E is Three! A Tale of Food Poisoning, Hurricane Irma and Ever Changing Plans! Completed 2/7

What a full last day. I had thought the parks closed at 5:00 but maybe that was the last flights out. Hopefully some character meets broke up the being confined. I think I would have had a nervous breakdown. Love my family and all but that would have been tough:)

From what I heard AK and HS were closing earlier, can’t speak for Epcot and MK closed at 9 without any nighttime shows. And the airport shut down at 5 PM, for sure. I was very greatful my mom had a different room, but also to be in the main building at a resort; that’ll come up later.

Oh no! DS has had what I would consider night terrors a couple of times, and they were absolutely HORRIBLE! I can't imagine having one at Disney, but DS has had his when he's missed a nap, so it could be possible!

This was so random! Normally I can tell it’s a terror and I leave her be, close in case she wakes up. But I was walking out the door so I instinctively just held her, making it so much worse!

Yes, yes it does! I would love to buy in some day, but probably no time soon.

Us too! It’s such a great savings, but only if you’ve got the cash, as with everything.

YAY, Ohio!


Ahh, I really want to do this meal. I told DH that we should name DS Flynn Rider, but for some reason, he did not agree.

Go! Seriously, I will do this breakfast ever trip if I’m able. Incredible experience. I think Flynn is a great name!

Uh oh. You have some fun in your future!

I’m not ready! At least I still have a few years to prepare!

I wasn't sure about the food from the descriptions. Apparently I need to look again!

DH had the pancakes, which he said were so fluffy and light, even though they were big, and he loved the sausage and bacon. I had the steak, which was incredible. The eggs are served in a soufflé type thing and it was just a perfect meal. I love a good breakfast though!

I had similar thoughts about the Frozen Ever After photo. There's really not much to them.

Some rides just don’t need to be photographed.

Is that the only time she was in the back? I know you usually get thrown around more when you're in the back of rides.

This may have been the only time we were in the way back, but we generally sat in the back half of the train. The back is always faster. I think it’s just her coaster face, we rode it like 3 more times after this!

Missing this M&G is one of my big regrets from our trip in May. Such great photos!

It was a great meet! I was actually gonna skip it this trip, but DD was loving the characters, and the Park wasn’t busy at all. I hope you get to go soon!

That's too funny! I always love CP and seeing Pooh & Friends, but we didn't do it this time. Hopefully we can fit it in next time!

CP is always delightful. This was our first dinner here, as we usually do breakfast, but it did not disappoint!

My girls have had Night Terrors here and there. It is the worst. You really can't help them while they are still asleep and they always wake up so not happy.

E has them now and then, and she will usually have the terror, and go right back to sleep. But if I wake her from it, like I did here, forget it. It’s like she forgets it if she s that’s asleep.

Perfect! I feel like Ariel and Rapunzel are "fun" Princesses. They have alot more content to work with than say Snow White.

You are so right, and their guys are part of their tales. I mean Aurora sleeps through all the action in Sleeping Beauty. What’s she got to talk about?!

This is one of the 2 actual dining reservations I have for our trip in Feb. And I am def keeping it!

I’m so glad you guys are going! You’re gonna love it! I wish I’d had more time to spend there, cause it was so great, but wee hustled our pretty soon after we ate.

Oh my! This makes my head hurt just reading it. Glad it all got worked out.

It was a pretty eventful 10 minutes! Thankfully it was over as quickly as it happened.

Oh man! You are in trouble.


We love this one. It is a good way to sit and rest for a bit and be entertained. It really is that first song that is the best...

Secret: I went on it for the first time since I was a kid in 2012 and slept through the whole thing. I would not have thought I’d like it as much as I did. It helps that DD loves it though.

It really is. If we could all just be that way..

Right?! Just a little kindness.

Her face is hilarious! She seriously looks like she is terrified. Funny how they all kind of do this.

Lol! She would have jumped right back on if they’d let her!

Oh boy!

