Early/Mid March in WDW????


Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
Hi all! Been thinking about the next trip (surprise LOL!) We thought about driving in the summer in a couple years but the crowds and heat in July might be too much for us. I like July because dd is out of school and I see codes for July.

But now I am thinking taking dd out of school the week before March break (early March) and staying about a week and driving home at the end of March Break. (or maybe driving down at the beginning of March Break and taking the week after).

What are the crowds like around Ontario March Break?


Driving conditions?

Coded? Deals? Rates?

THX! Sandra
Sandra, as you know, we've gone twice to WDW during March Break now. I quite like the weather because it's not that hot, humid weather we experience during our summer trips there. We found the parks manageable and used Fast Pass where necessary. I think it also helps that we've been several times before and know what we want to do.

I don't know if we've just been lucky but so far we've only experienced some rain (no snow!) during the drive and that was this year. Last year the weather was perfect for the drive, both ways.

Last year we stayed off-site but this year we stayed at ASMu and used a code. This time period is classed as peak season and we got a rate of $79.00usd instead of $109.00usd. There were lots of groups of teenagers on Spring Break but we never had a problem with them and our room was away from the pool areas.

I found it such a nice break from winter to go down at this time of year.
Hi Sandra,

I agree with TimnDansMom, early March is so nice at WDW. We went the week before March break this year, and loved it. The first couple of days were not shorts weather (mid-60s), but the crowds were very small and we were able to walk onto almost everything until about mid-day. I was just amazed - I had planned my fastpass strategy and didn't even need to use it except for a couple of rides! Plus, with it not being as hot, the kids didn't wear out so quickly and we got through absolutely everything we wanted to see in two days at the Magic Kingdom without me being too much of a slavedriver, LOL! By our third day it was getting warmer (mid 70s) and therefore a bit busier, but still very manageable crowd-wise. Friends who arrived the Saturday at the beginning of March break, just as we were winding down our vacation, said that they had one-hour waits at some rides at the Magic Kingdom that day. All this to say that we're planning to visit during the pre-March break week again in a couple of years and all agreed it was a lovely time of year to be there.
Mousegirl, could you go swimming? Was it warm enough? Thanks! Sandra
Sandra, we were swimming for the last four days of our stay, (including one day at Typhoon Lagoon - yay!) and the temperatures were just fine. I think the first day or two in the week would have been a little too cool to really enjoy being in the water, but since we were busy at the Magic Kingdom both days it wasn't really an issue. The third day we were there we saw other people in and around the pool, and while the water was very warm, the air temperature was just not warm enough for me to jump in....it all actually worked out well though, since we were so busy park-hopping the first 3-4 days we were ready to sit by the pool a bit later in the week when the weather was really nice.


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