Ex-Park Commandos Try Magic Bands and FP+ (Now Trip Report)

I mostly lurk and rarely post, but I just wanted to say that I LOVE your trip reports and am anxiously awaiting the next installment. You seem like such a fun family! :)

Thanks for unlurking! I'm trying very hard to dig out of a humungous pile of personal life tasks that need to be taken care of. Wish very much I could talk about it, some things are in the works over here for sure.

Thanks for the reminder to pack the ponchos!

And if my DH balks over a little red Mr. Smee hat I will show him pictures of your husband and let him know that that's what cool dads wear!

Let there be no balking about a Mr. Smee hat!
All right. I have exactly 20 minutes before I need to stop 'eating lunch' and get back to work. Just how much about our AK afternoon can I get out in 20 minutes? Let's see. Well for one thing I get to save some time looking through and resizing pictures because I didn't take a single other picture until about noon the next day. Not one! How am I supposed to remember what we did without photo evidence to look through?

I'll tell you how. Once you have spent 2 hours following a 3 year old around the Bone Yard you will never forget it. It will be etched in your memory like getting a bad tattoo. You may think you are speedy, but when there are slides 3 stories tall you are no match for an excited 3 year old. He will beat you every time. Except the 3 year old has no idea where he is going or how exactly to get back up to the really awesome slide, so he'll slide down random slides while you try to keep up. Oh, and watch out if he accidentally finds the digging area. Say goodbye to a good 45 minutes if not more.

So yeah, I spent a good portion of this day chasing Tigger around the Boneyard. It would have been more fun, but due to the rain earlier in the morning the cargo nets were closed so we only had stairs to climb up. Grizzly found himself a bench and pretended to surf on his phone while inside he was steadily dying from the pain in his hip and leg.

Eventually we casually convinced Tigger to leave the Boneyard. You know, the type of convincing where you have to make the 3 year old think it's their idea to leave. We rode Triceratops Spin, then after a long discussion about how scary the ride is, he wanted to try Dinosaur as well. He absolutely insisted on sitting on the right side of the car, you know the side with the humungous Carnotaurus that scares the heck out of me even after 20+ rides. Yeah, he was on that side. I thought for sure we were headed for melt down city, but I stress, it was his choice to ride this ride.

Well luckily for Tigger Mr. Carnotaurus wasn't feeling well and he wasn't out. He was just gone, completely missing, big black hole where Mr. Carnotaurus was supposed to be. Very odd. Normally I would have been disappointed, but seeing as Tigger may now actually ride this ride again before his teenage years, I'm kind of glad he wasn't out.

Okay, so here comes my most sneaky part of vacation. Leaving Dinosaur Tigger spots a dinosaur toy from Toy Story, this great big hard plastic green dinosaur that makes sounds. It's a terrible toy, but he wants it. I of course say no, but then I spy a shirt I want with a T-Rex on it wielding one of those dino-chomping sticks. I have to have my shirt, so I felt it unfair that I can get my shirt but Tigger can't get his beloved awful toy. I tell Tigger to go grab his dinosaur, pay for everything and have everything sent back to the room. Well guess what? Tigger never mentioned the dinosaur again. The entire rest of the trip not one mention of this toy. SO I RETURNED IT!!!!! Wahahahaha! I felt like an evil genius. He still hasn't mentioned it, and it would have been impossible to pack, so I'm very glad that darn dinosaur got left behind at the SSR gift shop. The SSR gift shop clerks went nuts for it by the way, they claimed nothing good every got returned to them, so they were having fun playing with him.

We also rode Kali River Rapids twice. Once in standby and once with our FP+. Tigger liked this ride. He even got soaked once (wearing my rain coat of course) and he didn't even cry. A week after getting back however he declared out of the blue "The next time we go to Disney I'm not riding that raft ride." Apparently, since riding and loving it he has decided it is too scary. I'm hoping he changes his mind for January, it's one of his Nana's favorite rides, even in cold weather.

And times up!
Seeing as I have no pictures from the afternoon after Animal Kingdom I will grace you with the winter care bear costume that made it's debut this Thursday:

I think it came out pretty well considering the near house on fire incident, but I could not get over the number of people who had no idea what he was. Really? Does he not look like a care bear? I even figured out how to attach ears to his hood! So besides Halloween I have finally finished working on a giant time eating project, so now I can get back to my real work, finishing up this trip report. I can't believe I can check in for my January trip tomorrow!!!!!!