:sad: I just hope her first boyfriend isn’t a jerk. At least I have time!

I laugh because my DH says this is one of the best rides... Oh, how it is all in the eye of the beholder! We have ridden it soooooo many times, I am so bored while on it.

Like l! That’s the beauty of WDW to me, there are attractions for everyone. I’d ride IASW all day, no problem, and so many people dislike it!

Both Ariel's in one day!

I know! Dangerous waters there, even for a 3 year old. Luckily she saw no differences, minus the fin!

So Cute! E's face is so happy here!

She was so happy! I had no idea, but she LOVES Minnie Mouse! I’m a Mickey girl, myself, abut E is all about the bows!

Well, at least she had things to play with for the next two days?!?

Very true! Lol!



I am ready! At least you had a partner in crime for the next hour with you and E!

Don’t tell her I told you, but my mom is 60 years old. That lady has some serious stamina!

Man! You know a hurricane is coming if you can get a Fastpass for Mine Train that quickly!!!!

I know! I was shocked!

Where do they hear half of the stuff they end up saying?!?!

YouTube! I deleted it from all our devices cause she picked up some not so good stuff, on kids YouTube no less!

These photos are hilarious. E looks so concerned and your Mom looks like she is just chill'n


That was pretty cool that they did that for the guests at WL.

We got so lucky to be at WL for this storm. I’ll get into that more, but I read some other folks had so not so magical experiences.

Oh dear! Well, I love that she knew that you would be pissed and got you something as well. I think this is hilarous!

She spoils E, too much really, but it’s her grand baby, so I’m never really mad at her. But pumpkin spice covered chocolate pretzels did help; she knows me so well.

Well, at least you wouldn't be cooped all day. Interested to see how busy the pool was.

Yes! I don’t know what I’d have done at a value resort, being stuck in our room!

Glad you had fun on your last park day! We were at MK that evening too, so probably crossed paths at some point! It was crazy how few people were there. We talked to a CM who had worked there for 15 years and she said it was the emptiest ever. And we accomplished so much! We didn't get there until closer to 3pm and were able to do Tea Party, 7DMT (x2), Meet both princess sets, Winnie the Pooh, Peter Pan, Small World, Big Thunder, Pirates, Jungle Cruise, Magic Carpets, People Mover, Monsters Laugh Floor, Buzz, Barnstormer, and Dumbo, plus take a 75 minute dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table!

You guys did a lot too! It really was empty, and we took full advantage. I mean, facing a lockdown, you gotta run around as much as possible, right?!
Well, I had a crap load of multi quotes... then I had to do work. Stupid work, always getting in the way. In any case I lost them and I'm so far behind I'm just going to shoot from the hip here.

Sorry for the rough start to the morning with E having a little bit of a panic attack. Great job by your DH taking one for the team and going to an open house that he probably wasn't overly thrilled about. I'm glad that things ended up working out with E and she was able to calm down and enjoy the morning. Breakfast looks like it was a great time!

Your stories of E crushing on all the Disney princes (and pirates) were cracking me up. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

Way to take advantage of a less crowded park ahead of the hurricane. Nice interaction with that Jamaican CM. Did she have any info on her family or was she pretty much in the dark until the storm passed?

I'm glad you could rally and enjoy more park time when everyone else decided to take a break. Didn't you remind your DH that he'd have a couple of days to do nothing but sit in the room and work once Irma got there?
Well, I had a crap load of multi quotes... then I had to do work. Stupid work, always getting in the way. In any case I lost them and I'm so far behind I'm just going to shoot from the hip here.

Work is the worst! My job keeps me from doing anything, minus Barbies and watching/performing Descendants these days.

Sorry for the rough start to the morning with E having a little bit of a panic attack. Great job by your DH taking one for the team and going to an open house that he probably wasn't overly thrilled about. I'm glad that things ended up working out with E and she was able to calm down and enjoy the morning. Breakfast looks like it was a great time!

