Favourite Disney character and why?

Mickey is a classic, but I also have a fondness for Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert (obviously). Gotta love some good sarcasm!
Copper, then Tod
They symbolized how no matter what walk a life you come from, no matter how you were raised or what you were taught that friendship, kindness and love prevails.
Something us humans should do a better job of showing to each other. We are all individuals who have it in our hearts to do the right thing.
I remember seeing this as a child and it was so profound to me even then.

** I should add that also, Copper was just so darn cute as a puppy **
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I don't know why but.. Pumbaa is my favorite. I could do without the bathroom humor, but there is something about him appeals to me.
I've always loved Donald. He throws the best temper tantrums. Of the later films, I like Sebastian and Lumiere. They are both funny and come up with great songs. And of course, every time I go into the Animation Building in DCA and go to the Beast's library to see which character I am, it seems like I can put just about any answer in there and I'm going to be Cogsworth.
Oh man, toughest question I've had to answer on these forums!!!

Mickey has long been one of my favorites, especially in his sorcerer role.

From the movies...ugh, this gets too difficult. How about I go with two who you can't really separate from each other...Lumiere and Cogsworth.

Those two could have had their own spinoff. They are the perfect duo, especially how their personalties compliment each other.

Sebastian has always been a favorite of mine as well.

Villain-wise...gotta go with Ursula. When I saw Little Mermaid as a 3 year old in the theater, I named her as my favorite character. My entire family was concerned about me since my favorite character was the villain!! My rationale: she's big, she's powerful, and she can steal voices!! (Seriously, what kid didn't want to steal someone's voice at one time?)
Attitude is where it is at and she's got a whole lot of it. That is why I love Tink so much. I have attitude and spunk myself, but I wish I had more like Tink.
robin hood i like talk animals more then talking humans also with the dvd i have of it you could see the different ways they wanted to tale the story one was an old west theme thank mickey that did not happen.

You said it.
Tinkerbell! I've always adored that sassy little pixie. I'm also a big fan of the newer Disney Fairy movies and I love how they've fleshed out the character...she's funny, creative, and cares about her friends.
My fav is the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella - need a new dress, transportation, some awesome shoes...now where's my wand...poof
I love me some Minnie Mouse!! She is one of my favorites to meet in the parks! She is so cute and friendly! Another character I love meeting in the parks is Gaston! He is a riot. He loves himself, and he always wants to know why you love him too!
Stitch, because he's complicated and has issues but tries to eventually work through them.

When I was younger, I really liked Piglet because he seemed to have a lot of the anxiety I had.
Oh cool thread! My favorite is Minnie Mouse, ever since I was a little I would get a Minnie plush and give them their own story. It's just a childhood connection. Also Minnie just relates to me, she's sassy, independent and just the Queen of Disney. But, a second close favorite would probably be either Stitch or Rapunzel, though I love them all! ::MinnieMo
Katrina Van Tassel. I know she's not from the mind of Disney himself, but he certainly portrayed her better than in any other film to date. People say that she looks like Cinderella, but she has a very Tinkerbell-ish attitude about her, not to mention her figure is much more voluptuous than Cinderella's and far more similar to Tink's. She has that 50's pin up look.
Belle, because that's the story of my life...ever since I can remember, I've been a huge bookworm, and I'm always daydreaming instead of paying attention to the world around me.


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