Doreen's Fresh Start & Success Story! (Welcome Friends!)

Hi Doe,

I want to thank you for the link. While I scored 10 on the test, Katie ws off the chart. I did know that he was sensitive, but this is giving me something to think about.

I agree that you shouldn't be doing the FIRM tapes right now. They are too high impact for someone with an injury. I do think the Pilates would be a great idea.

The weight will come off.

As for the light therapy, see if the doc will write a script for one. If he will diagnose you, you may be able to get insurance to cover at least a part of it. The other option would be to see if it qualifies for the flexible spending account.

Take care,
:cool1: It's FRIDAY!!! :cool1:

:Pinkbounc It's the start of a 3 day weekend for me!! :Pinkbounc

Erin, your post reminded me to look at what I'm doing RIGHT for me, instead of just focusing on what I didn't do well. After work, puppy and I spent 45 minutes outside. She is a very anxious pup and walks stress her out way too much, so lately I've been sitting in the backyard and reading while just giving her time to explore. So I soaked up some sunshine, relaxed, finished the Highly Sensitive Person book and enjoyed the fresh air. :p

I also made it through the day without the Coke I was craving - a major victory! ::yes::

Today I've got plenty of work to do. I'm starting on a new project where I am NOT the leader! :bounce: I get to just work on my little piece and leave the big picture to someone else. :teeth: This is a comfort to me and something that I'm pretty confident I can handle. I haven't had much work anxiety lately - a very very pleasant change from a few months ago.

The weekend looks open except for a breakfast that DH and I need to attend tomorrow morning. It will be cold and rainy here so maybe I can spend some time decluttering in the house and cooking up some comfort food.

:rockband: Let's rev up this Friday party, especially since dancing burns more calories than just sitting at my desk!! :jumping1:
:cool1: Let me be the first one to say:
:banana: Let the Friday Party BEGIN! :banana:

So how are you doing this morning, Sweetie? :hug: How did yesterday go? Did you do something nice for yourself?

The Highly Sensitive Person book really changed my own self-perception, but even more importantly, I'm hoping that it changed how I parent. I, too, Beth, have a HS daughter and I hope that I've been able to share a feeling with her that it's wonderful to be the way she is and she needs to learn to care for herself--emotionally and physically. To have insights into the temperaments of our children and to honor those--to CELEBRATE those temperaments--really goes a long way in building healthy self-esteem, I think.
What about you, Doreen. . .have you made any observations about your own kids?

Yepper, there's nothing like some good, deep discussion and a cup of coffee in the early a.m. :p Combine that with the fact that it's Friday :Pinkbounc and you know I'm feeling fine! :teeth: Hope you're doing the same today, Doreen.

About this weekend. . .I think you're right. I better stop and think about what I really need here. :scratchin: Hmmm, should I unpack my luggage or hang out at the mall? :p You know what I WANT to do, but if I don't do some laundry I'm going to have some severe laundry stress by Monday. Plus, I've got to leave some time on Sunday for getting DD's darn dress for Homecoming. Also, I've got a 6 week class at church I'm going to (40 Days of Purpose, based on the "The Purpose Driven Life") on Sunday and DD has choir late in the afternoon. :rolleyes: What kind of alternate dates have you got? :teeth:

All right, I'm off to my journal.

Have a gread day--

Edit: This is what happens: you write too long a post and you forfeit your right to be the first to bring on the Fri. party. Such is life. ;)
I will be decluttering the house as well this weekend. My first project is many junk drawers I have around the house :)

Have a great day today and know you are very special to me!

Good morning Doe! :sunny:

Happy Friday! :jumping1: :rockband: :dancer: It sounds like you have a relaxing weekend ahead of you. :goodvibes

Have a wonderful weekend! :sunny: Take care! :hug:
This morning DH and I went for breakfast, which was fun. We visited a friend that DH works with and had breakfast at the Christmas tree farm that he and his wife own. It is such a beautiful place and breakfast was delicious. Once a year, he and his wife invite tons of people (business related, friends, family, etc.) and serve them breakfast, to the tune of about 230 - 250 people.

I took a 2.5 hour nap when we got home. :cloud9: Now DH and DS are at the movies, while DD spends time on her computer art. The rest of the day and all of tomorrow and Monday are free of obligations.

I've been thinking a lot about my creeping-up weight and my life in general. My body is clearly telling me that my stress level is too high. Now that my work stress is manageable, I really thought my weight would come down but that isn't happening. I've narrowed down my biggest stressors as the messy house and the messy finances. I'm going to focus my free time over this long weekend toward working on balancing my checkbook and getting the budget straightened out and on decluttering / cleaning my bedroom so I have one room that is a clean safe-haven away from clutter.

