DVC Resale Buyers: pp paid vs asking


Earning My Ears
Jun 4, 2019
Simply put: what did you pay pp compared to asking. Not trying to be nosey, just looking for data for future purchase. Looking for trends: ups/downs, locations, years, time of year of purchase, lower point totals = higher point price? Anything will help.

If there is a current thread or data link please let me know.

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Try 1: Asking 103$ (AKV) bought at 103. We realized it was already a great price so we offered asking. It was too great of a price and it eventually got taken in ROFR

Try 2: Asking $155 (PVB), bought at $148.
Bought 6 resale contracts and tried to buy 2 others (one was taken in ROFR by Disney and the other was canceled by the seller at 9 days into ROFR). So 8 times we negotiated sale price and went to ROFR. And usually was an average of $5 less than list price.
Great thread idea!!!

1st CC: Asking 153, got 147. No points until 2020. Having buyers remorse as I found this....
2nd CC: Asking 153, got 145. 154 2019 points, 75 bankable, 75 more in 2020

I’m finding that SSR maybe has a discount of $1-3 depending on where priced. Looks like for all 100 point or less SSR contracts, 100pp can be expected.
We just bought SSR, and there were 150 points on the contract plus 150 coming in 2020. The asking was $107 and we paid $102 because according to DVC Resale store, that was the average ppp at the time. Offer was accepted immediately (I had a call back an hour after I sent the offer) with no negotiation!
1st resale, SSR 175 points, full 2019 points and beyond, asking was $106pp, offered $98 (accepted), but paid $100 to hopefully assure passing ROFR, it passed.

2nd resale, Poly 100, full 2018 points banked and full 2019 points and beyond, asking was $165pp, offered $145, after some back and forth seller accepted $145. Still waiting on ROFR.
For most resorts it can be a waste of time when you get a deal that is too good. DVC will buy it back. Just look at the ROFR thread and you can get a ballpark on what things are going for and what gets bought back. Trends change, sometimes DVC buys fully loaded contracts, sometimes they buy stripped contracts. Sometime they buy both. I wouldn’t try to buy a AKV stripped contract for $100 right now. That’s almost guaranteed to be bought back.
Definitely use the ROFR thread to get an idea of what’s been passing vs taken lately. A couple resale sites also post their average sales and ROFR rates on their blogs, and I used all that to help judge what we should expect.

We bought a loaded BCV contract (all 2018 points banked into this year, and all points going forward) - asking $149, offered $140, went back and forth a couple times and settled on $144.

In general smaller contracts go for more $ ppp than large ones.
1st in January BLT 200 pts full 2017, 18 &19 points asking $142 offered $137. Contract bought back by Disney.

2nd in March VGF 220 pts 2019 points asking $155 offered $150 ended up walking away and the seller withdrew the contract.

3rd in March SSR 350 pts $80 holding 2018 points due to expire partial 2019 points. Offered full asking but unsurprisingly taken by Disney.

We’ve bought some points direct now but will buy a small contract resale after we next go back.

I regret not offering full price on the BLT points as they would have been grandfathered in. We offered before we knew of the huge BLT direct price increase.
We purchased a 200 point BWV contract the end of last year. Asking $121 or $122 and we paid $118 a point.
Purchased a 150 point BRV contract fully loaded in April this year. They were asking $95 a point and we thought that was fair since it came with all 2017 and 2018 points and we didn't have to pay the maintenance on those, so we offered full price.
Glad to say both contracts passed ROFR.

Good luck!
I looked up specifics for past few contracts....

-just sold 200 OKW listed at $92 and seller offered full price, it was taken by the mouse in ROFR (just sent in closing docs Friday)

-in May 2017 we bought 150 BWV and paid full list price of $95

-in April 2017 we tried to buy 150 HHI for $61 when it was listed at $64 and it was taken in ROFR by the mouse

May go back and look at others and post back
It’s amazing to see what gets grabbed by DVC and what doesn’t. Some buyers have enormous luck and others not so much.

I guess, “shoot for the stars and die trying.”

I’m curious how low you Can get Copper Creek points since it seems all of those are being passed through ROFR.

It’s amazing to see what gets grabbed by DVC and what doesn’t. Some buyers have enormous luck and others not so much.

I guess, “shoot for the stars and die trying.”

I’m curious how low you Can get Copper Creek points since it seems all of those are being passed through ROFR.

Well, back in Nov I listed 2 HHI contracts (50 points each). And in Jan, right before the 1/19 new restrictions thingy, someone kept making super lowball offers on one contract. They initially wanted like $25pp off and their final was like $18pp off and I was willing to take like $15 off. I ended up pulling those off market and listed the 200 OKW instead. So who knows. May as well offer low and see who bites. But $25pp lower was offensive and we replied 'not interested' without hesitation. Then we started negotiating when they came back with like $20pp lower. Didn't get us anywhere, sadly. Although I am happier to keep my HHI and ditch the OKW. I think you could try offering in the $130s for some CCV contracts. Looks like a $140 passed so maybe a $135 would. Though all listed CCV are $146 to $168. Maybe offer $135 on one of the $146-150 contracts. Selling direct for $210 now so even $140 is a deal.
It’s amazing to see what gets grabbed by DVC and what doesn’t. Some buyers have enormous luck and others not so much.

I guess, “shoot for the stars and die trying.”

I’m curious how low you Can get Copper Creek points since it seems all of those are being passed through ROFR.

I am testing how low Disney will go with ROFR with PVB. Had a 200 point contract at $130 pp sent to ROFR yesterday.
This was a stripped contract with first points only 7 in 2021. Was initially listed at $135, I offered 128, they countered 133 and I countered 130 which was accepted. They cannot close until 3/20.
I am not very optimistic that this will pass but thought worth a shot. I also could not justify paying more just to get past ROFR with this stripped contract.
Polynesian (just closed this past week!) The sellers were asking $165, this is a bit higher than where the market is at, but i believe they still had a mortgage to pay off, they had selling fees with the broker. I offered slightly below market at $140, they countered at $150 and I told them i couldn't go any higher than $145 -- they accepted. The point status was pretty good - it had holding points that had already expired. 87/100 current 2019 points and full points 2020 points.

I do think the length of time that it has been on the market might make a difference in whether or not someone will accept a lower offer. If it was just listed they are probably hopeful to get asking or close to it, if on for a couple months then they are likely willing to consider less than asking offers. It also depends on the situation the seller is in -- something that you really don't know about. If they are just selling because they no longer want the points they can take their time and be picky, if they are in financial need of the money or need to get rid of the extra mortgage and MF then they might be willing to accept a lower offer just to be done with it all.

I think i hit my sellers in a sweet spot - the listing had been on the market since at least September. They still had a mortgage (the broker told me) they just bought 2 years ago (found on OCC) so they were basically hopeful to walk out of the contract not owing more money out of pocket.
First attempt was OKW extended asking was $90 offered $85 taken at ROFR. Next attempt was SSR asking $97 offered $92, they countered $93 I accepted, passed ROFR 160 pts per year. Contract had 2018–164 pts and 2019 160 pts.
That’s a fantastic SSR deal! Congrats! I haven’t gotten close to anything below 100. Best counter offer I got on SSR was 110 points with 110 2019 and beyond points for 106 plus dues


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