Emmigrating to Florida


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Jan 27, 2002
DH has just been offered redundancy after 22 years, at the moment its not compulsory but have heard that if we refuse it now, and he is made redundant later the settlement will be less. I jokingly suggested emmigrating to Florida, and either buying 2 villas - one to live in and one to rent, or opening an English Tearoom - I am a cook, although I have no formal training just learnt from parents, grandparents and on the job training.

Any way has any one else considered this or any information on going ahead - I feel that if this is the way DH has to go then we should seize the day, or maybe regret it for a long time!

Oh dear what a decision - he is going to find out tomorrow the actual figure that they are offering and we will think again then - sorry about the rambling.................
Sorry to hear about your situation

I,ve gone into this in great depth, my business partner got his visa and flew out to run the US division of our company last week ( lucky b***er :) ).
He got his visa thru us establishing a US division of our company and building up trade thru the US division to a point where we needed our own manager there so we did an intercompany transfer, no minimun investment needed but the company in the UK and USA must prove to be profitable to the INS.

Be aware there are a lot of immigration attorneys out there queueing up to take your money, your not alone in wanting to move to the US...its BIG business and attract its fair share of sharks.

Getting a buisness visa can be done, the most common route is to buy an ongoing US business, this normally requires a minimum investment of at least $100,000. I know loads of Brits who have done this successfully. However the visa is only valid whilst the business is trading and profitable, so you can't retire on it and your children are only covered until their 21.
Establishing a new business can also be done but I,ve read its a lot more harder and requires you to make a substantial investment.

Property mangement has been a recent popular way of getting a business visa though I hear their clamping down on these, also ( speaking as a villa owner) you'd need to manage many villas to show any form of profit.

If your serious and determined it can be done, but do lots of research first, both here and there :)
A good read for immigration issues is Going USA Newspaper give them a call fro a free sample. I have no affiliation with this paper, just a subscriber.

There are several good websites around if you can dig thru some of the legal jargon, just do a search.
Just want to say good luck!

Hope you move somewhere close to Sanford so we can enjoy some yummy scones!!! My Mom makes scones for us once in a while, but they are nothing like the ones my Nana makes.

We're off to a British market in Orlando on Thursday (we=Mom, Dad and me) just to check things out.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
Wow, what a decision to make!

Sorry I can't offer any advice - Redundancy is hard and I just wanted to wish you both luck in whatever you decide to do.
Sorry, no great advice from me, either - just wanted to wish you luck in whatever you decide is right for you both.
As this is something I've also looked into, wanted to agree with Dave, there are a lot of people offering (PAID) advice out there and it isn't as easy/simple as it appears. It is a big move and needs a lot of research to make sure you make the right choice for your family.

Good luck
sorry to hear about the redundancy....know how that feels. Good luck with whatever you decide to do
Good Luck in what ever you decide to do,In my dreams I've already gone to live in Florida.......well we can all have dreams.
........ very best of luck. Some great advice from Dave and hopefully if you do decide to go, it will help you avoid any pitfalls.
Please keep us updated :)
Sorry to hear about the redundancy - we have also been there and know how it feels. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Vernen and Dave are right, this is not easy to do. DH and I looked into it.
He is a nurse and can therefore get a visa, but the downside is that THEY tell you
where to live, and I reckon Kissimmee is not quite what they are thinking of (probably
dodgier bits of LA or Chicago).
You can ,as others have said get in if you are offered a job or invest a large amount in a business.
I believe before Sept 11 there was talk of a "Retirement Visa" being created, but that has not reappeared since.
Possibly better to look at working and living in EU, no restrictions there!:)
Hi Fiona

Sorry to hear about DH redundancy.

Good luck with your research for EU - lets hope it's more positive than what you have
found out for the USA :(

Let us know of your progress :)
Sorry about the redundancy. Like a lot of people we've been there and know how it feels.
We have also looked into living in the States as we have friends and family there but as Dave says it is an absolute minefield.
Research has to be the way to go if you are serious. Look at things like cost of living, year round climate conditions(what is great on hol. is not always good for working in). What would your health insurance costs be, tax and N.I. rules are different. Would you be able to afford to come home often if you suffered home-sickness, etc. etc.
On our last trip we were waiting for a table at Rainforest cafe and the front of house security man was very chatty. He was a Brit who wanted to make his life change at 40. He was lucky enough to get an initial transfer with his Co. and his wife was a nurse so they sold up and bought a 4 bed 3 bath home west of Disney-Everyman's dream? But he admitted that they both had to work long hours, only had 2 weeks holiday a year and after 3 years still hadn't seen any more of the US.
While we were browsing in the shop afterwards we heard him telling lots of other Brits the same story and I have to say that I was left wondering if he was trying to convince them how lucky he was or maybe trying to convince himself?
Food for thought!
We also took a trip to St. Augustine a while ago where lots of Brits have settled and there are British tea shops and restaurants in abundance. Why not plan a trip there and take in 192
businesses in Kissimmee where there are also a lot of Brits. There are a lot in Naples as well.
Talk to as many as you can and ask for the good as well as the bad and see if you still feel the same.
We are also ex-hoteliers and know catering and I have to say that the highest rate of business failure in the U.S. is the catering trade!
Please be careful but good luck in whatever you decide.


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