Early morning, no Disboards

wow, this issue is STILL occurring. For the past 2 mornings, between 9 am and 10 am Irish time I have been getting this error.
Yup. You'd think it would be a concern for the admins that their board (and ergo also their advertising revenue) is offline for about 45 hours per month, but so far although several moderators have commented there's been no word from the webmasters/admin.

I know of at least one other Disney web site that uses the same format, and they have no off line issues. But I much prefer this community, and would rather be on here.
How do we let the Webmasters know that this is an issue of concern and a reply would be greatly appreciated?

I'm like the rest of you that have replied to this thread; the boards were only down for a few minutes at 4 am when the Big Switch happened but, a few days later, the boards were back to being down 60-90+ minutes every morning around 4 am.

Is there a reason for this?
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I've tried to let them know via this thread, and even made some suggestions, but so far no one has responded. The site is routinely down for 90 minutes a day, which is 46+ hours a month, but for some reason this does not seem to be too much of a concern at the moment, not even for 1.5 hours of lost ad revenue a day.

wow, this is getting ridiculous... this morning at 9 am Irish time (1 am LA time, 4 am New York Time ) I was in the middle of typing a reply and poof the forum just went offline... ITS BEEN GONE FOR 90 MINUTES!! and I have just got back in. This is really really not acceptable.
Just adding another comment to this thread in the hopes one of the Webmasters will see it and consider giving us an answer to why the boards go down for 60-90+ minutes every day at 4am EDT.
Just adding another comment to this thread in the hopes one of the Webmasters will see it and consider giving us an answer to why the boards go down for 60-90+ minutes every day at 4am EDT.

As it's now almost two month since this issue was first raised, I don't think anyone really cares - or they've got bigger issues to look into (although I'm not sure why their boards being hard-down for a total of about two days every month would not be a bigger concern for them?).

I did tag @WebmasterAlex @WebmasterCorey, and make some suggestions a while back to see if we could get some comment from them, but even though some moderators have indicated that they see the same problem, there has been nothing further mentioned.

Is there somewhere else that we should be reporting this, rather than using the Technical Support forum?

It would be nice to get a response to this issue at a minimum. The downtime is longer on the new software than on the old software. While I do like the new boards better overall, I would've hoped for some improvement in this area.
Well I haven't been on Disboards for over 6 months and I can't get on unless I use the regular version at all. Meaning I can't get on the app at all. Did it change? Is there a new app that I'm not aware of?
Well I haven't been on Disboards for over 6 months and I can't get on unless I use the regular version at all. Meaning I can't get on the app at all. Did it change? Is there a new app that I'm not aware of?

Access via mobile apps was discontinued a few months ago when the new board software was introduced. The boards now have a 'responsive' layout so they should look as good on mobiles or desktops. See the various threads and sticky on the subject.

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I've just seen this thread.

I can never get on this site between 9-10.30am every day UK time.

So annoying to see the message. 90 minutes downtime every day???
As it's now almost two month since this issue was first raised, I don't think anyone really cares - or they've got bigger issues to look into (although I'm not sure why their boards being hard-down for a total of about two days every month would not be a bigger concern for them?).

I did tag @WebmasterAlex @WebmasterCorey, and make some suggestions a while back to see if we could get some comment from them, but even though some moderators have indicated that they see the same problem, there has been nothing further mentioned.

Is there somewhere else that we should be reporting this, rather than using the Technical Support forum?

Did you try this link? Maybe it will work better.

We never got a real answer then either. A backup task which takes a primary live server down for a total of two days a month (which is roughly twice as bad as it was on the old system) is surely worth a few minutes of someone's time to investigate...

Good to know it is not just me, because this entire time I thought it was my computer and ipad with the issues as to why I couldn't get on. I am up at 4am for work everyday so I like coming on the Dis to catch up and read. Can't do that until around 5-5:30am EST.
Wow glad to see it's not only me. I've just moved from Canada to the UK and now I'm noticing I can't get on the boards around mid-morning UK time. It's happened every day this week so far. It is so annoying and I'm pretty shocked that there's not more threads about it. Not good that this thread hasn't even been acknowledged.
This really confuses me, as I work extensively in this industry... It really shouldn't be happening.

You're running your boards on top of Rackspace infrastructure, so presumably you have a scalable number of servers and a Cloud DB sitting behind them to power the content. Why not just spin up another small server instance and run that exclusively as a backup server? Setup a cron to run every day at x time, store the DB backup file on the machine, push the backup file to Cloud Files, and then delete the backup from the server instance itself. Sure you'll max out the CPU on that server for an hour or two daily, but at least you're not bringing your whole system down...


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