We decided to have a nice easy afternoon on Wednesday, so after nap time we visited the SSR arcade and then made our way over to splash in the fountain at Downtown Disney, but that was an adventure in itself. First stop SSR arcade. Three notable things happened at this arcade. Firstly, no surprise to us, Tigger wanted to play one of the claw games. This was a claw game where you try to get a ball. Or in other words, this is a claw game where you would probably have more fun lighting your dollar bill on fire than putting it in the machine because you will never in a million years get a claw to pick up a round ball. Well he actually won!!!!! This is the first thing I have ever seen won out of any of those claw machines. EVER. I was very excited. While in the arcade we noticed a lifeguard taking time to play each of the games in the arcade. I asked if she was checking them, and she said yes, so I told her about the photo booth game that took our picture but never printed anything out. My goodness, it was like I told her I had just bought a $10,000 diamond ring and the diamond had fallen out. There was some sort of manager down there within minutes apologizing profusely. He took our game card and refunded our money for the photo and put $5 more on there for the inconvenience of it all. Do you know how long it takes to spend $5 on the candy crane? Geez. All I wanted her to do was put a sign on it, or shut it off so no-one else would use it. The Disney fantastic standard of customer service lives on folks, it lives on. Well at least in the SSR arcade of all places. The third notable thing to happen in the arcade was that Tigger played the little kid sized basketball game. Big deal you say? Well it was a big deal for us because 1. He managed to throw all the balls forward towards the basket. He's not at all athletically inclined, so balls going forwards is a big deal. But most importantly, he missed every single shot. Every single shot he missed. Not one basket went in the hoop. AND HE DID NOT CRY OR GIVE UP! This is the same kid that will melt to the floor in a giant puddle of screaming Tigger if he can't do something his first try, and he played this basketball game 3 times and never once made a basket. I was so proud of him for trying and trying and trying. :) (I know sort of a weird story, but it was a big moment for us, we've been trying to teach him persistence, so maybe just maybe it's working).

Next off we try and make our way over to Downtown Disney. We start to walk, but are kind of disoriented and find a sign for the boat, so we decide it would be a brilliant idea to take the boat. It was not a brilliant idea to take the boat! We were not alone though, everyone else in SSR this evening also thought it would be a wise decision. Foolish people. We barely make it onto the first boat that arrives, and then the only boat stop is waaaaaay down by Disney Quest. It was definitely a longer walk, to walk all the way from the West Side back to the Marketplace than it would have been just to walk in the first place. Do people really want to go to the West Side? I found it odd that this was the only boat stop. :(

We let Tigger run around and play in the jumpy fountain outside of Earl of Sandwich again, but this time we brought his water shoes with him. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! This time we were actually able to enjoy ourselves as Tigger ran around the fountain and didn't slip and fall to his death even once. I'm not sure if all water shoes are the same, but his were O'Neil ones made for surfing and they were awesome.

We walked back to SSR this evening despite the closed walking path. It's actually not a bad walk. There is a sidewalk all the way back until you get to the first SSR gate. At the first gate we just walked on the grass. The guard stopped us and asked to see our room keys, told us to be careful, but didn't yell at us or anything for walking up the roadway. I was glad we didn't get yelled at, and for anyone else wondering, it was a nice easy walk, and it felt safe enough if you don't mind walking on grass for about 100ft.

Up next, guess what? More rain! A mediocre character lunch. Did I mention rain? An overall mediocre day up next. Blah! I'm all bummed just thinking about it.
Check it out! 2 Posts in one weekend. I'm on a roll. Grizzly takes Tigger to see Grandma and Grandpa every sunday morning, so since I'm done shopping I can write some.

Thursday we woke up to another rain filled day. Rain gear will always be on my packing list from now on regardless of the weather forecast prior to leaving. (Ours said sunny and 80 everyday, somewhere after day one it switched to rainy and rainy with a chance of thunder storms and some rain for the remainder of the week).