Oddly, he loved the tour, and was disappointed he didn't get to see the actual cabin as they were being sand bagged for the storm. Sis is like the Elora whisperer, they relate in a way I don't understand. Breakfast was amazing! I highly recommend it!

Your stories of E crushing on all the Disney princes (and pirates) were cracking me up. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

I am in SOOOOO much trouble there. Any guy with dark hair, but generally also with light eyes. Our grocery clerk got a big hug from her the other day, poor kid couldn't have been older than like 15.

Way to take advantage of a less crowded park ahead of the hurricane. Nice interaction with that Jamaican CM. Did she have any info on her family or was she pretty much in the dark until the storm passed?

The CM had not yet heard from her family and seemed a bit worried, sadly Jamaica isn't the most honestly run country (I've a few friends from the island). BUT, little ahead here, I did see her again and everyone was fine at home.

I'm glad you could rally and enjoy more park time when everyone else decided to take a break. Didn't you remind your DH that he'd have a couple of days to do nothing but sit in the room and work once Irma got there?

I did, but I think he was just done. Honestly though, he would have slowed us down! Mom knows how to tour the parks; we were rope drop to closing folks throughout my childhood. When we got back to the hotel he'd been watching movies, had a beer and was just relaxing, so no actual work was done.

Lockdown, Day One

DH and I woke in our deluxe cell at about 8:30 AM. The sky was still gorgeous and quite sunny. The pool was open when we woke up, but it did close at some point that afternoon. Elora was out.

She slept for a LONG time this day. We hung inside the room, watched some movies; they had Disney movies for free on channel 31 throughout the storm.

My mom was all over the place! She has a hard time sitting still and she was texting me like every 4 minutes, making me crazy. DH wanted Mickey waffles so I went down and grabbed a few orders for us all to split. When I got back to the room DD was awake. We all ate and she got dressed, very slowly.

At about 11:30 AM DH went to his “office” and my mom came to our room. She said they were doing activities in the lobby for the kids, including a dance party at 3 PM. We decided we’d go to that.

Ma played dolls with DD for like an hour! I cleaned up a bit and got a few loads of laundry done, gross, but it had to be done. Just before 3 PM we grabbed a little snack at Roaring Fork and headed to the party! Here’s a two bad videos:

We played in the lobby a while, did some pin trading and hung out with the bears. Mom got the notice that her flight home had been cancelled. We learned later that the airport in Miami took quite a hit. It was looking like ma would be stuck in Orlando for at least a few days…

Since all the food was discounted we decided to have dinner at Whispering Canyon.

E played with Liver Lips while we waited for our table.

We ordered the share plates and some milkshakes. While we were eating we were visited by a few Country Bears!

Coloring with Liver Lips

It was so cool that they were going to all the tables. They also were the stars of the kids parade, and helped with any ketchup requests!

Unfortunately miss Elora had such a great time in the lobby that day she didn’t make it through dinner…


Liver Lips tried to wake her, but was

She slept through the night, from 7:30 PM!

Sis told us they lost power at about 8 PM. We were lucky to not lose power at the resort. We all stayed snug in our rooms for the night. The wind was pretty fierce, and was driving the rain into the room from the balcony. Not much, but enough that we put a few towels down. Housekeeping was limited, so we figured we’d just tell them the next day.

Just before I went to sleep I got an email saying our flight had also been cancelled…


Sunday, lockdown Day Two

I don’t know when we woke up, but it was still pretty grey out and DH was working. We’d slept through the worst of the storm. I had a bunch of messages from our family. We checked in to make sure everyone was ok, and they all were. No one had power though.

View from our room after the storm.

DH and I were chatting about our flights and what we were gonna do. He knew I was bummed and asked if I wanted to stay a few more days, um duh! But he said he had to go home. His company does estate sales in Michigan and they had booked a sale for the Motown Mansion just before we left, so he’d been working on that. Then he got a job to do the site mapping and planning for the Hamtramck Art Fest. THEN he got a design job for a small business in Oregon, a little farm that is now selling its eggs, meat, milk, soaps, etc.

