Feeling guilty, need pixie dust/prayers/whatever - medical stuff within


Secret Simba Fan
Dec 28, 2003
My best friend's dad is in the ICU with either viral encephalitis or viral meningitis. He lost control of his diabetes a few years ago and had a kidney transplant last January. His health never really rebounded after the transplant. He was diagnosed with shingles last month, but when they treated it, they forgot about the transplant and the anti-rejection drugs he is on. Now he is intubated and unresponsive.

The guilt comes because I am leaving town Friday to party with you guys. My friend is the one who stuck by me all thru my mom's illness, who was in my wedding, who showed up first when my boys were born. We have been friends for over 30 years. I feel terrible that I can't be available for her thru her family's 'stuff'. I have been there for all the other 'stuff', just as she was there for mine. I would hate for anything to happen when I can't be there to help out. (Ok, I'd hate for anything to happen in general, but especially if I can't be there for my best friend)

So, if you have an extra dose of pixie dust lying around, would you please send it to Stu at the Cleveland Clinic? Thanks.

I'm sorry for this happening to you (and your friend of course).

Don't feel guilty.
You can't help the fact that you have booked this trip.
If it was the other way around then you wouldn't want your friend to feel guilty about the trip.

Maybe it's a good thing to talk about this to her.
Tell her about your feelings, tell her that you feel guilty that you want to be there for here and that you are there for her when she needs you.
Maybe you can post a postcard or letter to her just before you leave so that she gets something from you while you are away.
I'm sorry you're going through this. I know it's not the same as being there, but I'm sure you can call or email your friend every day to let her know you're thinking of her and her dad.
Sending prayers and pixie dust her way.:hug:

Hope things work out. I'm sure your good friend understands that you have planned this for a long time, and would be there otherwise. She wouldn't want you to feel guilty.
Prayers offered up for Stu, his family, and you.
I am so sorry to hear this! :hug: but as others have said don't feel guilty your friend knows you are there for her. My thoughts are with you and your friend


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