Doreen's New Way of Life (comments are welcome)

My gosh, Doreen, you're doing so well! Your comments are so helpful for me this morning. . .I'm feeling down about a lot of things--seeing my DD back in school, work problems, my lack of will power after another bad day yesterday--and your words are making me think maybe my high carb eating of late is adding to my misery! I'm determined to eat better today and see if that helps my stress level!

Where did you get your pedometer?
Lulu, I ordered my pedometer from since I just couldn't seem to get to a store that had one. It has shipped and should be here by early next week.

I made so much food yesterday and have most of it frozen. I should have plenty of low-carb stuff available in a pinch! I ate low-carb cheesecake for breakfast this morning - YUM! I always feel like I'm treating myself when I eat it. I don't remember how many carbs it has - I'll have to recalculate the fats, proteins and carbs for that recipe.

I am feeling better this morning. The scale is still unhappy with me but that will come along in its own good time, as long as I eat properly. I'm back at work (after taking Tues. & Wed. off) and have found it to be stressful. However, I will try to break all these big assignments down into little tasks and tackle them one by one. I can do this!! At least I'm trying to convince myself of that...LOL!!

Livin' la vida lo-carb!!
I figured out my cheesecake using fitday. I wanted to post it here so I don't forget it.

1/6 of a cheesecake = 1 serving
462 calories
fat = 44 g = 77% of calories from fat
carbs = 7 total - 2 fiber = 5 digestable carbs = 4% of calories
protein = 25 g = 20% of calories from protein

From my prior low-carb days, I find I do best when my day's calories are in a ratio of 70% fat, 20% protein and 10% carbs. I know everyone is thinking this is SO unhealthy, but I did it under my doctor's supervision (although not with his blessing...LOL). He did blood tests after a year and my cholesterol, triglycerides, etc were easily in the normal range. He said to keep doing what I was doing as it obviously agreed with me and I lost the weight I wanted to lose and maintained the loss for a couple years.

Therefore, for me, this cheesecake seems like a near perfect food. A piece that is 1/6th of the cake seems to really fill me up for hours and I feel like I'm treating myself! In my cooking frenzy yesterday, I made 4 of these cheesecakes with 1 in the fridge and 3 more in the freezer, so I'm set!!
You go Doreen, back on track:D The cheesecake sounds so delicious, I'll be right over:p

Keep it up to go down - you can do it!

The Peanut M&Ms in the vending machine are CALLING me! I swear I can hear them!

However, I will stay strong. I ate 2 string cheeses and my emergency Atkins bar. I'm still thinking about the bad stuff, but I figure if I post here, then I'll be accountable if I decide to give in.

I know if I don't stay away from the yucky refined carbs, my cravings will just continue. If I can hold out for a few days, those cravings SHOULD be gone forever! I REALLY don't want to start over trying to rid my body of those cravings!!

I can make it! I can make it! I can make it! I can make it! I can make it! I can make it! I can make it! I can make it! I can make it! I can make it! I can make it! I can make it! I can make it! I can make it! I can make it! I can make it! I can make it!

Okay, I'm stalling for time and trying to occupy myself - I admit it!

I'll check in before I leave work today and hopefully I will not give in!

3:45 PM UPDATE: I'm soon leaving work. I have NOT given in. I have been drinking a TON of water. The real trick will be when I get home, but I have some low-carb yummies to help, like egg custard or fresh strawberries & real whipped cream, in the fridge and ready to eat. I'm gonna make it!!

7:30 PM UPDATE: I'm home and not sure what's for dinner. It's OK though - the worst of the cravings are over and I didn't give in! It's nice to know I can just wait it out and the cravings will eventually go away.
I've figured out what triggered my cravings yesterday - WORK! I do not like the job I'm doing now and don't feel very confident or competent while at work. Yesterday I was really floundering. I could not focus and was not getting anything done, while watching my deadlines move closer and closer. This all made me feel anxious and I wanted to do anything BUT work. This seems to be when I crave nasty stuff. I felt better once I left work.

So today I have to find a way to make it better at work. When I feel on top of things, the time at work flies and I don't even think about food. Emotional triggers are so hard!!!

I did behave yesterday. In fact it was my first CHEAT FREE DAY!! I'm just about ready to leave for work today and I have my food all packed to take along. I want to make it 2 days cheat free!

9:15 AM UPDATE: I've been at work for 1.5 hours. I have prioritized my different projects. Then I took the first project and broke it down into 10 minute tasks. I know I can spend 10 minutes in each area without feeling overwhelmed. I won't be finished in 10 minutes but I can make progress. Baby steps are fine!!

