Exhausted from parenting/ASD children/Welcome to Schmolland!

Not that I'm here often, but I'm still here. Just been off of DIS for a few months while work and holidays have been nuts! My little Schmollander is really taking to sign language now. He could learn fast faster than DH and I are. But it's exciting to see HIM excited about communicating! He even actually said the words "thank you momma" to me for the FRIST time ever a few moment ago. He's 4 1/2 year old now, it was wonderful to hear. Who knows if he'll end up talking mostly for communication or signing or a combo of both. I'm just happy he's trying!
I'm around too, but life in Schmolland has been very ectic... with the big guy one (DH). Having been diagnosed appears to be harder on me than on him. He's all over the Internet now, learning about his stuff and Facebooking on the wonderfull "Asperger Awareness Page". But we are left alone, DD12 and me, caring for her. Of course, I understand the need to know by and for himself. I did it when I needed it when I learned about DD and my mother. But I didn't do it the Asperger way: all or nothing....... :rolleyes1 Well, he is and we find it very tough life in Schmolland.

The very good news is that she is now biking on her own since Sunday. She was super happy. Two weeks ago, she had a figure skating test and she passed her second dance (Canasta Tango). You should have seen her happyness for her accomplishment! Few days later, she was in a figure skating competition and in a "team event", where she really pulled her weight, and they won a silver medal. I think I had to live just to see the face of that little girl when she received her medal! She was purely extatic! And PROUD of herself!

Hopefully, the big guy will come back with us... some day...

Well, I didn't realized before writing about it, how much I was resenting how he does it.... Thank you for being here and having this post going.

:tinker:Poussière de fée!
I'm still here as well. We've just been a little busy with DS's final college decision. He's chosen to go to a nearby state university with a very attentive office of support services. I'm so proud! The prognosis was not this positive when he was first diagnosed. But, here we are.
I'm around too, but life in Schmolland has been very ectic... with the big guy one (DH). Having been diagnosed appears to be harder on me than on him. He's all over the Internet now, learning about his stuff and Facebooking on the wonderfull "Asperger Awareness Page". But we are left alone, DD12 and me, caring for her. Of course, I understand the need to know by and for himself. I did it when I needed it when I learned about DD and my mother. But I didn't do it the Asperger way: all or nothing....... :rolleyes1 Well, he is and we find it very tough life in Schmolland.

The very good news is that she is now biking on her own since Sunday. She was super happy. Two weeks ago, she had a figure skating test and she passed her second dance (Canasta Tango). You should have seen her happyness for her accomplishment! Few days later, she was in a figure skating competition and in a "team event", where she really pulled her weight, and they won a silver medal. I think I had to live just to see the face of that little girl when she received her medal! She was purely extatic! And PROUD of herself!

Hopefully, the big guy will come back with us... some day...

Well, I didn't realized before writing about it, how much I was resenting how he does it.... Thank you for being here and having this post going.

:tinker:Poussière de fée!
I know my wife finds it frustrating that I hyperfocus on "areas of interest". I am often dismissive of the "material world" instead immerse in how to make the world better for our children. We meet in the middle (sometimes) by blending my anyitical, logical perspective with her emotional, relationship needs. It is not always easy, but the depth of this communication strengthens our bond (when she is not wanting to throttle me).

Your DH is on a path of self discovery which is essential to his wellbeing and in the long term that quality of your families life. Demand your time from him by setting aside specific time frames and do the same for your DD.


Can I join you guys? My DD (4) was diagnosed as Autistic last year although we have known for a while that things weren't "normal". She is verbal now although still at a very low level, around 18 months. She is not potty trained and is starting special school this year. We start at 4 in the UK but I was able to keep her back a year because they felt she would not cope at all at the time but she has improved since so we shall see.

She is adorable and always singing. Very affectionate, with me anyway.

Of course parenting a child with Autism is never easy although quite often rewarding. It's great to see such a great support system on here and with a love of Disney too. Hope to speak to you all some more soon.
Can I join you guys? My DD (4) was diagnosed as Autistic last year although we have known for a while that things weren't "normal". She is verbal now although still at a very low level, around 18 months. She is not potty trained and is starting special school this year. We start at 4 in the UK but I was able to keep her back a year because they felt she would not cope at all at the time but she has improved since so we shall see.
She is adorable and always singing. Very affectionate, with me anyway.
Of course parenting a child with Autism is never easy although quite often rewarding. It's great to see such a great support system on here and with a love of Disney too. Hope to speak to you all some more soon.

You are more than :welcome: in Schmolland and on this thread! :hug:
The more, the merrier, or should I say: The more, the Schmerrier! :confused3:rolleyes1

:tinker:Poussière de fée!

Can I join you guys? My DD (4) was diagnosed as Autistic last year although we have known for a while that things weren't "normal". She is verbal now although still at a very low level, around 18 months. She is not potty trained and is starting special school this year. We start at 4 in the UK but I was able to keep her back a year because they felt she would not cope at all at the time but she has improved since so we shall see.

She is adorable and always singing. Very affectionate, with me anyway.

Of course parenting a child with Autism is never easy although quite often rewarding. It's great to see such a great support system on here and with a love of Disney too. Hope to speak to you all some more soon.

Therea re some of us here, like me :rolleyes1 , who aren't on here much and don't comment much, but I know people are there and it's a nice feeling. It can be lonely at times w/ children like our Schmollanders that others don't understand. :hug:
I'm still here. I check in now and then. Still working on some issues. I have a meeting set up with the Occupational Therapist in 2 weeks. That's when I will get the answers to some of his sensory problems.

