Doreen's New Way of Life (comments are welcome)

I've finally got a moment to post! :faint:

Yesterday afternoon my stress level at work was pushed through the roof. The stress continued through the evening and into more meetings this morning. I'm not in trouble or anything, but it looks as if I'll be asked to take on lots more duties.

Dinner last night consisted of grazing my way through all the junk food in the kitchen. :rolleyes: Today my focus is on survival.

I've spent lots of time in prayer and will continue to do so. It does help. I'm feeling more peaceful about the various situations and projects. However, I now have to let my chain of command know what's going on before they hear it from above. :p

Oh how I wish for a warm sunny beach, a lounge chair under a big umbrella, and a cabana boy bearing some tropical drink with a little umbrella in it..... :cloud9:

Now that the worst is over (hopefully) I will get back to healthy living, but I'm not making any firm promises for the rest of the day. Tomorrow is soon enough.

Considering all I've been through, I'm feeling pretty :sunny: and my prayers for a sense of peace within all the turmoil seem to be working.

No journals for me today - sorry all! I'm sending :goodvibes and :grouphug: to all though.
DoeWDW said:
Oh how I wish for a warm sunny beach, a lounge chair under a big umbrella, and a cabana boy bearing some tropical drink with a little umbrella in it..... :cloud9:

I think I would skip the drink & just have the cabana boy WEARING a little umbrella...

Good morning Doe,

I am sending prayers for a peaceful day today. I hope everything goes well. Take care of you! :grouphug:
Hi Doe,

I fell apart last night as well. Our desert island with cabana boys sound heavenly. May I join you?

I am hoping that this afternoon has settled down a bit for you. I'll say a prayer that this evening allows you to recharge your batteries.

Take care,
You and your cabana boys ;) sorry to hear about work and the added duties, you can do it cause you are woman hear you roar! take it easy with the bagels, they are addicting ( I'm the number 1 addict) And junk food & grazing can never be in the same sentence! Have a wonderful thursday - be strong :flower:
Hey, girlfriend. :sunny: for you today. I thinking about you and even thought I couldn't post yesterday, you were in my thoughts and prayers. Seems like we're all feeling the stress these days. . .at least we have each other, right? :grouphug:

Love ya,
Only have a moment - I'm teaching a class today.

So far I've been drinking water, eating cashews and I've taken my pills. That's a start, right? :p

The stress has lessened a bit, and I'm feeling pretty sunny, so all is well. The bad news - I'll probably have to take work home this weekend just to get everything done. The good news - I have Monday off for President's day!! YAY!!

Back to class - more later! :grouphug: to all of you!! All this talk of cabana boys sure has put a smile on my face! :teeth:
DoeWDW said:
All this talk of cabana boys sure has put a smile on my face! :teeth:

Mine too!! Hope today is a beter day for you!! Got any cashews you would like to share! Those sound especially yummy to me today!!! Good luck with all your new projects. Sounds like they knew you were the right gal for the job!!
Can't wait to hear that you got all your smilies!!!

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Hey Doe,

There's a new guy at the Y who has definated cabana boy potential. For some reason, I didn't mind working out today.

I hope the class is going well today. I;m sorry that you'll have to take work home with you. At least you won't have to go into the office Monday. An extra day in your pj's sounds awesome.

Take care,
:teeth: Cabana boys! :teeth:
I'm happy that my journal has become home to the thoughts of cabana boys. Michelle can keep the locker room nakies! :rotfl: And just for the record, there will be NO combining of the two!! :rotfl2:

You all make me smile, even on those days when I don't feel like it. I will be forever grateful for the fun and support we share here! :grouphug:

I'm happy to say that there are no meetings on my work calendar today - HOORAY!! That doesn't mean that none will pop up, but it does bode well. :p I've got some work assignments that will keep me hopping but I'm not feeling overwhelmed. I'm even thinking about eating healthy today! :banana:

DD has a friend who arrived last evening and is staying with us until Monday evening. DS has a busy work schedule and plans with his friends. It will be a weekend of activity and busyness but fun and friendship too. I like Beth's idea of staying in my jammies on Monday! ::yes::

Here's the plan:
1. Devotions - I read about forgiveness of others today. Last evening I read about the realization that God has chosen me to be His child and is intimately involved in all aspects of my life and how this realization of my specialness to God will help me when I'm feeling down about myself. He loves me just the way I am - who am I to say I'm not good enough when He has decided that I am His chosen child.
2. Pills - not yet.
3. Water - on my first mug.
4. Healthy eating - B will be yogurt w/ almonds (MeMe is right - bagels are addicting and I don't need that in my life), L will be a burger / no bun, D?? I'll have to make a trip to the store for dinner fixins.
5. Exercise - I've really slacked in this area so far this week. If I don't exercise today, then definitely tomorrow.
Hi Doe,
I am so glad your Friday isn't looking quite as stressful as the rest of the week has been. I am sending you tons of :wizard: to help you get most of it done. Hopefully you can minimize the amount you have to take home with you this long weekend.

Thanks so much for your post. No party this weekend, but there will be one soon. Thanks for all your support.

Have a fabulous weekend.
I'm happy that my journal has become home to the thoughts of cabana boys. Michelle can keep the locker room nakies! And just for the record, there will be NO combining of the two!! :rotfl2:


You have me :rotfl: with that comment! Thanks for the fun and laughter!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend! :cloud9:
Hi Doreen--just coming to check in--havent been around for awhile, but im bacccccck (see ya cant get rid of me!!) hope everything is well
Yes.. This is where I come for my cabana boys fix! :rotfl2:

Hope you have a great weekend ! :sunny:
Hooray for weekends!!! I slept in until 8:30 this morning!! :cloud9: I was very tired from my stressful week.

I'm getting ready to start my day. The kids & I have planned a trip to the mall soon. The house is a total and complete disaster, so I'll be cleaning. I want to feel that sense of peace that comes with a home that is uncluttered and clean. It will take some work, but it will be so worth it!

Great news! DH & DD assembled DD's refinished bed last night - it looks wonderful! It's just the way she wanted it! Nice to see the smile on her face! :) It's also nice to have one big project almost finished! DH still has to clean up the garage today.

Today: (edit 10:45 AM)
1. Devotions - Today's devotional was about how gardening puts us in touch with simplicity and God's creation. I have a black thumb, instead of a green thumb. I think God would prefer that I stay far away from His plants! :p I have been thinking about a small container on my deck for growing strawberries - maybe this will be the year I actually do it?
2. Pills - taken.
3. Water - on my first mug.
4. Healthy eating - B = yogurt w/ almonds, L will be turkey, lettuce & 1000 Island dressing on a low carb tortilla, D will be ???? - looks like I'd better start thinking about this..... Worst case, I'll make tuna salad for me and something else for the family.
5. Exercise - sometime this weekend I need to get a 6 mile walk/run in. It may have to wait until tomorrow though.
Hi Doe...

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've last visited. You sound like you are so busy, but hanging in there pretty well. You amaze me with your patience when I'm sure I'd be having a nervous breakdown. Keep those :sunny: :sunny: days coming and

MORE CABANA BOYS!!!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:
Glad you got the bed together and DD loves it!!! That is awesome!!! Hope you have a wonderful day! :sunny:


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