I ate a slice of low-carb cheesecake for breakfast and feel full. I'm drinking lots of water and will take my meds right now before I forget. I can do this! I want to leave work today feeling like I've accomplished the work I could do and also eating the food I should be eating - NO CHEATS FOR ME!!
Doreen, your hugs yesterday helped so much, so here's some from me {{{{{{{{{you}}}}}}}}}}. You must feel so proud that you made it through a tough day cheat free, and it sounds like you have an awesome strategy for today! Don't forget, Sunday and weigh-in are coming--I have a feeling your going to see some positive results for your efforts. And if you don't. . .well, at least you'll know that you're doing all that you can do.

Your emotional-eater pal:(
Lulu, thanks so much for the encouragement - it really does help! Yes, the emotional eating thing is hard to combat, but it isn't as hard when I can identify that the cravings are emotionally driven. Then I can work on why I'm feeling bad emotionally and fixing THAT problem instead of pigging out and then STILL having the emotional problem AND the guilt of pigging out.

I was good yesterday - cheesecake for breakfast, egg custard and some cashews for lunch, cheeseburger & a little of a baked sweet potato for dinner. No cheats for me - made it through day 2 and have updated my cheat free star clippie. Isn't it silly how a little clippie can motivate me????

The scale is back to 139 - yippee! That was my weigh-in weight last Sunday. If I'm good today, maybe just maybe it will go down one more pound for tomorrow <crossing fingers>. Even if I stay at 139, at least I've recovered from my cheating weight gain and I'm on track again.

I got a fair amount of work done at work yesterday so I was feeling better and not craving junk.

No exercise yet - am still waiting for my pedometer to be delivered - but I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I've been working really hard at changing my food habits and I'm happy just making one change at a time. All in good time!
You go Doreen, on a run now and you got the cheat free clippie-wow! I couldn't find it but I've made it to day 16. Here's a wish for at least 1 lb to disappear:p
Great job, Doreen!!! It sounds like you're doing well and have a great attitude!!!

I had to laugh...never in a million years would you expect to see the words, "I was good yesterday - cheesecake for breakfast..." on a dieting board!!! LOL Gotta love it!!!

Keep up the great work and have a wonderful weekend!

Karen :smooth:
Karen, I never feel deprived when I can say I'm eating cheesecake on a regular basis...LOL!! I love low-carb!!

MeMe, your good wishes for my weigh-in this morning were answered! I'm at 138 - down a pound from last Sunday!!

Weight: 138 -1 lb from last week
Bust: 39
Chest: 33.5
Waist: 33 -.5 inch from last week
Hips: 39 +.5 inch from last week but -1 inch from start
Thighs: 40.5

Considering my antics this week, I'm happy that I've lost anything!! In addition, I have that lovely 3 day cheat free star clippie in my siggie!! I cannot believe the motivation and willpower that little clippie has given me! I have passed up some serious threats to my way of eating just because I knew I'd have to take down my star clippie & start over...LOL!!

I'm feeling good. My moods and depression symptoms are so much better when I eat low-carb - it really is amazing. It's getting easier to pass on the carby stuff that will make me feel bad again.

Now I'm off to put a lovely roast into the crockpot so I can eat a healthy dinner and have leftovers to take to work this week.
You go girl:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Great job I'm so happy for you. Keep it up to go down!!!

Where do I get the cheat free clippie? I get lost trying to find it, please help.
Hi, Doreen. Welcome to Monday! Here's a bounce for that one pound you're missing!:Pinkbounc Congratulations!

I'm going to get myself one of those cheat free clippies (if I can find the darn thing) tomorrow--I want to be cheat free until our cruise.

Did you have your cheesecake for breakfast? That's my baking project for next weekend. Do you use the recipe in the WISH low carb file? Do you have to use a spring form pan? I hope so, because it'll show DH that I do, indeed, use it!

You're doing a marvelous job, Doreen. Keep it up!

Lean and Mean by Halloween!

It's Monday!! I must admit that my motivation to come to work was NOT GOOD this morning. I am really not liking my job at the moment, but it pays so well and the benefits & pension are great and I only have 8.5 more years until I can retire with my medical insurance paid for life for hubby and I..... I really must resolve to have a more positive attitude about this job if I'm not willing to change it! All this griping is not productive!!

The scale was still at 138 today - no change from official weigh-in yesterday, which is fine. I FEEL thinner though??

I did not eat healthy yesterday, even though I stayed low-carb and didn't cheat. I slept in and ate a piece of my low-carb cheesecake around 11:30 AM. Then around 7:30 PM I had an Atkins Advantage bar. That's all I ate yesterday! Food just did not look appealing. Unfortunately, I only took in about 700 calories for the whole day. I did drink my water though!