I understood and let’s face it, he wasn’t really hanging with us too much anyway. I mean he’d spent all day working while we were at AK, which is his favorite park! Workaholic!

I chatted to mom about it. She was stuck in Orlando any way. Her initial plan was to stay with Kat and Keith, but if E and I were gonna stay too she wanted to extended at the hotel. We agreed we’d stay until Thursday, giving us two more park days. So I packed up the room, and started moving stuff up the the Club Level!

From the lounge

Enjoying some lounge treats!

We worked everything out with the front desk as far as tickets go. They were able to give me DH’s extra ticket, and mom had a comp ticket I’d given her, so we just needed a ticket for DD. At this point I was also able to get a ROL dinner at Tusker House for Tuesday evening, as well as a BoG lunch for Wednesday! We were then pixie dusted some special fast passes good “any where except Pandora” remember that.

Mom was super helpful this day. She baby sat DD while I worked out DH’s flight home.

E entertaining herself before mom came, lol!

Since Southwest had cancelled all the flights they were offering changes at no cost. I booked DH a long flight home for Tuesday afternoon. I was also able to get DD and myself a flight home for Thursday, with a stop, but no plane change! Score!

Since we were gonna stay another day Kat decided to take off work on Tuesday and meet us at the parks again! Our plan was to hit AK Tuesday and MK Wednesday. There were not any good passes left at AK, so we figured we rope drop FoP and wait for NRJ, since it was only averaging about 30 minute waits during our trip. Also, my mom had zero interest in FoP. She doesn’t do well on the simulator rides.

Ok, enough planning! We all hung out in the Club Lounge a bit, had some wine and such. I made sure DH was ready to go. We sent him home with the giant suitcase and the second roller bag, so DD and I only had the one Disney Duffle, our little bags and the stroller, this would be a mistake, but I digress.

We napped a bit, watched movies, played in the lobby and once they opened things up we went for a stroll.

Bad panoramic near the hot tubs.

Hot tub/pool clearing

It was a very relaxing day, especially considering a hurricane had just blown through!

I gotta say here the CMs at WL were incredible. Everyone was upbeat, helpful, happy, and so, so kind. We had so much fun, felt very safe, and honestly, if I hadn’t known, I couldn’t tell a giant storm was ripping through the state.

We spent the evening just resting and playing. We watched some movies, and a QS dinner at Roaring Fork and were all in bed early. The plan for Tuesday as now AK for the girls and a flight home for daddy, but that, like all my Disney plans changed, lol!

Lockdown, Day One

DH and I woke in our deluxe cell at about 8:30 AM.
If you're gonna be on lockdown somewhere...

She slept for a LONG time this day.
Well what else was she gonna do? And even after that, she still couldn't make it through dinner??? Sounds like it was time for a rest day anyway.

Since all the food was discounted we decided to have dinner at Whispering Canyon.
Really? Discounted? Sounds like they learned from the bad press they got for the crappy overpriced food they served during the last hurricane.

It was so cool that they were going to all the tables. They also were the stars of the kids parade, and helped with any ketchup requests!
That really is cool that they made WCC a character meal for the day. I'd think a lot of fun could be had with the Country Bears in that setting!

We worked everything out with the front desk as far as tickets go. They were able to give me DH’s extra ticket, and mom had a comp ticket I’d given her, so we just needed a ticket for DD. At this point I was also able to get a ROL dinner at Tusker House for Tuesday evening, as well as a BoG lunch for Wednesday! We were then pixie dusted some special fast passes good “any where except Pandora” remember that.
Sounds like you were able to work things out very well!

We sent him home with the giant suitcase and the second roller bag, so DD and I only had the one Disney Duffle, our little bags and the stroller, this would be a mistake, but I digress.
Oh yeah... take all our crap and leave while we continue our vacation. Nice.