We headed over to HS at rope drop. I think we had FP+ for ToT, Toy Story, and Star Tours, we also had a lunch reservation at Hollywood and Creepy Characters (aka Hollywood and Vine) for lunch. I think we made it over to the staircase behind the Hollywood Theater before the rain started. By the time we got off Toy Story Mania it was pouring just as hard as during the Halloween Party. Tigger started his revolt against 'scary' rides today and although we did go on Star Tours he was only willing to ride it once, and he wanted nothing to do with ToT. We weren't quite sure how to kill time waiting for lunch. I honestly have no idea what we did, but I do recall 1 thing. Tigger was green with envy over my poncho, so I bought him his own poncho too. Here he is with Daisy as the rain was clearing up, and we also found Donald. It was so sunny that he refused to open his eyes (Oh my goodness, there was sun!!!):

On our way to lunch Tigger found some huge puddles, so we let him be 3 and enjoy:

And then it was time for lunch. Yuck! I didn't really care for this lunch (food was fine). Tigger was very put off by the characters and kind of sat glumly in his seat for most of the meal. I also forgot his autograph book, so essentially he just had big creepy looking characters coming up to him and he didn't like it at all. Poor beast. He loves all the Disney Junior shows, but I don't really blame him for being creeped out. The only character he liked was a big furry yellow bear. I still have no idea who he is, and Tigger didn't either, but apparently as long as you're furry, you're okay in Tigger's book. Here is the pathetic photo evidence:


I wish I could recommend this character meal. Lots of people speak so highly of it, but I guess it just didn't do it for us. Tigger did get up to dance a bit, and by dance I mean he stood near-ish to the other kids and continued to look glum. Ugh.

So that was our morning. Kind of blah. Tomorrow though, you have to stay tuned for tomorrow. Why? Well because something mysterious and terrible happens and it involved FP+. It was just about as bad as you can get a FP+ story to be. There's also lots of cute furry characters to meet which made the day awesome.
The only character he liked was a big furry yellow bear. I still have no idea who he is, and Tigger didn't either, but apparently as long as you're furry, you're okay in Tigger's book.

That big yellow furry bear is Special Agent Oso. He has his own show on Disney Jr.

I really enjoy your trip reports. Thanks.
niroc said:
That big yellow furry bear is Special Agent Oso. He has his own show on Disney Jr.

I really enjoy your trip reports. Thanks.

Special Agent Oso, hmmm... we'll have to check him out. Thanks for reading!
We arrived before rope drop on our last full Magic Kingdom day. Our strategy was to use our FP+ for Tomorroland Speedway, Thunder Mountain, and Splash Mountain. I can tell you right now that we were very lucky that Tigger had started his scary ride revolt or we would have been very disappointed with this day. We headed in with the masses and Grizzly split off to Thunder Mountain to grab us extra FP+ while I took Tigger to ride the Carousel. His threeness was definitely shining this trip as his top 3 rides in all the parks were probably the Carousel, Tomorrowland Speedway, and the TTA. For all the people who wonder why these attractions are even there, the reason is because a lot of people bring 3 year olds to the park, and my little guy was in ride heaven on them.

Second stop after the Carousel was Astro Orbiter. Dad managed to get back to us from his FP run just in time to join us. I snapped this picture of them while riding. I love the unintentional photo bomber in the upper left corner, he is totally unimpressed by this ride. I feel a little sorry for the kid because Dad is clearly not in the Disney spirit, it's only 9:15 am, this Dad has a LONG day ahead of him. I on the other hand was worried I would fall out of the rocket.


After Astro it was time for our first FP+ of the day, Tomorrow Land Speedway. This is where things get interesting. We scan in at the FP+ mickey heads and they don't turn green. Grizzly tries again. Denied. I try again. Denied. Tigger tries and his works. Hmmm...The CM is refusing to let us through, but I show him MDE on my phone, and it shows we have a FP+ for this time slot. He lets us through. Curiously when we reach the second set of Mickey Heads all our bands work. What the CM didn't notice is that the # of FP+ reservations read only 1. This is now really odd because all week long it read 2 because Tigger somehow got listed under 'friends' so he was never counted. Today it says only 1.

After this oddity it got even worse. I literally watched as the FP+ reservations disappeared from my phone. It was like one of those movies where the person is staring at the computer screen watching as the bad guys erase their identity. By the time we were off the Tomorrowland Speedway we only had 1 FP+ reservation remaining, and in a few minutes more they were all gone. Vanished! Saturday's were gone too.

