First ever journal: 7 pounds and 6 weeks until Goofy


DIS Veteran
Jan 15, 2008
Hi everyone. I'm new to the whole journaling world. I've been struggling with my last 5 to 10 pounds for a couple of years now. I lose almost all of the weight only to have it slowly creep back up. I haven't met my goal weight in the last 9 years. I want to be under 135 and am 141 today. So, I would like to lose 7 pounds before I head to Disneyworld on January 5th to run my first Goofy Challenge! I know it's just a number, but it's my number! :)

My running has been going very well. I think it would be even better if I could slim down just a little bit. I'm running my short runs in the 7 to 8 minute/mile range and my long runs in the 9 to 10 minute/mile range.

So, the plan is to work on the diet. I just need to keep track of my food and calories in order to hold myself accountable. Here's today's plan:

apple and oatmeal: 300 calories
coffee w/ sugar free creamer: 100 calories

ham sandwich with lots of veggies and yogurt: 400 calories

small salad w/ no dressing (I don't like dressing): 100 calories

turkey brat, sweet potato, asparagus: about 400 calories

So, we'll see how it all goes. I really, really, really want to do it this time!:)
I did a great job yesterday. I walked 3 miles with my friends and my dog, I ran 5 miles, and I went to zumba last night. But, exercise has never been my problem! :lmao:

Diet yesterday was great. I ate completely on track except for 4 chocolate covered almonds. I got on the scale this morning and am already down 1.5 pounds. Of course, that's the way it always works for me. I lose immediately, but keeping it up long enough to get all the way down is impossible. Because of this journal, I'm feeling like I'm being held accountable for my eating, so let's hope that keeps up.

Weight: 139.5 (I'm back in the 130s :banana:)

Diet today:
Coffee with creamer 100 calories
Breakfast: Oatmeal 240 calories
Lunch: Yogurt with an apple and a salad: 300 calories
Snack: Sandwich 280 calories
Dinner: Tilapia, mashed potatoes and spinach 550 calories

Exercise today: run 7 miles in the cold
Hi there,

Sounds like you are doing great so far :thumbsup2

Good luck with the long run today. I'm finding I like running in the cold WAY more than running in the heat. Stay warm :)
I didn't do as good yesterday as I had hoped. I didn't run my 7 miles and, my husband ordered pizza for dinner. I just couldn't help myself. I ate 3 pieces. I didn't get on the scale today, but ate really well all day. Hopefully, it will all balance out. I'm going to zumba tonight and then, I'll run 7 tomorrow and 14 on Friday. I'm just glad it's a smallish running week, because 14 seems plenty big. I've already decided that this will be my only full marathon. I just don't have the time for the training. Well, I have the time, I just don't want to spend it running! Plus, my equipment, clothing and shoe costs have gone wayyyy up. And, I'm in some sort of pain most of the time now. They are small pains, but they are self induced. I can't wait to go to marathon weekend, but then, I can't wait to go back to running 5 miles at a time and being happy with it.
Hi there and welcome! Thanks for popping in on my journal. You are doing great, we will be there before we know it.

Pizza can work either way for me- either it turns me into a slug the next day or the carbs give me an incredible boost but I refuse to not have it occassionally, I love it.

Keep up the good work,
Thanks Linda. I agree about the pizza. I had just been so good all day that I felt like I had let myself down.

But, then I continued the spiral. I have gained back a pound because I ate horribly yesterday as well. I did get out for my 7 mile run and got it done in 55:40, so I felt great about that, but now I have a 14 miler today and don't want to do it. :laughing: I've eaten a really healthy breakfast and small lunch, so I need to just get out there. I hope to have a better report tomorrow. :thumbsup2

Breakfast: oats at 240 calories
Lunch: yogurt and apple at 180 calories
2nd lunch: sandwich at 300 calories
Dinner: Leftover cornflake chicken, baked potato and some kind of veggie at 600 calories

I'm going to reward myself with a diet soda after my run today. I gave them up this year, so it's a real treat!

Weight: 140.5 (down .5 from Monday)
Don't be too hard on yourself. It is normal to vasillate in weight a little bit. Great job getting your runs in :thumbsup2 I hope your 14 miler when smoothly today.
Wow great pace you have going there- I wouldn't worry too much about the 1 lb. that's prob. water.

