Excuse me, you'll need to see security. What has Mickeystoontown done? Update 3/25x2

I can now fully appreciate the descriptions of I-20 in Mississippi, I was havinga ball with the up and down:woohoo:, Emily on the other hand well lets just say there's a part of her that stayed in Mississippi. :sick:

Oh poor Emily! That road is really wavy and I even made motions with my hands when I talked about it. Of course, John and Hunter laughed at my hand motions but I didn't care.

Yay! The trip is underway!! SO exciting!

I tried, but just can't see Elvis in that tree....oh well! I'll take your word for it! ;)

Ahh...the good ol' Jameson Inn! Way to go John for getting a great rate! :thumbsup2 He's a sweet talker, that one!

You must look reeeeeeeeeeeeeally hard in order to spot Elvis' shape in the tree. I wish I knew how to do the outline thingie so I could point it out to you better.

John's always in charge of talking to the front desk clerks. He has a way with 'em.;)

I love reading about your travels! Most trip reports don't include much of that, but I love to drive - there's just something so fun and exciting about a road trip! :goodvibes DH and I flew for our May trip, but when we have all the kids, it's just too expensive, and honestly I'd rather drive :thumbsup2

Does the hotel really have a reputation for being haunted?? Not sure if I'd have the nerve to stay there....

We really enjoy road trips and take at least two, sometimes three a year. We usually go to the big flea market in Texas, Tennessee and Arkansas at least once a year.

I hear you on the airfare being expensive. There's no large airport near our house so we'd have to drive to Jackson, Mississippi to get halfway decent airfare and that's over 2 hours away from our house. Jsut not cost effective to fly. Thank goodness we like driving.

I didn't know that the Jameson Inn was haunted until some of my pre-trip report readers told me. I don't mention it a whole lot but our office building is haunted. We have lots of things that are moved around or go missing. I smell old timey cigar smoke and hear whistling every now and then. The building used to be an old hotel so I'm thinking the ghosts were past guests or possibly the innkeepers.
I'm logging in, I just hope I can keep up with you....
can't wait to read all about the fun you guys had!
miss you and I can't promise I'll be around often but I will check in when I can...:flower3:
Great start! Can't wait to here about the rest of your trip including how you came up with the title.
Hello! It has been a while since I posted but have read all your trip reports. I am really looking forward to this one! Your writing is great and truly enjoyable!
p.s. I cannot believe how mature Hunter looks!

Welcome! I am glad that you're reading along and that you enjoy my writing style. I tend to be quite wordy which some folks might not like but I can't help myself.

Hasn't Hunter grown a lot! I have to look up to see him.

I'm in. Can't wait to read more. I always read your trip reports and am never disappointed. I love the way your write.

Welcome! Thanks for the kind words! I hope that you'll continue to post 'cause I enjoy hearing from the readers.

Howdy!! I'm in too! Can't wait for the next installment.

Howdy! Thanks for letting me know the links weren't working before.

I have read along on all of your other trip reports and pre-trip report and felt that I couldn't read another report without saying something. I can't wait to read about all of your adventures and misadventures. You certainly draw your readers into the moments you had at Disney and make us feel like we know you. When we drove through LA to TX last summer, I made a point to say that we were going through your state. Everyone else in the car looked at me as though I was nuts for talking about you and your family as though I knew you.

Happy to have you here and glad that you've decided to post! Tell everybody in the family that I do the same thing when I talk about my Dis friends. I feel like I know ya'll and do consider you as my friends.

Yay, we're finally to the meal, after reading the menu for months:cool1: Wow, 3 pages already! Really making me miss my eTicket app--can't read the boards at work:rolleyes1 but with eTicket, I could squeeze a few peeks during breaks and lunch.

Glad everyone survived and can't wait to hear about the latest hijinkspopcorn::

Howdy! Hope you're hungry! ;) Oh we had some highs and some lows on the trip and, as the title says, we even had to see security. :rolleyes1

:woohoo: HOWDY!

Joining in! Can't wait to read about all of your family adventures!

And Howdy to you too! Glad to have you aboard!

Looking forward to it! It'll make the time till our October trip go faster...;)

I envy you having a trip coming up soon! Mama received a pin code that starts on the day after Thanksgiving. I so wish we could go back sooner rather than later.

MAN! Page 3 before I could get here!?!?!? Dang it! :lmao:

Back to read it!