If you remember back we weren't supposed to be testing FP+ at SSR, but had accidentally come upon the testing by switching our AKV reservation at the last minute. Maybe Disney just chose Friday at 10am to wipe out all the non-valid testers? I have no idea, all I know is we started off the morning with FP+ reservations for three rides and by 11am or so we had no reservations left and we had lost FP+ making privileges on the ap. I really wonder if this has happened to any of the folks who have made ghost reservations for the purpose of FP+ testing.

So onward we go with our day. We still have plenty to do without our FP+, just the event in general was a little unsettling. What if this wasn't a 'you're not supposed to be testing' issue and instead could happen to any tester at any time.

We actually spent most of the remainder of the morning wasting time over in Adventureland and Frontier land so that we would be able to get a chicken waffle right when Sleepy Hollow shifted to lunch at 11am. I know, so silly to plan our morning around a chicken sandwich, but it was well worth it.

One of my favorite parts of this trip was how much Tigger loved interacting with the characters. This was his 4th trip and all previous trips he was terrified of them, so all our pictures he was either crying, cowering, or standing 10 ft away (sometimes all 3) Here are some examples from previous trips:

Please note that I am not in the business of torturing my child (although sometimes I may want to), past trips he always wanted to wait in line to see the characters, but would flip out once we got close.

This trip however was different. He loved them. He loved hugging them, especially the furry ones. He thought the characters signing his autograph book was the most hilarious thing on the planet. It was just really cool. Sort of like how you imagine visiting Disney with a little kid should be. Just like that. A true dream come true for a parent. Here are some of my favorite character pics from the day:


I love the difference between Stitch at 14 months above, and Stitch at age 3.5.

The only character he chickened out on this trip was Captain Hook. But that is totally understandable because he is a bad guy after all. I, however, got a picture with him because it was a rather long line that we had waited in before Tigger chickened out. I guess to be fair he did muster up the courage to shake his hook. Look, we have the same smile!:

If you hadn't picked it up from the Tigger picture, we had a very late lunch at Crystal Palace. We all LOVED this place. The food was good, steak was delicious, but most of all, the characters were all super furry and just perfect for hugging. We liked it so much that we are going back in January with my parents. I can't wait. I might even make it an annual tradition.

Stay tuned for our night time adventure to Raintasmic, I mean Fantasmic.
After an afternoon nap and swim we flipped a coin to see who would get the lucky job of waking up Tigger. Seriously, it's only slightly better than waking a rabid crocodile. Actually, a rabid crocodile may be more fun because you could probably get a rabid crocodile to eat something. Tigger's diet this trip consisted of packages of peanut butter or cheese crackers and fruit snacks. The only meal we purchased for him that he ate more than 2 bites of was ridiculously overpriced buttered spaghetti from Wolfgang Puck Express. But I guess since he actually ate it, it was the best $8 we spent all trip. Holy sidetracked. Back to the task at hand. Rousing Tigger so we can go see Fantasmic.

One of us roused him. No limbs were lost in the process. Tigger napped in the master bedroom, but slept in the living room at night. After every sleep cycle we needed to rearrange for the next sleep. While one of us roused Tigger the other was in charge of moving all the equipment and sleeping things from room to room. This included: moving a bunch of blankets, moving all his animals, moving his books, moving his sippy cup, unplugging the baby monitor camera and repositioning it, and moving the baby monitor monitor to the other room. It only took a few minutes each time, but the idea of 2 bedrooms is getting increasingly and increasingly more appealing.

So we make our way to HS. Tigger hasn't bought any souvenirs yet, so we let him pick out whatever he wants from the gift shop. Tigger looks around, and then because he has optimization skills embedded in his DNA (both parents are Industrial Engineers) he chooses the largest toy he can find. In this case, it's a giant Stitch. Here he is with said Stitch (The hat he is wearing is his "please don't be so sad about the people stuck on the Barnstormer hat" from the night of the Halloween party):


After acquiring one passenger extra large ( I know I'm mixing my parks here) we made our way to Fantasmic about 30 minutes before the show. I guess everyone else in HS thought that 90 minutes before the show was a more appropriate arrival time, and we were stuck all the way in the last set of bleachers on the left hand side while facing the stage, the section furthest from the exit. (This becomes important in a second). The view was fine from here, the walk to the exit, not so much.