I'm ready to tackle these areas and see how they affect my stress levels and my cravings for junk food. I'll keep you all posted on how it's going. I sure wish this healthy-living thing was as easy as "eat right & exercise" but for me, that just isn't the case. I'll keep trying until I find what works for me. :cool1:
:wave2: Hi! Could you put a tentative hold on the 10/22 date for me? :) All of my in-laws are coming on the 23rd, but I may want (read "need" ;) )to get away from the cleaning campaign I'll be waging all weekend.

Let me know. . .
These "holidays" sure help make up for all the work I do on the job. :teeth: I'm off today for Columbus Day. DH and DS have to work and DD & I will be running errands and cleaning the house.

Yesterday was a lazy day. DH and I went to see Flightplan - good first half, but disappointing second half. Then DD and I went to see Corpse Bride - okay movie, great if you love dark Tim Burton style. DS was working at the movie theater so we felt the need to "visit" with him. :love:

I've been thinking more and more about why the scale won't go down, or more importantly, why I can't seem to get motivated to eat right or exercise. I think a lot of it comes down to loving myself. I'm in a place where most of my life feels chaotic. I've identified those areas where I'm not comfortable and I've focused on shoring them up. I'm hoping that when I feel more de-stressed and more organized and more on top of things, that I'll find the motivation to eat right and move more.

I worked on the finances over the weekend and am feeling much better about that. It's hard to feel good about your checkbook when it hasn't had any entries since May. :rotfl: Next will be decluttering my bedroom so there is one room that feels organized and serene. Baby steps will help me get where I need to be. ::yes::

It's going to be a good day! :cool1:
Good morning Doe! :sunny:

How did your weekend go? (Hey, that rhymed! :teeth: ) I hope it was a good one for you and your family. :goodvibes

Have a marvelous Monday! :sunny:
Great job on tackeling the finances. I did that over the weekend as well - it is never any fun! :)

I think it is a great idea to organize one room. It is much easier to keep it picked up if it doesn't already look like a disaster area. ;) My kitchen has been sparkeling the last week because I've just had to tidy it for 5 minutes every night rather then actually get in their and scrub it down.

Enjoy your day off today!

hope you have a great day--isnt it great to have a day off :)
i love the idea of organizing one room--i love doing that to my bedroom haha

enjoy your day off!
Good morning, Doreen. Here's a :hug: for you on your journey today, fellow traveler. :goodvibes

I'm doing the housecleaning thing myself this morning and am now just taking a wee little break so I can visit a bit. It's amazing how one bit of organization can lighten the stress load and give you a happy feeling. A couple of weeks ago I went through my clothes in the closet and rearranged and neatened things up. Everytime I go into my closet now and see everything hanging so nicely, it's like a little gift to myself. :) I hope you find the time today to give yourself some nice little gifts, too.

Here's just a thought, though. . .and I'm not trying to complicate things, just want to make you think, you deep ponderer, you. Maybe addressing your OWN needs first (eating right and exercising) and making yourself do those things first (regardless of whether you feel like it or not), would "shore you up" so that the housecleaning could come easier. Maybe YOU should be FIRST before the clutter??? Just interested in hearing your thoughts about that, dear WISH-sis. . .forgive me if I need to be minding my own business.
It's just that there will ALWAYS be things to clean or straighten before getting down to the business of self-care or self-loving and if we wait to get things in order before taking care of ourselves, how will we have the energy to do it? :confused3

:love: to you, Doreen,
I'm glad that I have you, Erin, to give me things to ponder. :hug: I'm thinking about it but will have to answer later, after my thoughts have solidified. :goodvibes

It's a back-to-work kinda day and I must admit that I'm ready for it. I'm on a project now that will demand a lot more of my time so no more long hours of DISing during the day. I'll just have to get my major DISing in during the evenings. ::yes::

I actually LIKE my workday routine now that my work isn't overwhelming me as much. I don't dread coming to the office anymore. I like what I'm working on and I like that someone else is in charge of the project.

I have an apple and a new jar of peanut butter, as well as an Atkins bar for food today. I also have money for the cafeteria if I need it. No more vending machine food for me. I'm drinking my water and will be taking my pills very soon. I think it will be a good day.

This evening DH and I have a meeting. I've got dinner planned (ham, green beans & potatoes) so it will be quick & easy and there will be some left for DS to heat up after he gets home from work. I actually have dinners planned for every night this week, as well as some "extra" stuff around just in case I have to fall back to plan B.