I gotta say here the CMs at WL were incredible. Everyone was upbeat, helpful, happy, and so, so kind. We had so much fun, felt very safe, and honestly, if I hadn’t known, I couldn’t tell a giant storm was ripping through the state.
That's great! I wouldn't have expected anything less, but I'm glad you felt that way having been through it.
DH and I woke in our deluxe cell at about 8:30 AM. The sky was still gorgeous and quite sunny. The pool was open when we woke up, but it did close at some point that afternoon.
By the time we woke up at about 10am it was raining hard down at POFQ. I think it never really stopped that day! We did attempt to go to the hot tub but got there just as they were shutting down!

they had Disney movies for free on channel 31 throughout the storm
We watched 10 of them! I kept track!

We agreed we’d stay until Thursday, giving us two more park days. So I packed up the room, and started moving stuff up the the Club Level!

I gotta say here the CMs at WL were incredible. Everyone was upbeat, helpful, happy, and so, so kind. We had so much fun, felt very safe, and honestly, if I hadn’t known, I couldn’t tell a giant storm was ripping through the state.
Agree wholeheartedly! The CMs at POFQ were amazing. Most were staying on site for the duration and we chatted with some of the concierge people who actually stayed on cots in the break room behind the front desk! The lobby there has huge glass walled windows and they said the wind overnight was crazy!
Finally got caught up with everything. Sounds like y'all had an awesome time pre hurricane. I heard nothing but good things about all of the resorts and the hurricane crews. I know when we checked in that Tuesday they were telling how many people were fled Disney before the storm hit. I was very happy with Southwest's customer service during the whole storm. We were able to change things around very easily once they announced cancellations. Can't wait to hear how your last few days went!
What a busy day you had at MK! I'm not surprised that your daughter slept in the next day. Her interactions with all the characters were cute. You make the day seem like it was a lot of fun with all the rides you were able to do before they closed for the hurricane.

It looks like you were really lucky to have chosen WL for this trip. The building is so well constructed that I'm not surprised you slept through the storm. I love how the Country Bears joined you for dinner. :)

It looks like you had a great room. We love the WL and your report makes me want to stay there again. :)

Did your husband use the area on the 4th floor with the tables as his work space? Our son-in-law had to do some work during our last trip with him, and that work area was right outside our rooms.
If you’re still here, I’m so sorry!

I’m a terrible trip reporter and have all but abandoned the DIS boards! I’ve been slowly catching back up on everyone else’s reports and have been working on writing our last few days for my own report.

Life just got super busy, family visits, trips, stuff for home buying, changes at DH’s job (good ones), and parenting a threenager, just got in the way! But I’m back now and I’ll ill reply to all your lovely comments and post an update ASAP!

Thanks for sticking around!

This is why I don't do TRs. :laughing: I would fail miserably at updating! Life gets busy, ESPECIALLY with a little one! We understand.
If you're gonna be on lockdown somewhere...


Well what else was she gonna do? And even after that, she still couldn't make it through dinner??? Sounds like it was time for a rest day anyway.

Oh yeah! That poor kid needed sleep like no other. Since she was born she’s slept terribly and will stay up at all costs, so we knew she was a tired babe when she slept like 90% of the day!

Really? Discounted? Sounds like they learned from the bad press they got for the crappy overpriced food they served during the last hurricane.

Yep! At first they said it was going to be limited menus, but then as the storm weakened, the menu was essentially the same, but at like 1/2 price!

That really is cool that they made WCC a character meal for the day. I'd think a lot of fun could be had with the Country Bears in that setting!

The characters were everywhere! It was so awesome. All the kids really had such a blast, and the parents were able to just chill, it was that Disney touch.

Sounds like you were able to work things out very well!

I know! We were very fortunate to not be harmed by the storm, and to have the ability to extende our trip.

Oh yeah... take all our crap and leave while we continue our vacation. Nice.

To be fair, DH chose to leave, sorta, lol!

That's great! I wouldn't have expected anything less, but I'm glad you felt that way having been through it.

