
The problemn witha 45 day window is that it punishes the people like me who DO plan ahead, and WILL go to every ADR they make at 180 days. Being a DVC member, I book my rooms 11 months out (a nd start planning at least a year in advance), at minimum 7 months if I want to stay at a resort I don't own at. It may sound crazy, but the 180 day ADRs are the LAST thing I book. Making me wait until 45 days before I travel would annoy the heck out of me. By that time I've even booked my tours etc., which would have to change if I had to change parks for that day, based on ADR availability.

Another, DVCer here. I book my rooms in the 11 month window and my "must do" ressies 180 days out. Park hours are released at 6 months, so we have a good idea where we'll be each day. I hated the 90 day reservation window. It was stressful and much more difficult to book dining for 7-8 people.
Another, DVCer here. I book my rooms in the 11 month window and my "must do" ressies 180 days out. Park hours are released at 6 months, so we have a good idea where we'll be each day. I hated the 90 day reservation window. It was stressful and much more difficult to book dining for 7-8 people.

As another DVC member and someone who goes 2,3 sometimes 4 times a year I echo this!

Even if it is 45, 90 days or what ever ppl will still complain because of those who get up at the crack of dawn to make these ADRs on time and sell out of places they want to go.
Another, DVCer here. I book my rooms in the 11 month window and my "must do" ressies 180 days out. Park hours are released at 6 months, so we have a good idea where we'll be each day. I hated the 90 day reservation window. It was stressful and much more difficult to book dining for 7-8 people.

Just to kind of clarify...

I wouldn't want the changes described (mostly to 45 days) to "punish" people like you and 'Disney Dad Canada'. You have resort (or Villa) reservations, will be in WDW, and (probably) have all intentions to attend your ADRs (unless you're multiple-booking :rolleyes1). However, I see it as the best possible way to eliminate/minimize what I percieve to be "abuses" of the current system, including (but not exclusively):

a) multiple bookings for the same meal
b) booking ADRs when there is only a chance you will even go on the vacation
c) not cancelling unused ADRs because there is no penalty

Unfortunately, like with a lot things in life, a few bad apples can cause a lot pain for everyone else.
Never mind Disney; around here, you can't get into a popular restaurant a week ahead of time. There are always places that book weeks, sometimes months, in advance.

Because many people stay off site or live locally and never book an "actual vacation reservation." Disney doesn't want to shut them out of ADRs, nor do I think it would be reasonable for them to do so.

It's not 190 days. It's 180 days + 10. What that means is that you still have to wait until 180 days out, but then you can book ADRs for up to 10 days of your vacation.

180 days from today (9/14) is 3/13. If I'm staying on site, I can make ADRs today for 3/13, 3/14, 3/15, 3/16, all the way up to 3/23. If I am not staying on site, however, today I can make ADRs only for 3/13. Tomorrow, I can make ADRs for 3/14. The next day, I can make ADRs for 3/15, and so on.

Does that make sense?
I see, sorry didn't think about people not staying on property or locals, but seriously something should def be done to prevent people from holding onto adr's they might not show up to.
I believe requiring a credit card guarantee would be the best option, but that does not account for people who couldn't make it because of illness, etc. I think that if they cancel 2 hours before the reservation or went to the concierge desk of the resort and explained to have a charge reversed that would be the best option.

Most people will go to the reservations then because they need to.
The problemn witha 45 day window is that it punishes the people like me who DO plan ahead, and WILL go to every ADR they make at 180 days. Being a DVC member, I book my rooms 11 months out (a nd start planning at least a year in advance), at minimum 7 months if I want to stay at a resort I don't own at. It may sound crazy, but the 180 day ADRs are the LAST thing I book. Making me wait until 45 days before I travel would annoy the heck out of me. By that time I've even booked my tours etc., which would have to change if I had to change parks for that day, based on ADR availability.

As for upsetting the locals by letting people with room reservations book at 180 days, and all others at say 120, I really don't think many locals book ADRS that far ahead. I could be wrong, but if I lived close by I'd just phone ahead a week or so, and if I couldn't get into a given restaurant, try again next week.

