During our busy day tomorrow, if you have a moment to remember our friend, Sylvia

I remember the tears and incredible sadness that I felt a year ago when you had to share the news with us Dan. :( I remember seeing the thread title and knowing what it would likely contain, not wanting it to be true when I opened it. I remember sitting here in this very chair, trying to compose my words and express my feelings for the deep sadness I felt and feeling as though words just couldn't do it justice. I also remember the next morning it was raining, and I couldn't stop thinking about Sylvia when I saw a rainbow and have always thought that she had some part in putting it there that day.

My thoughts today are still with Sylvia's family today, and I hope that Nick is doing well.

We miss you, Sylvia... and we certainly remember you.
:( I never knew Sylvia except through all of you, but as much as all of you loved her, I'm sure I'd have enjoyed her as well. Prayers for her family.
Thanks for the reminder Dan. Makes me cry to think of her son. :(
:sunny: I'll think of Sylvia tomorrow. :sunny:
It's hard to believe that one year has passed already. She's still dearly missed here and on the Canadian Board.:(

Last year there were a few of us on Snowwarks' gardening thread that decided to plant a flower in Sylvia's memory and I was out in my garden yesterday and yes, Sylvia's lily is starting to come back up!

Peace be with you Sylvia.:sunny:
Thanks for the post Dan....I remember how incredibly sad you were the day we met in EPCOT last year shortly before we lost Sylvia.....Hugs to her family and to you too Big Guy......Rest in peace Sylvia...we all miss you.....
I didn't have a chance to get to know Sylvia. However it shines through this board how special of a person she is. I hope she has special angels watching over her....
Dan, thank you for the beautiful remembrance. I did not know Sylvia but everyone's tributes speak volumes. Sylvia sounds llike a courageous lady. I will remember her tomorrow and wish peace to Dan and Nick and hope and pray that they're doing well.
What wonderful thoughts and memories of a fine, gentle lady.

I called Sylvia's mom, Margarete, today and talked for a time. She herself is doing well, though she says it has indeed been a tough, sad year. And especially this week has been the toughest, understandably.

She said Nick is doing well, he will be 8 years old in September. And cute as a button, she said...grandma talk. :) She said he has adjusted well, though he has his moments. The other day, a commercial for Disney came on the TV, and he said, 'Hey, just like mom, gramma.' Nick is living with Sylvia's ex-husband, Brad, who is a super guy, according to both Sylvia, before she passed, and her mom.

Sylvia's SO, Dan, has moved to a different apartment and Margarete says he too is doing well.

Margarete asked me to again pass on her thanks, as she did in that letter I duplicated here some months back. She said again how much joy Sylvia found in the DIS, with all the nice people here, and of the comfort she found here in her later days. And during her time in the hospital, how wonderful it was, all the cards, presents and stuffed animals she received from folks on the DIS.

I want to thank everyone here also, for being such wonderful people to a person who reached out to us, our friend, Sylvia.

Dan :sunny:
Thank you so much for posting this, Dan. Sylvia's family and friends are in my prayers during this especially difficult time. May the Lord hold them in His hand and give them comfort.
May God bless you always, Sylvia. Your contributions to the DIS will always be remembered. I hope to be able to meet you one day in another time and place.

<font color=navy>Beautiful memorial, Dan.

I'll be thinking of Sylvia, and her family.
Thank you for that update, Dan.

I'm surely keeping Sylvia's memory close today and keeping Margarete, Dan, Brad and especially Nick in my thoughts and prayers...
My original post was on the garden fourm, but thought I would share it here.

As part of the "Garden Me" poster last year. Amid suggested we plant a flower in Memory of Sylvia.

My flower is a White Astilbe it's planted along a path on the back side of my water garden. I never met Sylvia but she has become a part of my daily life for I walk this path several times a day. Often stopping to lightly brush the leaves, and remember the Special Person Sylvia Was.
She touched so many lives and is remembered with such affection and sadness. I posted my personal tribute to Sylvia on the garden & flower board. I will not repeat it here... but she and her family will be in my thoughts and prayers today.
Dan, what a beautiful tribute to a beautiful woman. I did not have the pleasure of knowing Sylvia, but many of the DISers hold fond memories of her. May her courage and strength live on in her young son Nick.

God Bless.
Sylvia was special. There was just something about her that made it impossible not to like her.

Thank you Dan for this tribute, it's beautiful.

My thoughts and prayers are with Sylvia's family and all her friends. She touched a lot of people's hearts.

You are missed Sylvia. :(
I also think it's important we celebrate her life as well as honour her passing.

From my perspective, Sylvia's intense passion and desire to help others will always stick in my mind, as well as her unstinting love for son Nick. These attributes came over loud and clear on the DIS and it was just a tragedy we never got to meet in person.

Sylvia, you were one of the best..............



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