I knew it’d be pleasant, for a storm, but it was an exceptional thing. Just everyone’s attitude was so great! Even these kids who’d never been in a storm, away from their families, they stayed so upbeat, which made it easy to stay calm as a guest.

By the time we woke up at about 10am it was raining hard down at POFQ. I think it never really stopped that day! We did attempt to go to the hot tub but got there just as they were shutting down!

They really kept a lot open for as long as possible!

We watched 10 of them! I kept track!

We probably watched about that many too, lol! It’s funny cause E remembered the Santa Clause when it came out on Netflix this holiday season, she called it Disney Santa, lol!



Agree wholeheartedly! The CMs at POFQ were amazing. Most were staying on site for the duration and we chatted with some of the concierge people who actually stayed on cots in the break room behind the front desk! The lobby there has huge glass walled windows and they said the wind overnight was crazy!

Wow! I can’t believe they stayed there like that! I’m glad you guys had a good CM experience too, it’s really a testament to how they train, and the type of people they’re hiring.

What a busy day you had at MK! I'm not surprised that your daughter slept in the next day. Her interactions with all the characters were cute. You make the day seem like it was a lot of fun with all the rides you were able to do before they closed for the hurricane.

Thanks! E loves the characters, we loook at the trip photos now and she tells the stories of what they talked about, it’s adorable. We did so much, and really tried to keep it a small low stress as possible, had to get some fun in before lockdown!

It looks like you were really lucky to have chosen WL for this trip. The building is so well constructed that I'm not surprised you slept through the storm. I love how the Country Bears joined you for dinner. :)

I’m glad we were staying deluxe this trip, I read a few reports about folks staying at the value resorts basically being stuck in their rooms, which would have been a nightmare!

It looks like you had a great room. We love the WL and your report makes me want to stay there again. :)

We really did! WL is a family favorite and it’s looking like mom will be purchasing DVC there this spring! Go back!

Did your husband use the area on the 4th floor with the tables as his work space? Our son-in-law had to do some work during our last trip with him, and that work area was right outside our rooms.

Maybe?? I never went to see him up there, but he really liked the space. Working in vacation seeems terrible to me, but we gotta do what we gotta do, right? At least the work places seem nice.

Welcome Back! Threeangers can be tough! But it won't last forever. Promise.

I’ve added “this is a stage in life and will pass” to my morning meditations. :faint:

No rush! Life is busy and we all just went through the holidays which can definitely slow you down. Take your time. :D Glad you're back.

:disrocks: Thanks! I’m glad to be back! I missed all my Disney buds and their adventures!
This is why I don't do TRs. :laughing: I would fail miserably at updating! Life gets busy, ESPECIALLY with a little one! We understand.

Lol! The planning reports are so easy, cause I’m writting it up any way, but the post trio, man! It’s hard to relive the magic, especially when there is no trip being planned, yet!
Just now joining in, but I think we met you all at the bus stop outside the Boardwalk! We were at Tratorria al Forno the same time as you guys and I think our kids played together at the bus stop! Running along the little concrete walls and watching some YouTube videos during the long wait :laughing: I’d insert a picture of us, but I don’t know how! But it was my husband and I, my 2 little girls, and then my sister and brother in law and their daughter and son!
Just now joining in, but I think we met you all at the bus stop outside the Boardwalk! We were at Tratorria al Forno the same time as you guys and I think our kids played together at the bus stop! Running along the little concrete walls and watching some YouTube videos during the long wait :laughing: I’d insert a picture of us, but I don’t know how! But it was my husband and I, my 2 little girls, and then my sister and brother in law and their daughter and son!

Oh my gosh! Yes! My DD was being overly friendly with your kiddos! Lol! Nice to meet you here too!:disrocks:
Let's get this show back on the road shall we?

When we last left off the storm known as Irma had come and gone through our WDW vacation, DH was headed back to Detroit and back to work, but mama, DD and I were staying a few extra days. We'd scored a few FPs, but lost some hard to get ones as well, let's see how it all panned out!