I have more food with me at work today and I tend to eat more at work anyway. I had cheesecake for breakfast and some cashews around 11 AM. I have a 3 oz can of tuna for afternoon snack and an Atkins bar if I get desparate. Dinner tonight will be chicken.

After reading this, I notice that I have not been getting my veggies in. Now, I admit that I HATE veggies, but they are an integral part of eating healthy so I MUST make more of an effort! Maybe I'll have a small salad at lunch in addition to my small can of tuna.

All in all, life is good! I've been at this about 2 weeks and I'm seeing results and feeling better, so I must be doing something right!
Doreen, you ARE doing something right. . .actually MANY things right!!! Your outlook is so positive and the support you give to all of us is so helpful. You're a first class sweetie!:)

Yep, you need to eat better. Hope you ate what you said you were going to yesterday. Aren't Mondays hard sometimes? It can be tough going back to work, especially after that gorgeous weekend that we had, but you did it, and you're one day closer to retirement and those fantastic benefits (you lucky girl! I love being self-employed, but the perks aren't in the benefits, let me tell you!). Maybe looking for the job's one bright spot each day
will help? It sounds like you have a high-energy, deadline driven kind of environment; try to take a moment at a specific time this afternoon to just shut your eyes for a second, take a deep breath and regroup--give yourself a mental pat on the back for all you do there, Doreen!

Thanks for helping me with this clippie business. I'll try to check back in tonight to see if I can get it. And this weekend. . .cheesecake!

Smiles to you:)
Lulu, you are so right!! There are bright spots to this job of mine but I've been so busy griping that I've been ignoring them. I like your idea of a minute or two to regroup and think about what's going RIGHT. Thanks!!

I did eat better yesterday - definitely got more calories in.
B - cheesecake
L - cashews
S - Atkins Advantage bar
D - Wendy's mandarin chicken salad (NO crispy noodles tho)

Today, I'm doing well so far
B - cashews (on my way to a meeting!)
L - 3 oz can tuna and some macadamias
S - cheesecake
D - I have a yummy roast in the crockpot cooking while I'm at work! Hmm, will have to find a veggie of some kind....

I'm so very proud of my 5 days cheat free clippie - I'm on a roll!

My pedometer should be delivered today - I can hardly wait!! I want to incorporate more movement into my days. Why, you ask? Because I WANT A 5 POUND CLIPPIE!!!! The scale is still at 138 and I only need one more pound to claim the coveted clippie. Hopefully by Sunday's weigh-in, I'll be there.
Glad to see your eating better and that your feeling more positive.

Work can really stink sometimes but we have to do what we have to do and that retirement is closer each day:D

I know you'll get that clippie this week, I'm sending you a big WISH!

And now for me - where is that cheat free clippie???????I just found it thanks to your message, where was it hidden? I won't make the 100 days honestly, cause when I'm on our vaca I plan to have a few treats. But I promise to be cheat free till then and when I come home I promise to begin again.
Oh MeMe - that cheat free clippie looks so good!!! If you want to know how to resize it or any other questions, just PM me! Even if you don't make it to 100, just look at the progress you've made! You're making healthy eating a part of your life! I'm up to 6 days cheat free - who would have guessed I could make it that long!!! That little clippie is so motivating for me! Also MeMe, thanks for your kind words of encouragement!

I am.....drumroll please.....down a pound this morning!! I won't claim my 5 lb clippie until official Sunday weigh-in because we all know that weight can fluctuate from day to day, but it was wonderful to see 137 on the scale this morning!!

Can you tell I'm excited today by all my exclamation points!!!

My pedometer came yesterday, along with some of the WATP DVDs. I have my pedometer clipped on and I just finished the 1 mile Get Up & Get Going WATP. I already have over 2900 steps in today and it isn't even 6 AM! I will have to calibrate the pedometer to make sure it's counting the right number of steps but it's great to know I've got a good start on the day.

I don't have food planned for today except for leftover roast beef from dinner last night and possibly an Atkins bar. I WILL be good though because I love my 6 day cheat free clippie.

Today will be a good day at work and I will stop and savor what's going well for me there (thanks Lulu!).
One Pound Happy Dance!:Pinkbounc Good going, Doreen!
Keep us posted on how that pedometer works. . .I see one in my future!

It's cheat free for you and me!

Oh, Doreen, did you happen to get my PM about the clippie? I have the picture that you sent, but no code. As you can see, I've messed up my whole signature and have no idea how to get it back! I doubt that you even got my PM; I was having so many online problems yesterday. If you have a minute and you can give me advice, I'd appreciate it.




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