Welcome! Page three ain't that bad. ;)

Hi Lisa!! Saw your post on facebook and now I am here! Can't wait to read all about your trip! :)

Welcome fellow Dis Mom!

Just found our TR and can't wait to read about your family's adventures.

Howdy and welcome partner!

I made it...........wooooooooo hoooooooo!!! I got your text message this afternoon, but then all dodo broke loose at work and then when I got home our power went out :scared:. I swear I can't WAIT to get back to my normal job and my normal schedule.......:rolleyes1. OK, going back to catch up!!!

Dana! I figured you got busy at work and that's why you didn't text back. Go read the latest installment....I posted pictures of Mobile.
I'm logging in, I just hope I can keep up with you....
can't wait to read all about the fun you guys had!
miss you and I can't promise I'll be around often but I will check in when I can...:flower3:

Hey Connie! You've been one busy woman lately so I understand the struggle to keep up.

Great start! Can't wait to here about the rest of your trip including how you came up with the title.

Thanks! The trip report title comes up on day three of the trip so there won't be too long of a wait before I reveal how it came to be.
4 pages already?? How did I miss the start of this? :sad2: Well, I'm here now and ready to join in all the McBride adventures! I haven't read yet, but will be back tomorrow to catch up!

Hey Missy! I've only posted two installments so it should be easy to catch up.

Page 4-geez!!! Howdy to you all!! Can't wait to read all about it!!

Howdy Mary!

Who is the troll and what crawled up his butt and died? You were so eloquent in your handling of someone who must have such a sad excuse of a life!!!

The troll was posting rude messages on my report as well as on two others. Thankfully, the mods deleted his/her posts.

I'm in. We are staying at CBR in October. Last time we stayed there was in 2003!

Welcome! It's been 9 years since you've been to the CBR? You're going to love the changes to the main pool.

I'm definitely in. Your trips sound so much fun! Can't wait to read more :-)

Welcome aboard! We did have a lot of fun on this trip!

:woohoo: You started your trip report! I can't wait to hear about it! I really enjoyed meeting you and talking to your family just for the short time! :)

I happen to like your word Disneyer! ;)

Hey there! I wish that we had more time together but it was fun meeting ya'll!

You guys got to meet?!? *jealous*

Maybe one day our trip dates will overlap so we can meet each other too!

Hi Lisa,

Followed along on your PTR and you have such a fun family can't wait to read all about your shenanigins! ;)

Welcome! Oh there were some shenanigins for sure!

I'm here!! Now to see if I can keep up along with working 12-14 hour days!! :lmao:

Welcome! I just mentioned you in my latest installment. You are working 12 to 14 hour days. I'm tired just thinking about it.

I can't wait to hear about your trip!!

Hey April! I just posted a new installment.

Disneyer is a great word!!! I am adding it to my Disvocabulary!!

Disneyer is a great word if I do say so myself. Use if as often as you'd like. ;)

I'm in! Hoping to be able to keep up this summer!

Welcome! I seem to move pretty slow so I bet you'll be able to keep up.

Oh I am so excited you started this! You have no idea how much I have been looking forward to your trip report. This will def. help me pass the time until our next Disney Vacation!

Hey there! Welcome! I thought about you the other day when I saw that Billy the Exterminator was arrested. Not that you're in any way connected to him I just remembered us takling about him. :rotfl:

You started!! Yay! :thumbsup2

I'm so excited that the trip is underway! :woohoo:

I had to smile when I saw your picture of the silver ball thing off I-20. When I was a kid, my grandmother lived in Shreveport, and I remember passing that thing every trip we made. Being the Alabama hicks we are, we just oohed and aahed over it. :laughing:
Sounds like a great start! Why don't bosses understand that on vacation day you're already mentally gone and don't need any more work to do? :confused3

Can't wait to hear more!
Subbing so that I can find it when I have time to read it, after I've settled in to my new role as a mom. :)
I am joining in on the fun. I can't wait to read about your trip. I'm taking notes. We will be at CBR next week and on the Dream next spring break. Can't wait for more.
Yep, 9 yrs! CBR was the first resort we ever stayed at. Disney was our very first family vacation. Excited to be going back. My oldest was only 14 mos old when we stayed there last. Can't wait to bring all 3 this time. We are from Mobile originally. Still have family there. Was laughing at the pictures because I know exactly where they are!:rotfl: Sounds like a great start!
I'm officially signing up for this adventure! I think I've read all your reports, I just haven't made many comments. BTW, I had to look a while, but I COULD see Elvis in that tree! :rotfl:
I have to give you major props! I could not drive until 1am in the morning. My eyes get weird at night and I start seeing halos.

