Fatal monorail accident at WDW

My grandfather fell down the basement stairs.

My dad died in pain from cancer.
My dad died in pain from cancer.

I've seen many, many, many people die in pain (someof the deaths I caused) - I'm sure you have too. A couple died in my arms -not the best experience of my life by any means. Not by a long shot. Does the term GSW through and through mean anything to you? I'm positive it does Jim.

My FIL died peacefully with his entire family at the bedside at home - the only time in my life I ever experienced anything remotely like that. My parents (and Debbie's) not so much. I'll always regret not being there when our mother died. I thought she was exaggerating. Stupid on my part.
My father went in his sleep. He was in a care facility for Alzheimer's patients. My Uncle went to see him and fed him his lunch. Uncle George left at 1 p.m. when the nurse came to put dad down for his nap. Twenty minutes later, while sound asleep, dad went home. 18 years ago next Tuesday.
I had a grandfather who died of lung cancer and I visited him frequently in the nursing home. I still remember one visit when he was struggling to breath, but still found the energy give me a wink and a little smile. Fighting to the bitter end, but so sad to see.

My other GF passed suddenly one day in a confused state due to medication making him confused. He took off early to see his doctor (my uncle was supposed to take him, did not realize my GF kept a spare key hidden). Unfortunately, he got onto the highway in the wrong direction and it was over quickly. Fortunately, the driver of the on-coming vehicle suffered no injuries (sore neck only).

Sad, think I'll go have another cup of coffee and spend time with my kids. Life is short...
WOW! Scary stuff. WESH 2 Orlando shows a family who video taped a ride in the front with the very driver who was killed a few days later. EERIE! Makes me not want to ride the monorail unless they clean up their act.
Certainly any long time visitor to Disney has seen a decline in quality and service. I suppose it should come as no surprise that training and maintence would be effected. It's been obvious during our most recent visits that employees are not so happy in the happiest place on earth.
I remember when I first read about this tragedy that I was shocked at how young the poor boy was. I mean how much training and experience could someone that age have?..Not...that any of this was at all his fault. Just that it got me to thinking that if he was that young..that meant likely anyone else involved was likely to be young and inexperienced as well. I just kind of assumed that monorail operators were full time employees with a particular skill, and years of experience. Obviously..it's more like college students with limited training.
My grandfather fell down the basement stairs.

My dad died in pain from cancer.

My Dad died almost instantly right after mowing the lawn, when he had been told for years not to. He put a new roof on his house just 3 months before that. He did it his way up to the last second.
My Mother has been in stage 4 of a rather insidious lung/vascular disease for almost 5 yrs now.

I have seen more death in 20 plus yrs of EMS than I will ever be able to forget, unfortunately it becomes part of who you are and you just have to process it in whatever way works for you, inversely I have delivered several babies and helped many people who otherwise may have perished, I choose to focus on the triumphs rather than the failures.
My grandpa died in a barber's chair, getting a last haircut before he was supposed to leave for a cruise.

When my dad talked to his barber about it, his barber said it's not all that uncommon. Apparently some guys walk it, settle down for a haircut, but don't walk out.

Sue in Texas
My grandpa died in a barber's chair, getting a last haircut before he was supposed to leave for a cruise.

When my dad talked to his barber about it, his barber said it's not all that uncommon. Apparently some guys walk it, settle down for a haircut, but don't walk out.

Sue in Texas

Wow, talk about bad timing !
Sorry for your loss.


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