Fall/Fall Advantage 2009 Hopefuls!!

If you read one of my previous posts it says what my name is, lol. We could be...ya' never know:) . I applied for Fall Advantage though (did't you say you applied for just Fall?). All the questions you've asked are answered in one of my previous posts under..."Fall/Fall Advantage 2009 Hopefuls!!". So, if you go through the thread you shall find all your answers!:upsidedow
1. Your name?: Kelly

2. Your age?: 19, will be turning 20 on Dec 20th

3. Male or female?: Female

4. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight

5. Where do you live?: Buffalo, NY

6. What role will you have/want at Disney?: I applied for Character Attendant, Attractions, and Main Entrance Operations.

7. What are your arrival/departure dates/program (fall, fall advantage, fall quarter)?: Fall

8. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Do you prefer wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: Either Chatham or Patterson, obviously Wellness

9. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: I’d like a 1 or 2 bedroom, so 1 or 3 roommates

10. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties/activities in your apartment?: I don't party.. I guess if one of my roommates wanted to I wouldn’t mind as long as they didn’t bother me or trash the apt.

11. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: I like pizza and wings, I’m from Buffalo after all :) buttttt I know you can’t get them as half as good as back home. I am definitely going to try and learn how to cook over the summer but I guess I am ok now since I don’t burn anything!

12. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Funny, nice, Disney-freak

13. What kind of music/movies do you like?: Basically whatever is on the radio. I am not crazy into rap or crazy scream-o rock music. Definitely love all the Disney songs, I have like 300 songs on my i-pod. Also all the boy-bands are amazing and plus I like some of the music from the 80’s. Movie wise I like a lot of stuff, again definitely Disney. I don’t like scary movies or gross ones like Saw.

14. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: Never ever

15. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): nope

16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: I like sleeping in but I can drag myself out of bed early if I needed to.

17. Are you driving or flying down?: Driving down

18. What do you do for fun?: Hanging out with my friends, spending time with my family

19. What is your favorite quote?: "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney

20. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Getting to live my dream of working for the Mouse!

21. Favorite things to do when not working: Playing around on the computer, playing on my wii. (The wii will be coming with me btw) Definitely if I worked for Disney I would enjoy some well spent time in the park

22. Name one good quality about yourself: I feel like I am a nice person

23. Name one bad quality about yourself: I’m kind of quiet and reserved. Hard to come out of my shell but when I do I am definitely outgoing.

24: Your college: Buffalo State College

25: Your major: Undecided but I think history education

26. Any medical conditions (optional): Just migraines.

27. Are you messy/tidy?: Kind of messy but it can be contained

28. What sports do you like?: Sports+me= a trip to the emergency room. Total klutz.

29. Do you plan on having a car at Disney?: Definitely.

30. Anything else you want to state: I hope I get accepted and I really hope to make a lot of friends and have an amazing experience down in Disney. This has been a life-long dream for me!
I'm going crazy waiting! I wish they could let you know right away. I just had my interview on Saturday, so, it seems like I will still have a little bit to wait before I know. If I get in, I'll be doing Fall Advantage :)
I'm going crazy waiting! I wish they could let you know right away. I just had my interview on Saturday, so, it seems like I will still have a little bit to wait before I know. If I get in, I'll be doing Fall Advantage :)

I just had mine Sunday and I feel like it's been weeks! :confused3 I don't know how I will handle it a few weeks from now and still no decision!
I hate my college. :mad: They have had the CP presentation every semester since i started there, and now, for the semester I want to go, apparantly b/c they aren't doing the presentation they aren't offering credit for the program. I'm not sure how it matter about me getting in, I might just have to take a leave of absence, but that means NO CREDIT. yay. :mad:
I've been waiting 19 days and I think I have gone insane! I check my mail all the time because my school fills our boxes a few times a day. I'm always thinking maybe they just put it in later! Its enough to drive anyone crazy! I just got back to school from spring break and was hoping it would be here waiting for me!! I hope my wait is coming to an end with good news soon!
The waiting is the worst part but just hang on and stay positive good luck!
I hate my college. :mad: They have had the CP presentation every semester since i started there, and now, for the semester I want to go, apparantly b/c they aren't doing the presentation they aren't offering credit for the program. I'm not sure how it matter about me getting in, I might just have to take a leave of absence, but that means NO CREDIT. yay. :mad:

I have the same problem at my school, but I went and talked to my career services and they told me if I got a position that was related to my major and submitted a letter to the head of the department they would definitely consider allowing it. I would check with your CS and see what they say, most try and help their students out the best they can so you may be an exception! Good Luck!!
I have the same problem at my school, but I went and talked to my career services and they told me if I got a position that was related to my major and submitted a letter to the head of the department they would definitely consider allowing it. I would check with your CS and see what they say, most try and help their students out the best they can so you may be an exception! Good Luck!!

I emailed the registrar last asking what the school's requirements were for the program. I know I am kinda doing this backwards. Probably should have contacted the school before applying. But I don't use academic advisement b/c I am undecided and with my past experience with them, basically I am told "take a couple classes in something you may like, get gen eds out of the way now." Really no benefit to me, I could have figured that out on my own!! Plus the one time I DID talk to them about Disney they still were doing the program!