I like your Elvis tree, I can see it!

I love road tripping with ya'll!
Yay!!! I've been waiting to hear how you liked the cruise! I'm looking forward to another trip report.
I am joining in on the fun. I can't wait to read about your trip. I'm taking notes. We will be at CBR next week and on the Dream next spring break. Can't wait for more.

Welcome to my trip report! In the next installment, I'll be posting pictures and information about the CBR. I have to say that I'm quite envious that you'll be there next week. I wanna go with you!

Yep, 9 yrs! CBR was the first resort we ever stayed at. Disney was our very first family vacation. Excited to be going back. My oldest was only 14 mos old when we stayed there last. Can't wait to bring all 3 this time. We are from Mobile originally. Still have family there. Was laughing at the pictures because I know exactly where they are!:rotfl: Sounds like a great start!

The CBR was the first resort we stayed at when we decided to stay onsite and we've gone back every year since. Some things around the resort have stayed the same....the laid back atmosphere, the lush landscaping, etc. and some things are different....Nemo themed rooms, new main pool, etc. You're going to have so much fun there!

We know when we get to Mobile that we're close to calling it quits for the evening. It's neat that you know where we are just by looking at my pictures.

I'm officially signing up for this adventure! I think I've read all your reports, I just haven't made many comments. BTW, I had to look a while, but I COULD see Elvis in that tree! :rotfl:

Thanks for joining in and please feel free to comment! I'm so glad that you were able to find Elvis in the tree. I'm telling ya'll, that tree is famous! :rotfl:

I definitely want to join in on the fun!! Can't wait!!!

Welcome aboard!

I have to give you major props! I could not drive until 1am in the morning. My eyes get weird at night and I start seeing halos.

I like your Elvis tree, I can see it!

I love road tripping with ya'll!

We always think "should we stop in Pensacola or drive some more and make it to Crestview" and we always choose to keep driving. It's really not that bad for us 'cause know we're that many miles closer to WDW.

Yay! Somebody else can see Elvis in the tree. It's a stretch of the imagination but that hunka hunka burning love is definitely there.

Yay!!! I've been waiting to hear how you liked the cruise! I'm looking forward to another trip report.

Howdy! As you'll see, we enjoyed a lot about the cruise but there were a few ups and down.

Sorry I'm late, but I'm here now! Going back to read!

Late? There's no such thing as being late so long as you're here now. Welcome!
I'm so excited that the trip is underway! :woohoo:

I had to smile when I saw your picture of the silver ball thing off I-20. When I was a kid, my grandmother lived in Shreveport, and I remember passing that thing every trip we made. Being the Alabama hicks we are, we just oohed and aahed over it. :laughing:

Shreveport? Ya'll probably went right through our town to get there. Honey, we must be Louisiana hicks 'cause I get excited over the silver ball building every time I see it now and I'm so not a kid any more. :lmao:

Sounds like a great start! Why don't bosses understand that on vacation day you're already mentally gone and don't need any more work to do? :confused3

Can't wait to hear more!

Any other time, if it was slow at the office, the boss would have said to leave early. Honestly, I don't know if he even thought to let me go early. He's like that sometimes.

Subbing so that I can find it when I have time to read it, after I've settled in to my new role as a mom. :)

You're gonna be a Mama soon and I can't wait to see pictures of Peanut!

Great start! And I can totally see Elvis.

Yay! Another seer of Elvis in the tree!
Tell Hunter he got the spire on the RSA Tower rather nicely!! They have different colors on at different times of the year. At Christmas it is green and red and is so pretty. It is funny that you honk your horn when you go through the tunnel. Before they built the Wallace Tunnels, the only tunnel was the Bankhead tunnel through downtown Mobile, and it was illegal to turn on your headlights OR honk your horn while in the tunnel...........:lmao:.

I know you were glad to be on the road and headed out. Pulling out of the driveway always makes it real!! I think I need to write the Jameson Inn and tell them they need to have a "Lisa Suite" just for you; you give them your business every trip!!

OK, hopefully I will be able to keep up with this TR, I want to hear all about the cruise and see the pix.

I go back to the doctor next Wednesday and I am praying the doctor releases me so I can get back to the nursery where I belong!!



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