Anyways, I grabbed some popcorn while Tigger played with the glow bracelets we had brought. When I returned to our seat he had himself all decked out in glow bracelets, including a necklace on Grizzly. The show started. It was wonderful. Tigger kept loudly asking questions. Things like "How did they get on that boat?" "Why are they chopping those logs?" "Why are they shooting at him?" "Why is he running away?" Pretty much EVERYTHING that happened was accompanied by a very confused Tigger asking a "why" question. I could not for the life of me get Tigger to whisper his questions, so everyone within 10 feet could probably hear him. If you don't have kids, and we're curious just how many "why" questions one little beast can ask in a 15 minute period, you should have sat next to us. The answer, in case you never get to sit next to us, is somewhere between 327 and "holy hell will you shut him up" number of "why" questions. Hopefully others around us thought he was cute, and did not want to stand up and throw daggers at him, nor want to duct tape his mouth shut at the very least. Occasionally I would notice someone kind of do a giggle shake, so hopefully they were all there with older kids thinking "i remember those years".

The show continued until towards the end where it started pouring. It started off as a sprinkle and the show went on until the rain really let loose right at the climax of the show. Mickey was supposed to be out on stage directing the water and fireworks but instead of Mickey there was just an empty stage. It was really kind of eerie. Just an empty stage with fireworks, music and water splashing. I so wanted Mickey to come back because Tigger was once again distraught because the last time we saw Mickey a sorcerer or dragon or something had attacked him. So Tigger is going into an empathy driven downward spiral. He's near tears. Where's mickey? Where's mickey mom? Where's mickey? X10,000 Everyone around us has given up and is running towards the exit. AND THEN SUDDENLY...Sorcerer Mickey appears triumphantly at the top of the mountain. Pouring rain and all. It was so amazing, I think I might have shed a tear or too. The entire remaining crowd cheered so loud for Sorcerer Mickey out in the rain. Tigger was thrilled that Mickey was alright. Then Sorcerer Mickey went away and regular Mickey appeared down on stage to finish the show. Pouring rain and all. It was a truly magical yet wet Disney event. I thought for sure we would not see Mickey come out in the rain, but he did. So fantastic. I will never underestimate Mickey again!

Of course through all of this our rain gear is tucked nicely away in the stroller! It was a long long wet walk back to the car. I liked that they rearranged the exit to Fantasmic and you got to come out and walk along the streets of Hollywood to shop, much nicer than being sent directly out of the park.
Well I've now read all your trip reports in a single day. Great stuff. Love the turkey leg story.
And then it was time for lunch. Yuck! I didn't really care for this lunch (food was fine). Tigger was very put off by the characters and kind of sat glumly in his seat for most of the meal. I also forgot his autograph book, so essentially he just had big creepy looking characters coming up to him and he didn't like it at all. Poor beast. He loves all the Disney Junior shows, but I don't really blame him for being creeped out. The only character he liked was a big furry yellow bear. I still have no idea who he is, and Tigger didn't either, but apparently as long as you're furry, you're okay in Tigger's book. Here is the pathetic photo evidence:

Agent Oso

The others were Jake, June from Little Einsteins and not pictured in this collage is Handy Manny.
Loving your TR!! We are also ex-commandos although we kind of reverted back to our "old ways" for the first time in years on our recent trip, partly due to our company! Tigger is adorable! Thanks for sharing about the MB. We just received ours in the mail last week for our Dec trip (would LOVE to have had them last month) so it's nice to hear someone has had a good experience with them! Can't wait to read the next installment!
Loving your TR!! We are also ex-commandos although we kind of reverted back to our "old ways" for the first time in years on our recent trip, partly due to our company! Tigger is adorable! Thanks for sharing about the MB. We just received ours in the mail last week for our Dec trip (would LOVE to have had them last month) so it's nice to hear someone has had a good experience with them! Can't wait to read the next installment!

Thanks! I hope you love your MB. Should be a much different trip without Monster along. :) I finally got to see your Malificent ears, they were wonderful.
It's about time I finish up this trip report. I think part of me has been putting it off a little bit because it makes the trip finally over, and it was such a wonderful trip. Tigger was at the perfect age for Disney for us. He loved all the characters, was totally immersed in the magic, loved the rides, and most of all had out grown his terrible two-ness and didn't throw a single tantrum the entire trip. I'm sure he had his moments, but I didn't have that 'I'm walking on eggshells feeling because at any moment if I do the slightly wrong thing the toddler beast will fall apart' that I have had on past trips travelling with a toddler. All you toddler parents out there know it's true. If you cut the grapes in half and he wanted them whole, meltdown. If you don't cut the grapes in half and he wanted them in half, meltdown. You open the straw for him and he wanted to do it himself, meltdown. Give him the straw to open and he can't do it, meltdown. It's seriously terrifying to travel with a toddler. Three year olds on the other hand, much more tolerable! No random crazy meltdowns this trip, it was great.

