~~figure Skating Moms, Unite!~~


May 26, 2007
ok, so this thread is for all parents of figure skaters, the moms of ice princesses, that can do so much on little blades it makes your head spin.:eek: we spend our precious hours at the cold rink, make it through the "last place" meltdowns, drive hours on end to competitions, spend the $$$ :sad2: on a dress that she "neeeeeds" and we dont have a place to chat!!
so here it is!

some questions to get started
1whats your daughters age? dd6 twins, dd13
2.how long has she been skating? they all started at 3yo
3what level is she skating at? dd6's- pre-juvenile dd13-novice
4.what was the "best moment" in figure skating when dd6 landed her first axel and the other dd6 landed hers next practice!:cool1:
5what was the "worst moment" in figure skating? when dd13 had a nasty fall on a layback spin and broke her arm.:headache:

lets have some fun!
Well, I'm an adult competitive skater, coach of 10 students, and future skating mom to my daughters...does that count? LOL!!!

That's really impressive that your 6 year olds are already pre-juv! At our club they don't let kids start Snowplow Sam until age 4 1/2, so we don't see to many advanced skaters at that young of an age.

What part of the country are you from?
we are from minneapolis, where it seems to be constantly snowing!
at our club they let them start skating at 3.
my husband was a competitive figure skater as well, going really far up the olypmic track! (made it to nationals once, and retired, quotes "those grown men can get quite *****y when their skates arent laced tight enough, sort of how a baby needs a nap") so thats probably where they get their drive for the sport. they just LOVE it.
disney[xo]sweetie;23120241 said:
we are from minneapolis, where it seems to be constantly snowing!
at our club they let them start skating at 3.
my husband was a competitive figure skater as well, going really far up the olypmic track! (made it to nationals once, and retired, quotes "those grown men can get quite *****y when their skates arent laced tight enough, sort of how a baby needs a nap") so thats probably where they get their drive for the sport. they just LOVE it.

Do you do the Maplewood competition in Stillwater? We used to love that one, but then they changed the date to earlier in fall, and it no longer works out for us to go to that one.

Here are the answers to your questions...

1whats your daughters age?
Well, I am a skater myself, and I'm 30, and my daughters are 3.5 and well, 5 days (holding her in my arms as I type!). I would like them to at least try figure skating as soon as they are old enough.

2.how long has she been skating?
I've been skating for 13 years (started at 17...I know, odd age).

3what level is she skating at?
I now compete in the adult track, and am working on the Silver level. Had I not had two babies in the past four years, I probably could have already passed at least Silver Moves in the Field.

4.what was the "best moment" in figure skating
Probably making the finals in my freeskate at Adult Nationals in Chicago last year.

5what was the "worst moment" in figure skating?
No real worsts, but what came to mind is when I fell flat on my face doing a catch foot spiral, and the side of my face was all red, and I was performing in a community theater production that night
we LOVE maplewood. ohh thats too bad it doesnt work out! that seems to be dd13's lucky competiton. even if she has falls in her program, she always seems to get 1st even with horrible everything! its really strange, but we'll take it!
I really want my girls to get into skating...does anyone mind answering a few questions??? I don't want to intrude, so I won't ask any right now. Thanks!
I really want my girls to get into skating...does anyone mind answering a few questions??? I don't want to intrude, so I won't ask any right now. Thanks!

hehe you ready?... figure skating moms in my opinion are tough. You have to be prepared on a regular basis to sit for at least an hour in a freezing rink on a cold (usually metal) bench with no excitement to speak of to keep your blood moving. Skates always need adjustments, kids never want to be on time, dinners are frequently rushed, there's always a coaching/skate time bill to pay and all little sally-sue can say is 'so-and-so says I'm a ____ because I can't quazinkle-toe-loop and she can'

Thank god for my mom. She really was a trooper and I never said thanks at the time.
figure skating mom here!!!

dd trains at the university of delaware fsc, known for churning out tons of national, worlds and olympic skaters it is also the home of Kimmie Meissner

dd started skating at 9 (which is very late, most start at age 4 or 5), and is now 14 she has progressed very quickly and is now an intermediate level skater

she is working on her triples, and is an unbelievable spinner

she trains with 2002 olympian and national pairs medalist Tiffany Scott, who is her head coach http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiffany_Scott

Ron Ludington 1960 olympic medalist and coach of kitty and peter carruthers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Ludington

her trainer is Kat Arbour

she also works with a jumps coach, and a spins coach

here is a recent article on dd that appeared in december of this year

we thought the article was going to be this little thing, and it was actually a full page, with three huge pictures, and a small pic and headline on the top of the front page previewing the article

she has tons of potential and they are hoping for good results at regionals this year she is having her programs re-tooled by the choreographer the hope is that even though she is older, and many of the new senior level skaters are now her age, well much is said about how long these little girls are going to last heath wise remember tara lipinski was an olympic medlaist at 15, but only two short years later could not longer skate because of injury, and had two hips replaced by 20! The current korean wonder, YaNa Kim, is currently suffering from an injury. These little girls, dubbed the jumping beans can currently land 7 triples in a program, but with undeveloped growth plates, etc, well many have the thought that all of these wonders will be a one and done everytime you do a triple, you come down 4 times your body weight a lot for 14 year bones and growth plates to handle dd coaches are hoping to have her come in on a slightly older track

anyway thats our story
Just moms of girl figure skaters?