Anyway, on my school's website, they told me to email the registrar. Registrar emailed me back telling me to call the Hospitality & Tourism dept.. I did, and they referred me to my school's Career Development Services. That's when I found out about all of that good stuff about no credit, not sure if they will continue program with Disney, blah blah blah. Woman took down my name and phone #. Told me she'd call back with more info. Right before their office closed, she gives me the number of someone @ the H&T dept.... It's the same woman who referred me to her!! :confused:

I'm guessing since I am undecided that that won't work with applying it to my major. I am thinking about switching THAT to History & Social Studies Education for High School. But then I'd be kinda in a tough spot with all of that. I just don't understand if they and Disney had a falling out or whatever, or if they won't be allowing kids on their program, WHY would they still let Disney have their name on the website?! I hope if Disney calls Buff State they have an easier time sorting all of this out. But honestly I don't think Disney would care enough about one kid to take the time to figure all of this out. So, I am starting to think I probably won't be going. :sad: Which makes me want to transfer to a school that will let me go. I really have no emotional ties to this junk heap of a school. :sad2: :furious:

Thank though and I am so sorry for the long-winded-ness :thanks:
Thank though and I am so sorry for the long-winded-ness :thanks:

No its fine.. I actually graduate in May so I am not doing the program through my school at all. My school (Iowa State University) still has it available for some colleges but mine (business) doesn't accept it as an internship because a few years ago people were calling at 2 am complaining that they were cleaning grills till 2 am and that had nothing to do with their major (they should have thought about that first before accepting the role??)

I dont know how your school is set up but mine if you are a business major you can go through the college of liberal arts and do the program for credit as electives. If your recruiters information is on the website for your school you may want to try contacting them and see why your school isn't doing the program anymore and who his contact at the school was and see if you can contact that person and arrange something. If not and your school allows you to take a semester off you could always do that go the Disney and then start back to school the following semester. Just remember if you choose this route since you wont be a full time student you might not fall under your parents health insurance, also problems might arise with student loans or scholarships.

sorry this was long too haha.. let me know if you need anymore help!!!
I applied and did my interview last Friday and am now playing the waiting game...
I thought I'd post on this thread to hopefully meet people & find potential room mates (if I get accepted...*crossing fingers*).
So let's see...
My name is Jessica. I live in Idaho. I applied for FA. I'll be 21 in June but either way I'd still choose the Wellness style apartments in Patterson or Chatham. I applied for attractions, costuming, and quick-service food - kitchen only. I put attractions as my number one choice *crossing fingers!*

There will be more to come when I get the time and/or when I get accepted. Thanks! :P

i did my interview that same day! and my name is jessica as well. what part of idaho do you live in? i live in utah, and right now im in logan at utah state:) i hate this waiting period though to find things out. id rather know sooner than later, whether its a rejection or not. lol. oh and im new here! ive been looking around since yesterday, but i decided what the hey and joined! :)
[[[Originally Posted by tinks#1fan
Hey are you the Justine that Ally wants to room with? The wait is agonizing for everyone. By the way, I'm Ally's Mom.]]]
Mother!!! you stalker!!! lol jk jk <3 ya!!Mother!!! you stalker!!! lol jk jk <3 ya!!

Don't worry your not the only one...My mum has browsed the forum too as I'm sure many other moms and dads have! When I asked her for some help on preparing for my interview she found this website (before I did) by sending me a link to a post and wasn't expecting to find me later on after I registered. It was a fun moment when we talked on the phone, lol. :rotfl: I love my mum she's the best!
i did my interview that same day! and my name is jessica as well. what part of idaho do you live in? i live in utah, and right now im in logan at utah state:) i hate this waiting period though to find things out. id rather know sooner than later, whether its a rejection or not. lol. oh and im new here! ive been looking around since yesterday, but i decided what the hey and joined! :)

Welcome! I'm also earning my ears! I joined a week or so ago.
I live in the northern panhandle part of Idaho. Yes, the waiting game isn't that much fun but we must endure! To pass the time you could check out my blog (see siggy)...the last two posts have a bunch of links to other CP or Disney-related websites. If you do check out my blog, sign my guest book (comment on the About Me page) or leave a comment under the actual posts.

But...if you don't want to get hooked in a vicious cycle of Disney/CP obsession :rotfl: and unofficially becoming a member of PFA (Purple Folders Anonymous - http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?p=30875809&posted=1#post30875809) then I would suggest going outside and maybe flying a kite? Reading a book? Doing some homework? LOL! Can any sane potential CPer do that though? :rotfl2:
Welcome! I'm also earning my ears! I joined a week or so ago.
I live in the northern panhandle part of Idaho. Yes, the waiting game isn't that much fun but we must endure! To pass the time you could check out my blog (see siggy)...the last two posts have a bunch of links to other CP or Disney-related websites. If you do check out my blog, sign my guest book (comment on the About Me page) or leave a comment under the actual posts.

But...if you don't want to get hooked in a vicious cycle of Disney/CP obsession :rotfl: and unofficially becoming a member of PFA (Purple Folders Anonymous - http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?p=30875809&posted=1#post30875809) then I would suggest going outside and maybe flying a kite? Reading a book? Doing some homework? LOL! Can any sane potential CPer do that though? :rotfl2:

i already am a member of pfa, i helped found it! ha ha :) but i think ill have to check out your blog at one point anyways, :D i like reading blogs lol
hi everyonee. i had my interview about 2 weeks ago and i'm going nutso waiting like everyone else is! i chose costuming, merch, and attractions. fingers crossed!


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