Bonus Day at AK!

We all woke up bright and early. The parks were back on regular hours and we wanted to be at AK by 7:30 AM. Mom met us in our room with some treats from the Club Lounge. We had to hustle since we needed to activate E and my bands again to be used in our new room. We were gonna try and see DH before he caught his flight, but we gave him lots of hugs in case we were not able to.

We made a stop for drinks in RF before we headed to the bus stop. DD was wearing her birthday button (for once) and was gifted a berry Minnie Mouse cupcake, of which she ate only the frosting… gross. I have limited notes here since I was focused on Kat getting to the parks. I knew she still had no power and wanted Keith to come to the hotel to get some homework done. We were just trying to work out logistics.

We took another Minnie Van, which we were loving and we got to AK close to 8 AM and there was already quite a few folks waiting.

Waiting to get inside!

We went through the tapstiles, headed left and stopped…

THis was in front of us and there was the same amount of people behind us.

I figured even though we were headed to Pandora we’d be able to make it into the Oasis and in front of the Tree of Life, but no dice. Maybe we went in the wrong way??Right at 9 AM they left us go. I was not in the mood for how people were acting this morning, I know we lost two park days but let’s be civilized. I mean a woman actually pushed my stroller… I may have run over her foot soon after, but that is neither here nor there.

We got to FoP at 9:10 AM and the posted wait for FoP was

125 minutes
Uh, no.

We rode Na’vi which was cool, but since I had no context I had no idea what we were looking at. We walked around Pandora a bit, took a few photos and then left. We figured we’d watch the times throughout the day and see if we could ride later.

We walked back towards Africa.

As we were entering the area a CM let us know that all the trails and animal exhibits would be closed all day. Safari was also down and they were not sure if it would be back up… we decided to go over to MK and we’d come back to AK in the evening for TH dinner and the ROL Show.

Stopped for an adorable photo shoot. This kid is such a ham!

We mozied out of AK towards the buses, and I texted DH. His flight wasn’t for a few hours, so we decided we’d go back to the resort and say a real goodbye. At the same time mom had talked to Kat and told her to meet us at WL as well. Didn’t take long for a bus to come retrieve us and before we knew it we were at WL saying goodbye to our papa, but Kat wasn’t there yet. She and Keith got held up in traffic, she decided to just meet us at the park.

Mom, E and I took the boat out to MK. And here is where things get fuzzy, see, I wrote like 90% of this TR right after we got home, then life happened, I stopped writing it and now I can hardly recall where we went or what we did. I know we had some Fast Passes for Space Mountain, pretty sure another FP was for HM, cause that had become a favorite of Elora’s and we all love that attraction. But I’m not 100% sure…

Pretty sure we started the MK portion of our day on the carousel, Eora loves a carousel.

Blurry selfie

You know it was still early cause her hair isnt a mess yet!

Then we probably did Small World, cause there’s a time lapse between the carousel and our ride on 7DMT. I’m pretty sure we used one of our special passes here.

Always a fun ride!

If memory serves we headed back towards Pecos Bills’ for lunch first. MK was a little busier than it had been, but still not awful, and considering we’d literally just had a hurricane, the place looked pretty good. Tom Sawyer island was closed as was the train, if memory serves. Mom wheeled E to a table, pretty sure Kat met us here. The morning hadn’t been so simple for her and I think she was a bit hangry, so I grabbed our lunch solo.

I ordered the fajita platter and nachos for the four of us to share and then Kat and I raided the toppings bar. This place will be a favorite QS of mine for years to come.

THere was a small time slot here before our Space FP so we stopped to watch the remainder of the Castle show. It was hotter than Hades at this point, but E didn’t seem to mind. She found a dance partner and had a ball!

Little video...

We got back to Space Mountain and Kat and I rode first while mom took E to get a snack, probably popcorn in our bucket; we really got good use from that thing!

