Feeling Grand - How to Plan a Disney Trip In 18 Days Or Less

I am particularly tired today, guys, so I apologize in advance for what may turn out to be quite a lackluster post.

Here's the skinny. I didn't like my maternity fashion show yesterday and decided, even though I was trying to be good about money, that I really wanted a couple more maternity tops.

Mom and I went shopping today, and got four tops, two of which I can easily use for work when it gets warmer out, and two of which are great for the trip. I have two more from the last time, so I'm thinking on extra shirt and I should be okay. I know this doesn't sound like I'm making sense, but I've taken everything I think I might bring and put it on an over the door hanger, so I can see it all out there and make my outfits when it comes time to pack.

DH hasn't gotten my suitcase yet, but I don't have the energy for it, so it's not a big deal.

Walmart decided to be funny and switch the whole store around. :lmao: It took me an hour to find everything and I wasn't even upset, more amused. I eventually came home with Trident sugar free watermelon gum for my purse (good if my ears pop), CheezIts, Pop Tarts (for a quick snack type breakfast in the room), and I'll probably stop at the grocery store on Thursday and get some snack mix as well. I'm hoping to carry on fruit too, can you do that? I think you can.

I'm just really shot, I took a big nap yesterday and I think I'll go to bed early tonight. Everything is coming together, it's just a matter of having the energy to do it all now, but no biggie. It'll come together, I know it will.

And a week from today, at this time, I'll be in the Magic Kingdom.

So I really can't complain. :thumbsup2

Next Chapter
All caught up! Wow you've had a busy week. I'm sorry about the condo. Everything happens for a reason. You'll find just the right house/condo at the right time for you and your family.

Don't be sorry, hon. You're right, when the time is right, we'll find something. :goodvibes

Yay for 5 days :yay: You and your mom are going to have such a great trip.

We are. At this point, I'm most excited about food and sleep. :rotfl2:
Not to sound all needy or anything, but I updated yesterday.



Talk to me!!! :lmao:

J/K. I just wanted to give you all a heads up that there was an update yesterday, because there will be one today. Enjoy! :goodvibes
I'm here!

I've been having a heck of a time keeping up with all of my subscriptions lately. I need to have fewer but I hate to do that. :rotfl:

I could not get myself motivated to pack last trip and I wasn't pregnant so you are allowed to take your time with the packing. :thumbsup2
I'm here!


I've been having a heck of a time keeping up with all of my subscriptions lately. I need to have fewer but I hate to do that. :rotfl:

I know how you feel. I would like to subscribe to more, because there are a lot of DISers that I really miss reading, but I know I don't have the time to keep up with it.

I could not get myself motivated to pack last trip and I wasn't pregnant so you are allowed to take your time with the packing. :thumbsup2

I was just so exhausted this weekend! I feel better today, but I didn't sleep very well last night, so I'm hoping I can talk DS into "us" taking a nap today.

Sometimes, he'll lay down with me and then I get a nap, too. :thumbsup2
I hate when Walmart does the ol' switch-all-the-departments-around bit!!! Nothing like finding bras and panties where boy's jeans used to be!:scared: I'm glad you got your bearings and found what you needed.

You know, I can't say I've ever suffered the don't-wanna-pack feeling. Usually I have the opposite affliction......weeks and weeks away and I want to start arranging everything in the suitcases and be ready to go! Except then my family would have nothing to wear for those weeks and weeks before we actually left....

Hope you're feeling more energetic today! :banana:

I hate when Walmart does the ol' switch-all-the-departments-around bit!!! Nothing like finding bras and panties where boy's jeans used to be!:scared: I'm glad you got your bearings and found what you needed.

Oh, no joke, it was just like that. Mens and womens totally switched, the whole shebang. And they don't carry maternity anymore, only maternity bras. Big mess. :lmao:

You know, I can't say I've ever suffered the don't-wanna-pack feeling. Usually I have the opposite affliction......weeks and weeks away and I want to start arranging everything in the suitcases and be ready to go! Except then my family would have nothing to wear for those weeks and weeks before we actually left....

Hope you're feeling more energetic today! :banana:


I actually need to get my act together and make a packing list. I think once that I do that, it will be a lot easier to organize myself, and then feel more motivated about packing.
Glad you found a few tops, but don't feel bad about buying some more. Remember, you'll need a few things that don't scream MATERNITY after the bean is born. I really hated wearing maternity clothes afterwards. I mean you just get so sick of them!
If you are tired, rest, because that means your baby is growing! I always found when I had a day when I was extra tired, I would wake up to a bigger belly. Or it could have been the extra chocolate I would eat on those days.:confused3
Take care of yourself!!!!
Thanks!!! :goodvibes

Wow. You got a little question crazy, eh?

I'm thinking we'll probably take my mom's camera, because my memory card is full and I don't know that I can dump it and store the photos before we leave.

I do like to look for Hidden Mickey's, but I don't have any of the books. That could be something cool to do with mom this time, but it will really depend on my energy level.

I usually do bring a notebook for trip report notes, and I know you'll all be dying for me to do a TR, but I don't know if I'll do a full one. I may just do food reviews, I am not sure. Again, energy level.

Yeah, sorry about that! Enquiring minds and all that rot.

