Fit Before 50: Barb's Journal to a Slimmer, Healthier Self


<font color=green>I shall call him Mini-Me<br><fon
Nov 22, 1999
I thought I'd pop in over here and start a journal, as that will probably help me stay on track. I've long had a goal of doing 100 Disney cruises by age 50, and that is now looming just 5 years away. I decided to add another piece to get slimmer and healthier by age 50. I've already lost about 15 pounds but I'd like to get rid of another 20 to 25 and build up my muscle and endurance. Problem is, I work at home and juggle three jobs so exercise, stress management, etc. often get tossed by the wayside.

I'm a licensed mental health counselor, so I know what I need to do and how to do it. I just have to get my butt in gear! This is a supportive community so I think it will be a great resource. For starters I am going through the Wii Fit Sports Active 30-day challenge and am also doing a nightly meditation CD. I am also examining my work goals to make sure they are realistic and tweak them as needed. I will be refining this plan so I have something solid to focus on in the new year.
So glad you started a journal! I can definitely say that it has been so helpful for me. Keeps me so much more accountable. I certainly agree with you when you wrote that this is "a supportive community." I have found the members on the WISH board wonderful. Best of luck with your weight loss goals. And, please, keep us (ok, me) updated about your success with the Wii Sports Active 30-Day Challenge.
Hi Barb,

I was reading some of the Wii Fit threads earlier this week (don't have one, but was curious) -- and recognized your signature banner right away!

Good luck on reaching your two goals...the cruise one and the weight one!

I look forward to seeing your success.

Kindly, Deb
Thanks, guys! I did day three of the Wii challenge today. I love EA Sports Active except for two little doesn't like to register my motion correctly on certain exercises. Hubby says it's amazing the thing works at all, which is true. It's truly like an electronic virtual coach. The second thing is that it doesn't give you time to change your equipment between sets. In some you have one controller in your leg band, in some you use a stretchy band, etc. It just goes right into the next one, but I learned to pause it by clicking the "how to do it" video since it doesn't seem to have a pause button.

I used to be an evening work-out person but I've done it in the morning for the past two days. Seems nice to get it over with. Tomorrow is my day off from the Wii (it automatically puts those on your schedule) so I need to decide whether to go to the kick-butt class at the health club or just do some mild Wii Fit stuff. Or I could compromise and do water jogging laps at the health club or go biking at night and check out the holiday decorations. Decisions, decisions!
Thanks for all the info on the Wii. I'm really looking forward to trying it out today or tomorrow. It looks like I'll be buying it this afternoon.

I love starting my morning with a workout. I totally agree with you. There's something about starting off with one and knowing that it's done! I hope you have a great day.
wow 100 DC's you are my new hero :worship: heres hoping you reach that goal,
the bike ride sounds a nice idea especially seeing holiday decorations :goodvibes
Hi Barb, so glad you started a journal! Wish is so supportive, some of my best friends in life are right here on this board. I know you will find a lot of success and support!

I just got the Wii fit for my birthday, I need to open it and figure it all out!

I love both your goals and know you will make them both.

I recognize you, I read a review you did on the Shamu buffet thing at Sea World and ended up booking it last June based on your review. So seeing you around here is pretty cool!
Hi Barb,

Welcome to WISH!! :welcome:

I love your goal of 100 cruises by 50!:thumbsup2 If you don't mind me asking, what number are you on right now? After our first on property trip to WDW, my DH and I set a goal of staying at every one of the WDW resorts at least one time. Then we stayed at POP for free dining and BCV for the holidays and we've been stuck on those two ever since. ;) We did stay at BWV this year and it was beautiful! ::yes::

We don't have a Wii yet, but I'm looking forward to following your journey to see how it works for you. :goodvibes

Hope you have a great day today!:wizard:
We'll be taking Disney cruise #72 on Jan. 31 so I'm doing good on that goal. If DH and I both maintain our jobs and keep up a 6-cruises-a-year pace my 100th cruise should fall right around my 50th birthday.