Good luck on the 14 miler- that is why I will not do anymore fulls, in the winter 14+ miles is the pits around here.

Lolakat: Thanks. I know it's true, but I get frustrated very easily with weight loss. :)

Linda: I really surprised myself with my running this year. I'm a lot faster than I thought I could be. I try to slow down on the long runs, but I am hoping for a 1:44 in the half. I just want to finish the full. ;) And, then, no more fulls!!!!!

The 14 miles went really well. I was amazed how good I felt. The diet went great yesterday, but I have a party tonight. I will report back, but have a feeling I'll be doing a little drinking and eating tonight. It's the first of many parties we have in the next month.
Good Morning! Glad to hear about your LR. A 1:44 in the 1/2, good for you.My plan is 2:10 in the 1/2 but if you have not run Disney before wait until you see how crowded it is for like the first 4 miles- very hard to get a pace unless you are elite and out front.You have alot of time to make up once you are in a clearing.Can be frustrating after all the training- look for grass but be careful because of the road slope.

Hope you did not party too much last night- rest day today?

Hope you had a great time at the party. 'tis the season for eatting and drinking, of course, that makes it a little tough on the diet and training.

Your pace sounds amazing to me. :worship: (I'll be about an hour behind you at the half finish line :lmao:)
I've been mia because I've been feeling sorry for myself. I hurt my achilles tendon and haven't been able to walk, much less run. It's completely sidelined my training, but I'm starting to feel better, so hopefully, I can get back on track. I went for a VERY short walk yesterday and am not in any extra pain. I'm not going to run until next Wednesday or Thursday, because I don't want this to get worse.

However, with no running or walking comes very little calorie burning. I've been trying, but can't seem to eat as little as I want to. Somewhere around 1500 most days.

The good news is that I am down another half pound.
So, I'm at 140.0 today!!!:yay:
Only 6 more to go.

Here's today's expected eating:
Bfast: oats (what can I say, I love oatmeal) 240 calories
Lunch: yogurt and sandwich 310
Snack: apple 80
Dinner: pizza again (1 slice), salad, other veggie 550
Snack: Kashi bar 120
So sorry to hear about your injury- that is the pits.You will bounce right back I am sure.

Good job with still counting the calories.Have a good weekend

Hope you leg is feeling better. It must be so fustrating to have an injury holding you up for the moment. You are doing great with the eatting and hopefully you will be up and moving soon.
Thanks Linda and Lola. I know you guys understand. :)

Good news. I ran today. It was only 4 miles, but it was a run!!!!!
I also took the dog for a short little 1.5 mile walk. I took everything easy. I did the run at an 8:15 pace, even though I wanted to run faster. I don't want to hurt myself when I have a 22 miler planned for this weekend. I also lifted weights today. I haven't been able to go to zumba because of the ankle, and my upper body was feeling neglected.

Eating went well yesterday. I stayed right on track. I still weigh the same, but feel really good.

Today's plan:

Oats (of course)
Sandwich & yogurt & apple
Slice of banana bread (no sugar, no oil)
WW spaghetti and salad

I hope to eat no more than 1600 calories today, so let's hope I stick to this plan. :thumbsup2
I have 2 runs under my belt now, since my injury. I ran another 4 miles today and did it faster than yesterday with a 7:46 pace. Then, I took the dog out for 1.5 miles of slow walking. He is happy to have me back. :)Tomorrow, I'll do a 3 mile walk and zumba. Then, 4 mile run on Thursday and 22 on Friday. Im hoping to take Friday really slow so I don't mess anything up. Plus, my husband is taking me line dancing Friday night, so I'll need a little bit of energy.

Eating is going so well. I completely stayed on track yesterday and have lost .5 pounds bringing me down to 139.5. Only 5 pounds to go! Of course, I'm down to 3 weeks. But, it's doable if I make no mistakes. :thumbsup2
I'm glad you are backing to running again injuries are never any fun. I have chronic shin splints. It's partly my fault because I pick the wrong shoes for me or I run in them too long, but I hope you can get back up to where you were! :cheer2:
Glad your back on track.Good luck on Friday- not sure what your weather is like right now but I hope it cooperates with you.I remember those long runs in the sleet and 6 degrees- ugh!

Have a good one,


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