Energy level. Totally hear you on that one. I think I slept the majority of the time during my first preg. HM's would be very fun. I don't think you even need a book. Your concierge desk will have a list of the ones in the resort, and guest services at each park will have a list too. And they're free. :yay:

Of course, we'll want a TR! But with 2 already going, I don't even know if someone NOT preggers could do as well as you! K.I.S.S.!!!
Glad you found a few tops, but don't feel bad about buying some more. Remember, you'll need a few things that don't scream MATERNITY after the bean is born. I really hated wearing maternity clothes afterwards. I mean you just get so sick of them!
If you are tired, rest, because that means your baby is growing! I always found when I had a day when I was extra tired, I would wake up to a bigger belly. Or it could have been the extra chocolate I would eat on those days.:confused3
Take care of yourself!!!!

Oh my gosh, you know what? I swear my belly looked bigger after this weekend, not even joking!

Must be that when we sleep, they grow. :thumbsup2

Yeah, sorry about that! Enquiring minds and all that rot.

No problem, at all.

Energy level. Totally hear you on that one. I think I slept the majority of the time during my first preg. HM's would be very fun. I don't think you even need a book. Your concierge desk will have a list of the ones in the resort, and guest services at each park will have a list too. And they're free. :yay:

I remember doing a lot of napping during the first. I think now with working part time and having a little one, it's just that much harder.

Of course, we'll want a TR! But with 2 already going, I don't even know if someone NOT preggers could do as well as you! K.I.S.S.!!!

Actually, this will be part of my post later. :thumbsup2
Wal Mart is my happy place, I don't know what I would do if they went and changed things on me LOL!!! I know I would figure it out but I pride myself on being able to walk in and out of my Wally World in 20 minutes with everything I need LOL!!!

OOOH..don't you just love being able to say this time next week I'll be at Disney!! So much fun!!
Wal Mart is my happy place, I don't know what I would do if they went and changed things on me LOL!!! I know I would figure it out but I pride myself on being able to walk in and out of my Wally World in 20 minutes with everything I need LOL!!!

OOOH..don't you just love being able to say this time next week I'll be at Disney!! So much fun!!

My mother teases me that I live at Walmart. It happens to be less than a 1/4 mile from where I work, so it's really easy to just drop by on my way home.

It feels so good to say I'll be in Disney soon! :goodvibes
Hi, I'm joining in on your PTR
We'll be staying at the GF this summer, so I can't wait to hear about your trip once you come back:-)
Ha ha. Soooo mentally ready to go. Am I packed? No. Mentally? Yes.

I worked on my packing list today, and ran it by mom. She reminded me of a few things I'd forgotten, so that was great. I've been debating whether or not to get a refillable mug, so I posted on the GF FAQ thread as to what the beverage options are. Listings on the menus I can find are pretty generic, obviously they have soda, but I'm really interested to know if they have any flavored lemonades or iced teas. That's what I'd most likely be drinking. No matter how hard I try, or want to like soda, right now, this child does not like carbonated drinks. And let me tell you, water gets boring after a while.

If I could just get a tap to that pineapple juice they use in the Dole Whip float in my room, I'd be all set. :lmao:

Mom and I are both really excited about the trip. We went shopping yesterdy and I got some more tops for the trip, and some that can double for work in the summer months, so that's awesome. I feel a little more put together now. We've talked about walking on the beach, and even if it's cold, I just want to sit in one of those cabanas and take a picture. Why not?

As a matter of fact, I want LOTS of pictures. Because who knows when I'll stay there again!

Mom also has a really small laptop that we decided to bring with us. She doesn't mind carrying it, and I'd prefer a computer to type out my trip notes. So, rest easy, folks. There will be some kind of trip report. I don't like having to write everything down manually, I'm a really fast typer, so that will be SO much easier for me.

I've checked the weather and temps go up on one day and down on another so who the heck knows. :lmao: We'll have to see as it gets closer and just sort of hope.

All that's left now is to get packing!

And tell my son.

Yes. I haven't told him yet. I haven't figured out the right way to do it. I'm definitely not telling him I'm going to Disney without him. He is old enough to know how cool it is and young enough to not understand and get really upset. My general idea is to say Mama and Mimi are going away for a few days, and then take it from there. I know he and my husband will do all sorts of fun boy things while I'm gone, so I'm really not worried about that.

And I have to tell you, right now, I need the break.

Just in general. From work, from life. It'll be good for me to have a little r&r. And in such a posh setting. I'm so lucky. :goodvibes

Next Chapter
Your getting so close to going now. Before you know it you'll be styling your new clothes at the GF. I'm so exicited for you and your mom.

I'm sorry things didn't work out with the condo, but extra money for Disney trips is always a bonus. I understand completely. Having this extra trip this year is helping get through the annoying rough parts of the day.
Your getting so close to going now. Before you know it you'll be styling your new clothes at the GF. I'm so exicited for you and your mom.


I'm sorry things didn't work out with the condo, but extra money for Disney trips is always a bonus. I understand completely. Having this extra trip this year is helping get through the annoying rough parts of the day.

I hear you. It's nice to have something to get you through the day, that's for sure. :thumbsup2

I can't have carbonation anymore at all after my surgery....one really good drink that I like are the Sobe Lifewaters. I get the 0 calories one, they are very good. Come in a lot of different flavors, still refreshing like water but a nice flavor. Water does get boring!

I can't wait to see your cabana picture! :thumbsup2
All caught up again! I am getting more and more excited about your trip so I can just imagine how you must be feeling right about now!

I don't blame you about not having told DS yet -- I waited an awfully long time before telling Connor about the October trip and he was ten. :lmao: I just knew he would be upset -- be thankful your DS is still young enough that you can sneak off to Disney without him being any the wiser. ;)

Did you try the new iced tea they have at the drink stations on your last trip? I loved, loved, loved it. I could drink that all day with no problem. :thumbsup2


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