My DS turned 14 a week ago, he is pre-Novice, he started free skating when he was 9yrs old.

He (and his partner) also compete in dance, not sure what level they will be next year, either Juvenile or Pre-Novice. They started skating together 4 months ago and are doing well, but are considered too young for pre-Novice.

DD age 11 does skate but is primarily an ice dancer, her partner has moved away for 2 years, and she has decided to wait until he moves back. She is working on her Senior silver dances.

She also does 1 or 2 free skate lesson a week, and is a juvenile level free skater, but rarely competes. Jumping is not her "thing" and she won't attempt anything harder then a double Toe Loop. She started skating when she was 8 yrs old.

Best moments- watching my kids teaching the canskaters.
Worst - 5 am alarms to get DS to the rink by 6am, speaking of which, it's bedtime for me LOL.

I really want my girls to get into skating...does anyone mind answering a few questions??? I don't want to intrude, so I won't ask any right now. Thanks!

Sure...ask away! I'm sure the OP wouldn't mind you posting the questions right here, that way maybe others can benefit from the answers.

Otherwise feel free to PM me if you'd rather.
:wizard: :surfweb: :cool1: Hi all !! I am a skater mom, but dd14 has dropped skating for the past year, she had a bad coach and didn't want to skate anymore, she started when she was in kindergarten-just basic levels, then was asked to join the skating club , so then we got a coach, she does privates, team, jump and spin classes, I sit and watch and watch......I get the bug....start taking basic lessons and go thru them fast...love it...used to skate on a frozen pond as a kid-dd and I compete in family spotlights --first place-best time of my life!!! worst moment --would be dd giving up skating. the coach she had gave it up and is no longer there-it would be nice to see her go back, but she'd have to catch up -she was freestyle 3, we have Matt Sovie as our claim to fame.
Ok, first I wanted to know if skating has enveloped the lives of your children?? Do they participate in other sports/activities? How do I go about finding a good, reputable place to take my children? There seems like there isn't anywhere in my immediate area to skate, I would have to find someplace, and I don't know anyone who has a child skate. Lastly, for now, what is the average $$ that you spend, per month or year, whichever is easiest to estimate. I'm really curious! Thanks.
Ok, first I wanted to know if skating has enveloped the lives of your children?? Do they participate in other sports/activities? How do I go about finding a good, reputable place to take my children? There seems like there isn't anywhere in my immediate area to skate, I would have to find someplace, and I don't know anyone who has a child skate. Lastly, for now, what is the average $$ that you spend, per month or year, whichever is easiest to estimate. I'm really curious! Thanks.

Other sports/activities:

Sea scouts
Air Cadets
Cadet Band
School Band
School golf team
and runs 2 or 3 half-marathons per year

Competitive Irish dancer (3 classes per week)
Girl Guides
Spends alot of time volunteering in the community
Shopping and hanging out with friends (those are sports right?)

Not sure how to find a good arena, we are surrounded by rinks, we did watch alot of different coaches before we choose one.

Money - Our monthly skating budget for ice and coaching (does not included costumes, competition or travel) is $1250 :scared1: (DS is $850, DD is $400)

Ice cost are approximately $10 per hour.
DS skates 12hr per week (8 hrs of dance, 1 hr of skills and 3hrs of freeskate)
DD skates 4hr per week, (2 hrs of dance and 2 of freeskate).

Coaching is usually done in 15, 20 or 30 minute increments and cost range from Don Jackson $45 per hour to Elizabeth Manley at $72 per hour
Ok, first I wanted to know if skating has enveloped the lives of your children?? Do they participate in other sports/activities? How do I go about finding a good, reputable place to take my children? There seems like there isn't anywhere in my immediate area to skate, I would have to find someplace, and I don't know anyone who has a child skate. Lastly, for now, what is the average $$ that you spend, per month or year, whichever is easiest to estimate. I'm really curious! Thanks.

when your child is just doing the basic levels, thats about 2 nights a week, 45 minute sessions, no biggie. but once they pass basic 8, they can do freestyle sessions. then they have a private coach, and can have choreographers, spin coaces, jump coaches, etc. and do routines to music (or no music for compusory rountines) for competition. for basic lessons in our club, its less expensive or equal to regular kids sports. i'll have to get back to you on the cost.
lemme just find a link to find a club


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