I don't think a shorter window "punishes" anyone. It does take away some of the advantage that people who can book far in advance currently have, but in doing so it also eliminates many of the reasons the ADR system is so clogged with double bookings and ADRs that will eventually be canceled or be no-shows.

The few locals I know do plan the full 180 out if they want to eat somewhere special. They know the blackout dates on their passes and the dates of the events they want to attend, and if dining is any sort of priority they book it way in advance because they know just how difficult walk-ups can be. We have a relative who retired down there, and she often books things you can't do "last minute" - her husband's birthday dinner is always Le Cellier, she takes the grandkids to MK and Chef Mickeys every time they visit, they celebrated New Years with dinner at Cali Grill, attend Food & Wine festival events, never see Fantasmic without the dinner package, etc. None of those things are likely to be available "a week or so" ahead, even if you called back every week forever.
I don't remember this being a huge issue, until all the free dining. :rolleyes1 I can say, I have NEVER double booked and may have missed one ressie....ever. My DGD was running a 101 temp and I forgot the reservation. If Disney charged fees for no shows, it would be a nightmare (for the CMs). Can you imagine the rants?
I don't think a shorter window "punishes" anyone.

Sure it does. You don't think more people will be calling 45 day out than 180 days out? If I plan all other aspects of my trip by that time, I should be able to book my ADRs too. The people that wait lose out.

Let people who make room reservations book their ADRs at the same time. For those that don't have a room ressie, the 180 day applies. Make everyone put down a $25 "deposit" on each ADR, which wouldn't stop the speculation and double booking ADRs, but at least put a dent in them.
It certainly seems to have become this vicious circle that spirals more and more out of control. As it gets harder and harder to get ADRs, it will cause more people to double or triple book and also make more "specualtive" (excellent desription, BTW, Disney Canada Dad) which just feeds into to the problem even more.

One would like to think that Disney could hire some real smart people to come up with a better system. But if the restaurants are for the most part full...I'm sure they have no interest - mission accomplished in their minds. I would love to see the the statistics for Disney's restaurants WRT avg number of people served daily, before and and after the introduction of the DDP.
I believe requiring a credit card guarantee would be the best option, but that does not account for people who couldn't make it because of illness, etc. I think that if they cancel 2 hours before the reservation or went to the concierge desk of the resort and explained to have a charge reversed that would be the best option.

They'll already do that, FWIW. We had a puking kid and an Akershus reservation and they waived the cancellation fee.
Sure it does. You don't think more people will be calling 45 day out than 180 days out? If I plan all other aspects of my trip by that time, I should be able to book my ADRs too. The people that wait lose out.

Let people who make room reservations book their ADRs at the same time. For those that don't have a room ressie, the 180 day applies. Make everyone put down a $25 "deposit" on each ADR, which wouldn't stop the speculation and double booking ADRs, but at least put a dent in them.

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it punishes any group. Everyone is treated equally by the system, no one is punished. It may work better for some than others, but that's not punitive. Yes, more people would be calling because the people who are at a disadvantage with the current system would be treated equally, and it is only natural that the people who benefit from the current system would object to the idea of giving up the comparative advantage they currently have.

I know most DVCers would like to see the ADRs open up as soon as you book because that would give you a significant advantage over even most of the earliest-booking non-members. We book packages, and with rates not even set until August even if all our ducks are in a row, our dates are carved in stone, and we're ready to go we can't book before those numbers come out. So if we're going in the first half of the year, we're necessarily going to be booking later than DVC members.

Likewise, the idea of a per-ADR deposit is popular with people who hate the DDP because they know that most of us who use the dining plan wouldn't want hundreds of dollars tied up to secure meals that we've already paid for as part of our package. We use the deluxe plan. On our longest trip, we had 23 ADRs - a $25 deposit would mean booking ADRs would have cost us almost $600! (And yes, with the exception of the one sick-kid cancellation, we kept every one of those reservations - we were there for 12 days).
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it punishes any group.

Sure it does. If I plan ahead and want to book an ADR, why should I be prevented to do so? By putting me on par with someone who doesn't plan more than 45 days ahead, I'm definitely being punished.

