Door bells . . . .

Mrs Dazzle

<font color=009900>Florida-mad (well, mad full sto
Mar 9, 2002
We have a new doorbell (shock horror - you can see the headlines in the Sunday Sport next week!). Not just any old doorbell. This one plays . . . . wait for it . . . . It's a small world !!

We had to get a new doorbell, cos I broke the last one!!

Well, not so much as "broke" it as pulled the wires out of it's little heart.

There was a good reason . . . .

DH was away for 8 days on business conference. Doorbell kept going off in the middle of the night and frightening the life out of me - you know that horrible feeling, like when the phone rings in the night (MIL has cancer, so always at the back of your mind . . . you know).

I got soooo fed up with it by 5.30 one morning - it had even woken DD (9) from her slumber, and believe you me - nothing, but nothing wakes that one). So I'm afraid after some very unladylike mutterings at the door, opened it for the umpteenth time just to check no-one was there (check the scene - no clothes on, blowing a gale, hammering down with rain so when I open the door I freeze/drown) - s'ok - neighbours on either side are coffin dodgers, the fright of seeing me in the early hours of the morning might be sufficient to finish them off, mind you:D :bounce: :bounce:

Yep - you've guessed it - no one there. So I did the only thing I could - and yanked the wires out. With a HUGE smile:D on my face I stagger back up to bed for another hours sleep before I have to get up.

DH thought it quite amusing, until he realised that I'd done such a good number on the 'yanking the wires' bit, he couldn't get them back in.

So quick visit to B&Q yesterday found us one of these battery operated non-wire with eight tune doorbells.

So, DD had the choice - it was either the circus tune or Small World. No competition really . . . but I have to admit I fear it may be changed quite soon to the barking dog tune!!

LOL - what a start to a Sunday morning.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Do you think you'll ever live to regret having THAT tune?;) Yes, although very catchy it is used for brainwashing purposes in other nations!:confused:
LOL! Mrs Dazzle,

I didn't know you could get a doorbell with that tune on.

Wonder if DH would like one? Maybe not, i think it would drive us all MAD!

Luv Audrey
I don't think I could put up with a doorbell that plays it's a small world,It would be too annoying.
LOL! Annie :D :D ......... now that's what I call devotion to Disney :)
lol :D We had a door bell that went off everytime you lit the rings on the cooker
It drove me mad I ended up cutting the wire with scissors:D
people just knock now
LOL Annie. I didn't know you could buy them with that tune. Might have to look for one of them for DH's birthday - he hates that tune!


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