First Trip report ETA to lift off 184 days 04 hours and 38 minutes :)


Earning My Ears
Jan 16, 2014
So i have been lurking around these boards for a while and loved reading everyones trip reports so thought I would start my own quite a while in advance.
So i have been to Orlando 6 times since 1999 allways with my family and allways staying in private villas as we just enjoy this way of Holidaying.
We last went in September 2013 and that was supposed to be a last hurar as a family as everyone was going their own way and doing their own thing.
This Holiday for me was booked in Jan 2014 not too long after we came back the last time for Sep this year.
So a little back story this was supposed to be mine and my fiancee first big holiday together as i love Orlando and all it has to offer and she had never been, but sadly in march last year i came home one day to find my fiancee had moved out never to be seen or heard from again (later found out she had moved in with some one else and had a reputation for doing this) leaving me with a lot of debt and a holiday all but paid for and no chance of cancleing.

So in stepped my amazing Mum and Dad, little Brother, Sister and brother in law and this is now another family holiday. Iam so looking forward to it but unsure how i will feel when i get there.

We will be doing all and i mean all of the parks as well as quite a few restaurants as we are massive foodies these include -
Cheesecake factory
Celebration town tavern
among many overs.
When the report starts it will be picture heavy as we love to take photos of everything.

I hope every one enjoys reading the report which i will start on 11/09/15 as we take off

many thanks in advance
Sounds like a great trip planned, looking forward to reading all about it - and it sounds like you are better off without the fiancee ;)
Thank you i hope the trip is as good as the last 2 which some of the best times of my life.

we like to stay away from the tourist trap of Idrive and find some out of the way local places. We will also be going to the Sat night cruise and the east lake fishing village to partake in some gator tips
So a little pretrip update we are no T-minus 128 days and counting.

This is the villa we are going to be calling home for 2 weeks from the 11th - 25th Of September

And it has also been decided as we didnt really enjoy seaworld the last few times we have been were are now going to the gulf coast for the day.

I will try and keep this updated every now and again but the basics are all now pretty much covered.

Also if some one could tell me how to post photos that would be great thanks
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