That being said, I've never had an issue getting what I wanted by phoning in at 180 days. More importantly, even if we don't get our first or second choice for any given ADR, it's not going to effect our trip. I tell my kids not to be disappointed about our ADRs, it's being together as a family and enjoying our vacation together that's important. Too many people forget just how fortunate they are for being in WDW, and complaining about missing a restaurant is just sad and petty IMO.
With all due respect, no matter how much you hate the current system (and there's lots to hate about it), you have to play by their rules. If you didn't take the time to call 180 out at 9AM (or online at 6AM) then you take what you can get. No amount of complaining on a non-Disney BB is going to change that.

We could go on and on about how Disney SHOULD change the system, but in the end that isn't going to get you the reservations you want. It's 180 days out for our next trip on Saturday, and our family has already discussed in depth where and when we want to eat. At 9AM I'll be on the phone and get 90 - 100% of what I want, whether it be our first choice or back up plans for each meal.

It's comes down to how important the reservations are to you. Since there are way more people than spots at the prime places, you have to do everything Disney's way to get the prime reservations.[/Quote

This time.. i was not so perfect. Sorry about that. I didnt realize i was not able to vent here on the boards. Seriously, why do some people feel they can put me down for saying i am annoyed that you cant get the resies you wanted.:confused3 I usually take the time to get them 180 days in advanced, but this time it was not the case. I have been somewhat sucessful, but also have found that THERE IS NOTHING available.. and i dont mean, late or early times, no lunches, no breakfasts and no dinners at any locations.. hardly seems fair that people can go online and book when they feel like it, and book multiple ones, to hold (just in case) at least when i used to make phone ressies.. i would be too embarassed talking to someone to ask to make another ressie close to that one.. just again.. my two cents.,
With all due respect, no matter how much you hate the current system (and there's lots to hate about it), you have to play by their rules. If you didn't take the time to call 180 out at 9AM (or online at 6AM) then you take what you can get. No amount of complaining on a non-Disney BB is going to change that.

We could go on and on about how Disney SHOULD change the system, but in the end that isn't going to get you the reservations you want. It's 180 days out for our next trip on Saturday, and our family has already discussed in depth where and when we want to eat. At 9AM I'll be on the phone and get 90 - 100% of what I want, whether it be our first choice or back up plans for each meal.

It's comes down to how important the reservations are to you. Since there are way more people than spots at the prime places, you have to do everything Disney's way to get the prime reservations.[/Quote

This time.. i was not so perfect. Sorry about that. I didnt realize i was not able to vent here on the boards. Seriously, why do some people feel they can put me down for saying i am annoyed that you cant get the resies you wanted.:confused3 I usually take the time to get them 180 days in advanced, but this time it was not the case. I have been somewhat sucessful, but also have found that THERE IS NOTHING available.. and i dont mean, late or early times, no lunches, no breakfasts and no dinners at any locations.. hardly seems fair that people can go online and book when they feel like it, and book multiple ones, to hold (just in case) at least when i used to make phone ressies.. i would be too embarassed talking to someone to ask to make another ressie close to that one.. just again.. my two cents.,

I know it is disappointing. At least you have another trip planned and can try for your most desired ressies again. What dates/times/places are you looking for this trip? I still saw some Akershus breakfast reservations available as well as lunch.
I would say just keep checking everyday. I'm not sure when, exactly, your dates are, but I just saw an 8:15am for 2 guests at Cinderella's Royal Table on 9/18/10.

So there are times showing up, especially as you get closer to the dates.
The online system also makes it very easy to double book dining reservations.
I guess I am in the minority and had no clue I could book 180 in advance even when I hadnt booked my actual vacation!!!

I have been having tough time and think its fine to vent on here!!!
there are just 3 ressies I really wanted and none are working out!!
so since I paid when more $$$ then I should of for this vacation I think I have the right like anyone else to just vent!!!
I don't think it should be personal!!!
and I think lots of peeps on this board have been great and even tried to give reservations to the originall posted, so kudos to you all!!!

lets all be happy and happy to vent!!!!
I was on these boards when the ADR window changed from 180 days to 90 days. The hew and cry was awful among those who liked 180 days (you'd think Disney wanted to ransom their first-born), and there were great cheers from those who wanted 90 days ("I'll have a better chance of getting my favorites now!"). And people got shut out of their favorite ADRs even with a 90 day window, since those staying onsite whose vacations began earlier could book ADRs earlier and overlap into their vacation.

