came out blurry. After a blurry picture with her, I checked out the buffet. I did take pictures of everything but I’m not going to bore you with those. didn't have time to grab much cause Drizella came around.

I got a small plate of shrimp and Caesar salad, after the picture.

The Fairy Godmother came by, she doesn’t always make an appearance here.

The Prince was next and his pictures came out super blurry. But with all the characters having visited, now I was set for some eating! I got a bowl of Clam Chowder.

Then I went back for a plate of Prime rib, mashed potatoes, green beans. I wanted some mac n cheese and corn from the kids station, but they were taking the food away. At first I reached for some and then I realized what was going on and put back the spoonful of mac and cheese I had taken. I never did get that mac and cheese I wanted, they were really cleaning that kid’s station.

I went up for dessert and grabbed a creme puff and some gummi bears, and of course some of the strawberry soup!

I wanted bread pudding, I love that stuff here! But the pan was pretty scraped over and what was left was pretty dry. After asking our waiter about it, a new pan was brought out and I got a nice portion of creamy bread pudding.

We took a couple pictures with Cinderella, the only picture with all of us in it of the trip. Who you lookin’ at there Fran?

That’s better.

Dad clearly is not really onboard with this whole character photo thing.

I wanted to watch the fireworks and we had talked about going back to MK, but we really didn't have time to get there and stake out a spot. Fran asked someone at the hotel if there was a spot, and they suggested the dock near Narcoosee's, so with my Dad on my scooter we headed there. However we had a bit of time to kill before we had to be there and the weather had turned really cold. Everyone but me wanted a Hot Chocolate. It makes me slightly sick and sometimes causes verps and no one wants that!

We stopped into Gasparilla’s Grill and everyone got hot chocolate. I don’t remember if I ordered a glass of wine or not. We got a table and drank our beverages there since everyone didn’t want to sit out in the cold. I think my Dad nursed his enough to bring it down to the dock.

We caught the Electric Water Pageant.

And then the fireworks. A guy proposed to his girlfriend while the fireworks went on.

The show was nice, but it was really cold with the wind chill, and Fran was happy to get out of there. We took the Monorail back to the MK and then the bus to the resort. I'm pretty sure I just went to bed when we got back to the room. I was doing a LOT more walking than I was used to.
I would ride the scooter on and off the buses, and through security, but once we got through security, my Dad took over riding the scooter.
That must have been tiring for you.
but when he heard me say, “And we’ll go up and around the Tangled Tinkle Spot” he realized I knew how to navigate and he stepped back conceding that I seemed to know exactly where I was going.
I didn’t have my fast lens, so not many pictures came out in here, but it didn’t stop me from trying!
well, of course!
The line for HM had jumped to 115 minutes.
Evidently a ton of folks from the parade had jumped in the FP line for HM and it extended back past the CHH all the way almost to the HoP. Glad we dodged that bullet!
Nope! I love HM... but not enough to stand in that line!
The Ice cream thing is a recurring feature....
As it should be. :snooty:
The moat around the castle was drained, and it was weird to see pictures from TRs in May where it was still drained.
Yeah, that was... disconcerting.
she would come into the MK and we would meet in the Emporium (dangerous thought there).
After the show, we went to our last FP Peter Pan. Another difficult one to get pictures on.
That's one's really tough. You're moving and never in a straight line and it's so dark in there.
The Shake It! Move it! Parade was going on and totally clogged up the hub.
:sad2: I hope they get rid of that and replace it with... anything else.
I ducked into Casey's, my parents were like, “What????” And I told them to trust me.
::yes:: Done that... often.
We checked in for our ADR at 1900 Park Fare
Ah! You've done that before. :)
Somehow the lens got switched from Auto Focus to Manual
I've done that. A few too many times, actually. I find (on my camera) it's really easy to do when switching lenses.
I got a bowl of Clam Chowder.
Dad clearly is not really onboard with this whole character photo thing.
Everyone but me wanted a Hot Chocolate. It makes me slightly sick and sometimes causes verps and no one wants that!
I had to Google "verp".... no. No one wants that.
A guy proposed to his girlfriend while the fireworks went on.
Aw... :)
Yeah! I caught this one on time! :cheer2:

The standby queue is the one on the left, we were in the FP line on the right. Both were pretty long.

Good grief! That line!

