First ever journal: 7 pounds and 6 weeks until Goofy

Thanks Dina and Linda. Things did not go well on Friday. I got 3 miles in and had to quit. Achilles was killing me. I can't get in to the doc until I get back from race weekend. So, after reading a lot of info, and listening to lots of advice, I'm not running at all until race weekend. I will do short walks, just to keep the leg warm for stretching. I will ice, massage and take anti inflammatories. I'm going to lift weights for upper body and do weight bearing for lower body, but no more. I might find a yoga class in my area.

Because of the injury, I've been eating like a pig. But, that changed yesterday. I got it together again, mentally. I'm weighing about 142, which is back up, but I'll just have to readjust my goal time, and not worry about it. I couldn't possibly lose 8 pounds in 2 & 1/2 weeks, nor would I want to. I'd just be losing the muscle I've worked so hard for.

I have figured out that I'm really bad at this journalling thing. I can't seem to do it daily, and that's what needs to be done. I will work harder at it.
Tandy that poor Achille's.I wasn't thinking that you were doing the Goofy- ouch. Hope it gets resolved.Taking it easy is your best bet.Can you stretch that area at all so it doesn't get stiff??? I am not sure about that myself.

What time are you hoping for?

Ouch! Your achilles is one of those things that you don't even think about UNITL it hurts.

Feel better! Your going to do great!

Natale: Thanks for the encouragement. One day at a time, right?

Linda: I WAS hoping for a 1:40 for the half. Then, I was running the full with a friend and just taking it easy, because, of course, I would be tired from the day before. We were going to be thrilled with anythng under 5 hours. Now, I don't know. I'm not going to run until the last possible second, so I may have to give up my dream of a PR.

I feel so good this morning. I woke up to 139.5 again. :banana:
My son is also down to 111, which is 4 pounds down. He's 11 and, even though he's a tall, muscular child, he is a little bit overweight. We're shooting for 105 for him, but he'll be happy to see 109 before we go to Disneyworld.

I can't believe we only have 2 weeks left until we leave. It's just getting so close. Disney is my favorite place in the world. Even if I have to do it on crutches, I'll be fine.

I think I'm going to lift weights this evening and do a couple of miles of incline on the TM. I just don't want any stress on the ankle.
I went to the doctor for my ankle yesterday. They were able to make some calls and I am going to an ankle specialist on Monday. I did no exercise at all yesterday and feel like a big slug. But, I'll go for a walk and maybe lift weights later today. The good news is that the ankle is barely hurting right now, but I'm pessimistic because it had stopped hurting last time and then, got messed up again.

Eating went well yesterday. I did have one small piece of a homemade chocolate pretzel thingy, but not bad considering it's been sitting on my counter for a week. My big temptations will start tomorrow. I have to bake Christmas cookies. Usually, I eat them non stop. I am giving myself Christmas day off, but will try not to go too crazy.
:wave2:Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I'll be doing the 1/2 but walking so you will be much farther up than me. How did your doctor's visit go? Were they able to help you? You are very smart not to push it and just take it one day at a time.
Thanks for the encouragement. I think this is going to be such a fun race! :thumbsup2

I really am just horrible about journaling. Sorry! :sad2:

The doctor's appt went very well. I have flexor tendonitis and did not hurt my achilles at all. He basically told me that I could run if I want to because I can't rupture or tear the flexor tendons at all. I am in no pain right now and have run 3 times this week. Of course, my longest has been 4 miles, but at least I'm running. He basically just gave me permission to run through the pain when it comes back and we'll get me in a walking boot when I get home from the vacation. So, good news in my opinion. :thumbsup2

I am completely freaking out because all my training was so long ago. I ran my 22 miles about 5 weeks ago which is ridiculously long to taper. So, I'm feeling very unprepared for 39.3 miles. The good news is that I know I can get through it all, I just dont know how fast I can get through it.

Eating has been horrible. I am shocked at how much sugar I can put away! We are going to a party tonight and I know I will be drinking a little and eating a lot. As of right now, I'm still at 139.5 and will just have to be happy about that. I think if I can just stay in the 130s, it will be an accomplishment.

Happy New Year to everyone.
I did it! I ran the Goofy Challenge. :cool1:

My times ended up being 1:48 for the half and 4:55 for the full. I was hoping for 1:44 for the half, but I ended up running 13.7 miles due to passing people. So, I'll take it. I had so much fun running the full and think this will be my distance from now on. I can't wait to run my next one.

Saturday morning, I felt great, even though I only had 3 hours of sleep. I got to start in Corral A, which was both cool and intimidating. I was surprised that I was passing people. I really pushed myself through the first 7 or 8 miles, but then, my hip started hurting. It felt like it was out of the socket or something. Like it needed to be popped back into place. But, I got through it. After the race, I rushed back to the hotel, ice bathed, got dressed, and we were out the door for park opening. I ended up touring the park until very late, and my hip was killing me. Plus, I had lost my voice somehow.

Sunday morning, I just wasn't sure I could do it. I had another bad night's sleep. The hip was bad, the ankle was sore and I couldn't speak with a bad sore throat. But, I got to my corral and started stretching. Then, my friend Vicky (bunnyfoo) got there and I figured I was just going to do the best I could. As soon as I started running, the hip stopped hurting completely. It was amazing. The first couple of miles flew by so fast that I didn't even notice them. About the halfway point, I was feeling a little fatigue and the ankle was starting to hurt. At mile 15, I fell. I wiped out my entire right side. I'm going to have some lovely scars! But, it made me mad and helped to push me. I was fine until about mile 22. The fatigue and the ankle were just bad. This is where the mental game came in. We decided we would just count the minutes until our walk (we were doing a 10/1 run/walk ratio). That got us through the next mile. Then, we saw Jeff Galloway and decided we needed to beat him. That kept us going for those last 3 miles. We finished right behind him and it was amazing to meet him then. I hobbled to the med tent for bandaids and ice. Then, I hobbled to backage claim only to find that my bag was lost. After 15 minutes they found it, but I was cold and hurting by then. Another ice bath and out to Epcot. We had a wonderful day and I was barely hurting by the end of Sunday. Left Tuesday night in no pain at all!!!!

I left on January 5th at 136 pounds feeling great about myself. I then toured parks for 7 days and ran 39.3 miles and somehow, gained 5 pounds! But, I still feel great about myself. I accomplished something very few people get to. Starting on Monday, I'm going to get back on track with my eating and lose this weight for good! :thumbsup2
Thanks guys. I won't be back next year. It's just too expensive. We are trying to save up for a required trip to Europe (hubby is best man in a wedding in Germany), so no more Disney. Plus, I'm just Disneyed out! I never thought I'd say it, but it's true.

I managed to run 3 times now since I've been back and I did zumba Monday night. It's my absolute favorite workout, since I LOVE to dance and it's great cardio and core work. I don't want to get on the scale because eating has been a nightmare. My husband has been bringing home junk food every night and he went to the wine store and got me lots of wine because they were having a sale. So, I've had a small glass every night. Those calories add up and they are useless. Today, my workout is sledding! I'm taking my son and 4 of his friends in a few hours. We got about 7 inches of snow last night!!!
Great job and getting out there. I agree, Zumba is great. I miss that we don't do it at my class right now. Europe sounds great, but I can't believe you said you are Disneyed out! :confused3
Tandy how is it going? I hear you about the food- I wonder what happens when the race is over and we all cave and eat like theres no tomorrow???? Me too the pits. Sledding is so much fun but be careful it can also be very dangerous- head injury and spinal cord injury nurse here for 18 years.



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