Fall 2007 College Program

Hey y'all!!! I'm SOOOOO EXCITED! Can't wait to meet everyone down there! Question...does any one know how the classes work? How long do they last, how many weeks are they, are they fun/hard/worth it, how often do you go, how does it work with your work schedules....etc.?

Thanks! :)

I believe the classes are about 10 weeks or so. It is once a week per class. They are 4 hours each (though some get out early). Some are in the morning (8-12) and then others in the afternoon (1-4, I believe). And the way they work with your schedule is that they will take the place of a day off, or get scheduled work before/after class.
My son will be in college program starting June 20th in operations till Jan 4th 2008. Any threads to find out more info from people that has already done it. We are DVC and will be there twice while he is there. I have read the Online site they directed him to. But I know that people that have done it know the in's and outs better. Any info appreciated. TY
My son will be in college program starting June 20th in operations till Jan 4th 2008. Any threads to find out more info from people that has already done it. We are DVC and will be there twice while he is there. I have read the Online site they directed him to. But I know that people that have done it know the in's and outs better. Any info appreciated. TY

Congrats to him! I will be down there myself on my third CP this summer. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Hey y'all!!! I'm SOOOOO EXCITED! Can't wait to meet everyone down there! Question...does any one know how the classes work? How long do they last, how many weeks are they, are they fun/hard/worth it, how often do you go, how does it work with your work schedules....etc.?

Thanks! :)

Hey Sara!
I'm thinking of taking one of the Disney Exploration Series (DES) classes. They meet once a week for 2 hours, for a total of 8 weeks. I've heard that they don't have tests, papers, or homework. Since there is no tuition fee (other than textbooks), and I am not in school anymore, I think it would be a great experience to learn more about Disney. Now the question is, which one should I take? :) I guess I will have to read up on the descriptions on each of the 5 DES classes and go from there.
Hey Sara!
I'm thinking of taking one of the Disney Exploration Series (DES) classes. They meet once a week for 2 hours, for a total of 8 weeks. I've heard that they don't have tests, papers, or homework. Since there is no tuition fee (other than textbooks), and I am not in school anymore, I think it would be a great experience to learn more about Disney. Now the question is, which one should I take? :) I guess I will have to read up on the descriptions on each of the 5 DES classes and go from there.

I'm planning on taking People Management and Leadership- they sound pretty cool, I'm actually really excited for the DES classes!
My recruiter really stressed the importance of these classes if you plan to make Disney a career (or even to simply learn some more using the "Disney touch".) So I'm hoping to take as many as I can possibly fit in!
Good to know! I was looking at some of the DES classes and they do sound really interesting...I wonder how many is the max we can take? Wish there were more hours in the day! :)
Good to know! I was looking at some of the DES classes and they do sound really interesting...I wonder how many is the max we can take? Wish there were more hours in the day! :)

It is 2 for the Fall program, and 4 for the Fall Advantage.
i was just wondering if anyone doing the fall 2007 program is a twilight or new moon fan. i am a huge fan of these books and it would be awesome to have a roommate that loved them too.
I know this is super last minute but are there any girls under 21 arriving may 16th that don't have a roommate? I'm not getting along that well with the one Disney matched me up with. She is going down there for the sole purpose of partying as much as she can and i really don't want to get fired because of her.
Bummer! Is there anyone else you know that maybe you can move with? I think the relocation fee is $50. Also, if your roommate is doing something against the Disney rules, I would think about reporting it so you don't get fired. Just a thought. Hope things go better!
I know this is super last minute but are there any girls under 21 arriving may 16th that don't have a roommate? I'm not getting along that well with the one Disney matched me up with. She is going down there for the sole purpose of partying as much as she can and i really don't want to get fired because of her.

At least you know even that much about your roommate. I sent mine a little about me without seeming psycho and got a short little response of nothing.
Well, next time you see me I will be in FL! I am leaving for Disney in about 7 hours. Can't wait to see some of you down there.:banana:
That is just great Joanna im so ready to hear how everything goes! Keep in touch like always im ready to hear how this CP starts out for you =)

Good Luck,
I just got it in the mail.:woohoo: I is going to be fun. Who lese knows if they are going yet.:cool1:
That is just great Joanna im so ready to hear how everything goes! Keep in touch like always im ready to hear how this CP starts out for you =)

Good Luck,

Thanks. I found out my work location today. I am working at Epcot in the WS!!


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