That one came out pretty good. I never tried to take pics in there, you might have given me an idea here. ;)

The line for HM had jumped to 115 minutes.

I am sorry for those poor unfortunate souls (wrong movie, I know), but that is just too long to wait for that ride!

After our little cruise through the Caribbean, my parents wanted a Mickey Bar.

There should always be time for a Mickey Bar. :goodvibes

After the show, we went to our last FP Peter Pan

This made me smile - sounds like FP choices I would make.

We checked in for our ADR at 1900 Park Fare and were seated promptly.

We have NEVER eaten there. But it was nice seeing you enjoy the food and characters.

Somehow the lens got switched from Auto Focus to Manual, so most of my pictures came out blurry.

Tell me about it! Has happened to me ever so often. I sometimes manage to reset my camera (which is quite a few steps to "set" in the first place) just by putting it back in its little bag.

That's a great shot!

Gummi Bears for dessert. :goodvibes What are the creme puffs filled with? Vanilla custard or whipped cream?

Now, that's much more my kind of dessert! Good choice, Alison. :thumbsup2

We took a couple pictures with Cinderella, the only picture with all of us in it of the trip. Who you lookin’ at there Fran?


Dad clearly is not really onboard with this whole character photo thing.

At least he's smiling. ;)

Can you hear the music at this spot? I hope so as for me it is just such a huge part of the fireworks.
He came up to us to see if we needed help, but when he heard me say, “And we’ll go up and around the Tangled Tinkle Spot” he realized I knew how to navigate and he stepped back conceding that I seemed to know exactly where I was going
Clearly you're a seasoned vet!!!
The Ice cream thing is a recurring feature....
as it should be!
We agreed that she would come into the MK and we would meet in the Emporium (dangerous thought there)
Uh oh... Fran alone in the Emporium. That's gonna be hard on the credit card!
of course some of the strawberry soup!
The reason you went there to begin with, right?
Dad clearly is not really onboard with this whole character photo thing.
Hey, he's there and looking at the camera. He's at least being a good sport!
The show was nice, but it was really cold with the wind chill
At least you got to see the electric water pageant and fireworks. I can imagine how cold it must have been along the water!
Disney had just started a program with CMs dressed in blue to be a new sort of “helper” to give people information if they needed it.

Neat idea- WDW is so big that I bet there are lot of people that have no clue

The line for HM had jumped to 115 minutes.

Madness, just madness

fter our little cruise through the Caribbean, my parents wanted a Mickey Bar. The Ice cream thing is a recurring feature....

Great theme IMO :)

Errr a little "un"magical

I went up for dessert and grabbed a creme puff and some gummi bears, and of course some of the strawberry soup!

When I saw where you were going, I immediately thought "oh I hope they haven't changed Fran's strawberry soup!

that looks like great bread pudding, nice and fresh and hopefully without raisins? I've had it made with croissants - yummm!

Your dad 😀 :lmao:
I wanted to watch the fireworks and we had talked about going back to MK, but we really didn't have time to get there and stake out a spot.

Love fireworks- I wonder which ones they will have in Dec in DL...
We stopped into Gasparilla’s Grill and everyone got hot chocolate. I don’t remember if I ordered a glass of wine or not.

Atta girl! Late night vino, why not?

We caught the Electric Water Pageant.

this is really neat- hope to see it some day.
Once we passed under the train station, there was a problem that the Festival of Fantasy Parade was beginning and we needed to cross several points of it to get to our ride.

Ugh, parade trappings. I hate when that happens!

He came up to us to see if we needed help, but when he heard me say, “And we’ll go up and around the Tangled Tinkle Spot” he realized I knew how to navigate and he stepped back conceding that I seemed to know exactly where I was going.

LOL!! You know you're an expert when....

I didn’t have my fast lens, so not many pictures came out in here, but it didn’t stop me from trying!

Tough ride FOR SURE!

and it was weird to see pictures from TRs in May where it was still drained.

It was super weird! Not at all what we're all used to in those views!

Plus we needed to buy something cause now we were committed to collecting all four shopping bags.

I have all 4 of the mini ones that I now use for my lunch bags. Although I seemed to have misplaced my DHS one and will have to buy another one. Sucks cuz I think the price was raised since they were $1. :(

The Shake It! Move it! Parade was going on and totally clogged up the hub.

and again.....

strawberry soup!

One of these days I'm going to try this!

Who you lookin’ at there Fran?



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