Today is an "off" day on the Wii (it makes every third day a rest day) so I think I will do some water jogging at the health club tonight. We're meeting my nephew and his family for lunch in downtown Celebration...that should be fun, as we haven't seen his two children yet and the oldest is two already. Time sure flies!
Wow! 6 cruises a year??? :worship: That is so cool. :thumbsup2

Thanks for stopping by my journal. :goodvibes

Congrats on losing 15lbs already! :cool1: Are you doing any specific plan or just watching your calorie intake?

I am definitely a morning workout person. It started out to be because of my schedule, then I started to like it.

You are doing a great job, keep up the good work!

I should have talked to you about our cruise.We just got back from the Magic Dec.5th.We had a blast.

Have you ever had Okim or Sipho for your servers? They were awesome.

Thanks for stopping by my journal- every little bit of support helps.

Nope, haven't had Okim or Sipho but I'll watch for them when we sail the Magic in March.

I lost the 15 pounds mainly by not keeping any snacks at all in the house and cutting way back on sugar. Now I let myself have the yougurts with the candy topping as a treat because that's a very measured amount. We pretty much cut out ordering desserts when we eat out, although we've been backsliding on that a bit lately. I started cutting back on portion sizes too and now it takes much less to fill me.

Tonight I didn't go to the health club for water jogging like I planned. Some friends stopped over so after they left I did one of my Walk Away The Pounds DVDs instead. Hubby is at Epcot and he texted me that Soarin' is 160 minutes...ouch! Doesn't make me feel too bad that I had to stay home and work tonight.
Hi Barb,

That sounds very sensible the way you have lost weight. Sounds a lot like what my mom did years ago and that was way easier a habit to maintain than some crazy, drastic plan.

How did it go meeting your nephew's kids? Time does fly, my nephew turned 26 today which does not seem possible.

I am a big Walk Away the Pounds fan!
I lost the 15 pounds mainly by not keeping any snacks at all in the house and cutting way back on sugar. Now I let myself have the yougurts with the candy topping as a treat because that's a very measured amount.

I love that idea!
Nope, haven't had Okim or Sipho but I'll watch for them when we sail the Magic in March.

I lost the 15 pounds mainly by not keeping any snacks at all in the house and cutting way back on sugar. Now I let myself have the yougurts with the candy topping as a treat because that's a very measured amount. We pretty much cut out ordering desserts when we eat out, although we've been backsliding on that a bit lately. I started cutting back on portion sizes too and now it takes much less to fill me.

Tonight I didn't go to the health club for water jogging like I planned. Some friends stopped over so after they left I did one of my Walk Away The Pounds DVDs instead. Hubby is at Epcot and he texted me that Soarin' is 160 minutes...ouch! Doesn't make me feel too bad that I had to stay home and work tonight.

How do you handle eating like that on the cruises?

Great job on getting the Walk Away the Pounds workout in!:goodvibes I tried one of those for the first time a little over a month ago and loved it. :goodvibes

Have a great day today, Barb!:hug:
keeping trigger foods or snacks i enjoy out of the house helps me too

I've done the WATP video in the past too...nice way to move at home

yikes on the 160 min Soarin wait - glad you passed up that one!
The cruises are tricky, but I give myself a little latitude as long as I continue my workouts (I love the treadmills as they overlook the ocean...the jogging deck is often more like an obstacle course). It's just tricky to adapt back to my regular eating patterns on land sometimes when I've let myself indulge in Palo gelato.

WATP is my favorite DVD series, although I really tightened up with The Firm a few years back. I like the fact that they run from 20 mins. up to an hour so I can slot them in easily no matter how much time I have. It's back to Wii Sports Active today...couldn't get my butt moving this morning so I will do it in the evening. Hubby is picking up sushi for us for lunch at Publix...I know that sounds like a weird place to buy it but it is really, really good!
I've never had sushi before. I didn't even know that Publix had it! We've had their fried chicken before and it is pretty yummy. Hope you have a great lunch!:goodvibes
Great job on the Wii! :flower3: Just reading through your journal -- working out with an ocean view sounds amazing!


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