I didn't get my whole bedroom cleaned but I did clean my nightstand and the area around it. It is amazing how much better it makes me feel when I walk into that room. Each night I'm going to set my timer for 5 minutes and do another small section of the room. I always do better when I break things down into little steps.

Gotta go - I have an all-morning meeting so I won't be around to journals until later. :wave2: :grouphug:
:hug: to you, Doreen. Wow, it sounds like you're secure in your plan for the week--you've even got meal plans for dinner! I have to admit, I'm a little jealous. ::yes:: I also love the 5 minute timer idea (a la flylady?); I'm going to set mine for 10 and do some dusting before I head to work this morning. . .thanks for the idea!

Enjoy your work project; I hope that you can have some uninterrupted time to work on it today.

:love: ,
Morning Doe! Sounds like you had a successful day yesterday! Good for you! I LOVE that you have meals planned for the entire week. Makes it so much easier to not have to think about it and just do it! Great job! Plus if you are like me you look forward to that meal all day long so that you don't crave anything else.

I think the 5 minute idea is a great one. It is amazing what you can get done in a short amount of time when you don't allow yourself to be distracted.

Way to Go Doreen,

I m so impressed that you have yor meals planned for the entire week. You are my hero. I love the timer idea. That may work to get me motivated too. I hope te steps that you are taking finds you in a more peaceful place.

Thank you for your support, Wish Sis.

Tak care,
:sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

Hope if you're getting all this rain, that those rays of sunshine brighten up your day!

I'm going to take my timer and do 15 minutes before I get ready for work today. Yesterday I got lots done in a short amount of time, thanks to you!:hug:

How did your meeting go last night? Did dinner go as planned?

Have a good Wednesday, WISH-sis. . .soon you'll be over the hump!

What went not-so-well yesterday? Our meeting last evening was a difficult one. DH and I are on the board of a non-profit child care center. Enrollment is down (for several reasons) and therefore we needed to find a way to trim the budget - hard decisions that will affect people we care about. :( My eating habits yesterday were downright horrible in the evening. There's too much junk food in the house. Tonight I'll have the kids put it away where I can't see it. Chocolate covered mini-donuts on the kitchen table are NOT helpful. :rolleyes: I never got a chance to set my timer and work for 5 minutes - too much commotion at home.

What went well yesterday? I got a lot finished at work. DS made the ham & green beans for dinner last evening and it was ready when we got home from our meeting.

I'm really tired this morning. I had to drive into work and now that the sun is later in coming up, I got a bit of extra rest but I'm still dragging. I am craving junky carbs in the worst way - a combination of colder weather and the DZone.

Erin, I've been thinking about your ponderings regarding putting myself first vs. trying to get some areas of my life under control first. I've been trying for the last few months to put exercise and healthy eating first. However I just can't seem to do it. I've been faltering and not doing ANYTHING. I feel the weight of all the undone stuff and it just makes me want to hide and eat junk food.

Since that wasn't working, I decided to look at what was causing me the most stress. I know I'll never get it all done but I do know that I feel better when I've spent at least a little time working on those areas like finances and cleaning that nag at me. That's why I use my timer (yes, a Flylady tip for sure!) to do just 5 or 10 minutes on those tough tasks I've been putting off. Then I feel successful and I'm hoping the good feelings will carry over into more exercise and better eating habits.

Of course, I'm still wishing I could find a magic wand to make me thin and rich or win the lottery. :rotfl:

I'm still seriously considering buying a light box. I've continued to do research on them. I'd really like one but spending $170 - $200 is a stretch for my budget at the moment. Maybe I should ask DH for an early present for Christmas and my birthday. :) It's always easier for us to spend money on each other than to spend it on ourselves. :hug:

The plan for today includes a busy workday, driving home, making tuna noodle casserole and s/f chocolate mousse for dinner, spending 5 minutes cleaning the top of my bureau in my bedroom and then relaxing. :sunny:
I'm sorry to hear about the day care center. That was not a good way to end your day. I'm sure you and Todd will work to find the best solution possible for everyone. Remember when God closes a door somewhere he opens a window. :) My all time favorite line from Sound of Music!

I know your life is crazy and I am so happy your DS took it upon himself to make dinner last night. What a nice thing to come home to! Keep your flying light and try the best you can - that is the only thing we can ask for ourselves.

I'm going to say a little prayer for you today that God gives you the strength you need to get through the day.



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