Fit for the Fairytale/looking good on "THE" day~beauty & weightloss ongoing chat~

tea drinkers...try green tea ....its supposedly helps in the weight loss process..& if you dont like the taste...they have flavored green teas!!

Its great to hear that you guys are exctied & ready to start.

I was really sore from the balance ball sit I took a break, but tomorrow...IM READY!!!!


Yes, it really DOES work - dehydrates you much less than black tea, and it's really nice if you get fresh green tea from Japanese stores - it smells soooooo good!

Well done on your balance ball workout - I am about to start crunches :( Ouch, ouch, ouch!!!! I just keep thinking "wedding photos, wedding photos...."!
I was trying to be so good this weekend, but I got sick and am craving mac and cheese. I may need to have the for dinner tonight, that is the only thing I can eat when I don't feel well.
I was trying to be so good this weekend, but I got sick and am craving mac and cheese. I may need to have the for dinner tonight, that is the only thing I can eat when I don't feel well.

I'm not sure if you make the mac and cheese from scratch, but Kraft has the box (shells and cheese) that is 2% milk cheese instead of the full fat kind. Still tastes the same, IMO. Its the small changes like that, that add up in the end. Just a tip :)
Well as you can see from my ticker, I too am trying to lose weight. When my fiance and I got together I was a whole 4 stone lighter (ditto to some other DB's) The weight slowly went on and I have no idea where the hell I was cause I didn't notice it.
I have PCOS so losing the weight is more difficult and when Christmas came I put on another 8 pounds:mad: I am now back to what my ticker says, thankfully and am well on the way to losing the weight again. I have lost 8 pounds since the 2nd week in January, YAY!!
I am having a carrot and fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch with some chicken or tuna and a healthy dinner such as fish/chicken and loads of veg.
I have cut out bread Mon-Fri and allow myself a treat on Saturday. I drink 8 glasses of water per day. I walk 45 minutes every day and have just started using my elliptical trainer for 15 min everyday. I do my exercise DVD's 3 times a week (Tae-Bo, Hip Hop Dancing and Salsa). I do 200 sit ups a day, 50 press ups, 60 leg raises and 100 twists. I also bought a dance mat which hooks up to my computer and I use that for an hour at the weekend.
On the subject of skincare, I give myself a full facial every weekend, use fake tan which doubles up as a moisturiser;) and I will, I will get up the courage to get waxed!!!

So that's it, my thing, it's working at present. I hope to exercise more when I lose more weight, cause I need to tone up.

Congrats to everyone so far on their progress, it ain't easy.
I'm not sure if you make the mac and cheese from scratch, but Kraft has the box (shells and cheese) that is 2% milk cheese instead of the full fat kind. Still tastes the same, IMO. Its the small changes like that, that add up in the end. Just a tip :)
Thanks for the tip. I only make box mac and cheese and have been using skim milk and half the butter they state to use. I love the Velveeta shells and cheese...I haven't looked at the calories or fat content....I am too afraid!!
I will get up the courage to get waxed!!!
I have a very low pain tolerance and I got waxed more than once. It is a lot less painful then what you imagine. I am a baby when it comes to needles and a flu shot, but waxing was just a little bit of pain but soooo worth it.
Thanks for the tip. I only make box mac and cheese and have been using skim milk and half the butter they state to use. I love the Velveeta shells and cheese...I haven't looked at the calories or fat content....I am too afraid!!

I just tried to find the nutritional content online, but I'm not having any luck. I know with the 2% it cuts the fat in roughly half, and the calories by about 20% or so...maybe??
summer have quite a seeing your post, I think Im gonna kick up my workout....thats great, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK:cool1:

I love shells & cheese too girls, I eat it every so often, but great idea on skim/lowfat milk & less butter..thatll help;)

A personal trainer told me this weekend that the key to weight loss is high protein...that it helps increase metabolism along with cardio & strength training...:yay:

Im trying to start a new way of thinking....stop spending $$$ on unhealthy food & save it for WDW & DFTW...It helps I keep a photo of something WDW/DFTW in my purse, so everytime I go for $$ I see it & rethink my purchse...Save for WDW/DFTW!!!
I hope you all had a good weekend...keep it up!!!!!!
Hi My wedding is next year and I would love to join... I would like to get down to what I use to be when we started dating.... I need to look good in my dress... SO COUNT ME IN:cheer2:
WOW summer caitilin, keep up the great work! Your routine sounds awesome. :banana:

I just bought a scale yesterday, and the diet/exercise plan is working! I have been doing the routine of around 1500-1600 calories a day, tae-bo twice a week, and moderate walking every day (I walk about a 3/4 of a mile each day roundtrip to/from work), and so far I have lost 6 pounds! My pants feel a looser too. So it really does work! :goodvibes

To cut calories, I've been trying to substitute some "healthy" options for what I normally eat (although a girl cannot live on lettuce alone!). For example, I had grilled cheese Saturday, and instead of using butter on the bread we used a new non-fat spray butter that has 0 calories - and it tasted the same as always! I highly recommend it for popcorn and cooking. And I now keep a 32 oz Nalgene bottle at my desk. I try to drink it before lunch and then fill it up again to drink before I leave work. It's been pretty easy to do so far, and the easiest way I have found to drink 8 glasses of water. I love these new Crystal light lemonade to-go and Lipton iced tea to-go pouches that you can add to water to make it taste better (only 5-10 calories - definitely worth it for me!). And the 100 calorie packs of chips and cookies have become a lifesaver as well!