So we started off our last day with a meal at Chef Mickey's. We parked at the TTC with our car fully loaded with luggage for our 6pm flight. On the monorail over to the Contemporary Tigger had a ball zapping us with his Astro Blaster, one of the many goodies that we discovered hidden in the stroller from last trip. (Three pairs of sunglasses were in the stroller too!!!!) So Tigger was shooting us and we would pretend to be hit, and he just thought it was so hilarious. I'm so glad I pulled myself out of the moment for a few seconds to take these pictures. Just look at the joy in his face. We really were having a wonderful trip, even just sitting on the monorail we were having a great time(we're just going to ignore the rain and the attack parking lots for now):

It was an 8:30 am meal but it seemed to take forever to be seated. I liked Chef Mickey's but it wasn't my favorite. Favorite was definitely Crystal Palace. Tigger had a great time though, by now he was a character meal pro. I love the Mickey picture where he accidentally has his head cocked to the side just like Mickey.


After breakfast we wondered over to the Magic Kingdom to spend a few hours taking it easy. Our fast pass + reservations had disappeared so we were at the mercy of the crowds. :(. I don't remember the crowds being too terrible though. We rode the speedway again of course, Buzz Lightyear, the TTA, and Tigger requested one of the frozen apple drinks:


At least there is evidence that at least one person on the planet enjoys the Lafoue Brew. I know it's not me!

We also stopped to make sure we got a family picture in front of the castle. While the photo pass photographer was dealing with trying to get the previous person's pictures onto their cards, I snuck in a picture of Grizzly and Tigger. Notice how I nicely hid the evil crane in the bushes. Nice right?

I was foolish to think that the Photopass Photographer would do the same thing. This was our picture. Grrrrrrr!!!

Darn crane! Worst yet is that it will be up again during our next trip taking down the Christmas lights!

Such is life. After our easy morning in the MK we left before anybody got worn out and cranky and headed back to SSR for a swim. We wanted to swim in the Paddock pool, but when I hopped out of the car to inspect the bathrooms I found there were no changing stalls, showers nor lockers at the Paddock Pool. Boooooooo! So we headed over to the main pool for a final swim. Note all lockers were taken so we had to store our stuff in the car. We took our same strategy as last trip, and swam for a while, got out and showered, and then while our suits dried in the dryer we ate lunch at Artists Palette.

I once again had sticker shock at Artist's Palette. We got a kids hot dog meal, a rice krispy treat, 2 brownies, and 2 buffalo chicken paninis and the total came to $50!!!!!! Holy baloney! We sat and ate and wished we had gone to Earl of Sandwich. Next time Earl, next time. One of these days we will learn. The brownies, however, were delicious. Especially if you like it when they are barely cooked. Yum brownie heaven.

After lunch it was off to the airport. We ended up with bulkhead seats on Airtran which would have been fine but the tables were in the armrests, so the armrests couldn't go up. This made the seats extremely painful for Grizzly and his giant bruised side, and after toughing it out through boarding he jumped up and begged the business class steward if he could sit up there. They let him. So it was just Tigger and I for the flight home. But he was easy because he had his ipad.

So that's it I guess. A fantastic trip. Thoroughly enjoyed FP+ and I think even without triple dipping we still would have liked them. I'm very much looking forward to the days of booking afternoon FP+ at a different park from the morning park. I loved being able to swim with my room key. For now I'm ignoring all the FP+ panic and just putting my faith in Disney that they will design the system well.

I will be starting another report soon. We head back January 3rd - 11th with my parents. Can't wait!! Would love to have you all come along and join me. Until next trip...Take care.
Thanks! I hope you love your MB. Should be a much different trip without Monster along. :) I finally got to see your Malificent ears, they were wonderful.

Thanks!! Monster is actually visiting right now...we always joke that we should keep a room at our house for him! I bet Monster and Tigger would really cause some damage! Loved your TR!! I'm going to try to finish mine by the end of the week. We have 3 weeks to go and a ton of stuff to do!


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