Famous People You have met While at WDW

My great aunt and uncle rode on It's a Small World with THE Walt Disney! (Disneyland obviously) He introduced himself just as they were about to board and asked if he could ride with them and observe how they enjoyed the ride. Of course you can't say no to that! Supposedly Walt rode on rides with random guests quite often to make sure his guests were having a great time. I believe they got a picture with him afterwards. I'm jealous yet happy they got to meet him and ride on a ride with him!
We went for ESPN when they used to have it and met ladainian Tomlinson when he played for the Jets. He was by far my favorite football player and I had followed him since he was a brand new rookie. Well I got to meet him and get his autograph on both my LT Chargers jersey and my LT Jets jersey!! Plus numerous pictures with him and of him signing my jerseys. :)
Last June I was standing outside BTMRR with my little ones waiting for DH and DD. All of a sudden I hear all this giggling and screaming. I turn around and coming up the path towards the exit of the ride are a couple camera/sound guys walking backwards, a bunch of CMs swarming what looked like a group of teenage boys, followed by a gaggle of screaming teenage girls. According to a CM it was One Direction. They were supposedly filming a commercial or something for Disney and my DH and DD were stuck in line for quite awhile until they finished whatever they were filming. I had to get on Google and find out who the heck they were because I had no clue. When I realized, I felt so old lol!
DH is a celebrity magnet, I however am not and cancel him out. LOL I am hoping that he attracts more celebrities than I repel on our trip.:lmao:

Not at Disney but DH has,

*Lived down the street from Walter Payton growing up, and often played football in his front yard with him and the local kids.
*Has met Tom Bosley, Malcom Jamal Warner and Penn Jillette
*Set a row behind Dave Foley on a flight from AZ on a work trip. (He was sooo excited about this one. He LOVES Dave Foley, major fan! He was so nervous he didn't even say hello during the entire flight.)

When he was in college he rode the train with one of his professors who suggested they check out the filming of Backdraft since he "knew someone who worked on the set". Turns out he was good friends with Ron Howard. DH and his professor went to lunch with Ron Howard and Robert DeNiro!
Last October I was in the buffet line at Chef Mickey's in front of Buddy the Cake Boss. I was minding my own business, but could hear his conversation with the CM who was with him. I thought it might be him. Everyone at my table was having a fit when I came back because I didn't know who he was! He sat in our section. Most people left him & his family alone, but he did give autographs & have his picture taken while trying to have breakfast. We didn't bother him. We just have him in our video & in the background of some of our pictures.
So crazy to see this thread still chuggin along...hahaha...slowly but surely :moped: I made this thread 9 years ago that is just unbelievable...I was 15!!! I Love it! :thumbsup2
Funny! I enjoyed going back and reading the first few pages again.

I think it was around 1997 when we saw Christopher Reeve at MK in frontierland . Because he was in a wheelchair many people noticed him but no one bothered him at least when I saw him. He was with his family.
John Travolta in Mexico
George Lucas at Wonders of Life
Howie Mandel on Main Street USA
Mark Hamil in Fantasyland

Always fun keeping an eye out for stars.
My great aunt and uncle rode on It's a Small World with THE Walt Disney! (Disneyland obviously) He introduced himself just as they were about to board and asked if he could ride with them and observe how they enjoyed the ride. Of course you can't say no to that! Supposedly Walt rode on rides with random guests quite often to make sure his guests were having a great time. I believe they got a picture with him afterwards. I'm jealous yet happy they got to meet him and ride on a ride with him!

Now THAT is amazing!
I saw Ed Burns and Christy Turlington with their kids in April 2012. They were right in front of us in the check in line for 'Ohana breakfast.
I had to go back and read it all over again. So many good stories!!
Walt Disney himself though that is pretty amazing :wizard:
I feel that people are very respectful of celebrities in WDW or DL its like a safe spot for everyone. At the end of the day we are all just regular people wanting to enjoy a family vacation :hug:
Not at Disney, but close....Universal Orlando.....

In May of 2012, my oldest son had a conversation with Vince Neil of Motley Crue at the pool at the Hard Rock. He didn't have a clue who he was. I was across the pool and took a very fuzzy pic of the back of his head since I was too chicken to go near him (was big fan in the 80's)

My youngest son, who is the musician of the family, was upstairs in hotel room napping. He was furious when he woke up and found out what he missed.

I immediately text my best friend from the 8th grade the fuzzy pic of the back of his head so she could be jealous :)
In May 2011 we saw Michael Oher and the Touhy family (the real people that the movie The Blind Side is based on.)

We were walking down the Boardwalk one evening and they were playing the basketball game. I actually recognized Leigh Anne Touhy first because I had seen her on a talk show or two. I approached them an asked if he was Michael Oher and spoke to them for a few minutes. They were all very nice.

A day or two later we saw them again at HS, they were getting the VIP treatment. As I was getting off of ToT, they were going into a special entrance.
Although I've never met a celebrity at WDW my friend who works at Space Mountain sees them all the time.

Also It's not me, it's not WDW, and it's not recent, I do have a pretty cool story from my old high school English teacher:
My teacher was drafted to the Vietnam war in the 60s so he went to Disneyland right before he left. He was in line for hot cocoa and when he turned around somebody bumped into him and made him spill his hot cocoa all over himself. Turns out that person was Walt Disney himself! My teacher told Disney how much he loved his work and was hoping to get a job as an animator. Walt bought him another hot cocoa and told him to come back safely and if he did, he'd be able to get a job somewhere in his company.

Sadly, this happened only a few months before Walt passed away but after the war my teacher wound up getting a job in the company and eventually became an Imagineer for WDW, so Walt wound up being good on his promise. My teacher has a bunch of other cool stories and pictures from the early days of WDW, but that definitely has to be his coolest story!
In 2007 we stayed at AKL along with Brittany Spears. We passed her a few times in the lobby and my DS got booted off the playground one afternoon so her kids could play there alone :rolleyes2
The midde was taping 3 weeks ago.....my family ran into all of them 5 different times..... Axel and Brick were within 5 feet of me on two different occasions.

Watched them tape the illumination scene and the scene when they entered the MK.

I would have loved:love: to meet Walt....
I don't think I've seen any celebrities at WDW, but I have seen several as I weave in and out of airports. However, last Christmas at Disneyland we saw Chris Hardwick and Nathan Fillion. They were touring the parks together with two ladies I presume were their girlfriends and ended up in the boat behind us at Jungle Cruise.
This was back in 1995, but I won a contest and got to eat dinner with George Clooney at Planet Hollywood in Downtown Disney. :thumbsup2

Oh I can play this game! :) When I was younger, my family and I were walking around the Magic Kingdom and happened to run into Joe Namath!! Ironically, my brother was wearing his Football Hall of Fame shirt that day so we asked Joe to sign it. After he did, my father made my brother take his shirt off (literally the second after getting Joe's autograph) so that he could save the shirt. He bought my brother a brand new Disney shirt to replace it. To this day, that autographed shirt is hanging in a shadow box at my parent's house. :goodvibes


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