I sent his soundless headphones to school after the aide told me that he was having difficulties on the bus. He wears it on the bus and in the lunch room and there have been no incidents for 2 1/2 weeks. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for at home. At least we are having some progress though.
I'm still here, if not on much. We're doing well, finishing up junior year, waiting for the PSAT's to come back (I suspect he did decently, since we got an "invitation" to an academically oriented for tuition "conference"--and while not exactly exclusive, it looks like you don't get those unless you've broken a thousand or so.) We still seem more like twelve than almost seventeen, but that's okay.
I check in once in a while too and probably will be more because my asperger son is struggling. He's always been an excellent and very smart student but also a perfectionist. He's in 7th grade and has been shutting down at school over what appears to be anxiety. He's even started making uncontrollable noises, something he's never done. We finally caved last week and put him on a low dose anti-anxiety medication because he was constantly in the counselor's office and his grades were failing, which was stressing him out even more.

I'm so glad people are still here and offering support!
It is sad that so many of our children suffer so much at school that it creates anxiety and other manefestations that rise to the clinical level.
I've been taking a break (completely exhausted and just trying to deal) but I'm still around.

Hope everyone is starting off a great summer. :goodvibes

TC- That is exciting news! YAY!
I was thinking of you guys yesterday when my SIL gave me a link to a few sites you can get temp. tattoos at that some of our schmollanders might have need for in our Disney outings. It may have been mentioned somewhere in this enormous thread that I never have time to read. :rolleyes1 But in case not, I'll share I'm ordering some for our trip in October. My schmollander LOVES Mickey Mouse tattoos, so this won't be much of a stretch for him. He won't wear bracelets or anything of that kind on his person, so I have to do something else. This!

I've been taking a break (completely exhausted and just trying to deal) but I'm still around.

Hope everyone is starting off a great summer. :goodvibes

TC- That is exciting news! YAY!

Hi, everyone. It's been a while. Kat77. Thanks. We are so proud of our boy. What a long, strange trip it's been! A friend of mine just found out that her 2-year-old has PDD-NOS. I know what she's going through, but she keeps telling me that she doesn't feel so bad because she has me and another friend and our kids are making great progress. It makes me feel good to know that my experience is giving her some optimism.
Has anyone read John Elder Robison's Be Different? I really felt as though that book was such good news for folks with ASDs. I've been recommending it to everyone. i think it might help people unfamiliar with ASDs to get where our kids are coming from. I'm a teacher and think it might make the basis for a great staff dev course.
Has anyone read John Elder Robison's Be Different? I really felt as though that book was such good news for folks with ASDs. I've been recommending it to everyone. i think it might help people unfamiliar with ASDs to get where our kids are coming from. I'm a teacher and think it might make the basis for a great staff dev course.

I haven't yet but I will! THANKS for the recommendation! :goodvibes
I haven't read John Robisons new book. I've been meaning to. Look Me in the Eyes is one of my favorite books. If you have facebook, you should friend John. He's an interesting guy.
Hey all, I'm not on the DIS much anymore but I lurk occasionally.

Very envious of those that are done with school. We get done June 20th. Was supposed to be June 22nd but because we had a mild winter and no snow days they took 2 days off the calendar.

Thank goodness. DS is hating school. He has 9 more days (we are going away for 2 next week)

He's a mess and is chewing etc. I actually ended up picking him up at school today as he was exhibiting behaviors at school that he hasn't before (all stuff he has done at home) and they didn't know how to handle it. If the autism team at the district level had done their job there would have been something in place. They'll get an earful at our CSE on Thursday. We're doing everything we can.

We know the issues are the end of school and the fact we'll be moving out of state (from New York to Michigan) over the summer as I am losing my job and couldn't find anything in our current location. We have been to visit the new area and will be going there next week to look at apartments. DS is convinced he will be the only autistic kid in Michigan. We assured him he won't. As we are currently Home Schooling our DD we will probably HS him too. Every school year I think things will be better and every year, they're not.

In the mean tmie 9 days!
Just wanted to post with some encouragement. I think I've posted before about my DD, who is now 21. Short version, she didn't really talk much until she was about 7/8, and was pretty much in her own little world. She was diagnosed with ADD and CAPD, but we are both sure the problem is Asperger's. School was a nightmare, and despite a high IQ she flunked out of college after 3 semesters.

She is now working at the Apple Store and doing very well, in fact expects a promotion to Genius within the next 6 months. She has a boyfriend, even though he lives in another state. They met here, and have visited each other, but developed most of their relationship long distance.

She is finally taking responsibility for her own well being, though she still lives at home. She eats gluten free, and tries to avoid sugar. Mainly because she knows that gluten makes her sick, and too much sugar causes some big mood swings for her. At home, we eat clean protein and a lot of organic veggies, hardly any starchy carbs. I still give her the supplements most days, but they include a multi, fish oil, extra magnesium (for anxiety), B complex, D3 drops, and Methyl B12 about once a week.

It seems like if she sticks to this regimen, she does well. There are still social problems, mainly with other women at work, but as always she gets along great with the guys. If you met her now, it would take a while to figure out she is a bit quirky.

She has never been able to take any of the neuro type meds, she couldn't even take BC pills because the extra hormones made her anxiety flare up like crazy. So happy we have found a nutritional approach for her. Now if she will stick to it, that would be great. I think there is even a possibility she will start taking some classes in the fall!


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