I went shopping this weekend and got some weights and other materials, so I'm going to try to start some strength training this week. I got the Buff Brides book, and I highly recommend it. Very motivational and the exercises make sense and don't seem too complicated. I will let you know how it goes. :)

We can do it! Keep up the good work everyone!
Ok ladies count me in! I want to lose 30-35 pounds before the wedding next year. I have joined Weight watchers, I have started taking a multivitamin and exercise like one of the DISers with salsa aerobics (the only way you can get me to workout that hard was adding Salsa at the front!)
I am actually lighter than when I met DF BUT a lot heavier than I used to be. I want to get into the wedding dress and REALLY WOW him! To all the other brides WE CAN DO IT!!!!
WOW summer caitilin, keep up the great work! Your routine sounds awesome. :banana:

I just bought a scale yesterday, and the diet/exercise plan is working! I have been doing the routine of around 1500-1600 calories a day, tae-bo twice a week, and moderate walking every day (I walk about a 3/4 of a mile each day roundtrip to/from work), and so far I have lost 6 pounds! My pants feel a looser too. So it really does work! :goodvibes

To cut calories, I've been trying to substitute some "healthy" options for what I normally eat (although a girl cannot live on lettuce alone!). For example, I had grilled cheese Saturday, and instead of using butter on the bread we used a new non-fat spray butter that has 0 calories - and it tasted the same as always! I highly recommend it for popcorn and cooking. And I now keep a 32 oz Nalgene bottle at my desk. I try to drink it before lunch and then fill it up again to drink before I leave work. It's been pretty easy to do so far, and the easiest way I have found to drink 8 glasses of water. I love these new Crystal light lemonade to-go and Lipton iced tea to-go pouches that you can add to water to make it taste better (only 5-10 calories - definitely worth it for me!). And the 100 calorie packs of chips and cookies have become a lifesaver as well!

I went shopping this weekend and got some weights and other materials, so I'm going to try to start some strength training this week. I got the Buff Brides book, and I highly recommend it. Very motivational and the exercises make sense and don't seem too complicated. I will let you know how it goes. :)

We can do it! Keep up the good work everyone!

Everyone is doing soooo well! My work colleague said today that she thought that I had lost some weight! :) I would say to be careful about the "low calorie" items - check the fat and the sugar content too :)

Summer-Caitlin, your workout sounds awesome - when are you getting married? :) You'll be in great shape! I too have the four stone to loose :( Be careful with your exercise that you don't burnout. My best friend was the Physical Trainer at Sandhurst for the British Army and he's always warning me about that. I also got so addicted to exercise once that I was nearly running myself into the ground, literally. I guess I'm lucky in that I have 18 months to get my weight down!

Anyway, it's really, REALLY nice to have people to talk about my spare tyres instead of moaning at DF all of the time!!!!!
Im so glad to hear the enthusiathum from all of you.

I am trying to avoid our kitchen at work today....lots of sweets for someones b day...i took a small piece of the cinnamon creme cake, but that was it & now Im downing alot of water.

Guess I'll be doing extra sit ups tonight

Welcome to the new DB.....

Everyone is doing soooo well! My work colleague said today that she thought that I had lost some weight!
Awesome Raspberry bubbles!!!!!!!

I got down to 1 pop a day mon-fri!!!!
I used to be a 7-11 super double gulp girl & thats like 6+cans in one drink!!!!!
I really dont miss it...except I got caffine withdrawl...ouch!!

Next off my list......cheese...ok not off, but cut way back:laughing:
Cheese - hmmmm - giving that up is TOOOOO hard. It's so nice!

Well done from resisting the sweeties - I had fruit and nuts today, and kept out of the staff room!:surfweb:
To help me keep in shape I am running in the Music City Marathon in TN with my friend....I am working at building up my miles by running everyday. I ran 6 today!!!! I am also taking a spin class 3 times a week, weightlifting with a personal trainer, and taking an abs class!!! I am determined to be a fit bride!!
I wish i could afford a personal trainer....after my visit saturday i realized Im on my own, but really I already seem to know what I need to do...But having a trainer does give you that extra kick.

Im on my 5 glass of water today & still drinking

I cant wait to get home & work out....& if i get lazy, I'll just look at a bridal magazine with those trim girls & that'll get me going;)
Ladies - If you add fresh lemon to a warm glass of water, it will help wash away the sodium from foods. Doing this alone has helped me lose 1-2 pounds per week.
I knew it was good for you - but 1-2 lbs per week! I'm right back on that in the morning!

On the subject of personal trainers, my SIL shouts "wedding dress!!!" every time I think of stopping on a run, ha ha.
Oh, I know JUST how you feel - giving up tea here in England is really hard. We seem to use it as a cute for everything in my family. Although I do love green tea, I love black tea with milk even more. I'm trying though - It's just soooooo hard!
What about Marmite and toast? I did weight watchers once and spent a whole days worth of points just on my butter and toast w/ Marm! LOL I still need to lose 35 lbs UGH hard to see that in black and white- for our DCL in Sept... giving up PG tips has been easier then giving up toast... for me...


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