After Kat and I got off we met mom and Elora and it was decided that I’d ride again with mom while Kat took E on Astro Orbiter; E’d been wanting to ride it, but I’m terrified of that ride, so Kat took her up. I was a bit worried as to how E would do, but turns out she loved it! Wanted to ride again even. Sadly the only pics I have of her experience are not with me.

Mom and me on Space!

Honestly, this may be my last year on this mountain. It was so jerky and just killed my back. The second ride, while fun, was not good for me. At this point we headed out of the park, it was past 4 and the MNSSHP folks were coming in so the park was feeling crowded, plus we had an ADR to get to! We wandered around a bit and decided to head back out to WL to freshen up before we went back to AK for our dinner ADR. As I recall we hit the lounge, grabbed some snacks, said goodbye to Kat and grabbed a LYFT to AK.

Continues from previous post...

I have zero clue what time our ADR was for, but we got into the park and back near TH with little time to spare. We checked in, E danced with some of the performers and moments later we were seated. We got seated in the smaller room to the left of the buffet. We shared the space with one other family, and this was a blessing! The characters came in, two at a time!!!

No clue what all this is, but it tasted really good and Elora cleared her plate, so winning!

That child is never still… My stupid phone was being stupid here, so all these pictures have that white shadow on them…

Mickey showing E how to use her instrument in our private parade!

THis was an incredible dining experience. I love TH, love the food, always had great service and to have an empty room for E to be as loud as she wanted (within reason), two characters at a time AND our own private parade with Mickey and Goofy?!?! We will forever eat here.

I’d been checking the wait time for FoP. Since the storm had kinda messed up our plans I hadn’t been able to nab a FP for it, but the listed waits were about 65 minutes, so I asked mom if she’d mind watching E while I waited. She was cool with it so we squared away the bill and went our separate ways.

Mom and E enjoyed a show and E did some dancing.

Then they just kinda wandered the park.

I, however, waited, and waited, and waited for what I thought was an incredible ride experience. I definitely waited more than an hour, almost 90 minutes according to my notes. The queue was cool, very detailed and told a great story! Not sure I’d want to wait much more than I did though.

I had zero clue what to expect for a FoP and I was really blown away with the details. This easily became one of my new favorite rides. As soon as I was off the ride and saw the time, I panicked. I knew we needed to get to ROL at least minutes before showtime, and that was coming up fast!

Not the best photo...

I tried to text my mom to tell her to just meet me at the show, but my service was non existent. I found mom and E in the gift shop in Pandora. We grabbed the stroller and walked, quite quickly, over to the entrance near Nemo. Stroller parking was nuts! There were two CMs taking them and parking them for guests, but it seemed folks were reluctant to let their wagons go. Not us!

We dumped he stroller and got inside as quickly as we could. The stadium was packed! The performers were already walking around the stands when we got in. I wanted to move farther down but mom was nervous about bothering other people, so we sat in the back, at the end of a row.

E spent most of the show trying to see the floats, as did I actually. That arena is really poorly designed. The show was nice. Nothing incredible, to me at least. But I may have felt differently if I hadn’t been holding a tired toddler on my lap and if I wasn’t doing so while being shoulder to shoulder with the equally sweaty stranger beside me. I’ll see the show again, but missing it won’t break my heart.

As the theatre emptied in a huge mass which headed to the exit of the park, mom and I stopped to get the stroller, then we stopped for ice cream, and finally into a gift shop. We stayed to watch the Tree of Life Awakenings, which were incredible! That show is so cool! Then we took a few pictures and headed out to the bus.

DD was tired, but she was in that sleepy place that kids go where they’re exhausted but refuse to rest. Made the ride home a fun one! When we got back to our room mom hit the lounge for some wine and treats while I tried to get Elora to settle in for some rest. She wouldn’t so we met mom at the lounge. The Hallowishes Fireworks we’re going off and we had a great view from the balcony in the Club.

Then it was time for showers and sleep, we had our last day at MK to look forward too, and a lunch ADR in a Beastly Castle!



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