Then the announcement was made that the booking window would be changed again from 90 days back to 180 days. There were great sighs of relief from those who liked the 180 day window ("I'll have a better chance of getting my favorites now!") and the hew and cry was awful from those who liked the 90 day window (you'd think Disney wanted to ransom their first-born). And people got shut out of their favorite ADRs even with a 180 day window, since those staying onsite whose vacations began earlier could book ADRs earlier and overlap into their vacation.

My point? Simple - there is NO method in this universe that will make everyone happy, not even abolishing reservations entirely and going to only walk-up ("I had to stand in line for TWO HOURS to get into Le Cellier!"). Tables at restaurants are finite. For popular places, someone will always be shut out. Someone will always claim that the system isn't fair.

So vent away. Just realize that you will always be venting over a system that someone else likes. And then once you've vented, go back and deal with the system as it is.
This time.. i was not so perfect. Sorry about that. I didnt realize i was not able to vent here on the boards. Seriously, why do some people feel they can put me down for saying i am annoyed that you cant get the resies you wanted.:confused3 I usually take the time to get them 180 days in advanced, but this time it was not the case. I have been somewhat sucessful, but also have found that THERE IS NOTHING available.. and i dont mean, late or early times, no lunches, no breakfasts and no dinners at any locations.. hardly seems fair that people can go online and book when they feel like it, and book multiple ones, to hold (just in case) at least when i used to make phone ressies.. i would be too embarassed talking to someone to ask to make another ressie close to that one.. just again.. my two cents.,

I never said you couldn't vent (as my subsequent post clearly said). I have three kids myself, including twin seven year old girls, so I know how important princesses are, trust me.

If it's THAT important to your trip, a make or break kind of thing, then given the current system you MUST call 180 days out or take your chances. I'm not judging you or criticizing you, but unfortunately given the current system, that's what you have to do.

Personally, rather than spending endless hours stressing out over the fact that you can't get a character dinner, I'd take it as a learning experience. As Kevin says on the show, restaurants should NEVER be a "it ruined my vacation" issue.

For me, my kids each pick out one restaurant they would like to eat at, and I do my best to accomodate. I make it crystal clear to them, however, that if we don't get into their choices that we will still have a fantastic trip, and that enjoying our family vacation together the the only MUST DO.
I never said you couldn't vent (as my subsequent post clearly said). I have three kids myself, including twin seven year old girls, so I know how important princesses are, trust me.

If it's THAT important to your trip, a make or break kind of thing, then given the current system you MUST call 180 days out or take your chances. I'm not judging you or criticizing you, but unfortunately given the current system, that's what you have to do.

Personally, rather than spending endless hours stressing out over the fact that you can't get a character dinner, I'd take it as a learning experience. As Kevin says on the show, restaurants should NEVER be a "it ruined my vacation" issue.

For me, my kids each pick out one restaurant they would like to eat at, and I do my best to accomodate. I make it crystal clear to them, however, that if we don't get into their choices that we will still have a fantastic trip, and that enjoying our family vacation together the the only MUST DO.

That's easy for a DVCer and most of us DISers to say, because for us there's always a next trip. For first timers and once-in-a-lifetimers, it tends to be a bigger deal, and they're the ones who really lose out under the 180 rule because they for the most part have no idea that they need to be making their reservations months in advance.

Our first trip was in 2005 when the window was 90 days, and since we booked in April I did know to call that far out. I had no IDEA that you have to call in the first couple hours of the day, though - I called during my daughter's nap so she wouldn't be interrupting, and couldn't get Chef Mickey, CRT, or Akershus for any day/time at all over the 5 days we were there. That was very stressful because at the time we were fairly sure that would be our only family Disney trip (thankfully, our financial situation has improved greatly since then and we can go more often - back then it took a combination of a small inheritance and free dining for us to manage). And that's what I see now when I help friends/family plan trips - they don't know they have to have everything set in September if they want to have dinner with Mickey in March, and they end up disappointed and frustrated by the lack of availability when they do start planning 3 or 4 or 5 months out.


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